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When you meet with the parliamentarians, hand them a copy of ICAN’s parliamentary

appeal and ICAN’s briefing note for governments to the 2014 NPT PrepCom, and:


Expressed support for a ban treaty either at 2013 HLM on disarmament or at UNGA 68
National No
Expressed support for a ban in Nayarit No
Welcomed the Vienna conference in Nayarit No
Associated with Humanitarian Initiative statement at:
2012 NPT No 2013 NPT Yes
2012 UNGA Yes 2013 UNGA Yes
Participated in the Oslo conference Yes
Statement made in Oslo Yes
Participated in the Nayarit conference Yes
Statement made in Nayarit No


  Tell them how important it was that your government participated in the second conference
on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, hosted by Mexico in February 2014. Hand them a
copy of the Mexican chair's summary and ask what they think about it.
  Argue that the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons has become the dominant theme in
the international nuclear weapons debate in recent years, but that there is an urgent need for states to
follow up on this initiative if it is going to lead to real and sustainable change in the field of nuclear
  Peru has previously associated themselves with the humanitarian initiative (see right for
details). Let them know how important this has been, and ask whether there is anything they can do to
make sure that your government express their concern at the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons
during the 2014 NPT PrepCom.
  Ask what they intend to do to ensure that your government welcomes the upcoming
conference in their statement at the PrepCom.

About nuclear disarmament

  Express your concern at the lack of progress in multilateral nuclear disarmament

negotiations, as indicated by the 15 years long deadlock in the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.
Ask them why they think there has been so little progress in this field.
  Argue that the current standstill in multilateral disarmament negotiations is a result of the
lack of a common normative framework, and that there is little reason to believe that we will see much
progress in the field of nuclear disarmament unless all states realise that nuclear weapons have
unacceptable humanitarian consequences and should be prohibited

About the NPT

  Argue that the NPT, although it faces significant challenges, has served the international
community well by preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  Hand them a copy of RCW's article "Preventing Collapse: The NPT and a ban on nuclear
weapons," and argue that although Article VI of the NPT contains a legal commitment to start
negotiations on a treaty "on general and complete disarmament", a multilateral instrument
prohibiting nuclear weapons have not yet been put in place. Success at the NPT Review Conference
should therefore be measured by the extent to which this review cycle has led to real and tangible
progress on disarmament.
About a ban on nuclear weapons

  State that you are a part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
and that ICAN believes that it is time for states to develop a new legal instrument prohibiting nuclear
weapons, even if nuclear-armed states refuse to participate.
  Argue that the fact that there is no explicit legal prohibition of nuclear weapons constitutes a
legal anomaly among weapons of mass destruction.
  Argue that a new legal instrument prohibiting nuclear weapons would help achieve the
objectives embedded in the treaty of Tlatelolco, and strengthen and fulfill the purpose of the NPT.
  Hand them a copy of Article 36's paper "Banning Nuclear Weapons" and argue that a new
legal instrument prohibiting nuclear weapons would establish a strong international norm against use,
possession and deployment of nuclear weapons and require governments to decide whether they
want to continue to support nuclear weapons or reject them entirely.
  Argue that a legal instrument prohibiting nuclear weapons will provide a strong moral
incentive for nuclear possessor states to eliminate their arsenals in compliance with Article VI of the
  Encourage them to submit a question to your foreign minister, asking how the government
intends to work to achieve a new legal instrument prohibiting nuclear weapons. Offer to help drafting
the question.

And finally

Ask them to join forces with other parliamentarians by signing ICAN’s parliamentary appeal for
a ban on nuclear weapons.

Encourage them to join Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament


Report back to ICAN using the online report card.

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