Cardiovascular System Anatomy

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Cardiovascular System

• Introduction and Gross Anatomy
• Coronary Circulation
• Conduction System
• Arterial System & Venous system
• Histology of blood vessels
Introduction to CVS
• Components Of CVS
– Heart
– Blood Vessels
– Blood
• Two types of Circulation
– Systemic circulation
– Pulmonary circulation
Gross Anatomy
• Conical hollow muscular organ
• 12 x 9 cm and weighs 300g males 250g
• 4 chambers
– Right and left atria
– Right and left ventricles
• Septum
– Interatrial septum
– Interventricular septum
Gross Anatomy
• Fibroserous sac
– encloses heart and roots of the great vessels
• Consists of
– Fibrous pericardium
– Serous pericardium
• Parietal layer – fused with fibrous pericardium
• Visceral layer – fused to the heart
Pericardial Cavity
• Pericardial cavity
– Potential space between the parietal pericardium
and visceral pericardium
– Contains thin film of serous fluid
Wall of the Heart
• Three layers
– Epicardium
– Myocardium
– Endocardium
Position of the Heart
• Obliquely behind the body of the sternum
• 1/3 right to the median plane other 2/3 left to
the median plane
• Apex of the Heart
– Formed by left ventricle
– Directed downward, forward to the left
– Left 5th intercostal space 3 ½ inches lateral to
midsternal line (just medial to the left
midclavicular line)
• Base of the Heart
– Formed by left atrium and small part of right
– Opening of pulmonary veins
– Forms posterior surface of the heart
Right Atrium
• External extension – right auricle
• 3 main openings
– Superior vena cava
– Inferior vena cava
– Coronary sinus
• Interior
– Smooth posterior part
– Rough anterior/pectinate part ( musculi pectinati)
– Septal wall
• Receive blood from the whole body and pumps to
right ventricle through right AV orifice
Left atrium
• External extension – left auricle
• Two Pulmonary veins opens into the atrium
each side of the posterior wall
• Interior
– Greater part smooth
– Musculi Pectinati - auricle
• Receive oxygenated blood from the lungs
– 4 pulmonary veins
• Pumps to left ventricle through left AV orifice
Right Ventricle
• Receive blood from the right atrium
• Pumps to the lungs through pulmonary artery
• Interior
– Rough part ( inflowing part)– trabecular carneae
• Papillary muscles – finger like projections from the
ventricle wall
– Other end connects to cusps of AV valves through chordae
– Smooth part ( out flowing part)- infundibulum
– 2 orifices – tricuspid, pulmonary
Left Ventricle
• Receive oxygenated blood from the left atrium
• Pumps into the aorta
• Forms apex of the heart
• Interior
– Rough part (inflowing)
– Smooth part(outflow) – Aortic vestibule
– 2 orifices – mitral , aortic
• Wall Thickness – Left ventricle>>> Right
Heart - Interior
Valves of the Heart
• 2 types of valves
• Atrioventricular Valves
– Left – bicuspid / mitral ( 2flaps)
– Right – tricuspid ( 3flpas)
– Papillary muscles and chordae tendinae prevent
them from eversion towards atria
• Semilunar Valves- aortic and pulmonary
– 3 cusps – directly attached to vessel wall
– Blood caught in cusps push them to close position
• Turbulent flow through narrowed orifice cause
abnormal sound
• Stenosis
– Mitral valve stenosis
– Aortic valve stenosis
• Regurgitation
– Aortic valve regurgitation
– Mitral valve regurgitation
Blood flow through the heart
Coronary Circulation
• Supply blood to the heart
• 2 coronary arteries
– Arise from the ascending aorta
• Right coronary artery
– Marginal
– Posterior interventricular
• Left coronary artery
– Anterior interventricular
– Circumflex
Coronary circulation
Veins of the heart ?
Veins of the heart ?
Arterial System
Venous System
Conduction system of the Heart
• Consists of modified cardiac muscle cells
which are specialized for initiation and
conduction of cardiac impulse
• Consists of
– SA node
• cardiac pacemaker – impulse 70/min
• Located at junction of SVC at right atrium
– AV node
• Located at right posterior part of interatrial septum
• Only conduction pathway between atria and ventricles
Conduction system of the Heart
Histology of Blood vessels
Histology of Blood vessels
Cross section of artery wall
Cross section of small vein
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