Class Notes: Submitting A Class Note

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Class Notes

We've all had a chance to travel life's path in different ways: incredible stories to tell,
fun adventures to reveal, milestones to share, and lessons learned. The updated Class
Notes section on is the perfect vehicle to let all your classmates
know what is new with you.

 Submitting a Class Note

 Viewing Others' Class Notes
 Viewing Your Class Notes
 Submission Options by School
Please note that Class Notes are separate from the Harvard College Class Reports
("Red Books"). More information about submitting to the Red Books can be found
Submitting a Class Note
 Log in to the alumni.harvard online community using your HarvardKey. If you
have not yet done so, you can claim your HarvardKey here. If you have forgotten
your HarvardKey password, you can retrieve it here.
 On the left hand navigation, click Alumni Class Notes.
 Click on a Harvard School on the list.
 Click the blue "Submit a note" button.
 After entering your note, select any categories that apply.
 If desired, upload an image (in JPG, GIF, or PNG formats only) by clicking the
"Upload Photo" button.
 Check the box consenting to display your note on the website and/or in any
associated media.
 Click either "Preview" to preview your note or "Post Note" to post it.
Please note that it will take 15–20 minutes for your Class Note to appear
after you submit it.
Viewing Others' Class Notes
 Log in to the alumni.harvard online community using your HarvardKey.
 On the left hand navigation, click Alumni Class Notes.
 Select a Harvard School from the list to view that School's notes.
Viewing Your Notes
 Log in to the alumni.harvard online community using your HarvardKey.
 On the left hand navigation, click Alumni Class Notes.
 My Notes will drop down on the left hand navigation.
In addition to's Class Notes, class notes are published in a
number of alumni publications across the University. Harvard Magazine no longer
prints alumni notes for professional school alumni, unless they are also affiliated
with Harvard College, Radcliffe College, or the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Harvard alumni wishing to submit class notes to more than one publication will need
to contact each publication separately.
Submission Options by School

Class notes submitted by College alumni will be included in the Class Notes section of
the online and print versions of Harvard Magazine. College alumni wishing to
submit a note only to Harvard Magazine (and not or your class
website or newsletter), please submit your note via Harvard Magazine's online class
notes submission page, or email
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Contact the GSAS Alumni Association at to submit a class note

to Colloquy. Harvard Magazine also accepts GSAS alumni notes online.
Radcliffe College

Contact your class secretary or email with class notes

for Radcliffe Quarterly. Harvard Magazine also accepts Radcliffe class notes online.
Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Notes are published in the Harvard Dental Bulletin. Email submissions

Harvard Business School

Class notes are published in the HBS Alumni Bulletin. Use your LEFA to log in
and submit a note.
Harvard Divinity School

Notes are included in the HDS Current e-newsletter. Email submissions

Harvard Extension School

Alumni notes are published on the Harvard Extension School Alumni

Association website. Submit your note online.
Harvard Graduate School of Design

Notes are published online as Alumni Updates. Email submissions

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Class notes are published in Ed. Submit class notes online.

Harvard Kenney School

Alumni notes are published both online and in HKS Magazine. Submit notes online.
Harvard Law School

Notes are published in the Harvard Law Bulletin. Submit notes online.
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Class notes are featured in Harvard Public Health Magazine. Log in to submit a

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