Basudev Pandey

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TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………….……………...i
TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………….………………..ii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………1-6
1.1 Background ………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Problem Statement………..………………………………………………5
1.3 Objectives ………………………………………………………………...6
1.4 Rationale ………………………………………………………………….6
1.5 Report Structure…………………………………………………………...6
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………………..7-10
2.1 Theoretical Literature Review/Conceptual Framework…………………...7
2.2 Review of Previous Research Work……………………………………….8
2.3 Research Gap………………………………………………………………10
3.1 Type of Research ………………………………………….………………..11
3.2 Population and Sample ……………………………………………………...11
3.3 Types of Data ……………………………..…………………………………11
3.4 Data Collection Procedure……...……………………………………………11
3.5 Instruments ………………..……………………………...………………….11
3.6 Techniques of Data Analysis …………………………….…..……………...11
3.7 Limitations …………………………………………………..………………12

BBS : Bachelor of Business Studies

CAR : Capital Adequacy Ratio
GDP : Gross Domestic Product
NRB : Nepal Rastra Bank
WTO : World Trade Organization
ROA : Return On assets
ROE : Return on equity

CIBL : Citizens International Bank Limited

Vision Statement
At Nabil, our Vision is to be a bank for all across all geopolitical zones and socioeconomic strata
of the nation that can provide myriads of financial solutions and create values for all our
stakeholders, to stand in the community with our economic and civic roles. We look forward to
emerging as a ... Read More

Mission Statement
We at Nabil work together up to our vision and to bring it into reality. Our mission is therefore
to prove that Nabil is driven by he spirit for realizing those visionary aspirations. With that end in
view, we work in partnership with our stakeholders and the community at large. Our roadmap
to reach... Read More
Values Statement
We surge to turn our services and products into economic values for our treasured customers,
taking care of their financial needs. We know the world is changing and to keep pace with that
we customize our services and re-engineer our products in sync with changing time and
technology. We are always ...

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