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1. Recruitment objective
A good recruitment program needs to serve many objectives and sometimes these
objectives are contradictory. FPT Telecom with the vision to “become a new type of
organization, prosperous, with effort and creativity in science, engineering and
technology, as customer satisfaction, contributing to national prosperity, gives each
member fully developed conditions of talent and material, mental enrichment” has
corresponding objectives. The objectives often mentioned are:
 Attracting a large number of candidates needed for selection
 Attracting high rates of capable employees who are interested in accepting
work offers
 The goals after hiring employees should also be considered - the recruitment
process must create employees who do a good job and accept to work for the
organization within a reasonable amount of time.
 Recruiting efforts should have an external benefit effect, which is the overall
image of the organization should be strengthened
 All of these goals should be met at the fastest and least cost-effective level
Balancing different goals should be done with reference to the organization's strategy
and value
2. Recruitment philosophy
FPT Telecom invests heavily in training activities within the enterprise and has a plan
to develop source staff right from the start. Therefore, FPT Telecom tends to help its
employees promote to the higher positions. In the lower ranks, the company recruits
candidates who meet the conditions from the outside and then going further training
FPT Telecom emphasizes on selecting those who wish to work longer than just filling
in the blanks. The company wants to find candidates who meet the current position
requirements but also considers their future management and development
capabilities. This approach will take longer but will also bring long-term benefits to
the company
FPT Telecom with code of conduct and ethics “Respect – Innovation – Team spirit –
Objectivity – Exemplarity – Wisdom” always want to ensure the diversity of its
employees. Recruitment activities encourage the participation of everyone both
outside and inside, welcoming and supporting all candidates
FPT Telecom considers its candidates as customers who need to serve. The company
spends time and money to determine the candidates' desires and redesign the
recruiting activities for each different human resource segment after each recruitment
FPT Telecom values morality, fairness and honesty in the recruitment process
3. Recruitment strategy
With the globalization strategy, FPT telecom is making efforts in training and
selecting highly qualified human resources to achieve future growth targets.
Accordingly, the company is looking for new employees, people with skills to deploy
in the global company, extensive knowledge of the globe. In order to focus on
promoting globalization as well as strengthening its position in traditional fields in the
domestic market, FPT will increase investment in new technologies and research and
development activities; boosting M&A activities. Therefore, the group also actively
"prayed" to international figures with achievements in M&A in the world to
implement this activity to supplement the necessary capabilities, shorten the time to
market and quickly expand customer list.
4. Recruitment process
The recruitment process at the company is divided into two processes: staff
recruitment process and senior staff recruitment process.
4.1 Staff recruitment process
Stage 1: recruitment phase
The recruitment session of FPT takes place frequently based on the demand identified
beforewards. The fact that the company has conducted public recruitment objectively
contributes to ensuring sufficient number of candidates' files, attracting and recruiting
excellent people who are suitable with the corporation culture and the job position.
- Internal sources:
For internal sources, the company mainly applies to management positions to provide
employees with outstanding achievements the opportunity to get promoted,
encouraging the attitude of effortful and hard-working.
Through the network and internal documents, the company publishes its recruitment
needs. Popular forms of communication include: message boards, employee email
notifications, website announcements, employee exchange forums and each of the
internal newspapers unit.
The target is all FPT employees who have needs and desire to change the working
environment. The position is quite diverse, so it attracts the attention of employees
from many levels.
- Recruiting from university:
Through schools, clubs, youth groups, the company introduced the recruitment
position. The most common way to do this is that the recruitment department will
send a notice of vacancy through the students' email system, so that students who want
it can register. Those students who are highly appreciated for their studies, union
work, etc. will be recruited directly to contact, offering the opportunity to work at
- Recruiting through newspapers and the Internet:
The main effect is only to inform mass about the unit's recruitment plan. This method
is rarely used by FPT, because of its effectiveness and hostility to the corporate
recruitment room.
- FPT candidates data
Candidate data from the test rounds are also used for recruitment. Part of this data
comes from qualified candidates, but because the previous test did not achieve good
results. The use of internal candidate data confirms that FPT telecome is more
interested in workers.
Stage 2: Select candidates
- Step 1: Select the application
The company proposes a sample profile, the candidates can present it on the profile or
create their own records based on the necessary information required by the
recruitment department (through a sample file). Candidate profiles can be sent to
businesses through free applications, applications in employment-related programs
(job fairs, career seminars, etc.).
Candidates' records are transferred to the relevant human resources department. After
that, the HR department gathered enough necessary documents, ensured the rate of
selection through the rounds, sent the notice to the general company to conduct the
examination, and contacted the candidate to inform. about the exam schedule.
Disqualified applications are those that do not have the necessary information, or do
not provide evidence that the candidate is passionate about the relevant position at
FPT. In this step, usually only 5-10% of the candidates are eliminated because the
issue of the file does not meet the demand.
- Step 2: Test basic knowledge
Due to the specific requirements of the working groups, the candidates will undergo
different tests. Particularly, the group operates mainly in the field of Information
Technology, so candidates will often go through 3 exams: IQ + GMAT + TOEIC.
Some positions such as Marketing, Sales, .... will take the EQ + GMAT + TOEIC
subjects. The score will also be set by each unit, usually 50% of the exam / subject
score for FPT General, and the member companies will take this point as the base to
determine the test score for each position, each application. your taste. The results of
this round will assess whether the candidate needs to learn, have basic knowledge to
serve the job or not.
- Step 3: The interview round
After the candidate goes through the round of basic knowledge, the candidate will
participate in the interview round. In this interview, the candidate will go through two
interviews (in some cases, these two interviews will be combined as one): an
interview of professional knowledge, personality and an interview. advice on business
engagement and appropriate remuneration mechanisms.
