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I. REVIEW (b) An office created by the legislature is wholly within the power of that body,
and it may prescribe the mode of filling the office, and the powers and duties
of the incumbent, and, if it sees fit, abolish the office.
DEFINITION OF PUBLIC OFFICE -> A public office is the right, authority,
and duty created and conferred by law, by which for a given period, either By the President -> As far as bureaus, agencies, or offices in the executive
fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure of the appointing power, an individual department are concerned, the President’s power to control may justify him
is invested with some portion of the sovereign functions of the government, to inactivate the functions of a particular office, or certain laws may grant him
to be exercised by him for the benefit of the public. In its broad sense, a the broad authority to carry out reorganisation measures. In particular, under
public office is a charge, station, or employment conferred by appointment or the Administrative Code of 1987, “the President, subject to the policy of the
election by a government Executive Office and in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency,
shall have the continuing authority to reorganise the administrative structure
of the Office of the President. For this purpose, he may transfer the functions
DEFINITION OF PUBLIC OFFICER -> Art.203, Revised Penal Code: Art. of the other Departments or agencies to the Office of the President.
203. Who are public officers. — For the purpose of applying the provisions of 1. Constitution-e.g., Office of The President
this and the preceding titles of this book, any person who, by direct provision
of the law, popular election or appointment by competent authority, shall take 2. Law-e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission
part in the performance of public functions in the Government of the 3. Authority of law-e.g., Davide Commission
Philippine Islands, of shall perform in said Government or in any of its
branches public duties as an employee, agent or subordinate official, of any
rank or class, shall be deemed to be a public officer. II.
-> Sec. 2, Republic Act no. 3019: "Public officer" includes elective and CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, petitioner, vs. THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY,
appointive officials and employees, permanent or temporary, whether in the respondent.
classified or unclassified or exempt service receiving compensation, even G.R. No. 83896 / February 22, 1991 | Riparip
nominal, from the government as defined in the preceding subparagraph.
CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XI, SECTION 1 -> Section 1. Public office is a FACTS:
public trust. Public officers and employees must, at all times, be accountable • In July 1987, then President Corazon Aquino issued Executive Order
to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and No. 284 which allowed members of the Cabinet, their
efficiency; act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives. undersecretaries and assistant secretaries to hold other government
CREATION: offices or positions in addition to their primary positions subject to
limitations set therein. The Civil Liberties Union (CLU) assailed this
GENERAL RULE: An office is created by some constitutional or statutory EO averring that such law is unconstitutional. The constitutionality of
provision or by authority conferred by it. EO 284 is being challenged by CLU on the principal submission that
By Congress -> Except for such offices as are created by the Constitution, it adds exceptions to Sec 13, Article 7 of the Constitution which
the creation of public offices is primarily a legislative function. In so far as the provides:
legislative power is not restricted by constitutional provisions, it is supreme,
and the legislature may decide for itself what offices are suitable, necessary,
or convenient. “Sec. 13. The President, Vice-President, the Members of the
Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants shall not, unless otherwise
(a) When in the exigencies of government it is necessary to create and provided in this Constitution, hold any other office or employment
define new duties, the legislative department has the discretion to determine during their tenure. They shall not, during said tenure, directly or
whether additional offices shall be created, or whether these duties shall be indirectly practice any other profession, participate in any business,
attached to and become ex officio duties of existing offices. or be financially interested in any contract with, or in any franchise,
or special privilege granted by the Government or any subdivision,

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agency, or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or authority. There was a proliferation of newly-created agencies,
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid instrumentalities and government-owned and controlled corporations
conflict of interest in the conduct of their office.” created by presidential decrees and other modes of presidential
• CLU avers that by virtue of the phrase “unless otherwise provided in issuances where Cabinet members, their deputies or assistants were
this Constitution“, the only exceptions against holding any other designated to head or sit as members of the board with the
office or employment in Government are those provided in the corresponding salaries, emoluments, per diems, allowances and
Constitution, namely: (i) The Vice-President may be appointed as a other perquisites of office. Most of these instrumentalities have
Member of the Cabinet under Sec 3, par. (2), Article 7; and (ii) the remained up to the present time.
Secretary of Justice is an ex-officio member of the Judicial and Bar • This practice of holding multiple offices or positions in the
Council by virtue of Sec 8 (1), Article 8. government soon led to abuses by unscrupulous public officials who
ISSUE: Whether EO 284 is constitutional. took advantage of this scheme for purposes of self-enrichment. In
fact, the holding of multiple offices in government was strongly
HELD: denounced on the floor of the Batasang Pambansa.
• No, it is unconstitutional. It is clear that the 1987 Constitution seeks • But what is indeed significant is the fact that although Section 7,
to prohibit the President, Vice-President, members of the Cabinet, Article I-XB already contains a blanket prohibition against the holding
their deputies or assistants from holding during their tenure multiple of multiple offices or employment in the government subsuming both
offices or employment in the government, except in those cases elective and appointive public officials, the Constitutional
specified in the Constitution itself and as above clarified with respect Commission should see it fit to formulate another provision, Sec. 13,
to posts held without additional compensation in an ex-officio Article VII, specifically prohibiting the President, Vice-President,
capacity as provided by law and as required by the primary functions members of the Cabinet, their deputies and assistants from holding
of their office, the citation of Cabinet members (then called Ministers) any other office or employment during their tenure, unless otherwise
as examples during the debate and deliberation on the general rule provided in the Constitution itself.
laid down for all appointive officials should be considered as mere
personal opinions which cannot override the constitution’s manifest
intent and the people’s understanding thereof. A. NORMS OF CONDUCT AND RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF PUBLIC
• In the light of the construction given to Sec 13, Art 7 in relation to Sec OFFICERS (continuation)
7, par. (2), Art IX-B of the 1987 Constitution, EO 284 is
unconstitutional. Ostensibly restricting the number of positions that 1. RIGHT TO REINSTATEMENT AND BACKWAGES IN CASE DISMISSAL
Cabinet members, undersecretaries or assistant secretaries may IS ILLEGAL
hold in addition to their primary position to not more than 2 positions
in the government and government corporations, EO 284 actually CASE NO.1
allows them to hold multiple offices or employment in direct HON. KARINA CONSTANTINO-DAVID, vs. ZENAIDA D. PANGANDAMAN-
contravention of the express mandate of Sec 13, Art 7 of the 1987 GANIA
Constitution prohibiting them from doing so, unless otherwise G.R. No. 156039, August 14, 2003 | Solis
provided in the 1987 Constitution itself. Facts: This case involves the payment of back wages and other benefits
• The practice of designating members of the Cabinet, their deputies resulting from the illegal dismissal of an employee due to improper personnel
and assistants as members of the governing bodies or boards of and non-disciplinary action.
various government agencies and instrumentalities, including
government-owned and controlled corporations, became prevalent Zenaida Pangandaman-Gania is a Director II and Manila Information and
during the time legislative powers in this country were exercised by Liaison Officer of the Mindanao State University (MSU). She has been
former President Ferdinand E. Marcos pursuant to his martial law holding the position since the confirmation of her appointment in 1995

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However, on July 1998, a Special Order was issued designating a certain to the technical rules of procedure and evidence applicable to judicial
Mangondato as Acting Director in her place in view of the alleged expiration proceedings."
of her term and was no longer allowed to report for work.
There are special circumstances in accordance with the tenets of
Gania immediately brought the matter to the CSC for a ruling on the validity justice and fair play that warrant such liberal attitude on the part of the
of the termination of her employment. The CSC upheld her dismissal for lack CSC and a compassionate like-minded discernment by the Supreme Court.
of attestation (her appointment was not submitted to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for attestation) To begin with, respondent was consistently denied reinstatement by the
and prolonged absence without official Ieave, but on motion for responsible officers of MSU and vehemently barred from resuming her
reconsideration, the CSC found merit in her motion, declared her removal previous position. As the private requests and official directives by the CSC
from office as illegal, exonerated her from the charge of being absent without were cruelly rejected by her employer and the period of her unemployment
official leave and ordered her reinstatement to her position, but disallowed was unduly prolonged, respondent had no choice and was compelled to ask
the payment of back salaries for the period she was not working as a result for back salaries and other benefits to offset the callous repudiation of what
of the illegal dismissal. was due her.

