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Performing the City

A Hybrid Composting Center and Urban Food Park in Seattle , WA

Dechen Marie Sarah Gonnot

A thesis
submitted in par tial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of

Master of Architecture
University of Washington

Rick Mohler
Bob Mugerauer

Program Authorized to Offer Degree:

© Copyright 2015
Dechen M Gonnot
University of Washington


Performing the City

A Hybrid Composting Center and Urban Food Park in Seattle , WA

Dechen Marie Sarah Gonnot

Chair of the Super visor y Committee:

Associate Professor Rick Mohler
Depar tment of Architecture

This thesis investigates how the built environment can be a catalyst to enhance the design and performance of our cities. As cities con-
tinue to grow, so do their demands for space and resources. Global municipal solid waste (MSW) is one of the most impor tant by-prod-
ucts of today’s way of life . It is being produced at an alarming rate and with irreparable costs to our quality of life and our environment.

In light of the City of Seattle’s new and visionar y ban on organic and compostable waste in garbage , a zero waste model for a new 10-
acre public park is proposed on a prominent site at the hear t of the city. A composting facility and food hub are inser ted to perform
an open landscape . The resource life-cycling of organic waste to food is exposed on one site to bring awareness to the global waste
problem and showcase a new socially responsible model that performs the site and its larger city.
Thank-you to my professors for their insight, and my family and friends for their continuous suppor t.
I am especially grateful to my father for his guidance and inspiration throughout my academic journey.
a hybrid [composting] center and [urban food] p a r k i n S e a t t l e , WA
Figure 1 Landfill (image from RecycleRiga)
Table of Contents 0. introduction

I. the glob al waste problem

II . the americ an landsc ape of food waste

III . s e at t l e ’ s pat h to n e t [ zero waste ]

I V. resource lifecycling with ad+composting technology

V. c a s e - s t u dy Zero Waste , San Jose , US

The Plant, Chicago, US
Meerlanden, NL

VI. t h e l o c a l f o o d / ya r d wa s t e s y s t e m

V II . all eyes on [ site ]

V III . a [ new model ] of urban performance

IX. conclusion

X. list of figures

XI. bibliography
0. i n t r o d u ct i o n

The city is bound by its hor izontal and ver tical spatiality, its quality of density and access to
the natur al resources it depends on. An increasing urban population threatens environmental
str ain and natur al resource depletion. Present day cities are faced with concer ns of urbaniza-
tion and its direct effect on climate change , economic dismay of r ising ener gy pr ices from high
supply demand, resource depletion, pollution, aging infr astr ucture and more . The densification
of urban center s continues to be a threat to the public safety and health of over half of the
wor ld’s inhabitants and the planet we live on.

However, the city is both a solution and a problem. Wor ld population growth is inevitable ,
but its r ising costs of basic human needs is not. Smar t densification and better perfor ming
cities can slow down the acceler ating depletion of the wor ld’s resources and its costs, and
welfare . Finding ways to tur n the problems of urbanization into solutions can increase , and
most impor tantly preser ve , a basic quality of an urban lifestyle which is the fundamental reason
cities exist and individuals choose to live in them. The architecture of cities star ts to ser ve as
the physical manifestation of rethinking perfor mance in urban center s that will pro-actively
engage entities within their lar ger fabr ic and retain an essential quality of urban life , which is
the hear tbeat of any city.

“ Designing a dream city is This thesis explores a new str ategy for addressing the densifying City of Seattle’s two major
easy; rebuilding a living one concer ns of renewable ener gy and municipal solid waste , by preser ving the city’s preference

takes imagination. ” for fresh and local food and unique scener y. The city becomes a source of inspir ation and a
model of oper ation. A [Zero Waste] public par k is proposed to perfor m the site , neighborhood
Jane Jacobs, Downtown is for People .
and city better by promoting food and waste education, green jobs, affordable and fresh food
production, renewable ener gy, composting, open space , community and economic viability.

I. t h e g l o b a l wa s t e p ro b l e m

The amount of global municipal solid waste (MSW), commonly known as tr ash or garbage in
the United States, is one of the most impor tant by-products of today’s way of life . It consists
of daily items discarded by the urban public . MSW has sur passed the r ate of urbanization and
is being produced at an alar ming cost and r ate . These global costs are social, environmental
and financial. Most of this global waste is being produced in urban center s, yet its detr imen-
tal impact resonates across the globe . The most common pr actice of solid waste handling is
landfilling, a non-sustainable pr actice of bur ying waste . The United States alone produces 1/4
of all global waste with only 5% of its population. The countr y’s vast land mass allowed for
the pr actice of landfilling to dominate past MSW disposal pr actices. The growth of US urban
center s and their need for space drove the eligibility of landfill sites to lower by 80% of which
it is today. Expor ting waste to other countr ies is now being pr acticed with landfilling. These
unsustainable and costly options have some US cities looking for longer-ter m solutions with
concepts of Reduce , Reuse and Recycle or Net Zero Waste initiatives.

2 Figure 2 The global waste problem (illustr ation by Br ian Fr ay)

65% landfilled + incinerated

In 2012

251 million tons of MSW

US MSW landfills are the
3rd largest source of
human-related methane emissions

35% composted + recycled

168 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions

were eliminated and
1.1 quadrillion Btu of energy were saved

Figure 3 2012 United States processing of MSW (US EPA)

“ t h r o u g h a m o v e to w a r d s s ta b l e o r d e c l i n i n g p o p u l at i o n s ,

d e n s e a n d b e t t e r - m a n ag e d c i t i e s c o n s u m i n g f e w e r r e s o u r c e s ,

a n d g r e at e r e q u i t y a n d u s e o f t e c h n o l o g y ,

w e c a n b r i n g p e a k wa s t e f o rwa r d a n d d ow n .

t h e e n v i r o n m e n ta l , e c o n o m i c a n d s o c i a l b e n e f i t s w o u l d b e e n o r m o u s . ”

Dan Hoor nweg, Per inaz Bhada-Tata and Chr is Kennedy, Waste Production Must Peak This Centur y .
4.4 lbs per
2.7 lbs per per day
per day

World United States

Figure 4 2010 daily global waste (US EPA)

II . t h e a m e r i c a n l a n d s c a p e o f f o o d wa s t e

The United States is one of the major producer s of all global waste . The lar gest component
of MSW in US landfills is or ganic waste including food waste . $165 billion dollar s is spent per
year ly aver age to landfill the major ity of this food waste that could be recycled and composted
into a sellable product. Reducing the amount of food wasted in the US would have significant
environmental, economic and social benefits.

