Begginer Guide MovNat

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A Beginner’s Guide
To MovNat
- November 20, 2017 -


You don’t have to be an elite athlete living

in an exotic location to reap the benefits of
natural movement fitness.
Natural movement is for everyone. And you can get started at any age, ability, or fitness
level – whether you have a gym membership, live close to nature, or neither.
The truth is natural movement comes naturally to all humans, but efficient
movement does not. That’s why this page is loaded with beginner-friendly movement
workouts that are fun, challenging, and scalable to all ability levels so that you can start
feeling and moving better today.
We’re confident that if you commit to following one of the routines below, you’ll see
results right away, and be ready for more.

While it’s true that you’ll learn the fastest at a MovNat

workshop or certification with a group of people practicing alongside you, you can
get started just about anywhere on your own – even at home, with little or no
equipment. And that’s exactly why we’ve created this page for beginners.


Below, you will find a directory of some of our best resources for beginners, including:

• 5 tips for beginners to help you start feeling and moving better today
• 5 beginner level movement workouts to help you start seeing results
• A complete, 4-week beginner-level MovNat program to simplify the process of
beginning – just follow along and keep moving!
• And much more!

5 Tips For MovNat

Here’s what you need to know:

• Anyone can start practicing better movement today – young or old, elite athletes
or couch potatoes – anyone.
• You can go “all in” and start a complete workout program on Day 1. Or, you can
simply start experimenting with a couple movements during your normal
training sessions.
• You can work with a trainer, follow a program, or get started on your own using
some of the resources below.

1. Start with the basics to build a proper

foundation of movement.
At MovNat, we believe that you need to walk before you can run, and crawl before you
walk. That’s why we always teach foundational skills first. Things like efficient
breathing, ground positions, get-ups, and crawling before more advanced skills like
lifting, climbing, and vaulting. It can be tempting to jump into the more difficult or
fancy-looking movements right away, but it’s always better to master the basics first.
You can use this video, which is Part 1 of our Restoration series, to start laying the
proper foundation of movement.

2. Give yourself permission to make

If you’re a human, then every movement you make is natural, but that doesn’t mean
every movement you make is efficient. And in our experience, most people have
difficulty moving with efficiency without proper instruction and practice. There’s
usually a learning curve, which involves some mistakes here and there, and is usually
coupled with humility as you realize you can’t move the way a human ought to be able
So, in the beginning, focus most of your attention and energy on skill development.
Always pay attention to the quality of your movement – your technique. And prioritize
the efficiency of your movement before conditioning.
It’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time. Or, the first ten. Keep practicing and you
will improve with time.
“Patiently persistent practice, produces proper practical progression.” – Eric Brown,
MovNat Team Instructor

3. Progress gradually through all of the

various movement domains.
It’s so easy to only work on those things that we’re good at – our strengths. But our
weaknesses need to improve, too. So, avoid the temptation to specialize, and instead,
strive for gradual improvement in all of the various movement skills.
Start with the basics, like ground movements, get-ups, and crawling. Then move onto
the gait skills of walking and running. Then lifting and carrying, throwing and catching,
climbing, jumping, vaulting, swimming and self defense.

Our beginner-level course, From The Ground Up, is a perfect way to start on this
journey of practicing the full spectrum of natural human movement skills. Here’s Part 1
of 12.
Note: you can Click Here to check out all 12 parts of the From The Ground Up

4. Train smart.
We know it sounds cliché, but it’s critical that you listen to your body and work within
your limits. If a movement just doesn’t feel right, regress to an easier version or try
something else. There are virtually unlimited ways to move and no shortage of training
options. And there’s almost always a way to regress a movement to an easier variation.
So, there’s no need to force anything that could put you at a risk of injury. Also, avoid
any movements that cause you pain, and learn to tell the difference between pain and
MovNat is a very safe, progressive system for improving your natural movement. And
it’s a lot safer when you are mindful of those signals your body is sending you.

5. Start working on Ground Movement

from Day 1.
Ground Movement is one of the most foundational elements of the MovNat system that
packs a ton of unique benefits, and we believe everyone should incorporate some
groundwork into their routine. You can use groundwork as part of your warmup or
workout, as a morning “wake up” routine, or as a standalone practice session anytime.
We have many resources to help you get started. Here is the first video of an eight-week
program on groundwork, by MovNat Master Instructor, Danny Clark.

Also, here are some additional resources on Ground Movement.

• On Sitting
• All About Ground Movement
• Getting Up, Getting Down
• Kneeling: Can you do it comfortably and efficiently (like this)?
5 Beginner Level
Movement Workouts
Below, you will find five beginner-level MovNat combo workouts that you can use to
start practicing the basics in an organized workout format. These are meant to serve as
examples, and you can modify the movements or programming to suit your personal
needs, goals, and circumstances.
A simple program would be to use these workouts 3-5 times per week for one month.