CSC resolutions became final and executory. Gania pursued her prayer for The Court further declared that to prevent respondent from claiming back
reinstatement but MSU refused to employ her back. In 2001 Gania wages would leave incomplete the redress of the illegal dismissal that
questioned to the Court of Appeals, the disallowance of payment of her back had been done to her and amount to endorsing the wrongful refusal of
wages and other benefits. CA ruled that back wages should be paid to her employer or whoever was accountable to reinstate her, and a too-
respondent from the time of her illegal dismissal until she was ordered rigid application of the pertinent provisions of the Revised Uniform Rules
reinstated by the CSC on 8 March 2001, but excluded the period after the on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service as well as the Rules of Court will
CSC had ordered MSU to admit respondent back to work. not be given premium where it would obstruct rather than serve the
broader interests of justice in the light of the prevailing circumstances in
The OSG filed a petition for review in behalf of the petitioners. The OSG the case under consideration
asserted as grounds for review the principle recognizing finality to factual
findings of quasi-judicial agencies. The Supreme Court denied the petition and ordered the payment of
respondent's backwages.
Issue: WON the CA can review and revise a resolution by the CSC which
became final and executory. 2. NEXT IN RANK PRINCIPLE -> It specifically applies only in cases of
promotion. The rule neither grants a vested right to the holder nor imposes a
Held: Yes. According to the Court, it cannot inflexibly dwell on the defect
of a belated appeal and coldly thwart a review of the case. It is true that ministerial duty on the appointing authority to promote such person to the
Gaia had lost the right to ask for the modification of CSC Resolution dated 8 next higher position. In other words, one who is next-in-rank to a vacancy is
March 2001 and to demand compensation for her back salaries and other given preferential consideration for promotion to a vacant position, but it does
benefits. The Court noted however that even after acknowledging the finality
of Resolution dated 8 March 2001, the CSC still entertained two motions of not necessarily follow that he alone and no one else can be appointed. Merit
respondent and promulgated a Resolution in 28 February 2002 denying which is criterion entirely distinct from either longevity or length of service,
respondent's motions for the reason that she allegedly did not report for work
must also be recognised and whenever authorised by law must be
but not because they were already time-barred.
There was no doubt that the Civil Service Commission was in the legitimate
exercise of its mandate under Sec. 3, Rule I, of the Revised Uniform Rules Reason: To apply the next-in-rank rule peremptorily would impose a rigid
on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service that "administrative
investigations shall be conducted without necessarily adhering strictly formula on the appointing power contrary to the policy of the law that among

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those qualified and eligible, the appointing authority is granted discretion and Civil Service Commission (CSC) forwarded to the respondent Minister the
prerogative of choice of the one he deems fit for appointment. All that the protests of the petitioner and Agravio for appropriate action.
Civil Service Commission is actually allowed to do is check whether or not Minister forwarded the permanent appointment of Edralin as A.O. V to the
the appointee possesses the appropriate civil service eligibility or the Commission for appropriate action and he explained that he assessed the
recommendation of the Promotions Board and considered also other aspects
required qualifications. No other criterion is required to be employed by the
which are vital to the dynamism of the service; and upon seeing that
Commission. Although there is no mandatory nor peremptory requirement respondent Edralin is eminently qualified for the position.
that a person next-in-rank is entitled to preference in appointment, the very
The appointment was approved by the CSC "subject to the final outcome of
purpose of the Civil Service Law dictates that the persons who are qualified the protests against the appointment by Meram and Agravio."
and next-in-rank should be given preferential consideration when filling up a
vacated position through promotion. The preference given to old or Minister rendered a decision dismissing the protests. Petitioner and Agravio
appealed to the Merit Systems Board (MSB).
permanent employees assumes that employees working in an office for
longer period have gained not only superior skills but also greater dedication The MSB promulgated a decision in favor of Agravio, revoking the previous
to public service provided that the acts of the appointing power are “bona fide approval of the appointment of respondent Edralin and directing the Minister
to appoint, in her stead, Agravio to the contested position.
for the best interest of the public service and the person chosen has the
needed qualifications.” Meram and Edralin filed their respective MR and afterwards the MSB
promulgated another decision modifying the earlier one and appointed the
petitioner, after finding that Agravio's designation as Assistant Officer-in-
Case # 2: ERLINDA P. MERAM vs . FILIPINA V. EDRALIN, THE MINISTER Charge was revoked because he had been ineffective in said position.
LEGAL AFFAIRS Edralin appealed to the CSC which was denied and she then filed a letter-
petition with the Office of the President (OP) alleging that MSB and CSC had
Facts: Edralin, a training officer of the Bureau of Forest Development (BFD), no jurisdiction to act on petitioner's appeal.
was proposed for appointment to the position of Administrative Officer (A.O)
V, R-73, Administrative Division of the BFD. Confidential Legal Assistant (CLA) of the OP directed the CSC to forward the
entire records of the case in view of Edralin's appeal. However, the CSC
Meram and Agravio who hold the positions of A.O III, R-70 and Supply rejected the order of the OP stating that decisions of the CSC are subject to
Officer V, R-70 respectively, filed their protests against the proposal. review only by the courts.
Director of the BFD sent a memorandum to the respondent Minister stating Edralin wrote another letter to the President of the Philippines. It seems that
that in the course of the deliberation of the BFD Promotion Board, the latter this letter was taken cognizance of by then President Marcos.
found out that there are four BFD Personnel in the Central Office who are
considered "next-in-rank" to the position of A.O. V namely: Meram, Agravio, Director of the BFD issued a memorandum, informing Lazaro that the
Malong and Cansino. matters which the President was directing him to suspend are already fait
accompli and therefore, while he was willing to comply with the Presidential
Director pointed in his memorandum that the Board found that Edralin, instructions, the implementation of his compliance had become legally
Training Officer, Range 60, assigned in the Training Center was not next-in- untenable.

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OP, through CLA, affirmed the dismissal of the protests of Agravio and rank to the vacated position. Therefore, she deserves to be appointed to the
Meram. disputed item.

