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25Th May 1997 Rhynie

Channelled by Kathleen Murray
It is I, Archangel Metatron. I have great pleasure in being here, in being able to communicate
through this one. It is I who have been working through you recently - touching into the souls of
many to allow them understanding of the vast-ness and greatness of the Universes. Of all the forces
of light and dark; for the source of creation creates within the polarities of Light and dark. It has
always been so, and always will be so. I may appear to you in different forms, though you will
know me when I come. If you wish to communicate with me directly, if you feel this is on your
path, then call in a being that you are familiar with. I am coming through to this one via Ashtar. I
can come through to you through Ashtar, or through Sananda, through Merlin, through any of the
Ascended Masters that you know. The polarities of Light and dark need understanding without
judgement, they need understanding without any of the control systems that have been established
on your planet - to separate. I cannot come to you to share my wisdom unless you are ready to
release the control systems to recognise the programming that is in your being, that has been here
seeded to bring wholeness at this time.
And now I talk to you all; about receiving without judgement, of realising the whole, the light and
the dark that is always within the whole. And that that darkness has nothing to do with evil. It is a
polarity of creation. The darkness is here for embracing, as much as the light is in your being. In
your journey in this lifetime it is to embrace all aspects of your shadow that holds fear as opposed to
the joys in the great abyss. When we speak of darkness, we do not speak of fear. Darkness is an
energy of creation. A potent essential part of creation as much as the Light. Fear is not this. Fear is
part of the control, which is there to prevent growth into being whole. So we make this definition
very clearly that darkness is not fear.
When you find yourself unaware of being able to distinguish between the magic of the great abyss,
which incorporates all the dream time, the collective consciousness of the dream field in all
realities. And of the darkness inside yourself which you may not wish to look at, then call on us and
we guide you through your looking, that you maybe prepared to look at, and face your own fears
held within the darkness of your being. And to take away those own fears like the veils of illusion
that they are - so that you may see the light clearly and the dark clearly. It is time to embrace all.
For in the Ascension process we ascend into the light and we also ascend into the dark. We ascend
into wholeness and we ascend into the knowing of Source, and that light. As soon as we reach that
level of Source, and our being can be and contact and remain in contact with the Source of creation.
Then all at once our journey embraces the whole of the light and the dark together. Within the being
space of the source of creation, the doorways to the darkness lie. And they lie for exploration for all
of you who are the journeyers, the adventurers.
When you are ready your I am presence will guide you. and call in ourselves - Archangel Metatron that you
may first of all experience being at one with Source, to be able to embrace the darkness within you as well
as the light. Have no fear of darkness that is our message to you today. Why have fear of darkness? Ask
yourself. Where do your fears lie, where do your fears lie of evil? You will find they only lie inside yourself, for
that is where they can only lie. Fears and programming placed within the sub-conscious of humanity in its
journey of evolution. Fears and programming placed in humanity by counterparts of yourselves from different
stellar systems to enable the progress of evolution. As well as by those who have interacted with humanity
who have not been concerned with the progress of humanity. These are the places where your deepest fears
lie. And we say that now face them, face them with all the help that is here, all the assistance that is here.

We wish to see all the light workers in the world able to be workers for the dark as well, for through
their light work they can contact the being of themselves that lies at Source, that can see without
judgement the darkness that is in the universes, the multi-verses, the whole of existence. It is for
now for those pioneers, through their meditations to become workers of such power of knowing in
their hearts who already live in their lives by the principles of unconditional Love and unconditional
Trust. Unconditional trust is needed to be in your being. It needs to be in your being that you may
feel safe and secure as a multi-dimensional being to look at darkness in yourself, in all its aspects.
To see how constructive and how much part of creation this darkness is, and to be able to look into
this darkness without fear.
It is the same as being able to look into the light without any fear, and we realise that many of you
have dedicated your lives to being light workers. This has given you the strength and the courage
and the ability to contact your own guidance, your I am presence, and to live your lives through
with your I am presence and your guidance. Yet now we offer you this challenge - can you embrace
the dark as well as the light? I Archangel Metatron encourage you to do so. I encourage you to be a
pioneer. I encourage you to transform yourself into a light worker of the multi-verses, a light
worker, a dark worker. I encourage you to transform yourself into a light worker of the universes.
There is no difference when there is no judgement.
I realise that this challenge an opportunity to see your fears. My colleague who stands by my side is
Archangel Michael, who will always assist you when you feel fearful. Together we work as a team.
And together we will work with you as a team, on taking the judgement out of darkness, and
allowing yourself to be in the whole of Creation to have a knowing-ness of the whole of Creation,
stripping away the illusions of fear in your growth into light, and your growth into darkness. We
salute you with your courage to take on this challenge. And we leave you in our Love. It is I,
Archangel Metatron

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