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Analysis for wrong power reading for 11KV Motors and supposed

Remedy Action

Power reading status :-

- The real Power reading on Micoms Relay depends on the motor current and voltage ( 11KV )

supplied to motor and phase Shift for power factor but due to voltage taken from( Bus voltage ) Primary side
the calculated power and power factor is Wrong and all related calculation with voltage

as follow
So the problem Here is we don’t have Secondary VT for Voltage Sensing

Wrong Solutions
1- Dividing the power from P243 By 3 which is wrong because the power factor reading is wrong as
the angle of power factor is taken between primary voltage and secondary current

2- Changing the VT ratio in P243 to Be 11.5 KV /110V this also wrong as the same reason before

As the motors Pf is reached to or deviated from 0.66 and 0,92

Correct Supposed Solution

1- Putting VT at secondary side To Obtain 11KV voltage as Input for MICOM Motor relay P243

But we have this VT to Be added outdoor at transformer side and need more safety, construction and cost

2- Considering the power reading as Transformer input from P643 Micom relay as equal to motor power as
transformer efficiency deviate from from 99.3% to 99.5 % approximate Same for all loading condition

So the output power is approximately same as input power

All we can make an equation for PDCS system to obtain the power

As P Motor = Pin( transformer ) X η (efficiency ) this is the Most approximate method

1- 12.5MVA Transformer efficiency at different input voltage

Also for 15 MVA and 10 MVA transformer approximate efficiency is same

For example

Max power will be at rated 4.645 MVA is about 37.16% of transformer rating ( 12.5 MVA )


Max power will be at rated 6.96 MVA is about 46.4% of transformer rating ( 15 MVA )


Max power will be at rated 4.89 MVA is about 39.13% of transformer rating ( 12.5 MVA )

Max power will be at rated 3.33 MVA is about 33.3 % of transformer rating ( 10 MVA)

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