Issue: Whether OP acted correctly in taking cognizance of Edralin's letter- The decision of the OP is annulled and set aside. The decision of the OP is
petition and setting aside the decisions of the MSB and CSC. annulled and set aside. The decision of the MSB and the resolutions of the
CSC which dismissed respondent's appeal and motion for reconsideration
Held: No. MSB has the power to hear and decide cases brought before it are hereby REINSTATED and made immediately EXECUTORY.
by officers and employees who feel aggrieved by the determination of
appointing authorities involving appointment, promotion, transfer, detail
reassignment and other personnel actions as well as complaints against any CASE #3: FELIMON LUEGO, petitioner-appellant, vs. vs. CIVIL
officers in the government arising from abuses arising from personnel actions SERVICE COMMISSION and FELICULA TUOZO CIVIL SERVICE
of these officers or from violations of the merit system. COMMISSION and FELICULA TUOZO, respondents-appellees.

In connection with this power of the MSB, Section 8 of this decree also
provides: Facts: * On February 18, 1983 - Felimon Luego (petitioner) was appointed
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER II for the Office of the Mayor of Cebu City
“Decisions of the Board involving the removal of officers and
employees from the service shall be subject to automatic review by *The appointment was described as PERMANENT
the Commission. The Commission shall likewise hear and decide
appeals from other decisions of the Board, provided that the * But the CSC approved t as TEMPORARY because ofa protest fiiled by
decisions of the Commission shall be subject to review only by the Felicula Tuozo (respondent) and another employee against Luego's
The MSB and CSC had validly acquired jurisdiction over Meram’’s formal
* On March 22, 1984 - CSC found that Tuozo was better qualified for the
protest to the exclusion of all other officials, boards or offices and therefore,
the respondent Presidential Assistant for Legal Affairs gravely abused his Administrative Officer II position. Luego's appointment was revoked.
discretion when he disregarded and declared as null and void the decisions
of MSB and resolutions of CSC which had already become final and * June 28, 1984- Mayor Duterte appointed Tuozo (respondents) to the
executory, and in fact, had already been executed, enforced and position
*Luego filed the present petition to assail the CSC order revoking his
In the case at bar, the BFD personnel who are considered next-in-rank to the appointment.
vacated position were identified. Respondent Edralin was not one of them. In
fact, she was nine or ten salary ranges below the next-in-rank personnel. Issue: Whether the CSCis authorized to disapprove a permanent
Subsequently, the MSB made the same finding in its decision. appointment on the ground that another person is better qualified than the
appointee and on the basis of this finding, order his replacement by the
As earlier stated, appointments under the civil service law should be based
on merit and fitness and should never depend on how intimate a friend or
how closely related an appointee is to the powers that be. And granting that Ruling: No
the respondent possesses the qualifications required for the contested
position, it cannot be denied that the petitioner equally possesses the same Luego's appointment was permanent in nature.
qualifications, if not in greater degree, and more important, she is next-in-

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Luego's appoitnment was temporary and could thus be withdrawn at will. By Commission when it acts on or as the Decree says " approves" or
accepting temporary appointment, Luego should be deemed to have waived "disapproves" an appointment made by the proper authorities. In this respect
his security of tenure. While the OSG correctly stated the rule on temporary the provision is rather misleading.
appointments, the rule has no application here since Luego's appointment is
PERMANENT. "Appointment is an essentially discretionary power and must be performed
by the officer in which it is vested according to his best lights, the only
The stamping of the words "APPROVED as TEMPORARY" did not change condition being that the appointee should possess the qualifications required
the character of the appointment which was clearly described as by law. If he does, then the appointment cannot be faulted on the ground that
"PERMANENT" in the space provided for in the Luego's appointment paper there are others wisdom which only the appointing authority can decide. "

What was temporary was the approval of the appointment, not the EXCEPTION : When the Constitution or the law subjects the appointment to
appointment itself. And what madde the appoval temporary was the fact that the approval of another office or body. In such cases, the appointment is
it was made to depend on the condition specified and on the verifiaction of completed only after condirmation or approval from the approving enity.
the qualifications of the appointee to the position.
Significantly, the Commission on Civil Service acknowledged that both
CSC NOT EMPOWERED TO DETERMINE THE NATURE OF THE the petitioner and the private respondent were qualified for the position
APPOINTMENT in controversy. 12 12 That recognition alone rendered it functus officio
in the case and prevented it from acting further thereon except to
The CSC is not empowered to determine the kind of nature of the affirm the validity of the petitioner's appointment. To be sure, it had no
appointment extended by the appointing officer, its authority being limited to authority to revoke the said appointment simply because it believed that
approving or reviewing the appointment in the light of the requirement of the the private respondent was better qualified for that would have
Civil Service Law. constituted an encroachment on the discretion vested solely in the city
When the appointee is qualified and all the other legal requirements are
satisfied, the Commission has no choice but to attest to the appointment in In preferring the private respondent to the petitioner, the Commission
accordance with the Civil Service Laws. was probably applying its own Rule V, Section 9, of Civil Service
Rules on Personnel Actions and Policies, which provides that
The apporval is more appropriately called an attestation of the fact that the "whenever there are two or more employees who are next-in-rank,
appointee is qualified for the position to which he has been named. Such preference shall be given to the employee who is most competent
attesstation is required merely as a check to assure compliance with Civil and qualified and who has the appropriate civil service eligibility."
Service Laws. This rule is inapplicable, however, because neither of the claimants
The power of the SCS to "approve and "disapporove" appointment of the Old is next in rank. Moreover, the next-in rank rule is not absolute as
the Civil Service Decree allows vacancies to be filled by transfer
CivilService Decree only pertains to the functioin of the CSC to check
of present employees, reinstatement, reemployment, or appointment
whether or not the appointee possesses the appropriate civil service eligibility
of outsiders who have the appropriate eligibility.
or the required qualifications.

If the appointee has the qualifications, his appointment is approved; if not, it

is disapproved. No other criterion is permitted by law to be employed by the B. DISABILITIES AND INHIBITIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICERS

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-> Under the Constitution: contract with, or in any franchise or privilege granted by the Government, any
of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-
*Disabilities of the President, Vice President, Members of Cabinet and their owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries.
Deputies and Assistants: Sec 13, Art 7 of the Constitution -> Section 13. The
President, Vice-President, the Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or 

assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, hold any 1. PROHIBITION AGAINST ENGAGING IN POLITICAL PARTISAN
other office or employment during their tenure. They shall not, during said ACTIVITY -> Under the 1935 and the 1973 Constitutions, the term used is
tenure, directly or indirectly, practice any other profession, participate in any “any partisan political activity” which is practically synonymous with “any
business, or be financially interested in any contract with, or in any franchise, electioneering or partisan political campaign” as used in Section 2(4) of Art 9-
or special privilege granted by the Government or any subdivision, agency, or B. Both refer to acts designed to have a candidate elected or not, or to
instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled promote the candidacy of a person or persons to a public office. They include
corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid conflict of interest such activities as participation in political campaigns, conventions, caucuses,
in the conduct of their office. parades or rallies, making speeches or commentaries for or against the
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil election of any party or candidate, publishing or distributing campaign
degree of the President shall not, during his tenure, be appointed as literature or materials, and soliciting votes or contributions, either directly or
Members of the Constitutional Commissions, or the Office of the indirectly.
Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
bureaus or offices, including government-owned or controlled corporations Civil Service, as used in Section 2(4) refers only to career service. Elective
and their subsidiaries. officials and members of the Cabinet who are holding political offices are not
embraced in the prohibition.
*Disabilities of Members of Congress: Sec 13, Art 6 of the Constitution ->
Section 13. No Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may Art. IX-B, Section 2(4) -> No officer or employee in the civil service shall
hold any other office or employment in the Government, or any subdivision, engage, directly or indirectly, in any electioneering or partisan political
agency, or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled campaign.
corporations or their subsidiaries, during his term without forfeiting his seat.
Neither shall he be appointed to any office which may have been created or Art. XVI, Section 5(3) -> (3) Professionalism in the armed forces and
the emoluments thereof increased during the term for which he was elected. adequate remuneration and benefits of its members shall be a prime concern
of the State. The armed forces shall be insulated from partisan politics.
*Disabilities of members of Constitutional Commissions: Section 2, Art 9-A of
the Constitution -> Section 2. No member of a Constitutional Commission No member of the military shall engage, directly or indirectly, in any partisan
shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or employment. Neither shall he political activity, except to vote.
engage in the practice of any profession or in the active management or
control of any business which, in any way, may be affected by the functions
of his office, nor shall he be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any

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Whether Sec. 29 of Republic Act. 2260 repealed the Sec. 54 of the
[G.R. No. L-20808. July 31, 1965.]
Revised Election Code.
appellant, vs. BRAULIO DE VENECIA, accused-appellee.
It is at once apparent that sec. 29 is administrative in nature,
whereas sec. 54 is a penal statute. The first contains prohibitions of
Braulio de Venecia was prosecuted for he did willfully, induce,
administrative character, even as it grants or reserves some
Influence, sway and make the electors vote in favor of
privileges to civil public servants.
candidates for public office in the November 10, 1959 election,
namely, Felipe Oda, NP candidate for Municipal mayor of Binalonan .
Of course, logically, restrictions contained in sec. 29 that are not contained in
. . by, then and there, distributing and or causing to be
sec. 54 could not be criminally punished — e. g. unclassified service
distributed election handbills and made integral part hereof,
employees are not punishable under sec. 54. But a realistic view would hold
which leaflets were distributed and/or caused to be distributed
that activities permitted in sec. 29 — though it is a mere administrative
by the accused to win votes for NP candidates Felipe Oda.
measure — should not be criminally death with under sec. 54.
But a realistic view would hold that activities permitted in sec. 29 — though it
Upon a motion to quash, the court dismissed the case.
is a mere administrative measure — should not be criminally death with
under sec. 54.
PETITIONER’S CONTENTION: Petitioner contends that sec. 54 of
The results is that although sec. 54 prohibits a classified civil service
the Revised Election Code (upon which the prosecution rested) had
employee from aiding any candidate, sec. 29 allows such classified
been repealed by sec. 29 of Republic Act 2260.
employee to express his views on current political problems or issues,
or to mention the name of his candidate for public office, even if such
The two legal provisions are herewith reproduced:
expression of views or mention of names may result in aiding one
"SEC. 54. Active intervention of public officers and
particular candidate. IN OTHER WORDS, THE LAST SENTENCE OF
employees. — No justice, judge, fiscal, treasurer, or
assessor of any province, no officer or employee of the
SEC. 54.
Army, no member of the national, provincial, city, municipal
On the other hand, an employee (classified civil service) who
or rural police force, and no classified civil service officer
contributes money for election purposes to a candidate, violates sec.
or employee shall aid any candidates, or exert
54 (and is punishable with imprisonment) because he "aided a
influence in any manner in any election or take part
candidate" and may not invoke the privilege reserved to him by sec.
herein, except to vote, if entitled thereto, or to preserve
public peace, if he is a peace officer." (CA 357-48)
"SEC. 29. Political Activity. — Officers and employees in
Distributing handbills like the above is undoubtedly "aiding" candidate Felipe
the Civil service, whether in the competitive or classified,
Oda. It is not merely mentioning the candidate whom De Venecia supported,
or non-competitive or unclassified service, shall not
nor mere expression of his opinion on current political problems. It
engage directly or indirectly in partisan political
is solicitation of the elector's vote in favor of Oda. It is indorsement of the
activities or take part in any election except to vote.
request for his support by gubernatorial candidate Conrado F. Estrella.
Nothing herein provided shall be understood to prevent
To repeat, by the act charged in the information, i e. distributing and causing
any officer or employee from expressing his views on
the distribution of the leaflets, defendant "aided" candidate Oda and/or
current political problems or issues, or from mentioning the
exerted influence in the election and/or took part therein, contrary to the
names of candidates for public office whom he supports."
prohibitions contained in sec. 54.

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It is our opinion that in dismissing the information the trial court erred. controlled corporation shall not be a bar to the filing of the petition: Provided,
Consequently, the appealed order is hereby reversed and the record however, That the right to file such petition shall prescribe after four years
remanded to the Pangasinan court for further proceedings.
from the date of the resignation, dismissal or separation or expiration of the
term of the office or employee concerned, except as to those who have
ceased to hold office within ten years prior to the approval of this Act, in
which case the proceedings shall prescribe after four years from the approval

-> RA no. 1379 creates a presumption juris tantrum against the public officer
or employee who acquires property grossly disproportionate to his income,
1. LIABILITY FOR UNEXPLAINED WEALTH that is, that the property was unlawfully acquired. This presumption, once
established, may be rebutted by the public officer or employee by showing to
the satisfaction of the court that the acquisition of the property was lawful (eg
a. Republic Act No,. 1379, Section 2 (Forfeiture of Unexplained Wealth) ->
donations and loans). Failing in this, the court shall declare the questioned
Section 2. Filing of petition. Whenever any public officer or employee has
property forfeited in favour of the state. In determining whether or not there is
acquired during his incumbency an amount of property which is manifestly
unexplained wealth under RA no. 1379, the courts are not bound by the
out of proportion to his salary as such public officer or employee and to his
statements of assets and liabilities, filed by the public officer or employee (eg
other lawful income and the income from legitimately acquired property, said
the statement does not accurately reflect the donations and loans allegedly
property shall be presumed prima facie to have been unlawfully acquired.
granted). On the contrary, the statute affords the respondent every
The Solicitor General, upon complaint by any taxpayer to the city or
opportunity to explain, to the satisfaction of the court, how he had acquired
provincial fiscal who shall conduct a previous inquiry similar to preliminary
the property in question. The accuracy of entries in statements of assets and
investigations in criminal cases and shall certify to the Solicitor General that
liabilities becomes material in criminal or administrative proceedings of
there is reasonable ground to believe that there has been committed a
violation of Section 7 of RA no. 3019 which requires every public officer to file
violation of this Act and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, shall file, in
a “true, detailed and sworn statement of assets and liabilities, including a
the name and on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, in the Court of
statement of the amounts and sources of his income the amounts of his
First Instance of the city or province where said public officer or employee
personal and family expenses and the amount of income tax paid for the next
resides or holds office, a petition for a writ commanding said officer or
preceding calendar year. Forfeiture proceedings are actions in rem and
employee to show cause why the property aforesaid, or any part thereof,
therefore, civil in nature. A full-blown trial is not required under the Act. Even
should not be declared property of the State: Provided, That no such petition
if the proceedings do not reach trial, the court is not precluded from
shall be filed within one year before any general election or within three
determining the nature of the acquisition of the property in question even in a
months before any special election.
summary proceeding.