When food decomposes in landfills it produces a significant source of methane gas (CH4).
Though natur ally processed through soil and chemical reactions in the atmosphere , this unnat-
ur al and lar ge quantity of methane emission from landfills cannot be eliminated through the
usual natur al process. Landfills are the 3rd lar gest source of human-related methane emissions
in the United States. This CH4 gas has 21 times the global war ming potential of carbon diox-
ide (C02), which explains why US landfills can directly be linked to GHG emissions and global
war ming. Composting food waste helps diver t GHG emission, but the technology used to pro-
cess food waste into compost deter mines the amount of GHG emissions diver ted from the
atmosphere . Reducing the amount of food wasted also has environmental benefits of improving
facility sanitation, health and safety.

The economic benefits of decreased landfilled food waste is lower MSW disposal costs, lower
over-purchasing and labor costs and possible food donation tax benefits. CH4 is also the main
ingredient of compressed natur al gas (CNG) and landfilling and/or composting is more impor-
tantly a lost oppor tunity to capture and use , and/or sell, this renewable natur al gas.

The United States wastes an estimated...

70 billion pounds of food per year

$165 billion to landfill 95% of this food annually

...while 50 million Americans do not have access to enough food

Figure 5 United States food waste statistics (US EPA + NRDC , image from FoodManufacture
II . t h e a m e r i c a n l a n d s c a p e o f f o o d wa s t e

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Depar tment of Agr iculture (USDA) is
fighting against food waste through policy, research and public/pr ivate par tner ships. The US
EPA is wor king on “feeding people not landfills” by changing the culture of food waste on a
national level. In thinking beyond recycling, composting and disposal, they are focusing on the
tr ansitioning of waste management into sustainable mater ials management (SMM). This sys-
temic approach reduces mater ial use and its cor related environmental impacts over the entire
life-cycle of waste resources. By focusing on the resource life-cycle of food waste , for exam-
ple , it is apparent that not only food is wasted but all the resources that went into producing,
collecting and deliver ing this purchased and then wasted food.

Most of our urban food is being grown, picked and packaged far away from cities. The or ganic
waste that this food produces is also tr ucked out of our cities to be processed elsewhere .
People living in cities are completely removed from not only the process, but also the un-
der standing of how food and or ganic waste occur. We commonly access fresh produce in our
super mar kets and for get what kind of environment enables these products to exist at our
finger tips. By being removed from the oppor tunity to under stand the life-cycle of food and
waste , it is not supr ising that so much food is wasted along ever y step of the process. A lo-
calized model of the full life-cycle of food to or ganic waste on one urban site would begin to
br ing awareness and education through visual and physical exper ience to br ing an end to the
unfor tunately Amer ican landscape of food waste .

< <
<<<< < <
<< City
<< Waste

<< <<
Figure 6 Typical decentr alized and single-direction flow of food to or ganic waste resources through a [ city ]

< <
<<<< Food
<< City
<< Waste
Figure 7 Proposed localization model of the life-cycle of food to or ganic waste resources in a [ city ]
III . s e a tt l e ’ s p a t h t o n e t [ z e ro wa s t e ]

“Zero waste” is a philosophy that refer s to the diversion of all solid waste from landfills
and inciner ator s. It does not imply that cities should be producing no waste , but r ather reuse
this waste as a resource for something else . The redesign of resource life-cycles eliminates
the quantity and toxicity of urban solid waste that is globally polluting land, water and/or air
at a non-sustainable r ate and threatening the entire planet’s welfare in result. Preser ving and
recover ing wasted resources by managing their life-cycles eliminates most existing environ-
mental, social and economic costs.

Some major US cities have implemented “zero waste initiatives” to r adically tr ansfor m the
costly problem of solid waste into an economical and efficient guide to living and pr acticing
a more sustainable and quality lifestyle . Major West coast cities have taken the lead in setting
high “net zero goals” to be met within the next 15 year s.

The City of Seattle , Washington, has announced a 72% net zero goal by 2025. Seattle is the
23rd most populous city in the United States with 652,405 inhabitants, and is one of the top
twenty fastest-growing major cities in the nation. The city and its residents have a histor y of
being at the forefront of leading MSW by rewor king its system to increase recycling and com-
posting through public education and encour agement campaigns.

Figure 8 The City of Seattle , WA

III . s e a tt l e ’ s p a t h t o n e t [ z e ro wa s t e ]

The city fir st highlighted guiding pr inciples of zero waste in its solid waste comprehensive
plan “On the Path to Sustainability” in 1998. These pr inciples facilitated Seattle in banning all
recyclables (not including or ganics) from garbage for residential, and recyclable paper/card-
board for commercial in 2003. Since this became effective in 2005, Seattle has been focused
on addressing its or ganic waste and specifically composting its food waste , which is its lar gest
MSW component.

In 2007, Seattle released its “Zero Waste Study” after a 5 months comprehensive study testing
MSW collection str ategies to diver t significant and costly tonnage from being disposed in land-
fills. An “Ever y Other Week Pilot Design” project was implemented to test household or ganic
recycling in populations that posed unique challenges (e .g. per sons of minor ities, language
bar r ier, isolation, lower-income) and had low recycling response r ates. The city lear ned that its
highly diver se areas disposed of more garbage per household, but had greater reductions in
garbage disposal after addressing their challenges through the pilot progr am. In the following
year s it became mandator y for single and multi family households to sign-up for weekly or-
ganics collection.

On Januar y 1st, 2015 Seattle became to fir st city in the United States to pass a ban on food
and compostable paper in garbage for all sector s. Compostables are the biggest tar get left in
Seattle’s waste stream. 30% of its landfilled MSW is compostable . Over 100 garbage samples
were tested from city businesses with existing food waste collection, and 50% of components
are compostable . There is 6 months of educational and infor mational tagging. This new ban will
force sector s to proper ly dispose of all recyclables (including or ganics and compostables), and
Figure 9 Seattle food/yard waste collection br ing Seattle closer to its 60% MSW diver sion r ate by the end of 2015.

On January 1st, 2015 Seattle banned
all food + compostable paper from garbage

Figure 10 Seattle’s new 2015 ban (photo from

III . s e a tt l e ’ s p a t h t o n e t [ z e ro wa s t e ]

The city’s new 2015 ban is proving effective . Commercial subscr iptions are up by 91.2% and
an additional 3,000 tons of food/yard waste was collected according to Seattle Public Utilities’
fir st quar ter “2015 MSW Repor t”. Increasing Seattle’s solid waste diver sion from landfills fur-
ther s its goal to control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The success of this ban can be attr ibuted to Seattle residents favor izing the ban 7:1, which
builds upon the positive exper ience of the 2005 ban and is reflective of the city’s decades of
public education and encour agement campaigns on the benefits of recycling and composting
MSW. The ban is also endor sed in the city’s “Solid Waste Plan” and Seattle Public Utilities
“Str ategic Business Plan”, which engage public agencies, stakeholder s and pr ivate consultants
to wor k together towards the same net zero vision of the City of Seattle .

