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Negative Impacts of Tourism

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Is tourism having a positive or negative impact on the countries and locations that tourists


Tourism has negative environmental outcomes on destinations where tourists visit, which

often leads to socio-economic problems. As Boley (2015) indicates, combustion of fossil fuels in

tourism travel contributes to 5% of global Carbon dioxide (Co2) emissions and 14% of

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These are major contributors to climatic change the world

over. In effect, countries and tourism destinations face negative implications of climatic change.

Sarwar (2005) indicates that the melting of ice caps in the North and South Poles as a result of

Global warming has resulted in rising sea level which threatens livelihoods in many island

nations. For example, Tuvalu, a popular tourist island nation is on the blink of total evacuation of

its entire population due to problems created by rising sea levels as salt water intrusion has made

it harder for them to find drinking water and engage in agricultural activities (Brown, 2001). At

the local level, tourism has negative impact on the surrounding environment. In many tourist

destinations tourist destinations, poor solid waste management and littering have led to loss nf

scenic beauty and the destruction ecosystems. For example the Global Development Research

Center (GDRC) (n.d.), “cruise ships in the Caribbean are estimated to produce more than 70,000

tons of waste each year” in the Caribbean. Despite regulations against dumping, cruise ships

have been found to dump tonnes of solid waste into the ocean, while only 10% of sewage waste

is treated before dumping. As a result, the marine ecology is destroyed and the scenic beauty is

eroded. With these examples as an illustration of the negative environmental impacts of tourism,

there is need to find mitigative measures aimed at protecting the environment.


Tourism brings about socio-cultural problems in areas where tourists visit. Tourism

brings about interactions between people from different socio-cultural backgrounds. While this

can be beneficial in promoting harmony and positive cultural exchange, it can sometimes be

detrimental. According to Caust and Vecco (2017), tourism leads to the erosion of local cultural

heritage as culture becomes homogenized to suit the need of tourists. They add that cultural

heritage tourism is often commoditized into a product for sale to tourists, which leads to loss of

cultural integrity and the alienation of residents. For example, in Hoi An, Indonesia locals have

been alienated in that “a variety of shops that serve the local needs of the community, the

buildings in the old town… have become cafes, galleries or tailors” Caust and Vecco (2017).

They add that, instead of promoting authentic cultural exchanges, commoditization of tourism

turns destinations and their cultural heritage into objects for commercial. In this regard, any

interaction between local and tourists is purely based on economic transaction. Similarly, Bruner

et al. (1994), note that with increased interaction with Western tourists the Maasai of East Africa

have increasingly abandoned their heritage, including the abandoned for their traditional clothing

in favor of Western clothing. Tourism can also lead to moral decadence in tourist destinations.

Echoing Caust and Vecco (2017) indicate that tourism is often accompanied by an increase in

crime, prostitution, gambling and a general decline in traditional customs (Haralambopoulos &

Pizam, 1996). In a study on the effects of tourism on crime in Italy, Biagi (2012) found that

a “1% increase in number of tourist causes 0.11 rise in total crime” While tourism can benefit

countries and local communities, unchecked, it can bring about economic problems.


Biagi, B., Brandano, M., & Detotto, C. (2012). The effect of tourism on crime in Italy: A

dynamic panel approach.Bruner, Edward M., and Barbara Kirshenblatt‐Gimblett. "Maasai

on the lawn: Tourist realism in East Africa." Cultural Anthropology 9.4 (1994): 435-470.

Boley, B. B. (2015). To travel or not to travel? Both have implications for sustainable tourism.

Tourism Planning & Development, 12(2), 208-224.

Caribbean Recycling Foundation. (n.d.). Solid waste statistics for puerto rico and the caribbean.

Retrieved December 4, 2018, from

Haralambopoulos, N., & Pizam, A. (1996). Perceived impacts of tourism: The case of

Samos. Annals of tourism Research, 23(3), 503-526.

Sarwar, M. G. M. (2005). Impacts of sea level rise on the coastal zone of Bangladesh. See

http://static. weadapt. org/placemarks/files/225/golam_sarwar. pdf.

Brown, L. R. (2001). Rising sea level forcing evacuation of island country. Earth Policy


Melia, M., & Associated Press. (2012, February 09). Caribbean cruise ships dump garbage at sea.

Retrieved December 4, 2018, from

cruise-ships-dump-garbage-at-sea 3169729.php?


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