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Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education

Senior High School Department

Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

Subject Title: Oral Communication in Context Grade/Section: 11-Mathew & Mark

Quarter: 1st No. of Hours/ Semester: 80 hours/ semester
Semester: 1st Pre-requisite (if needed): N/A
Description of Subject: Core # of hours per session:
Teacher: Mrs. Caren B. Abellana

Part I: Lesson Outline

Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations.
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that mastering communication the process of communication is important in designing and performing effective oral communication activities.
Essential Question/s: How can students design and perform effective oral communication activities?

Content Performance Teaching Time- Target

Content Competencies Specific Objectives Key Concepts Values Evaluation
Standard Standard Strategies frame Schedule
The learner The learner The learner can: The learner can: Tactfulness 6 hours July 9-17,
Nature and understands designs and 2018
Elements of the nature and performs  1. Define  1. Define 1. Communication is the 1-2. Dialogue Psalm 37:30  1-2. 1-2. 1 hr.
Communication elements of effective communication. communicate process by which (ESV) “The Performance
 2. Explain the nature  2. Explain the nature people exchange 1. The students mouth of the Assignment
oral controlled and
and process of and process of messages. will find a pair. righteous
communication uncontrolled oral communication. communication 2. Communication is As a pair, they utters wisdom,
in context. communication achieved by delivering will decide on a and his tongue
activities based the message through simple topic. speaks
on context. oral or written symbols. They will justice.”
present their
dialogue to the

 3. Differentiate the  3.1 Describe the 3. The following are 3. Picture Analysis 3. Short Quiz 3. 1 hr.
various models of various models of some of the most Assignment
communication. communication. prominent models of The class will be
 3.2 Differentiate the communication: divided into groups.
various models of a. Aristotle’s Speaker- Each group will be
communication. Centered Model given a picture of a
b. Schramm’s Model of model of
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

Communication communication. The

c. Source-Message- group’s task is to
Channel-Receiver discuss the nature
(SMCR) Model and elements of the
d. Linear, Interactive, model given to them.
and Transactional After, one
Models representative will
explain the group’s
output to the class.

 4. Distinguish the  4.1 Identify the 4. Verbal 4. Think-Pair-Share 4. Long Quiz 4. 2 hrs.
unique features of unique features of communication involves
one communication one communication the use of language to The students will be
process from the process from the express ideas however; tasked to find a pair.
other. other. in communication, we As a pair, their task
 4.2 Distinguish the send messages not is to discussed the
unique features of only through words but following questions:
one communication also through non-verbal
process from the cues. 1. What are the
other. vocal and non-vocal
manifestations of
verbal and non-
2. What are the
unique features of
verbal and non-
3. How can you
distinguish verbal
from non-verbal
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

 5. Explain why there  5. Explain why there 5. There are times 5-6. Group 5-6. Short Quiz 5-6. 1 hr.
is a breakdown of is a breakdown of when the transmission Dynamics
communication communication of messages is
 6. Use various  6. Use various disrupted. These The class will be
strategies in order to strategies in order to disruptions which divided into groups.
avoid avoid communication prevent messages from Each group will be
communication breakdown. being interpreted are assigned to a
breakdown. known as noise. specific topic. They
will be given time to
6. To overcome noise discuss the topic
and misunderstanding, then, one
follow the basic representative will
strategies in report the group’s
communicating. output to the class.

As a speaker:
A. Use concise and
simple words.
B. Take note of the
environment and adjust
your voice accordingly.
C. Use verbal and non-
verbal means.
D. Consider your
listener’s context.
E. Pay attention to your
listener’s non-verbal
F. If your listener does
not understand your
messages, try to
rephrase the statement
or use gestures.
G. After speaking, give
your listener a chance
to share his/her
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

As a listener:
A. Practice self-
awareness by being
conscious of your own
behavior, feelings, and
B. Listen actively and
C. Use non-verbal cues.
D. Maintain eye contact
during the conversation.
E. Ask for clarification.
F. Provide feedback.

