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Social Norms & Conformity Assignment

Social Norm: Expectations about what behavior, thoughts, or feelings

are appropriate within a given group within a given context.

Conformity: When someone yields to or "goes along with" a perceived

social norm.

1) Is conformity a good thing, or a bad thing? Why?

Conformity brings many benefits for you such as companionship,
avoiding embarrassment, awkwardness or making errors,…
However, conformity can be a double-edged sword. You may be not
entitled to your opinion because of conformity.
 Conformity is a partly good thing.

2) List five (5) social norms, and if they are specific to a certain group
or context, describe it.
- Avoid making loud sound while chewing
- Men shoud be strong and not show emotion
- When at someone else’s home, ask permission to do things such as
turning on the television or using the bathroom
- Say “thank you” when someone does something for you
- Dress appropriately for the environment you are in

3) For norms listed in number 2, how many of them do you think are
positive, negative, or neutral?

Positive 4 Negative 1 Neutral 0

4) Can you think of three (3) social norms that you are glad they
exist? Describe them.
- Be kind to the elderly in the transportation by giving up your seat
- Don’t interrupt someone while they are talking, wait for them to
finish and then take your turn.
- Call or send a message to let someone know you will be late or are
not going to show up for an appointment.

5) What would social life be like if there were no social norms?

If there were no social norms, it would be chaotic. People wouldn’t
have any rules to follow. People would do everything in their own
ways. It would be good if their ways were right. However, if their
ways were wrong, they would risk being judged impolite.

6) In your opinion, why do people conform?

In my opinion, people conform because they are influenced by
surrounding others. They don’t want to deviate from norms. They
also avoid embarrassment, awkwardness and even hostile
behaviours from other. Consequently, people conform instead of
protecting their own opinion.

7) What determines whether a particular norm is good or bad?

Firstly, determining whether a particular norm is good or bad
depends on the legal system. A particular norm is considered as good
when it is legal. On the contrary, a bad norm is illegal. Secondly,
people having own personalities and backgrounds decide whether a
particular norm is good or bad differently. For instance, some people
agree that men should be strong and not show emotion. However,
others reject this norm because men have right to show emotion like
women. Finally, determining whether a particular norm is good or
bad bases on culture. For example, in Vietnam, you should dress
more conservatively than you would at home (ideally covering your
shoulders and knees). In Western countries, you can dress everything
you like.

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