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Jean Dubuis’ - Acorn Alchemical Experiment

 Making the Elixir

o If the vital energies that heal come from the oak, these are abundant in the fruits, in the seeds of the tree.
o During the gathering, the oak acorns are ripe and fall on the ground. They should be gathered preferably before they have stayed
a night on the ground and before any rain. These are to be wiped dry.
o Place these in a glass flask and cover them with an alcohol of the best possible quality, 90 percent minimum, but more is better.
o Seal the flask immediately.
o Place the flask on a source of gentle heat. The incubator at 40 degrees Celsius is ideal, but above a refrigerator is enough. If the
source of heat is not continuous, things will still happen, but more slowly. Still, never exceed 50 degrees Celsius. (104f-122f).
o Carefully avoid lunar light on the flask.
o After a few days, the tincture becomes green-yellow, then yellow, then slowly turns to Red.
o For a nice bright red, it takes between 6 to 18 months, depending on the conditions of heat.
o When the bright red is reached, the elixir is ready.
o The dosage of the elixir is of 10 to 20 drops in a glass of water the first thing in the morning for 1 month. Do not eat before.

 Gathering:
o I found 95% grain alcohol at the local liquor store.
o I purchased some vials and a candle making thermometer from the local ‘Hobby Lobby’ store. (I assume the vial needs to be
wide enough for the acorn to fit through the neck. The instructions do not mention pulverizing the acorns.)
o I gathered some acorns from a local park. They were still green on the tree and not yet fallen. But they seemed ripe enough,
since there were others like them on the ground already.
o I purchased a 40$ space heater at Home depot.
 Preparation:
o I spent most of the day with a glass jar full of water on a space heater to regulate the correct temperature for the acorn vital
essence tincture.
o I noticed that when altering the temperature of the heater, it is easy to overshoot the desired temperature. But I found the
correct setting which oscillates between 100 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Jean Dubuis calls for 104f and not exceeding 122f.
o I'm storing the experiment in my laundry room to avoid moonlight.

 Day 1 (Sept 5th):

o Today I noticed that the acorns began to release the stored air from their internals into the grain alcohol along with some very
fine gooey residue.
o The tincture turned slight yellow within a few hours of being heated.
o The acorns are noticeably green.

 Day 2 (Sept 6th):

o The tincture is now fully green-yellow.
o Acorns have taken a brown-green color.

 Day 3 (Sept 7th):

o The tincture is less green more yellow.
o Acorns are fully brown.
 Day 4 (Sept 8th):
o The tincture is more no longer greenish, now it is all yellow (slight brown).
o Acorns are a tad darker in color.
o Today is the new moon. (Watch out for moonlight!)
 Day 5 (Sept 9th):
o The tincture is now brown (taking on the color of the acorns).
o The acorns are about the same.
 Day 6 (Sept 10th):
o The tincture is a darker brown.
o The acorns have taken a darker color as well.
 Day 7 (Sept 11th):
o The tincture is darker brown.
o The acorns are even darker.
 Day 8 (Sept 12th):
o The tincture is darker brown
o The acorns are yet darker.
o I'm starting to wonder if Alchemical months are actually days?
o And alchemical days are actually hours?
 Day 9 (Sept 13th):
o I would say the tincture is starting to turn red.
o The acorns are either darker, or the tincture makes them appear darker.
 Day 10 (Sept 14th):
o I would say the tincture is turning dark brown. It is almost too dark to see through without flash.
o The acorns I can not tell.
 Day 18 (Sept 22nd):
o The tincture has gone fully black now, although upon closer inspection its actually DARK DARK red.
o I cannot see the acorns without external light.
o Happy Equinox Tonight!
 Day 25 (Sept 29th):
o The tincture is pitch.
o The acorns are impossible to see.
 Day 32 (Oct 6th):
o Pretty much the same as last week.
o Has it died?
 Day 40 (Oct 14th):
o Yes black yet still again
o begginging to believe he meant 6-18days not months.

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