Phone Usage: Misused and Abused?

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The 1st chapter Introduction (also known as a prolegomenon) is a

beginning section which states the purpose and goals of the following writing.
This is generally followed by the body and conclusion.

The introduction typically describes the scope of the document and gives
the brief explanation or summary of the document. It may also explain certain
elements that are important to the essay if explanations are not part of the main
text. The readers can have an idea about the following text before they actually
start reading it.

Based on our observations we can see that now a days students spends
more time in using cell phone for playing instead of contacting, research or
studying for their classes.

We would like to confirm if our observations are correct, whether students

misuse and abuse phones or not. We would like to have our own research about
this topic in order to justify our observations.

Our fellow students now a days usually have more time on their phones
instead of listening to their subject teachers. Not only at school campus even at
their houses, they usually spend more time bonding with their friends online using
social media instead of bonding their time with their family members.
Pg. I
We would like to understand more on why they spend more time on their
phone instead of spending more time on important things. We would also like to
know what are their opinion about phones and its effect on their daily life.

Cites such as

some-facts/ and
PERCEPTIONS even supports and promotes the misuse and abuse of phones.

Now a days we can even hear about this topic in news (Zee news) , Stating
that students not listening to their teachers because of phone addiction. Especially
that now a days there are a lot of different games for children, teenagers, even
adults to play during their spare time but this playing of games became an

Our research will come from students interview of St. Benilde School
from grades 9-10 and we will also get information from online research and credit
the sources. On the following interview we will be following the half plus one
format, means we will only be interviewing half plus one of the total population.

This research is very important because technology now a days are

prevalent in this generation and most of us people have access with them. This
can also change the way of teaching because technologies have a lot of

The main goal of this study is to know the effect of phones to us humans and
determine if the abuse and misuse of phones can effect the way of living of a
human. We would also like to see if phones should be brought on school
campuses or not. Pg. II
Objectives/Problems of the research:
 Students not listening to their teachers during class time.
 Humans especially teenagers getting addicted to phones.
 Determine if phones should be brought to school campuses or not.
 Determine if phones affects the behaviour and health of a human being.


The review of related literature is the selection and annotation of available

documents (both published and unpublished), which contain information, ideas,
data and evidence related to the topic that a person proposes to research on.

Review of related literature determines if there are any other studies or

research to help support or promote your research work base on your selected
topic. This will also help you summarize and conclude your research work.

Everyone has a Mobile phone. Due to its popularity, and convenience it

became a part of our daily life and many are in a state of Tech-addiction. Mobile
Phone is a Real Friend but ……. inconsiderate, annoying, discourteous in public
places if it is misused. It is affecting our life in many ways due to its over use.
Over use of Mobile phone creates health problems, social problems and even
alters our behavior to a certain extent. See how an excellent electronic device is
becoming a problem when it is misused.
Work of: D.Mohankumar
safety/ Pg. III
Published on: Nov 22, 2011

The mobile phone is a relatively new technological tool, versatile and

accessible, and very attractive, especially for young people, but whose use
involves a risk of abuse and addictive behavior. In recent years there has been
increasing interest in this problem, especially in view of the fact that it involves
an increasingly younger population. The aim of this paper is to review the current
state of scientific knowledge about cell phone addiction/abuse. To this end, a
search was carried out in international databases, using the descriptors "mobile
phone", "cellular telephones", "addiction" and "abuse", and focusing on
prevalence studies, diagnostic tests, associations with psychological variables and
gender differences. There is a conceptual vagueness about the concepts of abuse
and addiction in relation to mobile phones, and wide disparity in the adoption of
diagnostic criteria; moreover, there are numerous instruments for the assessment
of these concepts. As a result, the estimated prevalence ranges from 0-38%,
depending on the scale used and the characteristics of the population studied.
Surprisingly, self-attribution of cell phone addiction exceeds the prevalence
estimated in the studies themselves. The personality trait most consistently
associated with addiction is low self-esteem, though extraversion is associated
with more intense use. Women with low self-esteem are the most vulnerable
group, and the most commonly associated psychopathological symptom was
depression. In short, while the evidence suggests a problem in relation to mobile
phone use, the vagueness of the cell phone addiction concept and the poor quality
of the studies make it difficult to generalize the results. It is necessary to define
and unify criteria with a view to carrying out quality studies that permit
appropriate comparisons.
Works of: Pedrero Pérez EJ, Rodríguez Monje MT, and Ruiz Sánchez De
León JM
Published on: February 24, 2012

