Dance of The Rain Because They Want Rain. 2 Types of Function

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BLOC A: Perspective view of educational system


1. Bases of sociology

- What is sociology?

Sociology is a science that study social order (the phenomenon that maintain the society in the way that it
is), social change and conflicts. Sociology is not always the same, it changes.

The social order was achieved thank you to the industrial revolution (90 century) because people realized
about the necessity of having an order in the world. So in this moment sociology started, at the industrial
revolution time.

Thank you to the change of rules and values, the society progressed.

We are able to give reasons about what we do. We are rational and we need meanings.

We are Individual Society (relation between them. The individual act depending on how the
society influences on him/her).

- What is a perspective?

Society is a perspective. It is the way we see the world. We can change the way we see the world.

Theories help us to see the world by different ways or views.

Things are not what they seem.

Ex of sociological perspective Merton: he went to a mountain with some friends and they did the
dance of the rain because they want rain. 2 types of function:

1. Manifest function: are those recognized and intended consequences that people observe or
expect in a social pattern or social institution. Dance to have rain, water.
2. Latent function: is that objective consequence that contributes in the social adaptation but that is
not observed nor intended by the members of a society. (Ex to use a newspaper to protect the
floor protection when you have a new puppy that is not trained to go outside). Dance for another
reasons like for solidarity or to avoid conflicts, different reasons from the main one.

Sociology makes questions about how the system, the society works. That means that we see more about
the normality.

Durkheim (90th century): society determines everything, what we can do, our position, what we are. Society
determines a lot of things about ourselves.

- What are the variables that affect in what we are? (Sociological reasons)

 Social problem: affects a group of people. (to the society usually occurs something)
 Individual problem: affects only a one person. (to someone concretely happens this).
 Sociological problem: ask for the problem, why happens this. (The investigation, cause-effect,
how a factor (com el pais d’origen, si estas casat o no..) influence in a social event?
- What is ideology?

It is a way to understand the world, and sometimes ideologists give us prejudgments* about things or
people. (Ex Black people smells bad).

* To judge beforehand without possessing adequate evidence.

They use this social explanation to maintain the different position of the society.

- What is relativism?

Is a concept that explains that there are different ways to see the world, different cultures and to
understand what we are and what we do. There are a lot of cultural systems but they do not have to be
accepted. Our normality is not the correct one or the only one.

- What is society?

It is the interaction, experience with others. Is important the importance of reutilization of experience.

We have rules, customs. These rules tell us what we have to do and what not.

Rules are ways to act but sometimes we choose a bad decision. Human beings are ontological (són
socials), they only know to live and develop in society.

When we born, we are immature and we need to be helped to survive and it is done by social relation.

ONTOLOGICALLY SOCIAL: we move from a cultural system. We have born in a social world. We give up
part of our freedom in order to adapt us and have the help of the society. The social organization ensures
the social lives of children and their development, they ensure we can survive. We have born in a social
world that has been made before we born, us.

Society determines our identity, what we are. We cannot choose the social order in which we born. It is
defined by rules which we have to obey. 2 types of social rules Explicit rules (given for the
institutions)/implicit rules (unwritten) (these types of values and costumes that we acquire during the
socialization process.

When we break these rules (break the normality), we see this social organization, there are “punishments”.

The society has a social order that makes it be in balance. In each historical moment and in every society,
the elements change, and therefore the social order is different.

If we did not follow this social order, it appeared the violence and then was when the government (the
police) tries to put solutions.

SOCIAL CONTROL SYSTEM: economic pressure or social pressure (gossip…)

In conclusion, when we talk about human beings, society, we have to talk about these structures,
organizations that maintain the order.

- How we are socialized in a cultural system?

Sociology can give us another point of view at some individual problems that society has. It depends on the
cultural system.

SOCIALIZATION PROCESS is an opened - process, it starts when we born and lasts all the life. It
depends on the culture system you live. Our identity changes. In this process we build our identity
depending on the culture. We become members of a society internalizing rules, beliefs and values.
PRIMARY process most important, first contact. It occurs during the childhood (the sooner one and
the later) and it is the more intensive period of cultural learning. Is the moment when children learn the
language and the basic patterns of behavior that create the basis for a posterior learning. In this period the
main agent of socialization is the family.