The resignation, dismissal or separation of the officer or employee from his

b. Republic Act No. 3019, Section 8 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt practices Act) -
office or employment in the Government or in the Government-owned or
> Section 8. Dismissal due to unexplained wealth. If in accordance with the

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

provisions of Republic Act Numbered One thousand three hundred seventy- CASE#5: RAUL R. INGLES, ROALDO G. ADVIENTO, ISABEL C.
nine, a public official has been found to have acquired during his CORPUS, CONSUELO M. VILLANUEVA and ESPERANZA M.
incumbency, whether in his name or in the name of other persons, an GUTIERREZ, plaintiffs-appellants, vs. AMELITO R. MUTUC and
amount of property and/or money manifestly out of proportion to his salary BALDOMERO DAVOCOL, defendants-appellees. [G.R. No. L-20390 ].
and to his other lawful income, that fact shall be a ground for dismissal or LOUIE ANTHONY H. BRUAN
removal. Properties in the name of the spouse and unmarried children of
such public official may be taken into consideration, when their acquisition
through legitimate means cannot be satisfactorily shown. Bank deposits shall FACTS: Ingles is a Senior Executive Assistat II working in the government for
be taken into consideration in the enforcement of this section, 8 years. Plaintiffs received a communication of the then Executive Secretary
notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary. Mutuc, advicing the termination of services of plaintiffs. Plaintiffs appealed
from this action to the President but was subsequently denied.
Thereafter, plaintiffs commenced the action in the CFI of Manila, alleging that
they had been removed from office without cause and without due process.

1. EXPIRATION OF TERM -> An appointment for a definite and renewable RTC DECISION: The trial court ruled in favor of the defendants, stating that
period. Upon the expiration of term, unless he is authorised by law to hold plaintiffs are occupying positions which are primarily confidential and subject
over, his rights, duties, and authority as a public officer must ipso facto to removal at the pleasure of the appointing power.
ISSUE: Whether plaintiffs' positions are primarily confidential and subjected
(a) TERM vs TENURE -> The term of office must be distinguished from to removal at the pleasure of appointing power?
tenure of the incumbent. The “term” means the time during which the officer
may claim to hold the office as of right, and fixes the interval after which the HELD: NO, plaintiffs' positions are primarily confidential and subjected
several incumbents shall succeed one another. It is a fixed and definite to removal at the pleasure of appointing power. The plaintiffs works are
period of time to hold office, perform its functions, and enjoy its privileges and mainly clerical in nature. The fact that they, at times, handle "confidential
emoluments until the expiration of said period. It is not affected by holding- matters," does not suffice to characterize their " positions" as primarily
over of the incumbent after expiration of the term for which he was appointed confidential. Indeed, it is admitted that plaintiffs, likewise, handle "other
or elected. routine matters," and it has not even been shown that their work is, at least,
principally confidential. Considering that plaintiffs herein are admittedly civil
The tenure represents the period during which the incumbent actually holds service eligibles, with several years of service in the Government, and that
the office. It may be shorter than the term for reasons within or beyond the positions which are policy determining, primarily confidential and highly
power of the incumbent.
 technical in nature are exceptions to the general rule governing Civil Service
officers and employees, it was up to defendants-appellees to establish that

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plaintiffs belong to one of these excepted classes. This, defendants- b2. Where holding over not provided by law -> when there is no provision
appellees have failed, to accomplish. expressly or impliedly prohibiting the holdover, then the public officer may still
hold onto his position until his successor is elected.
DISPOSITION: WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from should be, as it is
b3. Where Constitution limits term -> If the Constitution itself limits the term
hereby reversed, and another one shall be entered declaring that plaintiffs'
of a public officer, then this principle cannot be followed.
removal from office was illegal and contrary to law, and that they are,
accordingly, entitled to reinstatement to their respective offices and to the b4. Application of holdover principle -> This principle only applies for a fixed
payment of their corresponding emoluments. term annexed to an office, applicable to elective as well as appointive officers
(but it can also be restricted to certain officers). But a provision appearing in
IMPORTANT TO THE CASE: It should be noted, however, that when such the Constitution, in terms applicable to all public officers, is not restricted to
pleasure turns into displeasure, the incumbent is not "removed" or constitutional officers. In determining whether a holdover provision applies to
"dismissed" from office — his "term" merely "expires," in much the same way a particular public officer, a reviewing court is guided by the principle that the
as an officer, whose right thereto ceases upon expiration of the fixed term for construction of a statute by those charged with its execution should be
which he had been appointed or elected, is not and can not be deemed followed unless there are compelling indications that it is clearly wrong. It is
"removed" or "dismissed" therefrom, upon the expiration of said term. The not applicable where the term is of indefinite duration (eg good behaviour or
at the pleasure of the appointing power).
main difference between the former — the primarily confidential officer —
and the latter is that the latter's term is fixed or definite, whereas that of the
b5. Purpose of holdover provision -> Prevent a hiatus in the government
former is not pre-fixed, but indefinite, at the time of his appointment or pending the time when a successor may be chosen and inducted into office,
election, and becomes fixed and determined when the appointing power for, in the absence of any provision to the contrary, public interest requires
expresses its decision to put an end to the services of the incumbent. When that public offices should be filled at all times, without interruptions.
this event takes place, the latter is not "removed" or "dismissed" from office
— his term has merely "expired". b6. Status of holdover officer -> If holding is authorised by law, then he is a
(b) HOLD-OVER PRINCIPLE -> The public officer’s term has expired or his de jure officer; if not, he is a de facto officer.
service terminated but he should continue holding his office until his
successor is appointed or chosen and had qualified. 2. RESIGNATION -> The formal renunciation or relinquishment of a public
office. It implies an expression by the incumbent in some form, expressed or
b1. Where holding over provided by law -> if there is a provision to be found, implied, of the intention to surrender, renounce, and relinquish his right to the
the office does not become vacant upon the expiration of the term of the office and its acceptance by competent and lawful authority. Like removal for
public officer since there is no successor elected and qualified to assume it cause, voluntary resignation results in the abdication of all present and future
yet. The public officer shall hold it for the meantime. rights accorded to an officer or employee and in the severance of all work-
related ties between the employer and employee.