Figure 11 2015 fir st quar ter food/yard waste tonnage increased by 3,000 tons (Seattle Public Utilities)

III . s e a tt l e ’ s p a t h t o n e t [ z e ro wa s t e ]

The City of Seattle’s strengthening tech industr y is creating high-skill ser vice with high-wage
employment that is attr acting more professionals to the city. This force is consequentially
dr iving demand for housing, retail spending and lower-skill ser vices in the food and dr inking
sector s. Seattle is cur rently projecting, and planning for, a 20% growth increase in population
by 2035. We know that with more people living and wor king in the city in the next 20 year s,
the more waste will be produced.

How can Seattle begin to think beyond its successful approach to recycling, composting and
disposal, and tr ansition to a waste management system of resource life-cycling in light of its
projected growth? How can the city integr ate green technology to tr ansfor m its growing waste
resource into an economical, efficient, profitable and reusable product?


0 0 p e ople
, 0 0 0 jobs


financial crisis

+70,000 u

2005 2015 2025 2035

Figure 12 Seattle projected growth (Seattle DPD)

a n a e r o b i c d i g e s t i o n c a n b e a n i n t e g r a l pa r t o f t h e s o l u t i o n

to t w o o f t h e m o s t p r e s s i n g e n v i r o n m e n ta l c o n c e r n s

i n u r b a n c e n t e r s : wa s t e m a n ag e m e n t a n d r e n e wa b l e e n e r g y .

i n t h e a n a e ro b i c d i g e s t i o n p ro c e s s , s p e c i a l i z e d b ac t e r i a d e c o m p o s e

o r g a n i c m at t e r . . . i n a n o x y g e n - d e p l e t e d e n v i r o n m e n t to p r o d u c e

b i o g a s a n d a s ta b l e s o l i d . e a c h o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s c a n b e u s e d f o r b e n e f i c i a l

p u r p o s e s to c l o s e t h e l o o p i n o r g a n i c w a s t e m a n a g e m e n t .

anaerobic digestion has been successful in reducing

t h e v o l u m e o f w a s t e g o i n g to l a n d f i l l , d e c r e a s i n g e m i s s i o n s o f

g r e e n h o u s e g a s e s a n d c r e at i n g o r g a n i c f e r t i l i z e r .

The Ear th Institute of Columbia Univer sity, Anaerobic Digestion .

I V. resource lifecycling with ad+composting technology

Solid waste is commonly disposed of and processed in open air (landfilling). As this solid waste
decomposes it releases GHG emissions into the air and atmosphere , which contr ibutes to
global war ming and threatens the welfare of the entire planet. What anaerobic digestion (AD)
technology provides is a way to decompose waste on a smaller footpr int and in a closed loop
system, fully closed off from any oxygen, so that all the methane and carbon dioxide gases are
captured and tur ned into renewable ener gy (heat/power) and biogas. In the case of food/yard
waste , the solids left over become compost and liquid fer tilizer. Anaerobic digester s make the
processing of waste and sewage sustainable , profitable and highly effective .

Anaerobic digestion technology solves par t of the two most pressing environmental concer ns
of urban center s: waste management and renewable ener gy. For decades Europe has been using
anaerobic digestion technology to tr ansfor m its MSW into a significant source of renewable
ener gy from natur al gas. In the United States, wastewater is typically treated with AD technol-
ogy. However, the use of such technology for or ganic waste processing has been discovered
recently. A combination of pilot AD and composting facilities are star ting to emer ge along
the West coast of the US. The technology r anges from smaller and modular ADs (waste from:
brewer ies, schools, residential units, etc .) to lar ger scale oper ations (waste from: univer sities,
municipalities, etc .). Unfor tunately, cost is a major factor holding back the spread of this meth-
od of disposing MSW in the United States. However, these initial investment costs are much
lower than the typical alter native when looking at the long ter m social, financial and environ-
mental costs.

V. c a s e - s t u dy | z e ro wa s t e , s a n j o s e , u s

Zero Waste Ener gy Development Company (ZWEDC) is the owner and developer of the Zero
Waste Facility located on an old landfill in San Jose , Califor nia. ZWEDC was created in 2011
to advance organics recover y infrastructure for the City of San Jose . This combined AD and
composting facility suppor ts the city’s 2007 “Green Vision” goal, while conver ting waste into
renewable ener gy. The facility is housed inside a 100,000 sq. ft. building annually processing
90,000 tons of commercial or ganic waste . 16 high-solids dr y fer mentation digester s extr act the
ener gy value of the or ganic waste being processed. Two combined heat and power (CHP) units
tr ansfor m this ener gy from biogas into electr icity. Less than 20% of all electr icity produced
is used to power the entire facility. The rest is used to power other waste resource recover y
oper ations (e .g. the nearby wastewater treatment plant and mater ials processing facility) and
any excess electr icity left over is sold to the gr id. All of San Jose’s commercial or ganic waste
is tur ned into compost. Unfor tunately the quality of this compost is too high in non-biode-
gr adables (e .g. pieces of glass) to become a sellable product. The final compost, which is only
as good as the quality of its separ ated waste collection source , is sent to be landfilled. This is
one of the multiple challenges still needing to be addressed by the city and ZWEDC to reach
their goal of 100% zero waste by 2022.

biogas (storage) chp

19 Figure 13 Zero Waste AD Facility, San Jose , US (images from Biocycle .net +
Figure 14 Integr ated AD + composting facility flow diagr am (diagr am from Iona Capital Ltd)
receiving hall + s ta g i n g a r e a digesters s o rt i n g + s e tt l i n g b a y

biogas storage c o m b i n e d h e at - p o w e r u n i t (chp) o u t d o o r w i n d row c u r i n g pa d s

Figure 15 Images of Zero Waste facility, San Jose , US

V. c a s e - s t u dy | the plant, chic ago, us

The Plant is a sustainable and ”net zero energ y ver tical farm and business incubator” housed
in a for mer meat packing plant. Bubbly Dynamics, LLC founded the project on a model of
“closing waste , resource , and ener gy loops” in the for m of a 93,500 sq. ft. building and co-r uns
the space with the non-profit Plant Chicago, NFP. This project diver ts over 10,000 tons of
annual food waste from landfills by processing all of its or ganic waste on site with an anaer-
obic digester. This AD produces all of the building’s heat and power needs, and the building’s
production activities are pr ior itized dur ing off-peak electr icity hour s in the evenings so that
the electr icity produced from or ganic waste processing can be sold back to the gr id for peak-
hour profit. Sustainable food businesses are per manently housed at low ener gy costs and low
rent. They are inter related through a complex system of net zero ener gy, sustainable food
production and social enter pr ise within the building and the adjacent community. Tenants fea-
ture a total of 30,000 sq. ft. of aquaponic growing systems and 27,000 sq. ft. of ar tisanal food
production. The educational progr amming oper ated at The Plant is oper ated by the non-profit
Plant Chicago. Topics include urban space reuse , and local and sustainable food production.
Beyond closing resource loops, this visionar y model creates a template to be replicated and
adapted on a building and neighborhood scale to empower all people to create healthier and
more efficient cities.

