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‘exports have risen dramatically, but that’ largely because Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese ard Sngaporean companies. have been moving their own producton fo the Crinese mainland, “____, the US is importing a ‘Similar amount of goods trom Asa as bolore, but the trade hhas a oerent pattern. Much of the business is done with ‘re erating non-Chinese trading partners who have sinoly telocated their operations to China. 20.7 Complete each example with the best pair of linking phrases from the box. Look carefully at the logic ‘of the argument. ‘Asa matter of fat / For instance In fact To a great exent Bec nlipspestbng/Trovobaes On the whole / However 1 __Broadly speaking sales and marking ae not coordinated very well. Therefore _ swe should reorganize the department. ‘open source software like Linu ss is makinga ‘big impact in the world of IT. = itis unikely to theeaten Windows’ dominance inthe mass market she has qute a tt of experience in the sales area. she worked asa rp in France for two yeas. going to ail the trade fairs and specking direc with customers _ quality snot jut a technical and production issue itis also 4 design issue: products have to eppeel to a customers aesthetic sense 20.8 Look at the box in exercise 20.7 and find: 1 two phrases that mean the same as ‘Actually’ 2 two phrases that mean the same as ‘In general" a @ Choose one of these texts: How do multinational — companies operate in today's giobal economy? (page 84) (oF In coming decades, a key challenge for counties in the euro zone is going to be 1 aging popultion. (page 87). 20.9 Complete this text by writing the best word or phrase from those in the box. Look carefully at the logic of the argument. infect asaresut —dveto evenil finaly inspite of on the other hand coming decades. a key chalenge for counties in the €ur0 zone s going o be ils aging population. * Ove fo ‘ow fetity rates and a lower mortalty rate amongst older people, the shave ofthe working-age Population wil fal from around 67% now to just 56% in 2060. This wil creato rable fr the tx yer oth counties concerned, _______, same people think nis isthe greatest long-term challenge that Europe faces. The reason is as follows: governments wil have to raise taxes on the ‘working population to fund pension systems, oherwise ‘elderly people wil vote thom out of ofice. This rice in taxes Can only com rom comeany pros and emoloyees salaries, ° ____.. companies vil have less raney to inves in their businesses and the purchasing over ol consumers wil fa The wil rete a wceus eye \trmeans lower economic growin and therefore, in tun, less profs and taxes, ‘What optons do governmants havo? ae ‘more women and longeterm Uunemoloyed peopie take jobs, wil not be endugh to sve the problem. It soems thai there are three answers. Fst of all, workers wil have © relr lator Nest, private pension schemes wa hae o become far mre waneotead. And — . Cooncrries wil surely depend ‘much more on immigration lo 6usiain economic growth. tie ‘rue that increased immigration has caused socal problems inmany counties. Bu, ’__, ‘immigrants have been prepared to do work that natives _wont do, working for lang hours and low Day. And ‘immigrants are young, and young people ae what Europe © Read,the text again several times, then write the frst sentence at the top of a separate piece of paper. ‘© Write another text beginning with the same first sentence. Use your own ideas. Feel free to refer to the mind map as you wate

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