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I am learning to build relationship with others

Marwa, for the past months, you have learnt to play appropriately with
others. It was a challenge for you because you like to play with others
but at the same time you were not willing to share the toys with them.
The teachers have been encouraging you to take turns with the toys and
you found it hard to let go when your turn is up. On this day, you were
playing at the musical playhouse. Aya came along and she too wanted to
play with it. She pushed a button and the music started to play. You
then danced along with the music and Aya danced with you too. When
the music stopped, you said, “Marwa's turn,' and walked to the musical
playhouse to push the button. You and Aya continued to dance with the
music. The rest of the afternoon, you and Aya had a wonderful time
dancing and playing together. I could see that Aya was happy and
enjoyed being with you.

Marwa, it was nice to see that you used your initiative to take turns with
Aya without the teachers reminding you what the right thing to do was.
You did not stop her or get upset when she pushed the musical button.
You were developing skills for enjoying a relationship with Aya. You were
also developing an understanding that your action would affect how she
would get upset if you would not include her in your play. The teachers
will continue to support you in developing friendship skills by choosing
carefully when to intervene in your conflicts and relationships with

19 February 2019 T Catherine

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