22 Figure 16 The Plant, Chicago, US (image from

Figure 17 Building resource flow cycle (image from
building adaptive reuse anaerobic digester f a r m f o o d p r o d u ct i o n

h y d r o p o n i c f o o d p r o d u ct i o n a q u a p o n i c p r a w n p r o d u ct i o n p u b l i c e d u c at i o n + outreach

Figure 18 Images of The Plant (images from

V. c a s e - s t u dy | meerlanden, nl

The town of Meer landen, adjacent to the Schiphol Air por t in Amsterdam, r uns on an in-
tegr ated anaerobic digestion and composting plant to produce the resources necessar y to
oper ate the entire town’s “decentralized green circular economy”. In 2009, Meer landen de-
cided to upgr ade its or ganic waste composting infr astr ucture to high-efficiency composting
tunnels instead of their open-air windrows. This allowed the town to reclaim some land for a
new AD plant and reduce their GHG emissions. Dutch regulations prohibit the use of liquid
fer tilizer from or ganic digestate on fields due to its high nitr ate content (over fer tilization),
so a high-solids AD system was implemented to minimize liquid digestate production. 55,000
tons of annual residential and commercial or ganic waste is processed into: renewable ener-
gy (CHP) to power and heat all oper ations, CO2 and heat for greenhouse food production,
compost for crop-vegetable production, biomethane (CNG) to power vehicles and water to
clean streets. By maximizing mater ial recycling and ener gy efficiency, Meer landen provides a
new net zero model on a town scale .

25 Figure 19 Meer landen Master plan and AD+Composting Facility, NL (by of Hitatchi Zosen | NOVA)
Figure 20 Kompogas high-solids AD helps closing the loop (by Hitatchi Zosen | NOVA)
Figure 21 Mass balance of Meer landen plant including Kompogas AD (by Hitatchi Zosen | NOVA)
VI. t h e l o c a l f o o d / ya r d wa s t e s y s t e m

The City of Seattle wor ks in public and pr ivate par tner ship to collect, haul and process its
municipal solid waste . There are 2 companies that haul this source separ ated waste with the
help of 146 compressed natur al gas (CNG) tr ucks: Waste Management and CleanScapes. These
hauler s provide their own refueling stations. The city is broken up into 5 collection zones
where garbage , recyclables, and food/yard waste is collected on a weekly calendar per zone .
The composting of food/yard waste is bid out to processing companies on 2 year contr acts.
Recyclables and garbage waste is tr iaged at Seattle’s Nor th and South tr ansfer stations, then
relocated and processed outside of the city, the state and even the countr y.

Washington state suppor ts the composting of or ganic waste , but it is the 22+ composting
companies that dr ive this into reality as well as carbon reduction standards. In 2014, Seattle
composted 22,365 tons of or ganic waste . Waste Management hauled 28,776 tons of food/yard
waste to Cedar Grove’s processing facilities in Maple Valley and Everett, WA. CleanScapes
hauled over 24,391 tons of food/yard waste to Lenz Enter pr ises in Stanwood, WA. None of
Seattle’s food/yard waste is processed into compost inside the city, which r aises costs and adds
to vehicular tr affic . Cedar Grove , which used to process all of Seattle’s yard waste star ting in
1989 as par t of Seattle’s “clean green” composting progr am, had previously looked into an AD
and composting system upgr ade from open windrows and aer iated static piles. Due to high
cost, str ingent per mitting and high-regulations on such systems, it is now using a membr ane
laminate technology with a “fully automated aer iation/leachate collection trenching system”.
Lenz Enter pr ises uses concrete bunker s with low-fr iction aer ation floor s and a mass bed.
Composting diver ts GHG emissions that landfilling does not, however it is the technology used
to process this or ganic waste that deter mines the extent of methane and carbon dioxide gas
diver sion.

Figure 22 Seattle MSW Collection Zones Map (map from

28 acres

10 acres

[ C E D A R G R O V E , M A P L E V A L L E Y, W A ] [ C E D A R G R O V E , E V E R E T T, W A ] [ L E N Z E N T E R P R I S E S , S TA N D W O O D, WA ]
+8,945 tons of food/yard waste +19,831 tons of food/yard waste +24,391 tons of food/yard waste
from West and South collection zones from NW collection zone from NE and Centr al collection zones

Figure 23 2014 food/yard waste processing facilities contr acted by Seattle (images from Google Maps)
[ N O RT H T R A N S F E R S TAT I O N ]

[ SITE ]


Figure 24 Site location (basemap from

VI. t h e l o c a l f o o d / ya r d wa s t e s y s t e m

The City of Seattle has successfully implemented source seper ation or ganics (SSO) on its path
to zero waste , and is one of the US cities best managing its or ganic waste . Seattle needs to
star t utilizing moder n waste technologies to solve its pressing concer ns of MSW and ener gy
demands from a growing population. More people will be moving to, and wor king and living in
Seattle in the next 20 year s. Seattle receives most of its ener gy from hydropower, which it no
longer consider s a renewable ener gy. Hydropower has also increasingly become volatile with
climate change in the recent year s. This inevitable growth will put more pressure on gener ating
increasing ener gy and waste demands.

This thesis offer s a new zero waste model of a composting center in the hear t of Seattle . The
site is located in between the city’s MSW Nor th and South tr ansfer stations and is accessible
to and from them through Highway 99. It is conveniently located in the greater downtown,
which is one of the 3 main urban center s to absorb most of Seattle’s future growth accord-
ing to Seattle’s 2015 Comprehensive Plan. This proposed integr ated anaerobic digestion and
composting center will absorb the new food/yard waste for all of the Centr al Seattle zone
(which produced 5,247 tons of food/yard waste in 2014), while showcasing a new and socially
responsible model for perfor ming the site and city better.