Instructions: complete 3 rounds of the following:

• Side Bent Sit Reverse – 8x

• Rotational Bridge – 8x
• Standing/Kneeling Variations – 8x
• Vertical Jump – 4x
• Broad Jump – 4x
• Side Swing Hang – 10x


Instructions: complete 3 rounds of the following:

• Side Bent Sit To Standing – 8x

• Hip Thrust Crawl – 8x
• Broad Jump to Precision Landing – 8x
• Forward Swing Hang – 5x
Instructions: complete 3 rounds of the following:

• Foot Hand Crawl – 20 feet

• Leg Swing Jump to Precision Landing – 8x
• Jump to Front Swing- 8x
• Deep Knee Bend Hang – 8x


Instructions: complete 3 rounds of the following:

• Inverted Crawl – 20 feet

• Deadlift (20 Pounds) – 8x
• Balancing Split Squat – 8x
• Running at Medium Speed – 50 yards


Instructions: complete 3 rounds of the following:

• Foot Elbow Crawl – 20 feet

• Deadlift (20 pounds) – 8x
• Balancing Split Squat with Carry (20 pounds) – 8x
• Running at Fast Speed – 50 yards
• Walking at Brisk Speed – 50 yards

Want A Complete
MovNat Workout
Here’s a complete, 4-week MovNat workout program for beginners that requires
minimal equipment and can be done almost anywhere. This is a general program that
will improve not only your movement skills, but also your strength, conditioning, and
mobility, among other things. More specifically, this program will help you gain
strength through natural movements performed in a way that resembles everyday life.
Keep in mind that the best approach is always to adapt the training to your own needs,
weaknesses, or goals and to customize your program, as needed. This is a central
component of the MovNat system, and you have permission to make changes to the
program below to better suit it to your needs.
Week one is all about “context-free” locomotive drills (i.e. unloaded movements). Such
movements do not need to adapt to complex environmental demands and can be
performed on any flat surface, indoors or outdoors, anywhere. The drills will be pretty
similar each day this week. You will, however, progressively perform more repetitions
so you become a bit more comfortable with them everyday. Practice not just the
physical side but also mindfulness by focusing on quality movement patterns, including
joint stability, a tall posture, and balance, as well as a strong, yet slow and relaxed
abdominal breathing.
Practice each drill separately so you become familiar with those movements from a
proprioceptive standpoint. You may follow the specific number of reps indicated, or
you may solely focus on sensations instead and practice as long as the movement feels
beneficial to you.
Note: Click the name of any movement below to view a video that demonstrates proper

• Stepping Over x 4: Perform dynamically, avoid counterbalancing with the upper
body. Switch sides.
• Stepping Under x 4: Perform dynamically, avoid rounding the back. Switch
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting Reverse x 4
• Assisted Squat x 8: Hold at the bottom and bounce softly a few times before
standing up.
• Split Squat x 4: Keep front knee stable, switch sides.
• Deep Knee Bend x 4: Maintain a tall posture.
• Deep Knee Bend Stances x 4: Hold stance for about 10 seconds each time.
Maintain a tall posture and stable ankles and knees.
• Medium Kneeling to Tall Kneeling x 4
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Half-kneeling x 4: Switch sides.

• Dynamic Stepping Over x 8: Perform dynamically, avoid counterbalancing with
the upper body. Switch sides.
• Dynamic Stepping Under x 8: Perform dynamically, avoid rounding the back.
Switch sides.
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting Reverse x 8
• Assisted Squat x 16: Hold at the bottom and bounce softly a few times before
standing up.
• Split Squat x 8: Keep front knee stable, switch sides.
• Deep Knee Bend x 8: Maintain a tall posture.
• Deep Knee Bend Stances x 8: Hold stance for about 10 seconds each time.
Maintain a tall posture and stable ankles and knees.
• Medium Kneeling to Tall Kneeling x 8
• Deep Knee Bend to Medium Half-kneeling x 8: Switch sides.

• Slow and Controlled Stepping Over (alternate sides) x 10
• Slow and Controlled Stepping Under (alternate sides) x 10
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting Reverse x 10
• Assisted Squat x 20
• Split Squat (alternate side) x 10
• Deep Knee Bend x 10
• Deep Knee Bend Stances x 8 (hold for 20 seconds)
• Deep Kneeling to Tall Kneeling x 10
• Deep Knee Bend to Deep Half-kneeling (alternate side) x 10
• Split Deep Knee Bend Reverse (alternate side) x 10

• Stepping Over x 10: Perform in a slow and controlled manner. Switch sides.
• Stepping Under x 10: Perform in a slow and controlled manner. Switch sides.
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting Reverse x 12
• Assisted Squat x 30: Hold at the bottom and bounce softly a few times before
standing up.
• Split Deep Knee Bend Reverse x 12
• Deep Kneeling to Tall Kneeling x 12: Shift bodyweight backward as your knees
go to the ground.
• Deep Knee Bend to Deep Half-kneeling x 12: Switch sides.

This week you are being introduced to “context-adaptive” locomotive drills, i.e.
unloaded movements that must adapt to environmental demands. Some moves are
similar to those of the first week and others are new and more challenging. Expect more
reps right off the bat as the first week of practice should have loosened up your joints a
At first, train with simple and safe props as indicated. You are free to increase
complexity and challenge as long as it is not detrimental to movement quality (or your
own safety). For instance, instead of using a 2×4, you may use a rounded metal bar for
balancing on. Ultimately, movements may have to adapt to real-world parameters that
can be significantly more demanding. But if you’re a beginner, don’t underestimate the
challenge of a simple 2×4 board.