SECONDARY process it happens in a posterior period of children and during the maturity, and are
other agents of socialization that assume the responsibility of the family. For instance, the school, the
organizations, the mass media… The social interaction that takes place in these contexts contribute to that
people learn the values and the rules that make the patterns of their culture.

Theory of role (MEAD)

All of us have different roles. Is the way we have to act, pattern we follow in a different situation. Acting in a
different way depending on the situation.

The identity is related with the social context.

- How we socialize our rules?

With significant people (parents, family, friends).

General others.

*IDENTITY: we construct our identity through socialization process. We need it to move in a social system.
It give us tools to survive (cultural rules language). Identity can change during our life.


Amount of inequality. Our social structure make easier this inequality. [els homes es converteixen en caps de
família, treballen més hores normalment, i porten més capital a casa. La mare cuida dels nens].

Ex Gini Coefficient: is used to measure the inequality of incomes, inside a country, but it can also be
used to measure any form of unequal distribution.

Opportunities to change this situation. We can move to another statement? We can access to the top of the

Crisis makes more inequality between rich and poor people.

What is social stratification?

It is a set of stratification (unequal) axes that rations the probability to access to social resources, or the
form that adopts the global system of relations between individuals. Studies of social structure are
cartographies of social positions of inequality. Depende de tu posicion social no puedes acceder a segun
que fuentes.

Our society is structured in a way that young people does not have power.

Ex of stratification age, culture, gender, territory, sexual position…

Any system of social stratification is based on an explanation: a discourse of legitimization.

 Religion: god wants it that way.

 Nature: everyone takes the position that corresponds.
 Science: “science” says that things are like that. It says that our knowledge is higher than others.
Social class as a form of stratification

- According to the relation with means (medias) of production (Marxist)

- According to the position, socioeconomic status (Bourdieu, Giddens, Webern, …)

Sometimes society makes us do things that we do not like.

MARX (1818-1883)

We produce our life, our relations and emotions.

1. Primitive accumulation of capital.

2. Characteristics of human being
- Produces their means of existence (livelihood)
- Create their needs: it is reach in needs.
- Acts in nature in so far as it acts on him: subject and object .

The object of study of the sociology are the individuals. We study them from a scientific point of
view. L’objecte són els subjectes.
Sociological perspective: we study something from the sociology. The fundamental element is to
study the social order. We have to see that social orden is unequal and is when we talk about
stratification axis (social classes, gender, sex…) this position us in the society. When we born we
have more or less drawn our way because there are different elements that influence in our social
If we talk of stratification is because there are elements that order the world in which we live.

Object of study -> subjects (people)

The organization of society depends on means of production.


The object of study is the production of human existence. In different history moments we have produced
differently. The economic part defines the other parts. We study the economic part to understand

If we talk about production, we produce feelings, ways of life not only money, things that go further than

Class: capitalism Class: the proletariat

Owners of means of production. Workers

-Active subject Political organization, dynamic concept of social class

Development of productive forces It is based on the existence of struggle(prueba)

Conquer new markets They are conscious of their situation.

-Passive subject

Economic crisis

Destruction of productive forces


All good has two faces:

1. Use value: A subjective value that we give to a product that satisfies us a necessity, like eat or hobbies
or culture.
2. Exchange value: the quan6titative value of the product in the market, what you pay for it.

MERCANTILISM: Money is a medium of exchange; the purpose is the production of commodity.

(commodity – money – commodity) HAGO UN ZAPATO, LO VENDO, Y CON EL DINERO ME


CAPITALISM: Fundamental change in the relationship between commodity/money. Commodities are the
means to produce capital; the aim is to produce capital. Ensure more money that they had before. Capital
system put pressure to the worker in order to obtain more benefits.

(Money – commodity- money)

Constant capital (means of production, machines and material)

Value of commodity Variable capital (labor power, salary)

Surplus value (extra, benefits)

When you pay less for a purchase, it means that the variable capital is low in order to that the surplus value
of the enterprise be positive.

The effects of capital system


Alienation is the underestimation of an individual. Is to have no awareness of the things that we do and that
we consume. The alienated individuals, which are part of the proletariat, are individuals with a poor life
expectancy, since they do not have the power of decision.