 7. Demonstrate  7. Demonstrate 7. Intercultural 7. Interactive 7. Short Quiz 7. 1 hr.

sensitivity to the sensitivity to the competence enables a Discussion Assignment
socio-cultural socio-cultural communicator to
dimension of dimension of understand and interact The teacher will
communication communication with other cultures by discuss the eight
situation with focus situation with focus applying attitudes and basic behaviors for
on on values, and intercultural
a. culture a. culture understanding competence. The
b. gender b. gender interaction skills. It students are
c. age c. age entails acceptance of expected to actively
d. social status d. social status and respect for one’s participate.
e. religion e. religion cultural identity and
open-mindedness and
sensitivity to others.
The following are the
eight basic behaviors
for intercultural
competence which
describe the attitudes
and behaviors needed
for an intercultural
A. Display of respect
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

B. Orientation of
C. Empathy
D. Interaction
E. Task role behavior
F. Relational role
G. Tolerance of
H. Emotional
expression and
interaction posture

The learner can: The learner can: 16 hours July 18 –

Functions of The learner The learner
Communication values the writes a 250-  1. Discuss the  1. Discuss the 1. Communication 1. Conversation 1. Essay 1. 4 hrs. 17, 2018
functions/purp word essay of functions of functions of serves five major writing
oses of oral his/her objective communication communication functions within a group The class will be
communication observation and  2. Identify the  2. Identify the or organization: control, divided into five
. evaluation of the speaker’s purpose speaker’s purpose social interaction, groups. Each group
various speakers motivation, emotional will present a
watched and expression, and conversation or
listened to. information. communication
situation that
2. The following are the highlights the
speaker’s purpose base following functions.
on the different 1. Control or
functions of regulation
communication: 2. Social interaction
a. Control or regulation: 3. Motivation
to manage the behavior 4. Information
of other. 5. Emotional
b. Social interaction: to expression
connect with each other
c. Motivation: to
encourage others to
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

improve or become
D. Information: to share
and gain information
E. Emotional
expression: to express
how they feel

 3. Watch and listen  3. Watch and listen to 3. The speaker 3-4. Film Viewing 3-4. Short Essay 3-4. 5
to sample oral sample oral effectively delivered Short Quiz hrs.
communication communication his/her piece through The teacher will Recitation
activities. activities. the use of his voice, present different
 4. Ascertain the  4. Ascertain the gestures, movements, videos that involve
verbal and non- verbal and non-verbal and/or visual materials. communication
verbal cues that cues that each 4. Verbal cues: spoken activities. The
each speaker uses speaker uses to words, written words students will be
to achieve his/her achieve his/her Non-verbal cues: sighs, tasked to identify the
purpose. purpose. screams, laughs, fillers, verbal and non-
vocal qualities, and verbal cues that
features each speaker uses.

 5. Comprehend  5. Comprehend 5. The two kinds of oral 5-6. Text Analysis 5-6. Activity 5-6. 4
various kinds of oral various kinds of oral texts are individual The class will be Sheet hrs.
texts. texts. presentation and group divided into groups. Reporting
 6. Identify strategies  6. Identify strategies interaction. Each group will be
used by each used by each 6. The following non- given a sample oral
speaker to convey speaker to convey verbal behaviors help text. The task of
his/her ideas his/her ideas the speaker convey each group is to
effectively. effectively. ideas effectively: identify the
Complementing, strategies used by
Contradicting, each speaker to
Accenting, Substituting, convey her ideas
Regulating, and effectively.
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

 7. Evaluate the  7. Evaluate the 7. The effectiveness of 7. Speech Delivery 7. Delivering a 7. 3 hrs.
effectiveness of an effectiveness of an an oral communication Speech
oral communication oral communication can be evaluated based The students will be
activity. activity. on its content, tasked to deliver a
organization, non-verbal short speech about
cues, vocal clarity and the topic that they
expression. had picked. Every
after presentation, a
student will be called
to evaluate the
performance of the

