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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: On Citizenship

On Citizenship

Find out what it means to be a good citizen!

The citizens of the Philippines are defined by

the Constitution. Before defining who the

citizens are, it useful to define constitution


What is a constitution?

It refers to that body of rules and maxims in

accordance with which the powers of the sovereign

are habitually exercised.


PHILIPPINES is defined as that written instrument

by which the fundamental powers of the government

are established, limited and defined, and by

which these powers are distributed among the

several departments or branches for their safe

and useful exercise for the benefit of the people

Who are citizens of the Philippines?( Article

IV, Section 1 )

Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the

time of the adoption of this ( the 1987 consti.)


Those whose fathers and mothers are citizens of

the Philippines

Those born before January 17,1973, of Filipino

mothers, who elect Philippine Citizenship upon

reaching the age of majority (18)

Those who are naturalized in accordance with law

What are the duties and obligations of Citizens?

To be loyal to the Republic (our country)

To defend the state against any threats whether

from within or from outside

To contribute to the development and welfare of

the state by paying taxes properly, helping

maintain peace and order, conserving the natural

resources and promotion of social justice, by

patronizing local products, etc.

To uphold the constitution and obey the laws

because if people will disregard them, our

country would collapse and we will not have peace

and order

To cooperate with duly constituted authorities

because if we dont, we can never expect

successful undertakings our government would like

to do for the good of the citizens


To exercise rights responsibly and with due

regard for the rights of others. If we do this,

we can expect harmonious relationship between

members of society.

To engage in gainful work. Every citizen should

bear in mind that only by hard work can men and

nations live and survive. A nations greatness

springs from citizens patience and industry


To register and vote because suffrage (right to

vote and be voted) is both a privilege and duty

which every qualified citizen must perform.

Voting must be done with intellectual judgment by

considering the political issues by political

candidates so that we can choose the right person

to manage the government.


How can we become good citizens?

By living in accordance with good citizenship

values enshrined in the preamble of our

constitution such as
faith in God, Unity, Patriotism, Work, Respect

for life, Respect for the law and government,

Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love, Equality, Peace,

Promotion of the common good, Concern for the

Family and future generations, Concern for the

environment, and Order


If one is to grow into a citizen who is

maka-Diyos, maka-tao, maka-bayan, and

maka-kalikasan, he needs to form his own values

consistent with the basic Filipino values


Important Constitutional Provisions

Article II ( State Policies and Principles)

Just and Dynamic Social Order

Section 9

The state shall promote just and dynamic social

order that will ensure the prosperity and

independence of the nation and free the people

from poverty through policies that provide

adequate social services, promote full

employment, a rising standard of living, and an

improved quality of life for all.


Social Justice

Section 10

The state shall promote social justice in all

phases of national development.

- This means the state is concerned with the

general welfare of the masses- the poor,

underprivileged, those who are less in life or

the less fortunate members of the society.


Human Dignity

Section 11

The state values the dignity of every human

person and guarantees full respect for human


- Our constitution in Article III ( Bill of

Rights) mandates the respect and enjoyment of

human rights. These rights cannot be taken away

from us, not even by the government through the

lawmaking body ( Congress and Senate )


Rearing the Youth for civic Efficiency and

Development of Moral Character

Section 12

The state recognizes the sanctity of family

life and shall protect protect and strengthen the

life of the mother and the life unborn from

conception. The natural and primary right and

duty of the parents in rearing the youth for

civic efficiency and the development of moral

character shall receive the support of the



- The emphasis on the sacredness of family life

and strengthening of family ties in the

constitution is basically because of the

Philippines being a Christian country.


Role of the Youth in Nation Building

Section 13

The sate recognizes the vital role of the youth

in nation building and shall promote and protect

their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,

and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the

youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage

their involvement in public and civic affairs.


- This emphasize the states duty to promote the

general welfare of the youth because they are a

rich source of manpower. With the developments of

the different aspects in the youth, they would

grow healthy, upright, intellectual and

productive citizens of the country.


Labor as Primary Social Economic Force

Section 18

The state affirms labor as a primary social

economic force. It shall protect the rights of

workers and promote their welfare.


Right to self-organization right to form or

join labor unions


2. Right to collective bargaining- this means the

representative of the organization/ union

negotiating with employer regarding wages, hours

of work and other terms of employment

3. Right to collective negotiation- this happens

when there is dispute or conflict to be settled

between employees and employer


4. Right to peaceful and concerted activities

including right to strike- this is a mass group

action to enjoy their freedom of expression

guaranteed in the Bill of Rights ( Constitution)

5. Right to security of tenure- this means a

worker cannot be terminated from work unless

there is just cause/ right reason.


6. Right to a just and humane conditions of work-

this means state will see to it that employers

provide workers with safe and healthful working

conditions, equal opportunity for promotion and

rest, leisure and reasonable limitations of

working hours.


7. Right to a living wage this means giving

workers sufficient and lawful wages to support

their families
8. Right to participate in policy and

decision-making process- use of participatory

management in the protection of workers



Section 22

The state recognizes and promotes the rights of

indigenous cultural communities within the

framework of the national unity and development.

Indigenous cultural communities are those

minority groups in the country who wish that

their ethnic, religious, or linguistic tradition

be respected.

In the formulation of policies the state sees to

it that their customs, traditions, beliefs and

interest are taken into consideration.


The citizens ( youth, laborers, indigenous

people, among other persons in the society) need

to work hand in hand with the government if the

goal is national progress and development.

We all need to consider our roles as citizens. We

need to pay close attention to being a good

citizen because that is our valuable contribution

to the betterment of this country which redounds

to the benefits to ourselves .

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