The objective fact: the separation between labor and capital (a product of exploitation).

Capitalism produce alienation (aislamineto) As workers we do not have the power of the decision
about what we do. You do not decide what or how we produce. Someone says what you have to do.

- Conceptual chain

Alienation objectification naturalism of market behavior fetishism

Objectified value buyers and sellers the market exchange prices that people would pay for
the commodities.

To solve this lack of grow in work… it appears the consumism. It consists on buying things that we do not

A part from the position according to the medias of production, there are also other aspects that determine
styles of life.


Habitus: It responds to the need to incorporate new variables in social stratification. There are different
lifestyles. Not only the money defines us, there are other variables. We can talk about economic capital but
it is not enough. So he put cultural capital.

Our social position defines how we life, our lifestyle. If you are from a high class your lifestyle obviously will
be different.


Class: is one of the most important stratification axes (eje).

Gender: is arbitrary characteristic. This means that we could choose another characteristic to build
different groups of people like the color of our eyes, the hair… From a biological system, we construct us.
We see these differences as natural.

Objectification of discrimination and legitimacy of prejudice (have ideas like what women or men have to do
in different situations).

The socialization process is the moment when we construct the norms, the culture…

Our identity is socialized in this unequal world. Our desire, aims are unequal.

When we talk about GENDER, we have to have clear the difference between

- SEX: is the division of the individuals of a specie between males and females. It is based biological
differences of bodies (genetic, physical and physicological).

- GENDER: it refers to the social and cultural characteristics attributed to man and women differently
and that also determine the ways of thinking, feeling and acting. It defines different groups and
different powers.

United Nation, definition of Gender: the concept that establishes relationships between men and women
based on socially defined roles that are designed to either sex; thus are social constructions that are
different in each society.

Gender definition

(Few perspectives)

- Identity: the power acts from within.

The cultural significance that assumes the sexual body (Gayle Rubin).

Construction of subjectivity: subjected subjects. Also the concept of sex and sexuality. (J.Butter).

- Social position: the power acts from outside (institution).

The different elements that determine our position.

The position that has in production of existence, socio-economic structure. (materialism)

Consider the structure, it refers to the way that social relations are established an action.

· PATRIARCHY: is a system of social relations in which men as a social group and individually, support
positions of power, oppress women and take control of their reproductive and productive capacity, of their
bodies and their products, either in a peaceful or violent way.

Is the kind of social order in which men gender has the power.
We can talk about patriarchy when the gender variable is significant for the explanation of different social
positions and access to???????

· EQUALITY: has a normative character.

We defend that all human beings have to be equal. We can be different in a physical way but we have to
live in an equality relation. When these differences determine social groups, we have to suspect because is
when inequality appears.

· DIFFERENCE: characteristics that make you be different but do not make you be in a discriminated

· DISCRIMINATION: is the action to deal differently a person or group of people depending on a certain
characteristics in the same situation.

When people in the same position is treat in a different way.

· INEQUALITY: refers to the different positions of a group based on their access to resources and power

Gender inequality

Gender is a social position because it is discriminated. If gender would not be discriminated, men and
women would be equal, and therefore, we would not speak of a variable with significant weight in society.

- Social structure (I)

Refers to a system of relations between social positions.

A necessity relationship between the positions (the existence of a position presupposes the existence of
the other positions).

Is based on the division of labor.

Feminity women housewife.

Masculinity head of household.

Actually women usually has the second salary (level). If you work in your house, taking care of someone
like your kids, your family, you need to live with someone who earns money.

The sexual division of paid job is a replica of the sexual division of labor in the family:

Women are represented in care activities, productive activities relating to the care of people.

Men are represented in product activities relating to the production and management of intellectual and
material wealth.

This society put different values according to our culture. To get over this inequality, we should have a
women as a minister but this, in this society, means that we would be breaking the rules.

So women have to continue fighting to change these values of our society.

If we want to get over this situation, we have to change it. We have to change these positions.

For assignment: (para tarea)

Implies the existence of institutions where social positions are attributed to individuals.

Sexual division Women Man

Psychic structure Passivity Active. Aim for the realization of their

Responsive to the need of others objectives and therefore to possess

Needed recognition of their worth, what they want, even women.

be desired.