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

CASE #6: [G.R. Nos. 146710-15. March 2, 2001.] issued a statement that he acknowledged VP Arroyo’s oath taking as
President and he is leaving Malacañang for the sake of peace and in order to
JOSEPH E. ESTRADA, petitioner, vs. ANIANO DESIERTO, in his being the healing process of the nation. Chief Justice Davide administered
capacity as Ombudsman, RAMON GONZALES, VOLUNTEERS AGAINST oath to Arroyo as President of the Philippines on that day.
INC., LEONARD DE VERA, DENNIS FUNA, ROMEO CAPULONG and After Estrada’s fall from the pedestal of power, his legal problems appeared
ERNESTO B. FRANCISCO, JR., respondents. in clusters. Several cases previously led against him in the Office of the
Ombudsman were set in motion.
[G.R. No. 146738. March 2, 2001.]
PETITIONER’S ARGUMENT: Estrada denies he resigned as President or
JOSEPH E. ESTRADA, petitioner, vs. GLORIA MACAPACAL-ARROYO, that he suffers from a permanent disability. Hence, he submits that the office
respondent. of the President was not vacant when respondent Arroyo took her oath as
FACTS: During the May 1998 elections, petitioner Joseph Ejercito Estrada
was elected as President and respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was ISSUE: Whether Estrada resigned as President or should be considered
elected as Vice-President. On October 4 2000, Estrada’s presidency was resigned as of January 20, 2001 when Arroyo took her oath as the 14th
questioned, when Ilocos Sur Governor Luis “Chavit” Singson went on air and President of the Republic?
accused Estrada and his family of receiving millions of pesos from jutting
lords. Now, Singson’s accusation was followed by Senator Teofisto Guingina HELD: YES, Estrada resigned as President or should be considered
Jr., the Senate Minority Leader then through his privileged speech, who resigned as of January 20, 2001 when Arroyo took her oath as the 14th
accused Estrada from receiving P330 million in jutting money from Governor President of the Republic. It was confirmed by his leaving Malacañang. In
Singson. Guingona’s privilege speech was referred to the Blue Ribbon the press release containing his final statement, (1) he acknowledged the
Committee and the Committee on Justice and the House Committee on oath-taking of the respondent as President of the Republic albeit with
Public Order and Security investigated Singson’s expose. reservation about its legality; (2) he emphasized he was leaving the Palace,
the seat of the presidency, for the sake of peace and in order to begin the
While these investigations were being conducted, calls for Estrada’s healing process of our nation. He did not say he was leaving the Palace due
immediate resignation and the resignation of some people in various to any kind of inability and that he was going to re-assume the presidency as
governmental positions were already happening. The impeachment trial soon as the disability disappears; (3) he expressed his gratitude to the
started on November 20, 2001, with 21 senators who took their oath as people for the opportunity to serve them. Without doubt, he was referring to
judges and with Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr., presiding. the past opportunity given him to serve the people as President; (4) he
assured that he will not shirk from any future challenge that may come ahead
This went on until on January 19, Estrada agreed to hold a snap election for
in the same service of our country. Petitioner's reference is to a future
the position of President. The next day, before Estrada and his family left, he

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

challenge after occupying the of ce of the president which he has given up, In the cases at bar, the facts show that petitioner did not write any formal
and (5) he called on this supporters to join him in the promotion of a letter of resignation before he evacuated Malacañang Palace in the afternoon
constructive national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity. Certainly, the of January 20, 2001 after the oath-taking of respondent Arroyo.
national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity could not be attained if he did Consequently, whether or not petitioner resigned has to be determined from
not give up the presidency. The press release was petitioner's valedictory, his his acts and omissions before, during and after January 20, 2001 or by the
final act of farewell. His presidency is now in the past tense. totality of prior, contemporaneous and posterior facts and circumstantial
evidence bearing a material relevance on the issue.
We now slide to the second issue. None of the parties considered this issue
as posing a political question. Indeed, it involves a legal question whose It is, however, urged that the petitioner did not resign but only took a
factual ingredient is determinable from the records of the case and by resort temporary leave of absence due to his inability to govern. In support of this
to judicial notice. thesis, the letter dated January 20, 2001 of the petitioner sent to Senate
President Pimentel and Speaker Fuentebella is cited. Again, we refer to the
The issue brings under the microscope the meaning of section 8, Article VII said letter, viz: “Sir. By virtue of the provisions of Section II, Article VII of the
of the Constitution which provides: "SECTION 8. In case of death, permanent Constitution, I am hereby transmitting this declaration that I am unable to
disability, removal from office or resignation of the President, the Vice exercise the powers and duties of my of ce. By operation of law and the
President shall become the President to serve the unexpired term. In case of Constitution, the Vice President shall be the Acting President.
death, permanent disability, removal from of ce, or resignation of both the
President and Vice President, the President of the Senate or, in case of his (Sgd.) Joseph Ejercito Estrada"
inability, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall then act as
President until the President or Vice President shall have been elected and To say the least, the above letter is wrapped in mystery. 91 The pleadings led
qualified. by the petitioner in the cases at bar did not discuss, nay even intimate, the
circumstances that led to its preparation. Neither did the counsel of the
xxx xxx xxx." petitioner reveal to the Court these circumstances during the oral argument.
It strikes the Court as strange that the letter, despite its legal value, was
Resignation is not a high level legal abstraction. It is a factual question and never referred to by the petitioner during the week-long crisis. To be sure,
its elements are beyond quibble: there must be an intent to resign and the there was not the slightest hint of its existence when he issued his final press
intent must be coupled by acts of relinquishment. The validity of a resignation release. It was all too easy for him to tell the Filipino people in his press
is not governed by any formal requirement as to form. It can be oral. It can be release that he was temporarily unable to govern and that he was leaving the
written. It can be express. It can be implied. As long as the resignation is reins of government to respondent Arroyo for the time being. Under any
clear, it must be given legal effect. circumstance, however, the mysterious letter cannot negate the resignation
of the petitioner. If it was prepared before the press release of the petitioner
clearly showing his resignation from the presidency, then the resignation

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must prevail as a later act. If, however, it was prepared after the press pending a prosecution against him, for any offense under the Act or under
release, still, it commands scant legal signi cance. Petitioner's resignation the provisions of the Revised Penal Code on bribery.
from the presidency cannot be the subject of a changing caprice nor of a
whimsical will especially if the resignation is the result of his repudiation by The separation or cessation of a public of cial from of ce shall not be a bar to
the people. There is another reason why this Court cannot give any legal his prosecution under this Act for an offense committed during his
signi cance to petitioner's letter and this shall be discussed in issue number incumbency."
III of this Decision.
The bill was vetoed by then President Carlos P. Garcia who questioned the
After petitioner contended that as a matter of fact he did not resign, he also legality of the second paragraph of the provision and insisted that the
argues that he could not resign as a matter of law. He relies on section 12 of President's immunity should extend even after his tenure.
RA No. 3019, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act,
Senate Bill No. 571, which was substantially similar to Senate Bill No. 293,
which allegedly prohibits his resignation, viz:
was thereafter passed. Section 15 above became section 13 under the new
"SECTION 12. No public of cer shall be allowed to resign retire pending an bill, but the deliberations on this particular provision mainly focused on the
investigation, criminal or administrative, pending a prosecution against him, immunity of the President which was one of the reasons for the veto of the
for any offense under this Act under the provisions of the Revised Penal original bill. There was hardly any debate on the prohibition against the
Code on bribery." resignation or retirement of a public official with pending criminal and
administrative cases against him. Be that as it may, the intent of the law
A reading of the legislative history of RA No. 3019 will hardly provide any ought to be obvious. It is to prevent the act of resignation or retirement from
comfort to the petitioner. RA No. 3019 originated from Senate Bill No. 293. being used by a public official as a protective shield to stop the investigation
The original draft of the bill, when it was submitted to the Senate, did not of a pending criminal or administrative case against him and to prevent his
contain a provision similar to section 12 of the law as it now stands. However, prosecution under the Anti-Graft Law or prosecution for bribery under the
in his sponsorship speech, Senator Arturo Tolentino, the author of the bill, Revised Penal Code. To be sure, no person can be compelled to render
"reserved to propose during the period of amendments the inclusion of a service for that would be a violation of his constitutional right. 94 A public
provision to the effect that no public of cial who is under prosecution for any official has the right not to serve if he really wants to retire or resign.
act of graft or corruption, or is under administrative investigation, shall be Nevertheless, if at the time he resigns or retires, a public official is facing
allowed to voluntarily resign or retire." 92 During the period of amendments, administrative or criminal investigation or prosecution, such resignation or
the following provision was inserted as section 15: retirement will not cause the dismissal of the criminal or administrative
proceedings against him. He cannot use his resignation or retirement to
"SECTION 15. Termination of office — No public official shall be allowed to avoid prosecution.
resign or retire pending an investigation, criminal or administrative, or

