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Katrina E.


 Do you consider human encroachment of forest as an example of Amensalism? WHY?
 Answer: Yes, I consider human encroachment of forest as an example of Amensalism because
when humans move to forest beyond the usual or desired limits, the animals that live there
could be excluded. Humans will make them afraid, or even harm them. There are basically two
types of amensalism: competition and antibiosis. This is an example of competition because
humans are larger or more powerful than animals living there in the forest which excludes
animals from it's source of shelter or food .
 What organisms are affected?
 Answer: The organisms affected are those animals, because it's obvious that humans are larger
and more powerful than them.
 Why are organisms in a Primary Succession called PIONEER?
 Answer: The first plants to populate an area are called PIONEER ORGANISMS. These are often
LICHENS or MOSSES. Lichens will break down rock to form more fertile soil. This allows mosses
and grasses to grow. They also improve the soil. Eventually, soil can support large trees, and the
animals that live in that habitat. This is primary succession. The final stable organisms are called
 Is it possible for an area with a Climax Community to go back to Primary Succession again?
 Answer: A climax community is the end result of ecological succession. The climax community is
a stable balance of all organisms in an ecosystem, and will remain stable unless a disaster strikes.
After the disaster, succession will start all over again. Depending on the climate of the area, the
climax community will look different. In the tropics, the climax community might be a tropical
rainforest. At the other extreme, in northern parts of the world, the climax community might be
a coniferous forest. So I guess, it's possible.

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