Social structure Housewife Head of household

It is the primary responsible of care Responsible to financially sustain the

giving and home care. family.

When we have job, has a comple- Quan fa treball domestic ajuda, té un

mentary role. paper complementari.

Sexual division Fundamentally oriented to recover Fundamentally oriented to production

of labor everyday energy of people: child care, and management of health.

sick and disabled

- Psychic structure (I)

· Characteristics of subjectivity:

It defends the things (action) we do or the things we desire (orientation of desire) is a social

Is internalized in the early years of life. Identify with figures of reference. (si nos dicen que las niñas
tenemos que jugar a muñecas, haremos eso).

In terms of sexual division of labor between the mother and the father, the child has sexist references.


Ethnicity as a Stratification Axis

 Race: a defined group from a biological characteristic. Group of people who share similar and
distinct physical characteristics. The studies of race are done from a genetic point of view.
 Ethnicity: is a defined group from their cultural practices. Is a socially defined category of people
who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.
 Nationality: is defined by the legal relationship between a person and a state. We need to
understand the legal integration.
Now we live in a world that is globalized. The ones who are in the powerful or highest position, this situation
benefits them. This globalization needs migratory movements. The causes are different, like for example a
foreigner business man.

The level of movement is increasing every year. Never mobility of men and women had been so widely
(3% of the world population).

Globalization phenomenon: migration today cannot be understood outside this dimension. (in this World).

Globalization intensifies migration, but also migration carries the globalization.

Growing politicization of migration (eg security policy).

Feminization of migration: play an active role in different regions and types of migration.

Spain is starting to lose population, natives as well as foreigners.

We live in a multicultural society. That means we share our cities, our neighbors, different ethnics groups.
The reason here is because Spain has produced emigration and received immigration.

Because of the existence of different cultures within an equal space makes to worry about cultural

3 different kind of Integration:

 Structural Integration: when these groups, they have space and penetrate in the occupational
structure of the host society. We accept them because they are important for our economic system.
 Cultural Integration: if they live in a new city they have to accept and get used to minimum values
of coexistence and the right of difference and acceptance.
 Legal Integration: guarantee equal justice between immigrants and natives.

In 2010, the 12.22% of Spanish population registered had foreign nationality. In Catalonia, the foreign
population represents 15.95%. The majority of numbers of immigrant are from 16 years, as in this age they
can work and are a labor force. Now we are in negative numbers about these migratory movements (crisis).

We can see that our unemployment rate of native people is decreasing while foreigner is increasing. That
means that before our economic system needed those foreigners because we needed cheap labor force.
Now with the crisis everything has changed.


 Is judging another culture solely (solamente) by the values and standard of one's own culture.
 Ethnocentric individuals judge other groups relative to their own ethnic group or culture, especially
with concern for language, behavior, customs, and religion.
 It is considered a natural proclivity (tendencia) of human psychology; it has developed a generally
negative connotation.

· Bronislaw Malinowski argued that any human science had to transcend (ir más allá) the ethnocentrism
of the scientist. He has to try to get over from our ethnocentric point of view.

· Judith Butler: recognizing the Other in order to sustain the Self and the problems of not being able to
identify the Other. We need to construct this category of Other, because thus we are constructing us, our

Symbolic construction

 Immigrant =/ citizen (unknown, monstrosity, always have or miss something). Manuel Delgado.
 Immigrant: always half way, it just arrive... Endangering our true. It embodies cultural characteristics
“different”, “Distants”, “monstruos”. At the same time that confirm our identity.


The only way of be immune from the human misfortune is abolishing empathy between people.

An example of this situation would be “explotation”.

Approaches to Diversity

 Cultural assimilation: expects the adoption of the values and norms of the culture of the majority.
Resulting an acculturation. (French model). Have the same rights and the same obligations, If we
want to become a member of this state. Maybe they have studied but when they try to find a job
they want, they have difficulties. Is when conflicts appear because of the discrimination.
 Cultural pluralism: coexistence (convivencia) of different cultural groups. (English model).