Figure 25 Seattle Center Campus, Uptown Neighborhood (base from Google Ear th)
V II . all eyes on [ site ]

The City of Seattle’s comprehensive plan has highlighted the area of Uptown, in Lower
Queen Anne , as one of the existing “Urban Villages” that will be used to lever age projected
growth and benefit the lar ger city. A recently developed urban design fr amewor k (UDF) for
this urban center will apply a community-dr iven approach of a walkable , livable and connect-
ed Uptown to meet the city’s comprehensive goals. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
lays adjacent to the Seattle Center along 5th avenue Nor th. This pr ivate foundation is said
to be the lar gest and wor ks all over the wor ld. It provides approximately 1,227 jobs in Seat-
tle (as of September 2014). With its proximity to Downtown, the waterfront and South Lake
Union (the city’s fastest developing neighborhood and biotech industr y home), Uptown is a
pr ime and untapped site for smar t growth.

Uptown’s identity is at its hear t. The Seattle Center’s 74-acre urban par k is an enor mous
presence providing a combination of tour ist attr actions, hosts 30 top regional enter tainment
powerhouses, a solid core of ar ts-related and educational institutions and more than a dozen
smaller groups. It attr acts an aver age of 12 million visitor s and creates 15,534 jobs annually.
Seattle Center is also home to the City of Seattle’s most identifiable landmar k: the Space
Needle . Or iginally built in 1962 for the Seattle Wor ld’s Fair, named “Centur y 21”, the iconic
Needle and the rest of the exposition provided visitor s with a glimpse of the future . It gave
Seattle inter national recognition, shaping its culture and legacy.

Seattle Center suppor ts a campus growth fr amewor k that will showcase green technology,
gener ate revenue through mixed progr amming and reaffir m itself as an urban par k. Their vi-
sion is to open-up the once enclosed grounds of the Wor ld’s Fair to the neighborhood to
continue to shape the local and global culture of the wor ld.

3 rd ave nu e
2 n d ave nu e

4 t h ave nu e

5 t h ave nu e
m e rc e r s t

seattle cornish m c c aw h a l l m e rc e r kcts 9

re p e r t o r y p l ay h o u s e a r t s a re n a
t h e a t re

bill + melinda
g a t e s fo u n d a t i o n
re p u b l i c a n s t

SITE g a t e s fo u n d a t i o n
visitors center

fo u n t a i n

a re n a

armory emp


key arena international 5th gates foundation

fountain ave v i s i t o r ’s c e n t e r
V II . all eyes on [ site ]

This thesis proposal is sited on Memor ial Stadium Zone at Seattle Center. It is prominently
located at the Nor theast cor ner of the 74-acre urban campus, across from the Gates Foun-
dation along 5th avenue Nor th. Or iginally a lar ge and open field from 1928 used for spor ting
and public events by the name of Civic Fiels, the cur rent 10-acre site hosts a par king lot off of
5th avenue Nor th and a 12,000 seat outdoor and atheltic stadium (only the Nor th bandstand
is in use today). Memor ial Stadium, design by architect Geor ge Stoddard, opened in 1947. Its
existence preceeds the lar ger Seattle Center campus developed for the 1962 Seattle Wor ld’s
Fair that introduced Seattle to the rest of the wor ld. The stadium hosted the major ity of the
opening ceremonies. The Seattle School Distr ict purchased the stadium and par king lot in 1944
from the city for $1. It is used for high school football games, and rented to adult recreational
leagues and for per iodic concer ts/festivals.


38 Figure 26 View South to city from Nor th bandstand at Memor ial Stadium
civic field m e m o r i a l sta d i u m

1928 1944 1947 1951

Image from PaulDor Image from from Image from from Image from from Wikimedia.or g

amateur + HS spor ts, events HS distr ict purchased land from city for $1 amateur + HS spor ts, events WWII HS student memor ial wall
+ 9,000 seats + 17,000 seats

public park

1962 2009 2015 2035...

Image from Image from from Panor Image from from

wor ld’s fair opening ceremonies professional + amateur + HS spor ts local + sustainable food/waste
amateur + HS spor ts some perfor mances production + education
+ 17,000 seats 6,000 seats used perfor mances + events
net zero public par k

Figure 27 Site histor y and evolution

V II . all eyes on [ site ]

Memor ial Stadium has under gone some repair s since it was fir st conceived (e .g. roof) in 1947.
Only the Nor th bandstand is cur rently made accessible for public attendance of professional
spor ts games, and its 6,000 seats are r arely all sold. According to King County Assessor re-
cords, it is the par king lot that is gener ating annual revenue of around $700,000 for the Seattle
Public Schools distr ict. The entire Memor ial Stadium Zone is valued at $46.8 million. The City
of Seattle and the Seattle Center plan to reappoint Memor ial Stadium Zone with flexible and
open-lawn for perfor mances, and par king below gr ade (2008 Seattle Center Master plan). This
consider able move would visually and physically open up the lar ger campus to the street, the
neighborhood and the rest of the city. The walled off site would once again be ser vicing and
accessible to the greater public . The battle continues to convince the Seattle Public School
distr ict to relocate . If this were to happen, the proper ty would legally default back to the city
for it to allow the Center to make use of this pr ime site .

5t h av e n pa r k i n g l ot m e m o r i a l s ta d i u m

40 Figure 28 Memor ial Stadium Zone consists of the 5th ave N par king lot (left) and Memor ial Stadium (r ight, image from
V II . all eyes on [ site ]

The existing stadium provides access to lar ge tr ucks along its Nor ther n edge which abuts the
hard edge created by the back of house of Mccaw Hall (oper a house) and Mercer Ar ts Arena.
The 5th avenue Nor th par king lot has 241 par king spaces. It leads the public to the stadium’s
two entr ance gates that filter onto a level platfor m feeding into the bandstands. Only the
South gate and Nor th bandstand are being cur rently oper ated for public access to games. De-
spite the stadium being walled off from its context and sunken below gr ade , it sits in the center
of an architectur ally and progr amatically r ich context. Open views to sky and downtown are
enhanced with some of Seattle’s most prominent landmar ks such as the Space Needle , the Key
Arena and the EMP. The entire glass wall of the Gates Foundation Visitor’s Center prominently
views onto the 5th avenue Nor th par king lot.

41 Figure 29 Memor ial Stadium access (base from Google Ear th)
key arena


SITE forest

gates visitors center

hard edges soft edges views + v i s ta s

Figure 30 Site analysis X

key arena



r st
visitors center

5th ave

gates foundation

Figure 31 Site context

<< Food/Yard
<< <<
Waste Recovery

<< <<
Eat Food
<< << Processing

<< <<
<< <<
Grow Food Energy + Soil


Figure 32 Resource life-cycling diagr am (top left image from, top r ight image from
X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

There are two major site str ategies are proposed for the new Memor ial Stadium Zone mas-
ter plan. The fir st connects the 10-acre site with its immediate context and the greater city by
removing the existing per imeter wall and meet the topogr aphical gr ade changes with open
landscape . A public par k will not only integr ate the site by allowing more porosity into the
campus, but it will highlight the histor ical edges and create a gr and entr ance into the hear t
of the campus with public visibility and access along 5th avenue Nor th. As increasing density
begins to erode the urban fabr ic of the greater downtown, this public and open par k will help
preser ve the hear t of the city, Seattle Center Campus, that contr ibutes to the urban quality
of the Seattle lifestyle .

