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e Enter in Your STUDENT ID into cell C2 and USERNAME into cell C3

t began operations on 1 July 2017 under the business name 'Player1 VR Headsets'. The businessretails the top of the line Virtual Reality headsets that retails for $550
ding GST) and costs $275 (including GST) to purchase from a supplier 'IOI Suplies Corporation'. Ernest also does installation and maintennance work to which he charges
(including GST) per hour for his time. The business is currently operating in Melbourne's South-East next to Deakin University. The business is registered for GST which
t pays annually.

Please Enter in Your STUDENT ID into cell C2 and USERNAME into cell C3
yer1 VR Headsets has the following opening balances at the 1 January in the current year:
Account name Value

nsactions for the month of January in the current year (all dollar amounts include GST where applicable)
-For each of the transactions listed on the Sheet 1 - "Description", you will need to complete the corresponding journal entry by filling out the journal below.
-You must write the Date, Account Name, and fill out the value in the corresponding values in the Debit (Dr) or Credit (Cr) column.
-There is no need to indent your accounts and also narrations are NOT required
-Please ensure that your date format is in dd/mm/yyyy format and that your dates fall between 1 Jan 2018 - 31 Jan 2018.
-Please leave a blank row/line inbetween each transaction.
-Note: The account name used in the journal must come from the drop down menu.
-Failure to follow the instructions precisely may result in a loss of marks.

The General Journal Chart of accounts

Account Name
Date Accounts Dr Cr No
101 Cash
102 Accounts receivable
103 Inventory
104 Office Supplies
111 GST Paid
141 Prepaid Insurance
142 Prepaid Rent
143 Prepaid Interest
151 Computer equipment
152 Accum. Depreciation - Computer Equipment
155 Office Furniture
156 Accum. Depreciation - Office Furniture
158 Motor vehicle
159 Accum. Depreciation - Motor vehicle
161 Interest Receivable
201 Accounts Payable
222 GST Collected
240 Interest Due
241 Unearned Revenue
242 Wages Payable
243 Utilities Payable
244 Consulting Fees Payable
251 Bank Loan
252 Notes Payable
301 Capital
302 Drawings
401 Sales Revenue
402 Service Revenue
403 Interest Revenue
501 Cost of Good Sold
601 Computer Expense
602 Office Supplies Expense
603 Interest Expense
604 Consulting Expense
605 Insurance Expense
606 Rent Expense
607 Sales Commission Expense
608 Utilities Expense
609 Wage Expense
651 Depreciation Expense - Motor Vehicle
655 Depreciation Expense - Office Equipment
658 Depreciation Expense - Computer Equipment

-For each of the journals entries (where appropriate) you will need to fill out both of the ledger below.
-You MUST write the Date, Explanation, and then fill out the value in the corresponding Debit or Credit column (no
-Your explanation should contain the account names as per your journal entries seperated by a comma (,) where ne
-Please ensure that your date format is in dd/mm/yyyy format and that your dates fall between 1 Jan 2018 - 31 Jan
-Please leave a blank row/line inbetween each entry
-Failure to follow the instructions precisely may result in a loss of marks.

101 Cash
Date Explanation Debit Credit

111 GST Paid

Date Explanation Debit Credit
f the ledger below.
ding Debit or Credit column (not both)
erated by a comma (,) where necessary
fall between 1 Jan 2018 - 31 Jan 2018.



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