Mobile phone is one of the wonderful inventions of science. This

incredible technology has made our life easy. But the negative uses of mobile
phone may bring many troubles to our life. We will not find one mobile user who
has not received unexpected calls from unknown numbers. A group of mentally
sick people find entertainment in making such calls. Girls are the main target of
these unknown callers. If we contact the mobile operators, they suggest that we
should avail their call blocking service for a certain fee. But there is no getting
away because they call from different numbers. It seems that these unknown
callers help the operators make more profit. If we seek help from the law
enforcing agencies, they show indifference.
The harmful uses of mobile phone are also misleading our teenagers. Parents
should consider the age of their children before buying them mobile phones. The
latest addition is Internet on mobile phones. Now our teenagers are prone to use
Internet on mobile for downloading adult songs and videos. They may involve
themselves in different types of crimes. Parents need to strengthen the family ties
and teach moral values to their children. They should make sure that their kids use
mobile phones in a proper way.
Our mobile operators are selling SIM cards without verifying customers' identity
properly and that leads to various mobile related crimes. It has become an
essential tool for organised crimes. Our government should make a strong law to
compel mobile operators not to sell SIM cards to customers without proper
verification. Our electronic media shows programmes on many irregularities and
problems of our society; they should make programmes on this issue too.
Work of: Jabunnaher
Published on: November 16, 2012


The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of
making business decisions. The methodology may include publication research,
interviews, surveys and other research techniques, and could include both present
and historical information.
Pg. V
Research methodology can be understood as a way to systemically solve
or answer the research problem. Thus essentially, it can be understood as the
process of studying how research is done in a scientific manner. Through the
methodology, we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a
researcher in studying his/her research problem and the underlying logic behind
them. The selection of the research method is crucial for what conclusions you
can make about a phenomenon. It affects what you can say about the cause and
factors influencing the phenomenon.

1. Do you own a cell phone?
2. What do you usually use your phone for?
3. Where do you spend more time on, phones or books?
4. Do you think students spend more time on phones compared to books?
5. Are phones misused and abused?

Grade 10 total population is 45 (half plus one format) 23+1= 24 overall


Do you own a cell phone?
What do you usually use your phone for?
Where do you spend more time on, phones or books?
Do you think students spend more time on phones compared to books?
Are phones misused and abused?

Yes No Phones Books School Playing

Works Games
23 1
9 15
19 5
23 1
20 4
Sum 66 6 19 5 9 15

Pg. VI
Grade 9 total population is 31 (half plus one format) 16+1= 17 overall

Yes No Phones Books School Playing

Works Games
16 1
4 3
12 5
Sum 50 1 12 5 4 3

Abstract/Summary: We can summarize this research work by seeing on

how our observations were correct and on how other studies/researches supports
or promotes our topic. Especially on how the interview results were very high
percentage on supporting and promoting that phones really are abused and
misused by us humans. Hopefully this research may help you on deciding whether
phone effects are good or bad to us humans and will be able to help you determine
what are the misuse and abuse of phones. Hopefully this will also be enough
evidences and studies to prove our observation in our school St. Benilde School is
correct that students now a days have more time on phones compared to books
and also that phones are misused and abused. This research will also hopefully
help you on understanding more about phones in its good effect and bad effects
when misused and abused. You see clearly everything what is the good effects of
phones and its bad effects to us humans. It is stated on this research that phones
are a very helpful tool in our evolving generation but if used wrong or abused this
may be an addicting tool to us humans and we won’t be able to use the proper use
of phones anymore because we are blinded by the other functions on phones most
especially the entertainment functions of phones. So hopefully you can use your
phone in a right way and limited not for you not to be blinded by the other
functions of phones and misuse it or abuse it.

Conclusion: We can conclude that our observation was indeed correct

because of the results we received especially on our interview results plus the
support and promote of other studies and research with the same topic. Phones are
indeed relevant now a days in our generation and us humans now a days are using
it in a wrong way and abusing the usage of phones. Phones main purpose now a
days should be entertainment because people now a days use it for entertainment
purposes and not school work purposes.

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