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TCSS Rescue Cacti for Sale

Lots & lots to choose from…..

Barrels - from 2” to 14” diameter (about $1 per inch)
Hedgehogs – from 1 to 20 heads (about $1 per head)
TCSS Club Members receive a 15% discount June 2004
Call Joe or Patsy if interested 575-7126
Thursday, June 3, 2004
TCSS BOARD 7:00 pm
New Members: Welcome to the following new members. Detailed information will be included in the new
roster that will be issued at midyear. Officers Polycephalus, microphylla and confertifolia…oh my!
President: Richard Wiedhopf Cono Rojo, Sierra del Pinacate, Sonora, Mexico
Karen L Abels Wendy Hill Herb & Sarah Morris 885-6367
Pamela Bass Terry Jennings Carl Noggle Vice President: Kevin Barber
Richard Brennis Dale & August Johnson John Palting Secretary: Lynda Ryan Just south of Organ Pipe National Monument,
Michael Brewer Ken Kay & Karen K Cristensen Alyce Pennington & Rick Trapp
Treasurer: Valarie Miller 32 miles south of the U.S./Mexico border, lies
Leah Buchta & Bryan Starrett Brad & Muriel Knudson Jane Price Board of Directors: the Sierra del Pinacate. The Pinacate is
Thatcher Building Supply Jan Konstanty & Pat Wallace Audrey Quick Past-President: Vonn Watkins located in the southeast corner of the Gran
Keith & Carrie Burkard S. Roberta Kurtz Dorothy C Sterns Gail Virtes (2004) Desierto del Altar, one of the hottest, driest
Dan Ginter Dixie L Langdon Diane K Szollosi
Barry McCormick (2004) regions in the Sonoran Desert. Join
Jack Ramsey (2004) horticulturist Cory Martin in viewing images
Helen Gutierrez Theola Ann Lindeman & James W Nancy Tom Joe Frannea (2005)
John C Higgins Shockey Cathy M. Woodard Marty Harow (2005)
of the vegetation that manages to eke out a
Peter Hubbell (2005) meager living in this “desolate” place.
Photos by Joe Frannea and Barry McCormick. Artwork by Vonn Watkins Dan Birt (2006)
Cory Martin spent three years at Bach’s
Chris Monrad (2006)
Mark Sitter (2006) Cactus Nursery prior to his four-year tenure at
CSSA Affiliate Rep: Helen Barber the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. At the
Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society Cactus Rescue: Chris Monrad
museum Cory cares for the Convergent
7510 E. Rio Verde Rd. Educational: Joe Frannea Evolution exhibit, Desert Grasslands, Cat Canyon, Desert Loop Trail,
Tucson, AZ 85715-3537 Free Plants: Norma Beckman Cactus Garden and Boojums. Cory also leads hikes for the Arizona Native
Librarian: Jenny Coniglio Plant Society and occasionally gives classes on landscaping with succulents
Programs: Kevin Barber and potted succulent care.
Refreshments: Patsy Frannea
Sales: Jack Ramsey
Technology: Kevin Barber
Editor: Barry McCormick Thursday, July 1, 2004
Deadline for copy:18th of each month John Shaefer
One of our members, John Shaefer. will show some of his fabulous
Next Meeting
Thursday, June 3 at 7:00 pm
photographs of cactus and succulents.
Junior League of Tucson
2099 E. River Road
Tucson Meeting Place
Parking Junior League of Tucson
June Refreshments Kiva Bldg.
Those with family names beginning with 2099 E. River Road