The first interview will involve the head of the department who wants to recruit with a
staff. The form of recruitment will be varied, usually a pre-prepared interview form
asked by the head of the design department. During the interview process, HR staff try
to keep the atmosphere friendly and open and exchange with candidates about the
company and the current issues of the company. The end result is the unity of the unit
head and personnel, in which the head of the unit plays a key role.
The interview about the remuneration mechanism is applied when the applicant is
accepted through a professional interview. In this interview, the staff in charge of
personnel and head (or vice) of the unit will talk to the candidate about career
opportunities about the job orientation and about the remuneration mechanisms that
the candidate receives if participating. join the company. Candidates, especially young
and skilled candidates, often have many different plans, including comparing the
compensation between job opportunities, ... exchanges. To be frank, will help HR and
department representatives identify the candidate's ability to stick, thereby assessing
the success of the recruitment. During the exchange, interviewers will talk frankly
about current issues, remuneration of enterprises; some experienced interviewers can
also advise young candidates about career opportunities, and give them expensive
advice. In case the candidate is not suitable for the business, or does not want to stick
with the business, the recruitment of new staff will be prepared.
- Step 4: Complete the request for records
After the applicant goes through the rounds, the candidate will complete the
requirements for the record. The file includes: Medical examination card, curriculum
vitae and relevant qualifications. This stage only plays a minor role in the evaluation
of candidates.
A health examination card is used, to ensure that candidates are not deformed, and do
not encounter obstacles in the process of performing the job. For normal jobs, health
checks can be certified from any hospital; Some specific jobs, candidates will have to
go to the health check at the hospitals designated by the company, or the company will
invite doctors to check in at the company. Other records for the management process,
including curriculum vitae, notarized copies, diplomas, ....
These records will then be transferred to the Organization and Human Resource
Management Department to facilitate staff monitoring and evaluation.
- Step 5: Signing a probationary contract
After the applicant completes the remaining requirements, the candidate is asked to
sign a 2-month probation contract with the company (or apprentice for 6 months
without a university, college, ...). Basically, this period is also the training period of
the employees - in this period, the candidates will participate in different projects,
under the support of the direct staff.
4.2 Recruitment process for senior officials
The process of recruiting high-level cadres, at FPT, is the "Process of Sage".
Stage 1: Recruitment
Based on the need to expand the group's operations, as well as the shortage of leading
officials, in certain positions, the head of the HR department plans to recruit.
However, due to the characteristics of high-level staff recruitment, recruitment
measures will have certain differences for the method of recruiting ordinary
employees. Three sources of candidates are interested in the recruitment notification
- Internal candidates: through the introduction of reputable staff, the recruitment
department will approach highly valued staff, discuss with them about new job
- Head-hunting candidates: through outside businesses, through candidates'
information leaving old businesses,…. HR staff will contact the candidate, and
propose new job opportunities
- Candidates from Candidate Data in previous vacancies.
End the recruitment phase when the recruitment department ensures the minimum
selection rate is maintained (3 candidates get 1 position).
Stage 2: Selecting
- Step 1: Browse candidate profile
After contacting the candidate and receiving the application for the candidate, the
recruitment officer will coordinate with the directors, the full-time staff, to study the
candidate file. In this process, the candidate information, including experience,
participation events, accumulated skills, will be analyzed carefully. Important
information is carefully marked, serving the interview phase later.
Normally, after reviewing the application, the directors will mark important
information, and then the recruitment officer will participate in the verification of the
information. Verification is primarily through telephone exchange with the candidate's
previous officer. The information obtained will help the candidate process more
- Step 2: Candidates to interview the Council
In this interview, the Interview Council normally has 3 members: Head of the relevant
Human Resources Department, a member of the Board of Directors and Head /
Deputy Head of the relevant professional department.
The questions are also quite diverse, in addition to general questions about life and
personality, ... candidates will continue to experience professional questions, and
knowledge and attachment to the company. Along with that, the candidate will also
participate in some simulation situations. In this exercise, the candidate will have a
certain amount of time to prepare for the answer. The creativity and feasibility of the
candidates 'proposals, as well as the candidates' plans to implement, will be the best
evaluation criteria for candidates. In some other cases, a group interview will take
place, the interview committee will base on the perspective and how the candidate
protects his or her views against other opinions, to assess the candidate's personality.
The strongest point in the group interview is that the candidates are naturally exposed
to their opinions, exchanged frankly with each other; and reflect most honestly their
value through group interaction.
- Step 3: Candidates prepare documents and return to the High-level Human
Resources Department
After the candidate passes the interview, the candidate will complete the remaining
procedures of the application, before moving on to the probationary phase. Records
include health checks, curriculum vitae, relevant qualifications and certifications of
units previously worked. This stage is not different from the Profile period for
recruiting ordinary employees.
- Step 4: Candidates participate in a 2-month trial period
The probationary period (or challenge) is a mandatory stage in assessing candidates,
especially for high-level officials. Going through a challenging period (usually lasting
2 months), these candidates will appreciate quite deeply about the business, they also
identify their learning and promotion opportunities, and can decide to stick longer or
find opportunities at other units. During this period, candidates are in charge of 5-10
projects at many levels. Candidates through lower-level human resources, carry out
the project and report the results.
For the evaluation of senior officials, it will be done through a comprehensive
assessment (at FPT is Evaluation 3600). In this assessment, the direct officer, the
senior staff and the lower level staff closest to the candidate, will contribute their
opinions. The synthesis of this opinion, will help make a final assessment of the
candidate. In case the candidate meets the requirements for equivalent positions, the
official contract will be signed and the candidate becomes a full-time employee of the
company, enjoying the full remuneration for senior officials.

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