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Marketing mix

Before we go into all the elements of the marketing mix, and to avoid c
onfusion between the 4p's, 7p's and even the 4c's – you should pay atte
ntion at the image below to understand what makes up the entire mark
eting mix.

If you don't understand it in detail or at all, then there is a fairly certain

chance that you are missing out on the key ingredients that will ensure s
calable success from the ground up.
It has been said many, MANY times in business that if you don't know yo
ur target market well enough and figured out what they exactly want, y
ou'll commit entrepreneurial suicide and the business will inevitably fail.
On the other hand, you can be sure to attract mountains of profits whe
n you have a deep understanding of these concepts. Understand this full
y and you will know exactly how to maximize profits on your own sustain
able business or help become a valuable asset within your company an
d gain endless promotions.

The marketing mix definition is simple. It is about putting the right produc
t or a combination thereof in the place, at the right time, and at the rig
ht price. The difficult part is doing this well, as you need to know every
aspect of your business plan.
As we noted before, the marketing mix is predominately associated with
the 4P’s of marketing, the 7P’s of service marketing, and the 4 Cs theori
es developed in the 1990s.

Here are the principles used in the application of the right marketing mix

A marketing expert named E. Jerome McCarthy created the Marketing 4

Ps in the 1960s. This classification has been used throughout the world. B
usiness schools teach this concept in basic marketing classes.
The marketing 4Ps are also the foundation of the idea of marketing mix

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