Prologue: Lucid (Webtoon) Jun. 14, 2018 (FIRST DRAFT)

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(Printed with an unregistered version of Fade In)

Jun. 14, 2018 (FIRST DRAFT)

Written by Tiffany Tolones and O'Neil Cerdena
Art by Diane Engana

I never had dreams, only NIGHTMARES.
Not a huge fan of sleeping. Even just
the act of closing my eyes terrifies
me, 'cause I know how it always end.
Every single time for the past 439

Panel One
The panel starts with a gradient of the night sky, and we
scroll down to see a small shack in the middle of nowhere.

There's a faint of light inside it, something sketchy is

definitely happening.


Your backing out?!?

Panel Two
A wide shot of Kael, sitting on a couch and looking
exhausted as usual.

Inside, the place looks like a shed filled with tools and
old school equipment.

Kael! Are you crazy?

Panel Three
Push in on Kael's face, smirking at Nikki. Though we can
still see the eyebags in his face, this dude NEEDS TO SLEEP.

Seriously Nikki? Have you seen
yourself lately?
(Printed with an unregistered version of Fade In)

Panel Four
We see Nikki holding a weird looking object, a hypnotizing
medallion type stuff.

Her hair all tangled up, her school uniform tucked out. She
still looks cute, but she definitely needs a make-over.

What? I always look pretty!

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