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MAT3202 (F) / Page 1 of 6




Instructions: This paper consists of FIVE (5) questions. Answer any FOUR (4) questions in the
answer booklet provided. All questions carry equal marks.

Question 1

(a) In a production process, a measurement of interest is collected at 20 distinct time points.

The data were collected as shown in Table 1 below. The data contain 15 averages x i and
ranges Ri of samples. The size of each sample, n = 4.
Sample Sample Sample
number, average, x i range, Ri
1 89.9 6.1
2 91.9 4.0
3 90.4 5.3
4 90.4 3.5
5 93.7 2.2
6 91.4 10.5
7 89.7 3.3
8 91.2 7.7
9 90.9 6.4
10 92.2 6.5
11 91.8 5.3
12 90.6 6.4
13 92.3 2.5
14 90.8 3.8
15 91.9 5.0
Table Q1(a)

(i) Display the X  chart and the R-chart for the above data.
(14½ marks)
(ii) Does the process appear to be in control? Why?
(2½ marks)
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(b) Suppose that z = x + iy is a complex number, and f(z)  .
z z  i  z  i 
2 2 2

(i) Give all three (3) poles of f(z), and state their respective orders.
(3 marks)

(ii) Use the residue theorem to evaluate the contour integral  f z dz, where
z  i  2 represents a circle that orients negatively.
(5 marks)

Question 2

(a) Estimating the costs of drilling oil wells is an important consideration for the oil industry.
Let Y denote the cost of drilling an oil well at offshore of the Philippines, in USD.
Let X be the depth of an offshore oil well located in the Philippines, in feet.
The followings are summarized data taken from “Identifying the major determinants of
exploration drilling costs: A first approximation using the Philippine case” by Gary S.
Makasiar, Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 1985.

n  16  x  137498  y  101524000  xy  979168142400

x 2
 1287960086 y 2
 762099387160000 5000  x  14311

(i) Compute the product moment correlation coefficient r of X and Y.

(2 marks)
Hence, comment on the strength of linear correlation between X and Y. Justify
your answer.
(1 marks)

(ii) Find an equation of the least squares regression line if a linear regression model
is used to estimate Y on X.
(6 marks)
What does your model predict as the cost increase of drilling an oil well for an
additional depth of 1000 feet? Justify your answer.
(1 mark)

(b) Verify Green‟s theorem:

 Q P 
  x  y  dA 
 Pdx  Qdy ,
C ( oriented positively)

in the context that P = x3 – y3, Q = x3 + y3, R is the solid semi-circular region in the xy-
plane enclosed by a closed curve C = C1  C2, where C1: x = 2cos(t), y = 2sin(t) for t = 0
to t = , and C2: y = 0 from the point (0, –2) to the point (0, 2).
(15 marks)
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Question 3

(a) Suppose that z = x + iy is a complex number, u(x, y)  e x sin( y) and

v(x, y)  sin(x) cosh( y) .

(i) Show that u(x, y) and v(x, y) are both harmonic functions.
(5 marks)

(ii) Determine whether u(x, y) and v(x, y) are conjugate functions of an analytic
complex function f(x, y) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y).
(3 marks)

(b) A signal f(x) with period T = 2 is defined by

f(x) = x(x – 2) for 0 < x < 2, and f(x + 2) = f(x).

(i) Sketch the graph of y = f(x) for –2 < x < 4.

(3 marks)

(ii) Find the Fourier series of f(x), by giving the first five (5) non-zero terms of the
Fourier series. Leave your answer in terms of 
(14 marks)

Question 4

 1 0 1 
(a) Let A   1 2 1  and  be the dominant eigenvalue of A. Use the power method
 2 2 3 
 2 / 5
with a minimum n iterations with the initial estimate  0   1 / 2  to find . State the
 1 
integer n as well.
(5 marks)
Also, verify your answer found previously by finding all eigenvalues of A.
(3 marks)

(b) Suppose that a fair die is rolled 1000 times and X is the number of score „6‟ obtained in
1000 rolls of the die.
Let A denote the event that X is between 150 and 180.

(i) State the parameters n and p for the binomial distribution of X.

(2 marks)
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(ii) Estimate the probability P(A) using Normal approximation to binomial, correct to
4 decimal places.
(5 marks)

(iii) Now, the fair die is rolled 36 times.

Estimate the probability of obtaining at most one „6‟ using Poisson approximation
to binomial.
(3 marks)

(c) Show that the definition of the Fourier transform for the signal f(x), namely

i  

F()   f ( x ) e ix dx, 1

can be expressed as F()   f ( x ) cos(x)  i sin(x)  dx.
(2 marks)
Hence, find the Fourier transform F() for the signal f(x), if

 0, for    x   2
 1 , for  2  x  0

f (x)   .
 1, for 0 x 2
 0 , for 2 x 

(5 marks)

Question 5

(a) A company advertises that its electric motors provide an efficiency that is at least 25%
higher than the industry norm. A consumer interest group ran an experiment with a
sample of 32 machines for which the increases in efficiency over the industry norm had a
sample mean of x = 22.8% and a sample standard deviation of s = 8.72%. Carry out a
hypothesis testing on the company‟s claim at  = 0.01 level of significance as suggested
by the procedure below.

(i) Set up the null and the alternative hypotheses for the test.
(2 marks)

(ii) Suggest a test statistic, and indicate clearly its distribution clearly.
(2 marks)

(iii) Establish a criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis.

(1 mark)
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(iv) Check if the observed value of the test statistic falls inside the rejection region.
(2 marks)

(v) Write a complete conclusion for the hypothesis testing.

(2 marks)

(b) A rectangular box without a lid, of dimensions x, y and z (in meters) is to be made, see
Figure Q5(b) below. The volume of the box is fixed to 9000 cubic-meter. If the cost of
materials used for the sides of the box is RM30 per square-meter while RM20 per square-
meters for the materials used to make the base of the box, apply the method of Lagrange
multipliers to find x, y and z such that the total cost spent to make the box is a minimum.
(11 marks)

Figure Q5(b)

(c) Apply Euler‟s method to obtain the numerical solution at x = 6.4, of the following second
order ordinary differential equation with the specific initial conditions and the given step
size h.

d2y dy
5 2
 4  y  sinh( x ), y(6)  2, y'(6)  3 and h  0.2.
dx dx

Give your answer correct to three (3) decimal places.

(5 marks)

= The End =
MAT3202 (F) / JAN2016 / KOONGWK / 22022016
MAT3202 (F) / Page 6 of 6

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