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There is another reason why petitioner's contention should be rejected. In the officer. It is improper and wrong conduct and implies wrongful intent and not
cases at bar, the records show that when petitioner resigned on January 20, mere error of judgment; corrupt, or inspired by an intention to violate the law
2001, the cases led against him before the Ombudsman were OMB Case or a persistent disregard of well-known legal rules.
Nos. 0-00-1629, 0-00-1755, 0-00- 1756, 0-00-1757 and 0-00-1758. While
these cases have been led, the respondent Ombudsman refrained from CASE #7: Case No. 7: MAYOR TEODULO M. PALMA, SR., petitioner, vs.
conducting the preliminary investigation of the petitioner for the reason that HON. CARLOS O. FORTICH, as Governor of Bukidnon, and THE
as the sitting President then, petitioner was immune from suit. Technically, SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN OF BUKIDNON, respondents. [G.R.
the said cases cannot be considered as pending for the Ombudsman lacked No. L-59679 | 1987 | LIWAG]
jurisdiction to act on them. Section 12 of RA No. 3019 cannot therefore be
invoked by the petitioner for it contemplates of cases whose investigation or FACTS:
prosecution do not suffer from any insuperable legal obstacle like the The Assistant Provincial Fiscal Estrada of Bukidnon, at the instance of the
immunity from suit of a sitting President. offended parties Nelia Arandel (Clerk-typist) and Susan Palamine
(Clerical Aide), both of the Office of the Mayor of the Municipality of Don
Carlos, Province of Bukidnon, filed with the CFI Bukidnon CRIMINAL
Petitioner contends that the impeachment proceeding is an administrative Cases [3] against petitioner Mayor Palma.
investigation that, under section 12 of RA 3019, bars him from resigning. We
By virtue of the three (3) separate cases, the offended parties in a sworn joint
hold otherwise. The exact nature of an impeachment proceeding is
letter complaint requested respondent Provincial Governor Fortich for an
debatable. But even assuming arguendo that it is an administrative immediate ADMINISTRATIVE investigation for the purpose of
proceeding, it can not be considered pending at the time petitioner resigned suspending Mayor Palma from office pending final determination of the
criminal cases - re Information for Acts of Lasciviousness.
because the process already broke down when a majority of the senator-
judges voted against the opening of the second envelope, the public and Treating the same as a formal letter complaint, respondent Governor Fortich
private prosecutors walked out, the public prosecutors led their Manifestation formally informed Mayor Palma of the administrative charge against him for
Misconduct in Office.
of Withdrawal of Appearance, and the proceedings were postponed inde
nitely. There was, in effect, no impeachment case pending against petitioner The record of the administrative case against the Mayor was forwarded to
when he resigned. the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the province of Bukidnon. Said body,
after receipt thereof, set the case for hearing. After the hearing where
complainants were required to testify and then cross-examined by Mayor
3. MISCONDUCT IN OFFICE/RECALL -> One that affects the officer’s Palma’s counsel, the complainants petitioned for the preventive
performance of his duties as an officer and not only as affects his character suspension of the Mayor which was granted by respondent
Sangguniang Panlalawigan in its Resolution.
as a private individual. It is necessary to separate the character of the man
from the character of the officer. The Mayor accepted his preventive suspension from office. Nonetheless,
Mayor Palma filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition to prohibit the
Misconduct -> It is a transgression of some established and definite rule of respondents from continuing with the hearing and investigation of the
ADMINISTRATIVE case filed by respondent Governor against Mayor
action more particularly, unlawful behaviour or gross negligence by the public

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

Palma and to nullify the resolution passed by respondent Sangguniang ISSUE: [Focus — Misconduct in office]
no controversy as to the filing of the criminal cases against the Mayor Palma. OFFICE" WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 5 OF REPUBLIC ACT NO.
principal issue centers on the filing of the administrative case and COMPLAINT AGAINST HIM AND/OR HIS SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE?
consequent preventive suspension of Mayor Palma based solely on the filing
of the criminal cases. RULING: No.
Mayor Palma’s contention: "Acts of Lasciviousness" do not fall within the Grounds for suspension of municipal officers - As a general rule, dismissal of
category of "malfeasance and misfeasance" or "misconduct in the an administrative case does not necessarily follow the dismissal of a criminal
office" contemplated in Section 5 of R.A. No. 5185, and therefore cannot be case, the former (dismissal of an administrative case) requiring as it does,
the basis of the filing of a separate ADMINISTRATIVE CASE against an only preponderance of evidence while the latter (dismissal of a criminal case)
elective official and the preventive suspension. requires proof beyond reasonable doubt.

Governor Fortich + Sangguniang Panlalawigan’s contention: the lascivious In administrative actions against municipal officers, the Supreme Court in
acts of the Mayor Palma constitute misconduct under Article XIII, Section Festijo v. Crisologo, classified the grounds for suspension under two
1 of the 1973 Constitution, re: "Accountability of Public Officers." categories, namely: (1) those related to the discharge of the functions of the
__ officer concerned (neglect of duty, oppression, corruption or other forms of
Mayor Palma filed a Manifestation and Prayer informing the SC that the three maladministration of office) and (2) those not so connected with said
criminal cases filed against him were all dismissed by the RTC for functions. Under the second category, when the crime involving moral
insufficiency of evidence, on the basis of the findings that the circumstances turpitude is not linked with the performance of official duties, conviction by
logically point to the existence of consent on the part of the offended parties. final judgment is required as a condition precedent to administrative action.
Thus, on the premise that the administrative case in question as well as the
resulting preventive suspension is now bereft of any legal basis, petitioner Misconduct defined - The ground for filing of the administrative action in the
now prays that judgment be rendered in accordance with his prayer in the case at bar and the suspension of petitioner Mayor is misconduct allegedly
petition. committed in the form of lascivious acts of the latter. Misconduct has been
defined as "such as affects his performance of his duties as an officer and
But, before the instant petition could be decided by the SC, the Provisional not only as affects his character as a private individual. In such cases, it has
Constitution/Freedom Constitution was promulgated in Proclamation No. 3, been said at all times, it is necessary to separate the character of the man
dated March 25, 1986, by President C Aquino. — from the character of the officer."
"All elective and appointive officials and employees under the 1973
Constitution shall continue in office until otherwise provided by proclamation CONVICTION BY FINAL JUDGMENT, A REQUISITE BEFORE CHARGES
or executive order or upon the designation or appointment and qualification INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE MAY BE FILED. — As to whether or not,
of their successors, if such is made within a period of one year from February such misconduct of petitioner affects his performance of his duties as an
25, 1986." officer and not only his character as a private individual, has been laid to rest
=this means an incumbent Mayor, elected under the 1973 Constitution by the ruling of the Supreme Court in an analogous case where it was held
may be replaced by an "Officer-in-Charge, a specie of successor that while "it is true that the charges of rape and concubinage may
considered as within the ambit of the provision." involve moral turpitude of which a municipal official may be proceeded
——> Mayor Palma who was obviously elected under the 1973 Constitution, against . . . but before the provincial governor and board may act and
has been replaced by OIC Gardones as Mayor. proceed against the municipal official, a conviction by final judgment

