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CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually and Maintains ongoing
reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with with colleagues on reflective practice and
practice to support practice individually and colleagues on the refinements in teaching action research in
student learning. Reflects with colleagues that is relationship between practice and connections supporting student
individually or with focused on methods to making adjustments in among the elements of learning and raising the
colleagues on immediate support the full range of teaching practice and the CSTP to positively level of academic
student learning needs. learners. 9/28/17 impact on the full range impact the full range of achievement.
of learners. 4/1/18 learners. 11/26/18
Engages in and fosters
reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on student
I regularly meet with the I regularly meet with the I began conducting
other Algebra 1 teacher other Algebra 1 teacher surveys at the end of all
to discuss which to discuss which the units we go over in
activities are working activities are working class. These surveys ask
6.1 Reflecting on and which aren’t and to and which aren’t and to the students what they
reflect overall. I have also reflect overall. I have also learned, what they found
teaching practice in
caught myself reflecting caught myself reflecting useful, and what are
support of student on some lessons I could on some lessons I could areas of improvement,
learning have done more have done more and what overall grade
effectively. You want to effectively. You want to they would give me as
be as clear and concise be as clear and concise the instructor for the
with how you teach so with how you teach so lesson. I like to think of
students go home students go home these surveys as digital
comprehending the comprehending the KWL charts. Needless to
material better. It is a material better. It is a say, students enjoy
never-ending process never-ending process grading the teacher for a
and I will continue to and I will continue to change. These surveys
work hard to achieve work hard to achieve are created as a Google
better teaching practices better teaching practices Document and sent to the
that support a full range that support a full range students so they can
of learners. 9/28/17 of learners. The evidence complete it using their
provided is the Chromebook. 11/26/18
calendar/agenda of the
first unit (and used The evidence provided is
subsequently in other my list of leadership
units) we cover in experiences and goals I
Algebra 1 at my site. This completed in Module 1 of
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
calendar was created by this semester. This list
the other Algebra 1 allows me to reflect on
teacher and we have my teaching practices
been utilizing it for the throughout the years and
past 2 years. help me find the proper
Collaborating with her methods of supporting
has been helpful for me student learning.
so I learn the correct 2/20/19 (Evidence
pacing and when to provided in my portfolio)
provide supplementary
assistance for students.
4/1/18 (Evidence as
seen on my portfolio)

Develops goals connected Sets goals connected to Sets goals connected to Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a broad
to the CSTP through the CSTP that take into the CSTP that are authentic goals range of professional
required processes and account self-assessment authentic, challenging, connected to the CSTP goals connected to the
6.2 Establishing local protocols. of teaching practice. and based on self- that are intellectually CSTP to improve
assessment. challenging and based on instructional practice and
professional goals Attends required Expands knowledge and self-assessment and impact student learning
and engaging in professional skills individually and Aligns personal goals feedback from a variety within and beyond the
continuous and development. with colleagues through with school and district of sources. classroom.
purposeful available professional goals, and focuses on
professional growth development. 2/1/18 improving student Engages in and Engages in ongoing
learning. contributes to inquiry into teacher
and development professional practice for professional
Selects and engages in development targeted on development.
professional student achievement.
development based on Pursues a variety of Contributes to
needs identified in additional opportunities professional
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
professional goals. to learn professionally. organizations, and
10/12/18 2/20/19 development
opportunities to extend
own teaching practice.