Attributed functions

Socialization, as a lifelong interactive process of cultural learning, involves different types of social actors.
Agents of socialization are the individuals, groups and institutions that create the social context in which
socialization takes place.

It is through agents of socialization that individuals learn and incorporate the values and norms of their
culture as well as their various positions in the social structure in such terms as class, race and gender.

Obviously, family is a social institution. It has some functions related to the socialization process. For
example organize primary socialization and mediate social influences..

 Is responsible to take care of the child.

 Is where it mediates the norms, customs and values that the child has to acquire.
 Is a reflection of the social context, where you'll find the characteristics of the society in which we
 It give us affective and material support
 We find the cultural framework (marco) and the language, which is what gives us the tools to
develop ourselves as a people.

From our families we are assigned to our position in the social structure. Families all belong to some social
class, racial and ethnic group. According to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, from our families, we inherit our
habitus, that is, the set of dispositions that mark us as part of our social class: manners, speech patterns,
vocabulary and articulation styles, bodily behavior and postures. Our habitus defines the type of social
interactions in which we feel comfortable.

Moreover, families represent a very important agent of socialization because it provides stable emotional
support and attention to basic material need and breeding of children.

Families have lost ground lately. STATE and MARKET cover functions of the family.

Family structure

It depens on:

- Marriage:

 Monogamy: is a form of relationshipº in which and individual has only one partner during his or her
lifetime or at any one time (serial monogamy).
 Polygamy: involves marriage that includes more than two partners. (Polygyny, Polyandry).
 Polyamory: It has been described as “consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy”, and
may or may not include polysexuality (attraction towards multiple genders or sexes). Is the
acceptance of intimate relationships that are not exclusive with respect to other sexual or intimate
relationships, with knowledge and consent of everyone involved.

It depens on:

· Degrees of kinship (parentesco):

 Nuclear: 1st degree of kinship. (parents and siblings)

 Extended: 2nd degree of kinship (grandmothers, uncles…)

PRIMARY SOCIALIZATION, is the process by which children learn the cultural norms of the society into
which they are born. Because this happens during the early years of childhood, the family is the most
important arena (ámbito) for the development of the human personality (T.Parsons).

One of the most distinctive features of human beings, compared to other animals, is that humans are self-
aware. (conscientes de si mismos)


We don't remember the things we do in our first years of life because our brain isn't yet done so it don't
remember everything. We need language to have the possiblity to construct our memories. These first
years are very important because is when we educate.

What we see from the adults in our childhood is the first contact that we have with the social world, so
family also determines the way that we have our romantic and sexual relations.

- The importance of early years of life.

- The unconscious part governs our behavior, defined in childhood.

- Most experience disappears from memory.

- Children must learn that their needs and desires cannot always cover/filled immediately. He has
instinctive impulses, but they are sometimes not possible to cover.

Super ego  social norms that we have interiorized. We discover it through the feeling of guilt. We feel
guilty when we break the social norms. It is created by the environment, the institutions (like family...) It is a
process with tensions. Controlling impulses.

- The child becomes independent overcomes Oedipus complex.

Psychic apparatus

- Id: the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends, our desires. (modas innatas).

- Super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role. It is now the social control.

- The ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.

In the socialization process we are building a morality that determines our feelings.

For Freud…
“ the installation of the super-ego can be described as a successful instance of identification with the
parental agency”.

“the super-ego also takes on the influence of those who have stepped into the place of parents –
educators, teachers, people chosen as ideal models.

“The Super-ego can be thought of as a type of conscience that punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt.
For example, for having extra-marital affairs.





H. Mead (symbolic interactionism)

 Symbolic interactionism emphasizes that interaction between human beings takes place through
symbols and the interpretation of meanings. Try to understand the meanings we give to our actions.

· The “I”: the child does not socialized. Needs and desires.

· Self (“me”): the social self. Self- awareness of how I am and how others see me.

1st Process: Imitation

Play is one way in which this takes place, and in their play, small children often imitate what adults do.

Child of 4 or 5 years old will act out an adult role. Mead called this “taking the role of the other”.

Children achieve an understanding of themselves as separate agents. Children's play enable (permitir)
them to start to develop a social self. - As a “me” - by seeing themselves through the eyes of others.

Play as a form of socialization.