Camino Escuela
N to S, please bring your choice of 299-5753
refreshment to the meeting.
Everyone is Welcome!
Bring your friends, join in the fun,
River Road
and meet the cactus and succulent St. Phillip’s
community. Plaza
Your library has purchased a collection tours and special monthly exhibits. If you
number of new books that will be have ideas about what you would like your society to
fifty new members have joined our society in the last available for check out at the June present, please contact Barry McCormick. Look for an
month. We have become one of the largest societies in meeting. We will be converting to a interesting column next month.
President’s Message the country. Be sure and greet a new member! bar code system this summer. Each
Dick Wiedhopf, President member will have a bar code Sonoran V – We all did it!
Thank you for your attached to his or her badge and the books will be
participation at the Sonoran V As this month’s insert shows,
A Cereus Cactus Rescue bar coded. This will make check out and return fast
Conference. You made it a Sonoran V was a great
and simple and allow us to
major success. The speakers success. It was also a major
The cactus rescue crew locate all of our library
and workshops received undertaking.
had a change of pace on holdings quickly. More
excellent evaluations and April 28 when they details will be forthcoming. All of the members of the
total sales were more than 2.5 assembled to rescue one This is one of the many Tucson Cactus and Succulent
times that of Sonoran IV. cactus. The landmark projects of our technology Society made the show
Thirty members brought in Cereus ‘Peruvianus’ has committee. happen. Volunteers gave
140 plants for the show, all wonderful specimens. stood for many years in generously of their time and talents, and all efforts
Thanks to all who donated plants for the silent The new titles include
front of the Firestone were greatly appreciated. Assisting at the show,
auction and time to put it all together. Sonoran VI is Seven Volumes of the
store on First Avenue. bringing plants, buying from our member vendors,
only 23 months away and your evaluation of Cactus & Co. Journal,
But it had to go to make admiring the art show, passing out flyers – hundreds of
Sonoran V will be very helpful as we start our plans Succulents for the Contemporary
way for a new sign and things that added up to a great result. Thank you all!
for Sonoran VI. We will have evaluation forms at Garden by Yvonne Cave, Prickly Pear
some renovation. The crew had been poised since Cookbook by Carolyn Niethammer, Pachyforms by Preliminary planning fell primarily to the TCSS board,
the June meeting or email me your thoughts about February to tackle this giant; we finally got the chance.
the conference or ideas for a Sonoran VI theme. Philippe de Vosjoli, Rebutia by John Pilbeam, and with Dick Wiedhopf in charge of registration, Jack
The results were Cacti, Other Succulents, and Unusual Xerophytes of Ramsey planning the show and sale, and Vonn
On Sunday, September 26, 2004 we will bring back available for members Southern Arizona by Matt Johnson. Watch for them Watkins and Kevin Barber arranging speakers and
the thirty-year tradition of a Members Silent at the Friday Sonoran on the library table. workshops. Blair Kuropatkin did publicity and Gail
Auction. This will make this a great Sunday V meeting, and were Dick Wiedhopf Virtes coordinated with the vendors. The plant show
Special. Our intent is to have several silent auctions sold throughout the Weird Plant Sale was staged by Linda Ryan; Barry McCormick printed
closing at 15 minute intervals, a live auction, a weekend. In addition the plant labels and John Swarbrick handled the
“Dutch” auction (multiple plants are offered with the to adding to the incoming plants. Brian Hurd and Jimi Asencio
The Tucson Botanical Garden
high bidder having first choice of one or all of the Society coffers, the trucked many of them to the show. Helen Ramsey
hosts their annual Weird Plant
plants and any balance available to other bidders at rescue has sent clones minded the display.
Sale on Saturday, June 12 from
the high bid price) and refreshments. After a long of this fine specimen 8 am to noon. There will be a Jack Ramsey arranged the silent auction and Wayne
summer of growing, there are always pups and throughout Tucson. member-only pre-sale on Johnson and Ed and Alice Campbell assisted.
offsets available to share, which was how this
Friday, June 11 from 5:30 to
tradition got started. More information will be Joe and Patsy Frannea oversaw the rescue sales, and
A Great Sale at Sonoran V! 7:30 pm. TCSS will be selling rescue plants at the
available in August. Helen Barber trained and managed the cash register
Gross rescue sales at Sonoran V exceeded $1700. This sale.
Please let us know if there are any changes made to crew of Blair Kuropatkin, Arlene Johnson, Ann
caps our great four-sale season of the Fiesta de las There will also be a Weird Plant Film Experience
your membership information. In July, you will Grodzicki and Paul Federico.
Flores, Pima County Country Fair, Hacienda del Sol, the previous weekend at the Loft Cinema, featuring
receive an updated roster of all current members. and Sonoran V. All told this year The registration desk was handled primarily by Marty
a showing of the Little Shop of Horrors. This fund-
We will print name(s), address, home phone and we have placed almost 2000 cacti & Barbara Harow, Margaret Pope, and Gail and
raising event is described on the TBG web site at
email(s). The roster is for members only and is not into Tucson gardens, at gross George Virtes.
to be used for any commercial purposes. Your proceeds of about $10,500. After
information will not appear on our Web site. Patsy Frannea designed and made the banquet
tag costs and expenses we have
Container Growing centerpieces, using cactus seedlings supplied by Dick
Please wear your membership badge to the raised in excess of $7000 to support
meetings. Your badge will get you a door prize our club activities, primarily the To reflect the growing interest in the
ticket. If you have not picked up your new badge, school grant program and research grants. Well done Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society in Feel free to make your comments and suggestions to
they are available at the membership table as you to all of the members who rescue, sell, buy and support container grown plants, we are planning those responsible for particular areas so we can
enter the meeting room. You should keep the badge this important program. to initiate a column for this newsletter continue to improve the conferences.
and bring it with you to TCSS events. Joe Frannea and various other programs such as

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