PSMP Online Exception Program Application Form: Who Is Eligible

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PSMP Online Exception Program Application Form

Who is Eligible
The PSMP Online Exception Program (OEP) is designed for those who have extenuating
circumstances precluding their ability to attend the face-to-face cohorts. The OEP is not available
for individual catch-up on units.

Applicant details
Title Mr Ms Miss Mrs Dr

Family Name            
Preferred Name       Gender
Prefer not to specify

Employer Statement

This section to be completed by the applicant’s Supervisor/Manager

I confirm that I am unable to release the applicant for face-to-face workshops due to significant
work/personal responsibilities, as outlined below.


Supervisor’s signature Date

1800 145 041 PSM Program 2015 – Online Exception Program Application
Form Page 1 of 3 Version: 2015-29-06
PSMP Online Exception Program Application Form

Applicant Statement

This section to be completed by the applicant

I confirm that

1. I am unable to attend the face-to-face workshops due to significant work/personal

responsibilities as outlined below.
2. I have access to the technology required for the Online Exception Program
(outlined overleaf)


Applicant’s signature Date

1800 145 041 PSM Program 2015 – Online Exception Program Application
Form Page 2 of 3 Version: 2015-29-06
PSMP Online Exception Program Application Form

Program Delivery
Participants in the OEP will engage in fully online self-directed learning supported by the Virtual
Learning Environment, with the addition of webinars in each unit, email and telephone support.

Technology Requirements

Applicants will require a minimum level of technology to access the OEP Webinars and the PSMP
Blackboard Learning Management System. The requirements include:

1. Computer system:
 most current Mozilla Firefox web browser (required to run Blackboard and Webinars)
 reliable internet connection (broadband recommended: minimum speed of 2MB/s)
 Skype software installed and a Skype account (recommend testing equipment below and
Skype prior to applying)
 No internet restrictions to:

2. Equipment:
 headphone
 microphone
 webcam

3. Study environment:
A quiet space, with internet connection, with no interruptions for webinars

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Form Page 3 of 3 Version: 2015-29-06

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