 5. Provide examples
of research in areas
of interest. 4. Quantitative and
qualitative research are
two broad categories of
research methods.
Qualitative research
aims to discuss and
analyze the underlying
concepts and theories
related to the study.
Meanwhile, quantitative
research uses statistical
data to explain a
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

 6. Fully appreciate
the importance of
research and its
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

 3. Describes
processes, and
ethics of research.
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

 4. Differentiates
quantitative from
qualitative research.

 5. Provides
examples of
research in areas of
interest (arts,
humanities, sports,
science, business,
agriculture and
fisheries, information
and communication
technology, and
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

social inquiry)

Part II- Assessment

1. Written Works
a. Formative Assessments
- Diagnostic test
- Drills
- Paper and Pen
- Oral Recitation
- Group activities
- Seatworks
b. Summative Assessments
- Long tests (3)
- Short tests (7)
- Guided Transfer (1)
- Written Assignment (10)

2. Quarterly Exam
a. 1st Quarter Exam
b. 2nd Quarter Exam

3. Guided Transfer
- Research Plan Outline
4. Performance Task
GRASPS: You are a young qualitative researcher hired by DOST to make a qualitative research. You have to present a study that is related to the social issues we are facing today in the field of science, technology and media. Based
on your approved title, you have to give a specific problem translated to research question/s. You have to present the first 2 parts, the introduction and review of related literature to the DOST Region 11 board members before the
research proposal. Your introduction and related literature must be well written, coherent and have proper citation. You will be graded according to the following: 1.) Cover page, 2.) Title, 3.) Introduction, 4.) APA Format, and 5.)
Writing Style.

Guide to Introduction and Review of Related Literature Making

A. Introduction:
1. Background of the Study
2. Statement of the problem/ objectives
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

3. Significance of the study

4. Scope and Limitation
5. Definition of Terms
B. Review of Related Literature

Criteria Description Points Rating
Title/Topic _____ a. Title is short but concise; provides a summary of the paper content. 5- a-e criteria were satisfied (Excellent)
_____ b. Title is within the intellectual capacity and interest of the researchers. 4- any 4 criteria were satisfied (Very Satisfactory)
_____ c. Title is narrowed down, focused or delimited to one issue. 3 - any 3 criteria were satisfied (Satisfactory)
_____ d. Title/topic can be studied within the course of time. 2 - any 2 criteria were satisfied (Unsatisfactory)
_____ e. Value added 1-any of the criterion is satisfied (Poor)
0- none of the criterion is satisfied (Non-compliance)
Introduction _____ a. Provides background for the choice of the topic. 5- a-e criteria were satisfied (Excellent)
_____ b. Describes problem/s or research gap to be solved with objectives which aligned with the title. 4- any 4 criteria were satisfied (Very Satisfactory)
_____ c. Significance of the study is described/ justified. 3 - any 3 criteria were satisfied (Satisfactory)
_____ d. Scope and limitation clearly states the parameter of the study. 2 - any 2 criteria were satisfied (Unsatisfactory)
_____ e. Terms included in the definition of terms are operationally defined. 1-any of the criterion is satisfied (Poor)
0- none of the criterion is satisfied (Non-compliance)
Review of Related Literature _____ a. Citations in the RRL were properly done in APA format. 5- a-e criteria were satisfied (Excellent)
_____ b. Includes thorough review of literature and studies related to the topic. 4- any 4 criteria were satisfied (Very Satisfactory)
_____ c. Findings of the related literature were properly described. 3 - any 3 criteria were satisfied (Satisfactory)
_____ d. Related literature were properly discussed. 2 - any 2 criteria were satisfied (Unsatisfactory)
_____ e. Value added 1-any of the criterion is satisfied (Poor)
0- none of the criterion is satisfied (Non-compliance)
Mechanics/ Grammar a. Abbreviation, proper punctuation and italics were properly observed. 5- a-e criteria were satisfied (Excellent)
b. Words were used according to their right context. 4- any 4 criteria were satisfied (Very Satisfactory)
c. Agreement between words (e.g. subject-verb) were observed properly. 3 - any 3 criteria were satisfied (Satisfactory)
d. Spelling of words are all correct. 2 - any 2 criteria were satisfied (Unsatisfactory)
e. The sentences are all in correct tenses; sentence construction is right. 1-any of the criterion is satisfied (Poor)
0- none of the criterion is satisfied (Non-compliance)

