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1521 Madison Street

Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Ms. Mason Currier:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

I have greatly appreciated your guidance as my pre-health advisor for nearly two years. I
hope you have seen that I am driven toward fulfilling my dream of entering dental
school and becoming a dentist. More importantly, I hope you have noticed how hard I
have worked for so long to reach this goal. You know that in Syria, I was nearly finished
with my dental program and had to begin again upon my arrival in the U.S. In my
personal statement, I will address why I was a part-time student for most of my time
here (I was working to support myself). I was resourceful in contacting you and others
about finding financial assistance for the DAT prep course and other academic expenses.
I heeded your expert advice about waiting an extra year to apply so that I might become
a more competitive dental school applicant. I enjoyed our discussions and appreciated
how understanding you were about all I have been through and how hard I have worked
to pursue my goals, which will be a major part of my personal statement for my

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at

1521 Madison Street
Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Professor Auerbach:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

You will remember that I was in the Odyssey Program class of 2016-2017. I was so
fortunate to have your help with my financial and academic challenges in transitioning
from Madison College to UW-Madison. I hope you remember that I was a very active
participant, not missing a single class even after knee surgery. I think I helped my group
to form strong bonds. I engaged with the excellent teachers and guest speakers, asking
good questions and participating in discussions. You and I also had interesting
discussions about my personal history, my asylum case, world politics, etc. I enjoyed
learning your perspective about such things. I also appreciate how understanding you
were about all I have been through and how hard I have worked to pursue my goals,
which will be a major part of my personal statement for my application.

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at

1521 Madison Street
Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Dr. Schwarzbrott:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

I really enjoyed shadowing you during the summer of 2017. You might recall that Kris
Rasmussen instigated my contact with Access by trying to reach you, and was put in
touch with Dr. Pfeifer. Then, Dr. Pfeifer arranged for me to shadow you and others at
Access. I spent time at:
- the Erdman Clinic on South Park Street (Drs. Agnew, Sifakis, and Welles)
- the Evjue Clinic on East Washington (Dr. Pfeifer)
- the Sun Prairie Clinic (Dr. DeWolf) and
- the Celebrate Smiles Clinic (you!)
In addition to my over 100 hours shadowing at Access, I also spent time with Drs. Jay
Hazan (Dentistry for Madison) and Dr. Sifri at Smart Dental.

In order to be consistent with my personal statement and to reflect accurately upon my

time with you, I would appreciate if you would focus on my ability to connect in a very
positive way with the children in your clinic. I hope you remember that we had
excellent discussions resulting from my questions about your techniques. (I recall
specifically that you taught me how you distract a child about to receive an injection.)
Of course, anything else you can add about my time with you would be greatly

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at

1521 Madison Street
Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Dr. Sifakis:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

I have great memories of shadowing and talking with you the summer of 2017. I
observed many of your skillful extractions. I learned so much from my time with you. I
enjoyed our enthusiastic discussions about many things, including languages and how
being multi-lingual (like you) would be an advantage to me in communicating with
people from different cultures. I specifically recall your patience with a woman who
wanted all of her teeth extracted and how you gently persuaded her otherwise. I
learned so much from observing that, and other interactions, between you and your

During the summer of 2017, I shadowed for more than 100 hours at:
- the Erdman Clinic on South Park Street (you and Drs. Agnew and Welles)
- the Evjue Clinic on East Washington (Dr. Pfeifer)
- the Sun Prairie Clinic (Dr. DeWolf) and
- the Celebrate Smiles Clinic.
In addition to my over 100 hours shadowing at Access, I also spent time with Drs. Jay
Hazan (Dentistry for Madison) and Dr. Sifri at Smart Dental.

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at

1521 Madison Street
Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Dr. Hazan:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

I am so grateful for the experience of shadowing you during the summer of 2017.
Spending time with you in a private practice gave me a good balance to the many hours
I spent shadowing at various Access clinics. I learned a great deal about how technology
helps in the practice of dentistry from observing how you utilize such things as a 3D
printer for crowns. I enjoyed talking with you about many things, including my
background in Syria. You might recall that when I knew one of your patients (Paul
Rowe), I was professional and waited for Paul to acknowledge our connection.

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at

1521 Madison Street
Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Professor Paustian:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

You will recall that I took Microbiolocy 303 in Spring 2018. I received an AB (thank
God!). I sought help from you during your office hours, having scheduled at least one
appointment with you each week. This is consistent with my approach to learning – I
am not afraid to ask questions and seek help. I hope you remember the
metabolism/regulation concept map assignment and how thorough I was with that. We
also had interesting discussions about my personal history, world politics, etc. I enjoyed
learning your perspective about such things. I also appreciate how understanding you
were about all I have been through and how hard I have worked to pursue my goals,
which will be a major part of my personal statement for my application.

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at

1521 Madison Street
Madison, WI 53711

February 2019

Dear Professor Christopherson:

Thank you for your kind willingness to write a letter of recommendation for my
application to dental schools. I am honored at the prospect of having your name
associated with my application.

You will recall that I took Microbiolocy 304 Lab in Spring 2018. I hope you remember
how attentive I was to your instructions and how well I implemented them, consistently
improving my lab/hand skills. I scheduled office appointments with you weekly (in
addition to the two labs), because this is my approach to fully understanding any
coursework. I also sought direction from your TA (Bayleigh Benner). I enjoyed our
discussions and appreciated how understanding you were about all I have been through
and how hard I have worked to pursue my goals, which will be a major part of my
personal statement for my application.

Let me tell you about the process for uploading your recommendation. I have given
your email address to the company (Interfolio) that will accept your letter and link it to
my application. You should have a message from Interfolio in your inbox now. If you do
not, please let me know as soon as possible. If you could please upload your letter to
the link in the message from Interfolio by Monday, April 1, 2019, I would be most

I know we discussed this when I spoke with you about this letter, but as a reminder, I
would appreciate seeing a copy of your letter. You could send it by email to me at


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