We have many I started using the The evidence provided

professional Toodledo application on here echoes that of the
development days my smart phone to 6.1 sub-standard. I
throughout the school establish professional believe my list of
year where we learn new goals and engage in previous leadership
practices for an effective continuous and experiences and goals
classroom. We meet as an professional growth and will help me establish
entire staff and proceed development. It is an future goals and engage
to meet with our easy-to-use app that continuous and
departments. I will begin helps keep me organized purposeful professional
incorporating goals and on task with the growth and development.
connected to the CSTP goals I am trying to Professional growth is an
more so in the coming accomplish. I have ongoing process and it is
weeks. The evidence recommended it to my important to set new
provided is a book we students as well since goals each year and
received at the most this is the first year my become a better educator
recent district math school site has not given as a result. 2/20/19
department meeting. them physical school (Evidence provided in my
This day was labeled as a planners. 10/12/18 portfolio)
development day since
we had a guest speaker
come and talk to us about
building assessment
literacy so we could
adopt and implement
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
these ideas in our
classrooms. Every math
teacher from the district
was there to learn from
the guest speaker. It was
an excellent day to
collaborate with
colleagues. 2/1/18
(Evidence as seen on my

Attends staff, grade level, Consults with colleagues Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates collaboration
department, and other to consider how best to colleagues to improve colleagues to expand with colleagues.
required meetings and support teacher and student learning and impact on teacher and
6.3 Collaborating collaborations. student learning. reflect on teaching student learning within Works to ensure the
practice at the classroom grade or department and broadest positive impact
with colleagues and
Identifies student and Begins to identify how to level. school and district levels. possible on instructional
the broader teacher resources at the access student and practice and student
professional school and district level. teacher resources in the Interacts with members Engages with members of achievement at school
community to broader professional of the broader the broader professional and district levels and for
support teacher community. 9/28/17 professional community community to access the profession.
to access resources that resources and a wide
and student
support teacher range of supports for Initiates and develops
learning effectiveness and student teaching the full range of professional learning
learning. 4/1/18 learners. 9/12/18 opportunities with the
broader professional
community focused on
student achievement.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
This is essentially what I This is essentially what I Some of my colleagues
have started doing with have started doing with have referred me to
my mentor this semester. my mentor this semester. Edmondo in order to
She has given me ideas She has given me ideas network with them and
on how to best support on how to best support with other educators in
teacher and student teacher and student the professional teaching
learning and overall learning and overall community. Edmondo
classroom management. classroom management. lets you post ideas,
There are plenty of There are plenty of calendars, and general
resources at our school resources at our school communication to share
site and it is imperative site and it is imperative with other teachers and
that we utilize them to that we utilize them to students. Students enjoy
their maximum potential their maximum potential Edmondo because they
to help our students to help our students get a different
succeed. 9/28/17 succeed. The evidence presentation of a lesson
provided is the mentor which they may find
log between myself and more helpful. It definitely
my mentor. We meet makes it simpler to share
twice a week for about valuable ideas with
15-20 minutes each time. others using this
These short meetings program. 9/12/18
help clear any doubts I
may have with the FOTIP The evidence provided
courses or to work on echoes what I wrote
with any teaching related down for sub-standard
questions. 4/1/18 4.5. Aside from
(Evidence as seen on my collaborating with my
portfolio) colleagues on campus, I
have been utilizing the
website, Teachers Pay
Teachers, to meet other
educators on a national
level. I have utilized their
assignments and
activities, and have
learned a few learning
methods as a result. I
have kept in touch with a
few instructors on that
website through email
and occasionally ask
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
them for suggestions and
advice. 8/13/18
(Evidence provided in my

