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Ingredients :

 ½ cup unsalted butter, melted

 1 tablespoon cooking oil (olive oil or
coconut oil are fine)
 1⅛ cup superfine sugar (caster sugar)*
 2 large eggs
 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
 ½ cup all purpose | plain flour
 ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
 ¼ teaspoon salt

Instructions :

1. Preheat oven to 175°C | 350°F.

2. Olesi loyang dengan minyak/butter/kertas roti.
3. Kocok mentega cair, minyak dan gula bersama-
sama ± 1 menit. Tambahkan telur dan vanili lalu
kocok hingga lembut (± 1 menit).
4. Tambahkan tepung, coklat bubuk, dan garam.
Aduk hingga tercampur. (jangan tll lama diaduk,
akan mempengaruhi tekstur kue)
5. Tuang adonan ke dalam Loyang. Ratakan.
6. Panggang ± 20 – 25 menit. Setelah keluar dari
oven, kue masih akan terus terpanggang. Jika
diuji dengan tusuk gigi, maka tusuk gigi akan
kotor untuk tekstur fudge


1. Whisk your butter and sugar really well.
2. Beat in your eggs for a good minute. This step is
crucial for that crackly top
3. Do NOT over beat your batter once the flour and
cocoa powder are added. THAT creates air pockets
in the batter which will give you cake-like textured
4. Do NOT over bake them! I like mine at exactly
25 minutes. You can go a little bit over if you like
them set a bit more, but I don't recommend it if
you're looking for the fudgiest brownies in this

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