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One of the cruelest things done to mankind, never to be forgotten but hated to be remember.

For the

Faith Centered Individual SLE I am showcasing my holocaust project. For this assignment random groups

were chosen and then a theme was about the holocaust. Then we made a presentation about the subject

that was chosen for us and we had to explain the facts and history of it. Through this assignment we were

able to work on many skills, but mainly consisting of our speaking, and teamwork skills.

From this assignment I learned alot about the holocaust and especially the thing I was mainly

focused on which was Anti Semitism. I also learned how to take both critical and helpful advice from my

peers which in the end helped me for the better giving me a better outcome in my part. This assignment

showed a lot of growth and high achievement because I talked about a serious subject, where I had to

put your fullest effort and take my time in making this project worthy enough to present to my classmates

especially for this subject.

If I went back to do something's different I would have spent more time working on it, went more

into detail when explaining, and added more examples into my subject. What I did good on in this

assignment was my research. When I researched I went deeper into the subject and I found out a lot of

interesting and unknown facts. I also was being a good teammate, because I was open to what my peers

had to say, and I was listening to what they were saying and using their advice to benefit in my slides.

I choose this assignment to represent the Faith Centered Individual SLE because through this

assignment it brought lots of serious and sad discussion. Going over one of the worst things ever to occur

in history. The holocaust was a very interesting and depressing subject and it took alot of maturity and

respect to handle a subject as serious as that. Using this maturity and respect towards this subject

impacted the outcome of my project, because it granted me with enough time to think and reflect on such

a big subject like the holocaust. Giving me the advantage for when I went up to present.

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