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Cristina Bicchieri suggests that when faced with dilemmas such as the Prisoners Dilemma, rational

individuals can act according to social norms and cooperate with each other regardless of their selfish
interests. Indeed, evidence illustrates that agents often employ action strategies that are dominated by
other strategies. Bicchieri defines social norms as collectively accepted or unaccepted behavior in a
group which is obligated by sanctions. To her, collectively acceptable behavior is promoted through
positive while unacceptable behavior is discouraged through negative sanctions. Social norms are
behavioral preferences where a sufficient number of individuals act in a collectively accepted manner in
the expectation that a sufficient number of others would act in a similar manner. By following social
norms the society can realize some benefits, yet according to Bacchieri, agents do not always act with
these benefits in mind as they may not be entirely aware of these benefits and if they are aware of
them, their outcomes often lead to less worthy outcomes in a Nash equilibrium. She adds that the
benefits of abiding by social norms are not sufficient in explaining why agents abide by social
expectations as there are often those who do not cooperate but still gain from the others' cooperation.

Then why do individuals conform? According to Biacchieri, alongside sanctions, esteem from others,
status, and expectations to behave in a certain manner and being expected to act likewise obligate
agents to conform. While this may hold true, Biacchieri fails to explain why individuals would conform to
social norms in the expectation that others would confirm in situations where they are not being
monitored or conform just because others believe that they should conform. This suggests that people
might have a predisposition to fulfill others’ expectations. Moreover, since a “sufficient number” is a
subjective term, Biacchieri’s definition of social norms is vague. She also does not explain how empirical
and normative expectations are molded, which could further provide clearer insights.

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