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Bachelor  of  Science  in  Journalism;  Public  Relations  concentration;  Law  &  Society  minor
California  Polytechnic  State  University,  San  Luis  Obispo
Anticipated  degree  date:  March  2011
Cumulative  GPA:  3.64   Major  GPA:  3.93

A W A R D S   A N D   A C H I E V E M E N T S
• Dean’s  List:  Fall  2007,  Winter  2008,  Fall  2008,  Winter  2009,  Fall  2009,  Spring  2010
• Nominated  by  a  faculty  member  for  the  James  M.  Duenow  Scholarship,  which  recognizes  a  student  “who  has  demonstrated  
commitment  to  the  rights  of  women,”  2009  -­‐  2010
• Cal  Poly  Public  Relations  Student  Society  of  America  (PRSSA)  Leadership  Award,  2009  -­‐  2010

L A W   E X P E R I E N C E
Legal  Administrative  Assistant,  Alton  &  Allen,  Inc.  —  January  2010  -­‐  Present
San  Luis  Obispo,  California
• Following  academic  credit  internship,  accepted  a  paid  position  beginning  June  2010
• Reviews  discovery  and  drafts  analysis  memoranda  for  criminal  defense  attorneys
• Conducts  investigative  interviews  of  clients  and  witnesses
• Assists  in  trial  preparation  and  assembling  of  trial  binders

Intern,  Orange  County  Public  Defender’s  Office  —  Summer  2009

Orange,  California
• Conducted  investigative  interviews  of  minors  at  juvenile  hall  
• Drafted  memoranda  for  juvenile  delinquency  attorneys
• Assisted  juvenile  dependency  investigators  in  contacting  clients  and  social  workers

P U B L I C   R E L A T I O N S   E X P E R I E N C E
Volunteer  Public  Relations  Coordinator,  Women’s  Shelter  Program  of  San  Luis  Obispo  County  —    September  2010  -­‐  Present
San  Luis  Obispo,  California
• Direct  inaugural  “Home,  Safe  Home”  fundraising  campaign
• Draft  news  releases  and  other  promotional  materials
• Contact  businesses,  media  outlets,  and  community  stakeholders
• Draft  and  edit  copy  for  organization’s  website  and  promotional  materials

Public  Relations  Intern,  San  Luis  Obispo  Superior  Court  —    Summer  2010
San  Luis  Obispo,  California
• Directed  strategic  planning  for  court’s  public  education  and  community  outreach  programs
• Advised  court’s  media  contact  about  media  relations  strategies
• Drafted  news  releases  and  memoranda  for  administration  team

Student  Account  Executive,  Central  Coast  PRspectives    —    Spring  2010

• Worked  in  a  team  to  promote  local  non-­‐profit  organizations  
• Central  Coast  Autism  Spectrum  Center:    Implemented  an  awareness  and  fundraising  campaign  for  the  2010  WALK  for  Autism  
and  Autism  Awareness  Fair  (began  initial  strategic  planning  Winter  2010;  event  held  April  25,  2010)
• Cal  Poly  Community  Center:    Developed  a  strategic  communication  plan  for  the  inaugural  Community  Service  Awards  slated  
for  Spring  2011;  also  helped  client  improve  social  media  strategy  and  identity
L E A D E R S H I P ,   S O C I E T I E S ,   A N D   C L U B S
Cal  Poly  Undergraduate  Law  Association  (ULA)
• Began  regularly  attending  meetings  and  events  in  Spring  2009  to  explore  interest  in  legal  profession              
• Regularly  assists  faculty  advisor  with  campus  outreach  and  generating  interest  in  club  events
• Appointed  by  faculty  advisor  to  serve  as  Secretary  for  the  2010  -­‐  2011  academic  year

Cal  Poly  LSAT  Club  

• Helped  charter  new  club  to  assist  Cal  Poly  students  in  preparing  for  the  Law  School  Admission  Test  (LSAT)
• Appointed  Treasurer  and  Acting  Vice  President  during  the  2010  -­‐  2011  academic  year  (club’s  inaugural  year)

Cal  Poly  Public  Relations  Student  Society  and  America  (PRSSA)

• Joined  in  Fall  2008  and  began  regularly  attending  biweekly  club  meetings  
• Attended  PRSSA  National  Conference    San  Diego,  California  —  November  2009
• Public  Relations/Membership  Director,  May  2009  -­‐  June  2010
• Organized  fall  and  spring  membership  drives
• Promoted  club  events  and  meetings
• Collaborated  with  executive  board  in  planning  and  implementing  professional  development  workshops
• During  tenure,  membership  grew  from  39  to  53,  surpassing  the  national  average

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