A composting facility is inser ted into the Nor th and West par ts of the site , while a food
production facility will be inser ted to the South. The public par k will cover the entire facility
progr ams with landscape by inser ting them under ground on the existing stadium site , which
cur rently sits between 17 to 33 feet below its per imeter gr ade . The only existing on gr ade
access to the stadium ground level is off of 4th avenue Nor th. The composting facility’s main
entr ance will be sited there for on street access and visibility. This location also abuts Mccaw
Hall’s existing loading access r amp along the Southeast edge of the site . This existing r amp will
be expanded for garbage tr uck access to the facility receiving hall. All other food and food/
yard waste resources will be moved under ground through a common par king gar age . An under-
ground par king access r amp is proposed off of the Exper ience Music Project museum’s existing
drop-off route . The second site move is the proposal of under ground progr am.

X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

Par ts of the existing Memor ial Stadium foundations will be adaptively reused and integr ated
ro o f
into the new str ucture of the proposed progr am. The Nor th bandstand foundations will house
the main receiving hall and digester s of the composting facility, while the South bandstand
foundations will house the conditioned food rooms of the food production facility.

stairs + seating

columns + beams

floors + walls
re u s e

47 Figure 33 Existing bandstand str ucture

p e a - patc h

m e rc e r s t

g r e at l aw n

4 t h ave N

5 t h ave N

Figure 34 Master plan

[food hub]
O C O underground food rooms
greenhouse market
control room
food collection + distribution

H H topsoil (garden/lawn, dry fertilizer)
[renewable energy] compost (soil amendment)
CHP mulch (top-dessing beds) [AD+composting facility]
electrical power
source separation collection
receive + sort
process + stage
AD anaerobic digestion
CO2 + MH4 diversion
in-vessel composting
indoor curing pads [public park]
process + sort community pea patch
compost lab stabilized compost pads
packaging + distribution bioswale + retention basin
hard + soft space

Figure 35 Master plan resource life-cycling diagr am (left image from GuyanaChronicle .com)
X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

Urban far ming and small-scale sustainable food production is thr iving in Seattle . The city has
suppor ted a culture of community pea-patches, local far mer s mar kets, urban far ming and
now food tr ucks. Local and fresh produce is abundant in Seattle though it is not always ac-
cessible . The master plan proposes using the site as an urban food par k powered by a com-
posting facility. The under ground food production facility would produce affordable , local and
fresh produce to the public by using the latest ver tical far ming technologies (e .g. Plant Lab
NL). As the proposed composting facility processes more food/yard waste with growth in
the greater downtown, more resources are produced to expand the food production facility
into the proposed and tempor ar y par king gar age . The more food/yard waste is produced in
Seattle , the more food can be produced in under ground food rooms on site . Moder n ver tical
far ming techniques offer a solution to aging or un-used buildings in urban center s, while pro-
ducing fresh produce with the least amount of resources.

The food interface above ground focuses on public awareness and outreach throughout the
10-acre public par k. Seeing food being grown, using food crops as landscape vegetation and
having access to eating fresh food creates a new standard of urban far ming that is conducive
to a healthier Seattle and quality lifestyle .

swe e p i n g facility
temporary path
flexible parking
flexible plaza ( f u t u re fo o d
n ew w a r g re a t p ro d u c t i o n
p e r fo r m a n c e memorial wall l aw n ro o m s )
fo o d plaza + eve n t s c re e n

Figure 36 Master plan section (EW view S)

X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

The proposed master plan functions with the success of its composting facility, which produc-
es the key resources to oper ate and maintain the entire 10-acre site . All of the cur rent and
future food/yard waste produced in the Centr al Seattle municipal solid waste collection zone
will be hauled to this new facility for processing into valuable resources. This facility integr ates
modular anaerobic digestion (AD) technology with the composting of or ganic waste in fully
enclosed building envelop. This allows the facility to take on more waste with the growing ton-
nage of Seattle’s greater downtown. With moder n technology the composting facility produces
combined heat and power, liquid fer tilizer and a compost product. Or ganic waste is diver ted
from landfills and methane emissions are captured as a valuable source of renewable ener gy.

AD + composting facility
fo o d / y a rd w a s t e waste collection


re n ew a b l e e n e r g y w a s t e p ro c e s s i n g
co2 + liquid fertilizer

52 Figure 37 Composting facility waste processing

food production rooms composting facility


E 4 t h ave N

5 t h ave N

Figure 38 Ground level plan

scrubbers settling sort
b ay

ro o m i n d o o r a e r a t e d w i n d row s

loading zone chp

f l a re

collect + sort

ro o m


re c e i v i n g
b ay


c o n fe re n c e
ro o m garbage

4 t h ave N

Figure 39 Composting facility plan (ground level)

f l a re fe a t u re

v i ew i n t o f a c i l i t y b e l ow
ove r l o o k a c c e s s i b l e g re e n ro o f


Figure 40 Composting facility section (EW view S)


1 seating steps

2 entry + educational gallery


3 garbage truck ramp


13 4 re c e i v i n g b ay
5 collect + sort

6 a n a e ro b i c d i g e s t e r s
14 5

7 biogas storage chambers

8 c h p + f l a re
9 biofilter

6 4
10 sort
11 i n d o o r a e r a t e d w i n d row s

12 scrubbers

13 s e t t l i n g b ay + l o a d i n g z o n e

14 m e c h a n i c a l ro o m

Figure 41 Composting facility diagr am

X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

The proposed composting facility pr ior itizes the flow of food/yard waste throughout the dif-
ferent stages of its composting process. Garbage tr ucks dump the waste weekly dur ing in a
receiving bay. It is then collected with a small backhoe along a conveyor belt to be manually
and machine sor ted. Once most non-or ganics are removed, the waste is inser ted into an an-
aerobic digester for a per iod of 21 days (peak methane yield). A mixture of water, bacter ia,
heat and oxygen is pumped through to acceler ate or ganic decomposition and the waste mass
is typically reduced down to 2/3 of its or iginal size . Commercial composting facilities typically
use and waste a lot of water to process or ganic waste . The integr ation of ADs in the process
allows for minimal water usage on a closed-loop system, which stores and reuses the water
and bacter ia mixture . At the same time Biogas is captured above each AD and tr ansfered to a
combined heat and power unit (CHP) to be tr ansfor med into renewable ener gy.