Teamwork Rubrics:
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

The assessment process for the Teamwork is composed of two parts. The first will be peer evaluation where every member in a team will evaluate his peers in the same team. The second will be done by the course instructor or the
assessment committee which will depend mainly on the final report and log book submitted by each group. These rubrics are designed for evaluating the role of individuals in acquiring this skill.

PART-I: Peer Evaluation Rubrics:

Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 1 point Points

Contributions Routinely provides useful ideas when Usually provides useful ideas when Sometimes provides useful ideas when Rarely provides useful ideas when
participating in the group. A leader/ participating in the group. A strong group participating in the group. A satisfactory group participating in the group and in classroom
member who contributes a lot of effort. leader/member who tries hard! leader/member who does what is required. discussion. May refuse to participate.
Problem-solving Actively looks for and suggests Refines solutions suggested by others. Does not suggest or refine solutions, but is Does not try to solve problems or help others
solutions to problems. willing to try out solutions suggested by others. solve problems. Lets others do the work.

Attitude Is never publicly critical of the project or Is rarely publicly critical of the project or Is occasionally publicly critical of the project or Is often publicly critical of the project or the
the work of others. Always has a the work of others. Often has a positive the work of other members of the group. work of other members of the group. Is often
positive attitude about the task(s). attitude about the task(s). Usually has a positive attitude about the negative about the task(s).
Focus on the Consistently stays focused on the task Focuses on the task and what needs to be Focuses on the task and what needs to be Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to
task and what needs to be done. Very self- done most of the time. Other group done some of the time. Other group members be done. Lets others do the work.
directed. members can count on this person. must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep
this person on task.
Working with Almost always listens to, shares with, Usually listens to, shares, with, and Often listens to, shares with, and supports the Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports
Others and supports the efforts of others. Tries supports the efforts of others. Does not efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good the efforts of others. Often is not a good team
to keep people working well together. cause "waves" in the group. team member. player.

PART-II: Project-Based Teamwork Assessment Rubrics:

Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia- School of Basic Education
Senior High School Department
Don J. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, near Japan – Philippine Highway
Ma-a, Davao City

S.Y 2018-2019

Criteria Description Points

1. The project was carried out by more than TWO members Scoring:
2. The work load and variety on each member seems fair 5 - a-e criteria were satisfied (Excellent)
3. Leadership role being assumed by each member for different tasks is evident 4 - any 4 criteria were satisfied (Very Satisfactory)
Teamwork 4. Contribution of each team members are identified 3 - any 3 criteria were satisfied (Satisfactory)
5. Value added 2 - any 2 criteria were satisfied (Unsatisfactory)
1 - any of the given criterion is satisfied (Poor)
0 – no answer

Part III- Grading System

Written Works- 25% (10% Long test, 5% quizzes, 5% assignments)
Quarterly Exam- 30%
Performance Task- 45% (15% Guided Transfer, 30% PT)
Total- 100%

Part IV- General Subject Rules

- Consult your adviser on making the research paper.
- Help one another is making the research.
- During classes, refrain from talking with you seatmates, texting and daydreaming.
- Always ask question/s if you do not understand any of the concepts given to you.
- Participate in all the activities given.

Part V- Learning Resources/Reading List

Textbook: Baraceros, E.(2016). Practical Research 1. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Bookstore.
Book References:1. Avilla, R. (2016). Practical Research 1. Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
2. Cristobal, A. & Cristobal, M. (2017). Practical Research 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc. Ratee Rater

T QL Sig T QL Sig
Prepared by: Checked and Rated by:


Subject Teacher SHS Focal Person

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