2nd Process: “Me” the social part of the “Self” (+8)

It is at this period that they begin to understand the overall values and morality according to which social life
is conducted.

The generalized other: understanding the general values and moral rules of the culture in which they are
Social Change and Family

Diversification of models: Parent Families, divorce, homosexual, and remarriage... C.ROCHEFORT(Kids


Relative reduction of their functions. State and market (economic structure) do these functions. (like

Individualization and urbanite process: privatization of the family. Paris, the city of solitude (most of the
population life alone).

Changing role of women: erosion (desgaste) of the patriarchal family and increase of instability.

Children as a consumer good (bien de consumo): enjoy your affection (to the detriment (pérdida) of
disciplinary accompaniment). (coolhunter) now families have children because they want, before in
traditional families they had children because they need their assistance to work.

Socio-demographic changes: Less children but more years new patterns of family relationships. Now the
childhood and the youth is prolonged because children usually stay at home until they are thirty, more or
less. Before, in traditional family children became independent at the age of 15, more or less, and also
started to work at that age.

Family socialization styles

When we talk about it we are asking about emotional support (if they have a lower or a higher one) and the

Emotional support → it refers the distance between parents and children if they are close in an emotional
way. That means that If parents listen to their children needs, what they need, what they like. If the parents
give them answer to their children's needs. Is the quality of communication.

Control → we know that family can be very strict with these rules or maybe they are more open-minded.
Refers to the control of established norms, the way they are established and

Different kind of parents:

·Permissive: reduced distance between parents and children. A lot of communication with the child.
Promotion of close dialogue and expression. Frequent use of positive reinforcements. It gives a lot of
importance to the self-regulation and motivation of the child. It exerts little control on the established norms.
Family peace is given preference to conflict or fulfillment.

·Contractual: small distance between parents/children.. A lot of communication with the child. Promotion of
close dialogue and expression. Frequent use of positive reinforcements. It gives a lot of importance to the
self-regulation and motivation of the child. It controls the established norms but, parents can negotiate
these norms with the child if it is necessary. Weak role of parents. (Some of the rules are really clear.)
Effects: children

·Protectionist (frequently in traditional family): small distance between parents/children. A lot of

communication with the child. Promotion of close dialogue and expression. Frequent use of positive
reinforcements. All the family do many activities together. They carry out many activities as a family. Strong
control of socialization agents and of the other agents of socialization. They can talk about the reasons of
each norm although they give importance to the accomplishment of norms.

Effects: the previous two, children develop general and specific communication skills to express emotional
and motivational aspects. Diverge the process of building autonomy.

·Authoritarian: large distance between parents and children. Little communication parents/children. Little
dialogue and little importance to the expression of child. Enforcement of regulation. Values of the fulfillment
of the norms established.

Effects: submission or rebellion, resentment. Difficulties in emotional expression and in the processes of
acquiring responsibilities and personal autonomy.

· Anomic: large distance between parents and children. Little communication parents/children. Little
dialogue and little importance to the expression of child. Little parental involvement. Arbitrary control of
norms, punishments and sanctions. Too little communication in the family, conflicts don't even arise. Too
much responsibility and independence for the children (at the affective and material level)

Effects: disorientation and psychological problems (low self-esteem, low social abilities to solve problems
and low capacity for conflict resolution).

Peer group: (grup iguals)

· Socialization agent consisting in a friendship group composed of individuals of similar age and social

 Social group: group of people who maintain some kind of relationship and have consciousness
(there is a “us” and “others”, with external recognition) they share objectives and activities, and
relative stability.
 Age: each society establishes different age categories with different functions, tasks and rites of
passage (If you want to separate your family context, you have to do something) between them.
 Primary Group is characterized by face to face relationships and usually involves a strong bond

·The peer group does not explicitly aim to socialize, but increasingly plays a more important role in the
socialization of children and adolescents.

· Maintain regulations, social control mechanisms and their own models of social relations.

· Contributes to the formation of personal identity, values, tastes and behavior patterns.
· The lengthening (alargamiento) of the childhood and youth intensify the importance of the peer group.

· Despite of the family towards the peer group. Harris JR “theory of socialization group”

· Detriment de la familia vers el grup d'iguals”.

