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Essay Plan

(Use note form – key words, symbols and abbreviations - except where specified)

Essay Question: Is tourism having a positive or negative impact on the countries and
locations that tourists visit?

Tourism can be beneficial to destination countries and locations that tourists visit
since it is a source of income to both local and governments. However, as this essay

will argue, at times, tourism can have negative impacts on the destinations.

Argument 1

Topic Sentence (full sentence):

Climatic change, an effect of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) and Greenhouse (GHG)

emissions, which create economic problems not only to tourist destinations
but the entire world as well.

Supporting idea 1+ evidence with in-text citation (note form)

 As Boley (2015) indicates, combustion of fossil fuels in tourism contributes
to 5% of global Co2 emissions and 14% of GHG emissions, which affect
agricultural production worldwide. As Stern et al. (2006) indicate the
emission of C02 and GHGs are prominent contributors to global warming
and the subsequent climatic change.
Body: Paragraph 1

 Supporting idea 2 + evidence with in-text citation (note form)

At times countries and localities become over-dependent on tourism and

ignore other income-generating activities, leading to underdevelopment as
exemplified with Bigodi village, Uganda (Lepp, 2008).

 Supporting idea 3 + evidence with in-text citation (note form) – optional

According to Coria and Calfucura (2012), tourism leads to socioeconomic

problems as tourists lead to decline in economically important resources in
tourist destinations as exemplified by the clearing of 11.3% of rainforest
reserves in the Amazon.

Concluding Sentence (note form):

 While tourism can benefit countries and local communities, unchecked, it
can bring about economic problems.

Group #, student # PG/UG 1

Essay Plan
(Use note form – keywords, symbols, and abbreviations - where required)

Argument 2

Topic Sentence (full sentence):

Tourism brings about negative cultural problems.

 Supporting idea 1 + evidence with in-text citation (note form)

According to Caust and Vecco (2017), tourism leads to the erosion of

dilution and erosion of local cultural heritage as exemplified in the adoption
of Western culture among the Maasai community of East Africa, due to
frequent visitation by Westerners.

 Supporting idea 2 + evidence with in-text citation (note form)

Body: Paragraph 2

Bruner et al. (1994) note that with increased interaction with Western
tourists the Maasai people have increasingly abandoned their heritage,
including the abandoned for their traditional clothing in favor of Western

 Supporting idea 3 + evidence with in-text citation (note form) – optional

As Caust and Vecco (2017) indicate, tourism often leads to the

commodification of culture where cultural heritage is turned into a
commercial commodity as exemplified by Angor Wat in Indonesia.

Concluding Sentence (note form):

Group #, student # PG/UG 2

 Indeed, tourism has negative socioeconomic impacts on countries and

Group #, student # PG/UG 3

Reference List

Boley, B. B. (2015). To travel or not to travel? Both have implications for sustainable
tourism. Tourism Planning & Development, 12(2), 208-224.

Bruner, Edward M., and Barbara Kirshenblatt‐Gimblett. "Maasai on the lawn: Tourist realism in
East Africa." Cultural Anthropology 9.4 (1994): 435-470.

Coria, J., & Calfucura, E. (2012). Ecotourism and the development of indigenous communities: The
good, the bad, and the ugly. Ecological Economics, 73, 47-55.

Caust, J., & Vecco, M. (2017). Is UNESCO World Heritage recognition a blessing or burden?
Evidence from developing Asian countries. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 27, 1-9.

Lepp, A. (2008). Tourism and dependency: An analysis of Bigodi village, Uganda. Tourism
Management, 29(6), 1206-1214.

Stern, N., Peters, S., Bakhshi, V., Bowen, A., Cameron, C., Catovsky, S., ... & Edmonson, N.
(2006). Stern Review: The economics of climate change (Vol. 30, p. 2006). London: HM treasury.

Group #, student # PG/UG 4

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