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

must precede the filing by the provincial governor of the charges and • On May 19, 1999, several barangay chairs formed an ad hoc
trial by the provincial board." committee for the purpose of convening the Preparatory Recall
Assembly (PRA) wherein Richard Advincula was designated chair.
CASE MUST BE DISMISSED UPON FAILURE TO SHOW THAT ACTS ARE • On May 29, 1999, 1,073 members of the PRA adopted Resolution
case, not only is a final judgment lacking, but the criminal cases filed OF JOVITO O. CLAUDIO AS MAYOR OF PASAY CITY FOR LOSS
against the petitioner were all dismissed by the trial court, for OF CONFIDENCE.
insufficiency of evidence, on the basis of its findings that the attendant • The petition for recall was formally submitted to the Office of the
circumstances logically point to the existence of consent on the part of Election Officer on July 2, 1999, accompanied by an affidavit of
the offended parties (Order, Crim. Cases Nos. 2795, 2796 and 2797, RTC). service of the petition on the Office of the City Mayor.
Under the circumstances, there being no showing that the acts of • Pursuant to the rules of the COMELEC, copies of the petition were
petitioner Mayor are linked with the performance of official duties such posted on the bulletin boards of different offices and places in Pasay.
as "neglect of duty, oppression, corruption, or other form of maladministration Subsequently, a verification of the authenticity of the signatures of
of office", there appears to be no question that the pending administrative the resolution was conducted.
case against him should be dismissed for lack of basis and the • The petition was opposed by Jovito Claudio, Rev. Ronald Langub,
restraining order issued by the court should be made permanent. and Roberto Angeles, alleging procedural and substantive defects in
the petition.
=> Nonetheless, the replacement of petitioner Mayor by the Officer-in- • In its resolution on October 1999, COMELEC granted the petition for
Charge Gardones has rendered the issues of removal and suspension from recall and dismissed the oppositions against it.
office, moot and academic. • The bone of the contention in this case is section 74 of the Local
Government Code which provides: prLL
PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is hereby rendered DISMISSING: (a) Limitations on Recall. — (a) Any elective local official may be the
the administrative case filed against the petitioner for lack of basis and (b) subject of a recall election only once during his term of office for loss
subject petition for having become moot and academic. of confidence. (b) No recall shall take place within one (1) year from
the date of the official's assumption to office or one (1) year
immediately preceding a regular local election.
• Mayor Claudio contends that the term "recall" refers to a process, in
contrast to the term "recall election" which refers to an election. He
claims that when the PRA convened, the process of recall began and
CASE#8: JOVITO O. CLAUDIO vs. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, since May 29, 1999 was less than a year after he had assumed
DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT, office, the PRA was illegally convened and the filing of the recall
petition was null and void.
• COMELEC maintains that the process of recall starts with the filing of
COMMISSION ON AUDIT and RICHARD ADVINCULA the petition for recall and ends with the conduct of the recall election,
and that since the petition for recall was filed on July 2, 1999, exactly
FACTS: one year and a day after Claudio's assumption of office, the recall
• Jovito O. Claudio was the duly elected mayor of Pasay City in the was validly initiated outside the one-year prohibited period.
May 11, 1998 elections.
• He assumed office on July 1, 1998. ISSUES:
• During the 2nd week of May 1999, the chairs of several barangays in
Pasay gathered to discuss the possibility of filing a petition for recall
against Mayor Claudio for loss of confidence.

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

1. Whether the Word "Recall" in Paragraph (b) of sec. 74 of the Local official, presumably on June 30 following his election, the free period is only
Government Code Includes the Convening of the Preparatory Recall the period from July 1 of the following year to about the middle of May of the
Assembly and the Filing by it of a Recall Resolution succeeding year. This is a period of only nine months and 15 days, more or
2. Whether the Phrase "Regular Local Election" in the Same Paragraph less. To construe the second limitation in paragraph (b) as including the
(b) of sec. 74 of the Local Government Code includes the Election campaign period would reduce this period to eight months. Such an
Period for that Regular Election or Simply the Date of Such Election interpretation must be rejected, because it would devitalize the right of recall
3. Whether the Recall RESOLUTION was Signed by a Majority of the which is designed to make local government units" more responsive and
PRA and Duly Verified accountable."

1. NO. This claim is being raised for the first time in this case. It was not raised
As used in the sec. 74, "recall" refers to the election itself by means of which before the COMELEC, in which the claim made by petitioner was that some
voters decide whether they should retain their local official or elect his of the names in the petition were double entries, that some members had
replacement, excluding the convening of the PRA and the filing of a petition withdrawn their support for the petition, and that Wenceslao Trinidad's
for recall with the COMELEC. These are merely preliminary steps for the pending election protest was a prejudicial question which must first be
purpose of initiating a recall. resolved before the petition for recall could be given due course. The order of
The limitations in sec. 74 apply only to the exercise of the power of recall the COMELEC embodying the stipulations of the parties and defining the
which is vested in the registered voters. It is this — and not merely, the issues to be resolved does not include the issue now being raised by
preliminary steps required to be taken to initiate a recall — which paragraph petitioner. Although the word "Attendance" appears at the top of the page, it
(b) of sec. 74 seeks to limit by providing that no recall shall take place within is apparent
one year from the date of assumption of office of an elective local official. that it was written by mistake because it was crossed out by two parallel lines
The second reason why the term "recall" in paragraph (b) refers to recall drawn across it. Apparently, it was mistaken for the attendance sheet which
election is to be found in the purpose of the limitation itself. There are two is a separate document. It is absurd to believe that the 74 members of the
limitations in paragraph (b) on the holding of recalls: (1) that no recall shall PRA who signed the recall resolution signified their attendance at the
take place within one year from the date of assumption of office of the official meeting twice. It is more probable to believe that they signed pages 94-104
concerned, and (2) that no recall shall take place within one year immediately to signify their concurrence in the recall resolution of which the pages in
preceding a regular local election. The purpose of the first limitation is to question are part.
provide a reasonable basis for judging the performance of an elective local
official. Hence, in this case, as long as the election is held outside the one-
year period, the preliminary proceedings to initiate a recall can be held even
before the end of the first year in office of a local official.
As the recall election in Pasay City is set on April 15, 2000, more than one
year after petitioner assumed office as mayor of that city, there is no bar to its
holding on that date.

2. NO.
The law does not include the campaign period in counting the one year. Had
Congress intended this limitation to refer to the campaign period, which
period is defined in the Omnibus Election Code, it could have expressly said
Moreover, petitioner's interpretation would severely limit the period during
which a recall election may be held. Actually, because no recall election may
be held until one year after the assumption of office of an elective local

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