Modeling behavior: children

· Central mechanism: play, imitation and routine.

· The peer group is a central agent for the social and psychological development.

· To play is one of the main ways of their development. They learn the rules of the “majority”: what does the
majority becomes the common rule. (H. Mead).

· The preferred model of a child is another child. Example: the food, the games... (they will do what the
others do).

· Desire to belong and to identify with a peer group.

We need to be in a peer group to be recognized.

Modeling behavior: Youngers and teenagers

· In the peer group we learn how to be and to think to be accepted. The peer group assesses the conduct
of its members continuously.

· Peer group shares friendship, interests and tastes.

Regulating behaviors.

· Social control mechanisms as ridicule, mockery, ostracism (dejar de lado, apartar).

· Key role in the socialization of tastes and preferences for leisure and consumption. Idiosyncrasy of the
peer group: the posh, hippies, skins, gothic, emos,...

Differentiation of behaviors

· Socialization is specific to the context, therefore, if children and young people behave differently at home
is precisely because they use codes of conduct adjusted to the context (social rule).

· For teenagers there is a need to distance themselves from the adult world; peer group helps them to do

The Consumer Society and peer groups

Main characters:
· Neoindividuality: back to the Self, conceived as a refuge from society. Lack of belief in the collective

· Hedonism and immediacy: Cult to the present. Fragmentation in a series of perpetual presents.
Immediate requirement for an experience of pleasure. Cult to the body and fashion affects individual

· Weak thought: absence of ideology capable to explain the reality. All major meta-stories, speeches
legitimizing enter into crisis. Predominant language of the image to the verbal or textual.

· Pensament feble: abscència d'una ideologia capaç d'explicar el món. Persistent opposition to universals,
meta-narratives, and generality.

· Aesthetification of life: abolishing border between art everyday life. Stylistic multiplicity, eclecticism and
mixing codes: pastiche, irony, fun and celebration.

· New forms of social relations: renunciation of social transformation projects.

· Ironic vision of social reality: predominance of irony and humor in front of rational argument.

· Subordination of culture to market logic: the market absorbs cultural products and turns them into

· End of the “era of representation“ Simulacions Era, where simulacra occupy plays an equivalence with
real (idealization of the reality).

- 1. What is Free Time?

Personal time

Duty Time Remaining (restante) time

(mandatory tasks) (time released of obligation)

- 2. Five moments of DUTY TIME

 Formation time (School, continuous,..)

 Labor time (productive work)
 Family time (domestic work, care, relationships,...)
 Social time (volunteer work, social commitments,...)
 Regeneration time (rest, hygiene)

- Free time: it is the remaining time and we use it as an element of leisure or rest.

- 3. Evolution in the FT amount

Reduced working time (8 h)

Reduction of working hours (generalization weekend vacation time, reduced day)

- 4. Evolution of the concept of FT

Legitimation process (s. XIX and XX):

What we do after work?

Need of personal time/ personal fulfillment. Effects on productive improve. Comeback of classical Greece
ideal and upper classes of the S.XVIII.

Organization of free time > Puritanism leisure. We must do something and do it well. Commercialization
process of free time and leisure.

- 5. Economic sector of FT

Catering and hospitality

Comercial Malls

Media (tv, newspaper, internet...)

Travel and tourism

Leisure monitors

Electronic entertainment (consolas, games, PC)

Nightlife (bars, pubs, clubs,...)

- 6. Exclusivity by social class

Upper class / Old Middle Class

Distinguished by exclusivity. UC mobilizing all available capital, while the OCM tends to rely more on

New Middle Class

Looking exclusivity by personal development. The NMC will put more emphasis on the expressive aspects,
while the LMC focus more on instrumental aspects

Working Class

Activities of a passive instrumental character and mass consumption.

- 7. Tendences in FT:

Stàndards “similarity” in consumtion:

 comercial mall
 tv and video
 weekend
 party, nightlife
 holidays “sea and mountain”

Social class differences; trends:

 exclusivity distinguished
 exclusivity for personal development
 development by community-popular aspect
 WC: passive consumption.

Massive consumption

Each class and ridiculed sacred value to others and has always been labeled as the working class
“garrulo”, “cholas” or uneducated and UC as “refinats” o “mariques” (“fags”).

