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Dear five-year-old self,

It was at that age that you first experienced getting teased for your congenital
abnormality. The first time you also had your ponytail up in the public and the last
time you think you will ever be. You are so strong for not even crying in front of
them when they teased you in the span of eight years. I am so proud of you for
standing up for yourself when you experienced the cruelty at a young age. Because
of all that happened, it made you wiser but it also made you angrier.

Growing up, you see people as someone who would destroy you. You shut them
out easily. You don’t trust them at all. And you don’t get shocked when they
mistreat you. It has become your defense mechanism. Because of that, people
especially your schoolmates in junior high misinterpreted you. They can’t
understand you and you had a hard time because of it. But along the way, you met
the most wonderful people. You will be meeting Julyenne and Jhunedy in the tenth
grade. You have never thought you would be friends with them and they think the
same thing as well. In Senior High, you will meet a lot of friends too and they will
let you experience the joy of having a group of friends. There’s Vincent, Joshua,
Zsaslia, and among others. In the present time, you are with Kevin, Andrea,
Athena, Kate, Alodia, Rex, and Alleoh.

At five years old, you dreamed of becoming an astronaut. When you were in the
tenth grade, you had a burning passion in becoming a lawyer. You will be in
college soon but you will be taking Psychology because of circumstances like
Geremy having his severe depression and other more reasons. You were thinking
of shifting to PolSci but stayed nonetheless because you can take law after
finishing your Bachelor’s. You will always stay up all night imagining how you
could change the world and the people around you.

Please enjoy your time while you are still a kid. You’ve grown old at a young age.
Go and hang out with the boys in the neighborhood, you will meet them when you
grow old and things will be different so please just go and enjoy while it lasts.

I’ll be waiting for you.

Sincerely yours,

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