Is aware of the role of the Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide range
family in student learning importance of the contribute to the and support for families of opportunities for
and the need for family’s role in student classroom and school. to actively participate in families to contribute to
interactions with families. learning. Seeks Adjusts communication the classroom and school. the classroom and school
6.4 Working with information about to families based on community. Supports a
cultural norms of families awareness of cultural Communicates to school/district
families to support
represented in the norms and wide range of families in ways which environment in which
student learning school. Welcomes family experiences with schools. show understanding of families take leadership
involvement at 9/14/18 and respect for cultural to improve student
classroom/ school norms. 1/12/19 learning.
events. 8/1/17
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Back to School night is I was at an Algebra The evidence provided is
when I initially meet Foundations 2 meeting the suggestion to the
parents and very briefly when I first heard of families of my students to
build a plan that will ClassDojo and how it utilize Khan Academy as
support their child. rewards student a tool to practice
Phone calls and email are achievement instantly concepts learned in class.
then used as the main through the use of a I usually get several
forms of communication tablet. The students sign emails about concerned
so we can discuss student up for this program with parents as to what their
progress. Parents play a the parent’s consent, and child can do to better
key role in student’s teachers then give points understand the material.
success because they to students for a correct Even though a personal
receive support both at answer, for an act of tutor is helpful, having
school and home. I have kindness, or they can also the students complete
noticed significant take away points if the practice problems using
growth in students student is not Khan Academy while
where parent participating or is not looking over their notes
involvement is high. The behaving in class. Parents is an excellent way of
evidence provided is a are also involved because self-teaching. They will
half-sheet of paper they get a weekly report ultimately be relying on
depicting the items of on their child’s progress. themselves when they
discussion during Back to This is crucial since we take the assessment, not
School night at my site encourage working with the tutor. 1/20/19
earlier this year. I families to support (Evidence provided in my
introduced myself to student learning at my portfolio)
parents and discussed school site. I am just
what is expected of my starting to get used to the
students as well as our program, but the
daily routines. I then students and parents all
answered questions from seem to appreciate this
the parents and briefly tool 9/14/18
met with them to build a
plan that will support
their child. 8/1/17
(Evidence as seen on my
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members to
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources to community resources to increase instructional
communities surrounding support the curriculum. support the instructional and learning
the school. Includes references or program, students, and opportunities for
connections to Includes knowledge of families. students.
Uses available communities in single communities when
neighborhood and lessons or sequence of designing and Draws from Engages students in
community resources in lessons. 5/1/18 implementing instruction understanding of leadership and service in
single lessons. 8/1/17 8/13/19 community to improve the community.
and enrich the Incorporates community
instructional program. members into the school
learning community.
This is an area of I do a brief Geometry unit The evidence provided is
improvement for me. with my Algebra my involvement in my
Most of my professional Foundations 2 classes student’s extracurricular
development and towards the end of the activities or athletic and
6.5 Engaging local collaboration with school year. I teach them arts/entertainment
communities in teachers comes within how to find the distance events. Showing my
the district and school and midpoint given 2 support to something
support of the
site. I haven’t really ordered pairs and also they are passionate about
instructional implemented community Pythagorean Theorem. goes a very long way and
program resources into lessons in What my students have develops a trust and
the past. Maybe by doing done in the past is use mutual respect. I have
so it will show students their Chromebook to go noticed that students will
the importance of a on Google Maps and find apply themselves more in
thriving community and a a map of Disneyland to the classroom if they feel
sense that the teacher is print out. We then use a that they are valued as an
aware of the surrounding coordinate plane individual inside and
areas they live in. The transparency to create a outside the classroom by
evidence provided is a grid overlapping the map their teachers. 8/13/19
picture of a local science of Disneyland. My (Evidence provided in my
center near my school students then proceed to portfolio)
site. This is a potential find the (approximate)
field trip destination for distances between some
the future to show of their favorite rides and
students the importance attractions at the park.
of math and science in the The inclusion of
real world. This science Disneyland for this
center is geared to activity engages a lot of
younger visitors, so it my students and gives
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
would be educational and them a real-world
fun at the same time. application to find
8/1/17 (Evidence as seen distance and midpoint. I
on my portfolio) will do this activity
towards the end of this
year once again. 5/1/18