re c e i ve , c o l l e c t + s o r t digest + sort c u re , s e t t l e + l o a d

57 Figure 42 Composting facility progr am

Figure 43 Facility view of inter ior
X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

The par tially digested waste is then tr ansfer red into a lar ger digester for another 4 to 5 days.
This step removes 90% of the ammonia remaining, which reduces odor compounds. The com-
post is sor ted again for non-or ganics. All of the digester s’ air is tr ansfer red to a biofilter room.
The air is pumped through a mixture of wood chips and compost for cleansing, and re-circu-
lated into the building. An aver age of 3 air exchanges per hour occur in the entire building,
except for the cur ing stage . An indoor aer ated windrows system is proposed to remove any
strong odor s from leaking into the public par k. The air in this space is pushed through nearby
scr ubber s with a similar mixture of wood chips and compost, and the space requires 5 air
exchanges per hour. The compost is placed in 9 foot tall piles within the windrows and oxy-
gen is pumped through. A machine tr avels along the piles to rotate the compost ever y 7 days
(minimum). After 4 to 5 weeks the compost is ready to be loaded and delivered across the city.

re c e i ve , c o l l e c t + s o r t

digest + sort

c u re , s e t t l e + l o a d

Figure 44 Composting facility flow

X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

The composting facility’s main entr ance leads onto a public galler y suppor ting waste educa-
tion. Despite the need for the facility to oper ate in a closed-envelop, cur tain walls are used
along the building’s South facade for exter ior visibility and daylighting. Educational tour s are
offered to promote local composting and the benefits of or ganic waste . The facility will wor k

bicycle recycling
in public and pr ivate par tner ship with existing educational waste progr ams throughout the
city to promote Seattle’s path to zero waste .

The Centr al Seattle solid waste collection zone that the proposed facility cater s to is hauled
by Recology CleanScapes. The company offer s community and school wor kshops and tr aining
cater ing to the proper recycling of municipal solid waste , and the impor tance of reusing and
reducing waste . They also offer waste audits to help univer sity campuses, schools and busi-
education programs
nesses to minimize environmental impact while reducing the cost of their solid waste .

community events

neighborhood rewards

60 Figure 45 Recology student tr aining on waste recycling (images from

Figure 46 Composting facility view of entr ance (at 4th ave N par k entr y) X
X. a [ new model ] of urban performance

This composting facility enables the abundant and municipal resource of food/yard waste that
continues to grow with density to cycle back into new life for the benefit of the site and the
city. The integr ation of anaerobic digestion technology with composting is emer ging on the
West Coast of the US out of need to reduce the ener gy and water costs of processing solid
waste . Additionally, the use of ADs allow for the expedited decomposition of or ganics by at
least half and on a much smaller site footpr int. This technology offer s the possibility of small
to lar ge scale composting within urban environments.

Seattle is one of the cities leading a successful composting progr am city wide , which increas-
es its share of the municipal solid waste stream recycled annually. However, the city is still
spending money to haul and process or ganic waste outside of the city. A new high-tech facility
integr ating anaerobic digestion technology with composting, which could be plugged into the
city’s existing MSW system, would enable the city to financially profit from its own or ganic
waste r ather than spend money for someone else to gain from it.



r e c e i ve collect sor t digest sor t cure settle load


62 Figure 47 Composting facility plugs into city food/yard waste system

IX. conclusion

Wor ld population and its global waste problem continue to increase with an estimated in-
crease of 9 billion people over the next 25 year s. It is imper ative that cities star t to embr ace
the potential of or ganic waste to dr amatically reduce the detr imental social, environmental and
financial costs of global waste . By focusing on making cities and urban center s responsible for
composting their or ganic waste , the quality of life of the entire planet begins to improve and
the r ate of climate change is reduced.

The City of Seattle is already leading the way towards a zero waste future . Compostables are
the biggest tar get left in its solid waste stream. In response , the city passed the fir st Amer i-
can ban on food and compostable paper in garbage for all residential and commercial sector s.
A proposed [zero waste] public par k in the hear t of Seattle would foster the city’s goal to
restr ucture its waste management and processing system even fur ther, while absorbing the
additional waste produced from its densifying greater downtown. This new par k would be a
showcase for the latest green technology in processing or ganic waste into a compost product
and renewable ener gy.

As urban populations inevitably continue to r ise , density growth and its str ain on resources will
continue to threaten the public safety and health of future cities. It is clear that the benefits
and potential of food/yard waste composting is a catalyst towards a global shift in tur ning our
waste into a long-ter m the solution.

X. list of figures

Figure 1 Landfill (image from RecycleRiga)

Figure 2 The global waste problem (illustr ation by Br ian Fr ay)
Figure 3 2012 United States processing of MSW (US EPA, 2012 MSW Character ization Repor t, p.1,2,4,7,10)
Figure 4 2010 daily global waste (US EPA, 2010 MSW Revised Fact Sheet, p.1-2)
Figure 5 United States food waste statistics
(US EPA, The Food Recover y Hierarc hy: Social Benefits. < y/>)
(NRDC Issue Paper by Dana Gunder s, Wasted: How Amer ica Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food
from Farm to Fork to Landfill, August 2012. P.1,)
(image from FoodManufacture
Figure 6 Typical decentr alized and single-direction flow of food to or ganic waste resources through a [city]
(far left image from, left image from
Figure 7 Proposed localization model of the life-cycle of food to or ganic waste resources in a [city]
(top left image from, top r ight image from
Figure 8 The City of Seattle , WA
Figure 9 Seattle food/yard waste collection
Figure 10 Seattle’s new 2015 ban (image from
Figure 11 2015 fir st quar ter food/yard waste tonnage increase
(Seattle Public Utilities, Measur ing Effectiveness of Seattle’s Organics Ban: Tonnage Increase by Luis Hillon.
Apr il 14, 2015. Page 20.)
Figure 12 Seattle projected growth
(Seattle DPD, Seattle 2035 Plan Your City, Your Future: Development Capacity Repor t. Updated September, 2014.
Page 1, 5, 8-12.)
Figure 13 Zero Waste AD Facility, San Jose , US (images from Biocycle .net +
Figure 14 Integr ated AD + composting facility flow diagr am (diagr am from Iona Capital Ltd)
Figure 15 Images of the Zero Waste Facility, San Jose , US
Figure 16 The Plant, Chicago, US (image from