• Stepping Over Hurdle x 10: Perform dynamically, avoid counterbalancing with
your arms. Switch sides.
• Stepping Under Hurdle x 10: Perform dynamically, avoid rounding the back.
Switch sides.
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting to Tall Split Kneeling x 10: Switch sides
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Deep Knee Bend x 6: Perform while balancing. Avoid
counterbalancing. Hold the tall stance 10 seconds each time.
• Deep Squat x 20
• Slow Split Squat x 10: Perform while balancing. Avoid counterbalancing.
Switch sides.
• Dynamic Split Squat x 10: As above.

• Stepping Over Hurdle x 10: Perform dynamically, avoid counterbalancing with
your arms. Switch sides.
• Stepping Under Hurdle x 10: Perform dynamically, avoid rounding the back.
Switch sides.
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting to Tall Split Kneeling x 12
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Deep Knee Bend x 8: Perform while balancing. Avoid
counterbalancing. Hold the tall stance 10 seconds each time.
• Deep Squat to Tall Kneeling x 15
• Dynamic Deep Knee Bend x 10: Perform while balancing. Avoid
counterbalancing. Start standing and get back to a standing position.
• Slow and Controlled Deep Knee Bend Stances x 10: Perform while balancing.
Start standing, lower your body slowly, and hold the deep stance for 10 seconds.

• Stepping Over Hurdle x 10: Perform slowly, avoid counterbalancing with your
arms. Switch sides.
• Stepping Under Hurdle x 10: Perform slowly, avoid rounding the back. Switch
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting to Tall Split Kneeling x 14: Switch sides.
• Deep Squat to Medium Kneeling x 20
• Deep Kneeling to Lateral Half-kneeling x 20: Switch sides.
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Deep Knee Bend x 10: Perform while balancing. Avoid
counterbalancing. Hold the tall stance 10 seconds each time.
• Stepping Over Hurdle x 10 : Perform slowly, avoid counterbalancing with your
arms. Switch sides.
• Stepping Under Hurdle x 10: Perform slowly, avoid rounding the back. Switch
• Lateral Figure Four Sitting to Tall Split Kneeling x 16: Switch sides.
• Deep Squat to Deep Kneeling x 20
• Deep Kneeling to Lateral Half-kneeling x 20: Switch sides.
• Deep Kneeling to Lateral Half-kneeling to Split Kneeling x 10: Switch sides.
• Split Deep Knee Bend Reverse x 12: Perform while balancing on a narrow
Note: all moves are loaded at an appropriate level.

• Stepping Over x 8
• Stepping Under x 8
• Lateral Figure Four Seated to Tall Split Kneeling (Alternate sides) x 8
• Deep Knee Bend x 8
• Deep Knee Bend Stances x 8 (Hold as long as you can.)
• Split Squat (Alternate sides) x 8
• Medium Kneeling to Tall Kneeling x 8
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Half-kneeling (Alternate sides) x 8

• Stepping Over x 12
• Stepping Under x 12
• Lateral Figure Four Seated to Tall Split Kneeling (Alternate sides) x 12
• Deep Knee Bend x 12
• Deep Knee Bend Stances x 12 (Hold for 10 seconds)
• Deep Squat x 12
• Deep Squat to Medium Half-kneeling (Alternate sides) x 12
• Deep Squat to Tall Kneeling x 12

• Deep Squat x 16
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Deep Knee Bend x 6 (Hold the tall stance for 10
• Deep Squat to Deep Half-kneeling (Alternate sides) x 16
• Deep Squat to Medium Kneeling x 16
• Deep Kneeling to Lateral Half-kneeling (Alternate side) x 16
• Split Deep Knee Bend Reverse x 16

• Deep Squat x 20
• Deep Knee Bend to Tall Deep Knee Bend x 8 (Hold the tall stance for 10
• Deep Squat to Deep Kneeling x 20
• Deep Kneeling to Lateral Half-kneeling (Alternate sides) x 20
• Deep Kneeling to Lateral Half-kneeling to Split Kneeling (Alternate sides) x 20
• Split Deep Knee Bend Reverse x 20

h t t p s : / / y o u t u . b e / I w 7 v 0 6 W R y N A


h t t p s : / / y o u t u . b e / Z t w 2 t q E s c Q 4


h t t p s : / / y o u t u . b e / J m l n t d y 0 E Q Q


h t t p s : / / y o u t u . b e / 7 o o _ b 8 E N H B Q

Next Steps
We hope you’ve enjoyed these beginner-friendly MovNat resources and have already
noticed substantial benefits. We also hope this gives you a taste of how varied, practical,
and adaptive the MovNat fitness system can be.
If you want to learn more about fitness for the real world and deepen your practice of
natural movement fitness, please take the next step in your journey and join us at
a MovNat workshop or certification near you!

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