Develops an Maintains professional Anticipates professional Integrates the full range Models professionalism
understanding of responsibilities in timely responsibilities and of professional and supports colleagues
6.6 Managing professional ways and seeks support manages time and effort responsibilities into in meeting and exceeding
professional responsibilities. as needed. required to meet advanced planning and professional
responsibilities to expectations. prepares for situations Responsibilities
Seeks to meet required Demonstrates that may be challenging. effectively.
commitments to students. commitment by Pursues ways to support
motivation and exploring ways to students’ diverse Maintains continual Supports colleagues to
commitment to all address individual learning needs and effort to seek, develop, maintain the motivation,
students student needs. 4/1/18 maintains belief in and refine new and resiliency, and energy to
students’ capacity for creative methods to ensure that all students
achievement. 12/10/18 ensure individual student achieve.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
My students know that I My school site is big on
am available for tutoring the idea of Mindset
any time at lunch and Mondays, which is where
after school on Tuesday we take some time and
and Thursday. I am talk about determination
approachable and will do ad motivation in
my best to help a mathematics. We tend to
struggling student encourage students to
understand the material. not give up when their
There has been a positive math homework
turnout during tutoring becomes challenging, but
hours and even at lunch instead see it is a
time. I make sure to challenge they can
inform the students not overcome. The words
to wait until the end of they chose should also
the semester to seek have a positive
help. They should make connotation, for example
an effort to ask questions instead of “I can’t” they
early on to avoid falling can say “I am having a
behind with the lessons. difficult time at the
The evidence provided is moment, but I will be
a printout of a sign I have able to”. The students use
posted in my classroom their Chromebook to
showing the students my watch a couple of videos
tutoring hours. This (on YouTube) regarding
serves as a reminder to that topic. It has managed
my students to inform to encourage many of my
them when I am available students to Mindset
if they seek additional Mondays is an effective
help. 4/1/18 (Evidence idea. 12/10/18
as seen on my portfolio)
The evidence provided is
the possibility of myself
becoming the next “Math
Coach” at my school site.
Responsibilities of a
math coach include
sharing best practices
that greatly impact
students learning to the
rest of the math
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
department. The Teacher
Leader Project I will
present could be used as
the first shared item I
present to my colleagues.
By researching and
finding new best
practices, I am managing
my professional
responsibilities and
maintaining motivation
in my department and
commitment to my
students’ learning.
12/10/19 (Evidence
provided in my portfolio)

Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site policies, Maintains a high standard of personal integrity and
contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* commitment to student learning and the profession in
all circumstances.
* As follows:
• Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community and
6.7 Demonstrating • Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which these holding peers accountable to norms of respectful
values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. treatment and communication.
• Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of learners,
responsibility, Contributes to fostering a school culture with a high
including English learners and students with special needs.
integrity, and • Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the degree of resilience, professional integrity, and ethical
ethical conduct California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. conduct. 1/7/18
• Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and district
guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
• Understands and implements school and district policies and state and federal
law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
• Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy, health,
and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
• Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
• Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
• Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school

I tell my students that not only are we becoming better mathematicians, but we
are working hard on becoming better students. There are plenty of daily routines
that will be crucial in their future classes. I especially do so in my class since most
of my students are freshmen. They need to be reminded of classroom expectations
at my school site. I treat every one of my students with respect and expect them to
show respect to their peers and teachers as well. I haven’t had a behavioral issue
during my brief time at the school site. Teaching is one of the most rewarding
careers and I wouldn’t change it for the world. The evidence provided is a picture
of my school site’s planner. This book allows the students to write down their
assignments, upcoming tests, and to ultimately become more organized. I make
sure all of my students write down their assignments and other reminders in their
planner. This organizational tool will benefit them for future courses in their
academic lives. (Evidence as seen on my portfolio)

I plan on showing my students my “Technology Tools and Resources” sub-page

next month to emphasize the importance of professional responsibility, integrity,
and ethical conduct while navigating through cyberspace. This is something I have
not done yet with any of my classes, so I am looking forward to the outcome. The
sub-page that I will show them has many tools hyperlinked, for example EasyBib
for citing sources and Good Character, which will guide students towards a sense
of becoming responsible citizens. 1/7/18

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