- 8. Looking for exclusivity

You can search exclusivity mobilizing different resources:

 Economic capital

OMC own a yatch “Go where no one has come” NMC

 cultural capital

opera , avant-garde theater

 social capital

yatch club/horse racing

latest (paddle, extreme sports, tai chi, chocolate – therapy, Pilates,...)



The media are instruments that allow the transmission processes of knowledge between people. From
signs of art from prehistory through writing, to audiovisual language and mass media.

Have evolved as technological advances (Harry Pross):

- Primary Media: used from the human body. Symbols, verbal language.
- Secondary Media (machine): the producer needs a machine…
- Tertiary Media ( electronic): technology is needed for both: the producer and the receiver.
Television, music, telegraphy.
- Quaternary media: digital or new media.

Mass media

Have the function to form, inform and entertain the mass audience that hac access to them.

The MM is managed by public organizations and holdings of communication.


MM have the resources to strengthen attitudes, values and beliefs.

Support the exercise of power (institutional and business) with no coercion but through seduction.

We have to enjoy what we watch, the tv news..

Mass media

They sell different kind of mass media in order to arrive to each type of public.

When we talk about mm, we have to understand that there is a relation between economic system and
mass media. In each newspaper they represents their ideological position. (hostholding)

Audiovisual language: The multiple screens

Audiovisual language, with the birth of the moving image in the twentieth century, has imposed in
contemporary communication

There are plurality of artifacts with screen in the processes and communication practices: cinema, 3D,
cellular phone…

A brief history of the moving image:

The large career searching moving images. (magic latern S. XVII zoetrope s. XIX)

The first film was created by the Lumiere brothers.

They have evolved and change a lot looking for the seduction and that people enjoy what they watch.

1956 (public TV SPAIN)

Characteristics of audiovisual fiction:

- Film editing
- Lighting
- The narrative use of film plans
- The music and sound
- Other elements
- Content
- Emotional impact.

The audio-visual language has its own grammar for the narrative fiction. This language is constructed
from the evolution of fictional films and extends a specific language as the universal language of moving
images for all screens.
There are a lot of characteristics of audio-visual fiction and they establish a magical bond between fiction
and reality. The most important are the content and the emotional part to impact the expectation.

When we use audiovisual language, we put emotion.

We see what someone wants to show us. (Through the TV).

The audio-visual language tries to connect us in a emotive way.

Global screen effects: The production of meaning

Baudrillard (1991) author of postmodernity. He separates the information from the production of meaning.
In a book he says that what we see about world war is a fiction constructed from the reality. He says that
mass media is not neutral, there is always a subject that constructs the discourse. Sometimes we have a
neutral perception of the technological elements. Technology is done in a social context.

· Reality and fiction: For him the universe of mass media causes that fiction become more real than realty

· Hyperreality: condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that
there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins, in whose interior finish every
meaning. Is that discourse that we see in the TV, that does not have any contact with the reality.

· Simulacrum: is producing an artificial image self-referential, freed from any connection with the outside

· The mass media have vanished all difference between reality and fiction, between what is apparent and
what is real. Among Simulacrum and true.

Mass media are not neutral.

The neutral character attributed to technology has brought, according to the critical theory of the Frankfurt
School, to a deep estrangement in relation to the central problems of humanity, (ethics, justice, freedom,

New narcissistic subjectivity:

The media promote unattainable stereotypes to which we maybe will arrive never.

This creates discomfort in the individual: experiencing incomplete and defective, that we are wrong.

In mass media we can find a lot of stereotypes to try to construct our identity.

In our society we have mechanisms to give tools to have critical thinking, to learn how the audio-visual
works and their consequences on us. The way we have in our society to be fine is consumption 

Social network: is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or
organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. What of the main important thing is that
the communication is that is not hierarchic, is a transversal relationship. We are not anymore only
consumers of the different MM, we have become producers too.

Rizomatic: theory and research that allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points in data
representation and interpretation.

TRANSVERSAL: communication that escapes from the hegemonic discourses and allows peer to peer
PROSUMER: is a person who consumes and produces media.

Now in a communication way, we can produces knowledge, access to it and interact with the ones that we

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