X. list of figures

Figure 17 Building resource flow cycle (image from

Figure 18 Images of The Plant (images from
Figure 19 Meerlanden Masterplan and AD+Composting Facility, NL (by Hitatchi Zosen | NOVA)
Figure 20 Kompogas high-solids AD helps closing the loop (by Hitatchi Zosen | NOVA)
Figure 21 Mass balance of Meerlanden plant including Kompogas AD (by Hitatchi Zosen | NOVA)
Figure 22 Seattle MSW Collection Zones Map (map from
Figure 23 2014 food/yard waste processing facilities contracted by Seattle (images from Google Maps)
Figure 24 Site location (basemap from
Figure 25 Seattle Center Campus, Uptown Neighborhood (base from Google Ear th)
Figure 26 View South to city from Nor th bandstand at Memor ial Stadium
Figure 27 Site histor y and evolution
(1928 image from PaulDor
(1944 image from
(1947 +2015 image from
(1951 image from WikiMedia.or g)
(1962 image from
(2009 image from Panor
Figure 28 Memor ial Stadium Zone consits of the 5th ave N par king lot (left)
and Memor ial Stadium (r ight image from
Figure 29 Memor ial Stadium access (base from Google Ear th)
Figure 30 Site analysis
Figure 31 Site context
Figure 32 Resource life-cycling diagr am (top left image from, top r ight image
Figure 33 Existing bandstand str ucture
Figure 34 Master plan
Figure 35 Master plan resource life-cycling diagr am (left image from GuyanaChronicle .com)

X. list of figures

Figure 36 Master plan section (EW view S)

Figure 37 Composting facility waste processing
Figure 38 Ground level plan
Figure 39 Composting facility plan (ground level)
Figure 40 Composting facility section (EW view S)
Figure 41 Composting facility diagr am
Figure 42 Composting facility progr am
Figure 43 Facility view of inter ior
Figure 44 Composting facility flow
Figure 45 Recology offer s school tr aining on waste recycling (via
Figure 46 Composting facility view of entr ance (at 4th ave N par k entr y)
Figure 47 Composting facility plugs into city food/yard waste system

XI. bibliography

US Environmental Protection Agency. MSW Character ization repor t. 2012: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10. Pr int.

US Environmental Protection Agency. MSW Revised Fact Sheet. 2010: 1-2. Pr int.

US Environmental Protection Agency. The Food Recover y Hierarc hy: Social Benefits. < y/>.
2014. Pr int.

US Environmental Protection Agency. Landfill Methane Outreac h Program. <

index.html>. 2015. Pr int.

US Environmental Protection Agency. Infographic - Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the United States. <
solidwaste/nonhaz/municipal/infogr aphic/index.htm>. 2012. Pr int.

Natur al Resources Defense Council Issue Paper. Dana Gunder s, Wasted: How Amer ica Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food
from Farm to Fork to Landfill. August, 2012: 1. Pr int.

The Wor ld Bank. Urban Development. <http://data.wor ldbank.or g/topic/urban-development>. 2014. Pr int.

The Wor ld Bank, Urban Development. What a Waste: Global Review of Solid Waste Management. <http://web.wor ld-
bank.or g/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTURB ANDEVELOPMENT/0,,contentMDK:23172887~pagePK:210058~piP-
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The Wor ld Bank, Urban Development Ser ies Knowledge Paper. Daniel Hoor nweg and Per inaz Bhada-Tata, What a Waste:
Global Review of Solid Waste Management. March 2012, No.15: 3-4. Pr int.

United States Census Bureau. Washington State . <>. 2013. Pr int.

United States Census Bureau. US and Wor ld Population Clock. <>. Januar y 2015. Pr int.

The City of Seattle Public Utilities. Luis Hillon, Measur ing Effectiveness of Seattle’s Organics Ban: Tonnage Increase. <http:// y/>. West Coast Biocycle Conference 2015: 20. Presentation.

The City of Seattle Depar tment Planning and Development. Seattle 2035 Plan Your City, Your Future: Development Capacity
Repor t. Updated September, 2014: 1, 5, 8-12. Pr int.

The City of Seattle Depar tment Planning and Development. Population and Demogr aphics. <http://www.seattle .gov/DPD/
cityplanning/populationdemogr aphics/default.htm>. 2013. Pr int.

Seattle .gov. Seattle 2035: Your City, Your Future , Development Capacity Repor t. <http://www.seattle .gov/dpd/cs/groups/pan/@
pan/documents/web_infor mational/p2182731.pdf>. Updated September 2014. Pr int.

XI. bibliography

BioCycle West Coast Conference 2015. Seattle Public Utilities, Luis Hillon, Measur ing Effectiveness of Seattle’s Organics Ban.
Apr il 14, 2015. Pr int.

BioCycle West Coast Conference 2015. Hitatchi Zosen Inova USA LLC , Peter Chromec , Integrating AD and Composting: The
Amsterdam/Netherlands Case Study. Apr il 15, 2015. Pr int.

BioCycle Magasine . Nor a Goldstein, High Solids Anaerobic Digesion + Composting in San Jose. Apr il 2014, Vol.55, No.3, p.42.
Pr int.

BioCycle Magasine . Nor a Goldstein, Composter Br ings on Residential Food Scraps Stream. December 2014, p.20-22. Pr int.

The Plant. <>.

Meeting of the Minds. Hannah Greinetz, Getting to Zero: US Cities Innovating Their Way to Zero Waste. October 2, 2014. Pr int.

Zero Waste Inter national Alliance , 2004 Planning Group: Zero Waste . ZW Definition. <http://zwia.or g/standards/zw-defini-
tion/>. Pr int.

The Ear th Institute at Columbia Univer sity. Garbage Disposal: Addressing the Problem in New Yor k City. <http://www.ear th.>. Pr int.

Seattle City Archives. Br ief Histor y of Seattle . < http://www.seattle .gov/cityarchives/seattle-facts/br ief-histor y-of-seattle>.
Pr int.

Best Cities. 2014 Best-Performing Cities: Where Amer ica’s Jobs are Created and Sustained. Santa Monica, Milken Institute . Janu-
ar y 2015. Pr int.

Jane Jacobs, Downtown is for People. New Yor k, NY: For tune Classic , 1958. Pr int.

Don Duncan, Meet Me At The center. Seattle , Seattle Center Foundation. 1992: 15. Pr int.

Seattle Center, Memor ial Stadium. <>. Pr int.

Feeding Amer ica, Food Waste in Amer ican: How We Can Reduce Food Waste and Feed Hungr y Families. <http://www.feedin-
gamer ica.or g/about-us/how-we-wor k/secur ing-meals/reducing-food-waste .html>. 2015. Pr int.

The Washington Post. Br ad Plumer, How the U.S . Manages to Waste $165 Billion in Food Eac h Year. <http://www.washington->. August 22, 2012. Pr int.

The Weather Channel. Laur a Dattaro, Zero Waste Zones: 10 Cities Getting Rid of Garbage. <
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