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Khamis Mubarak Al Mansoori

I .D : s201640008

Know effective communication ": It is the process of sending the message in such a way that

the meaning understood by the receiver is very much the same as the intended meaning of the

sender ."

In view of the role played by communication in problem solving, and therefore beneficial to

individuals, the experts have developed several ideas and ideas that reflect the process of

effective communication and increase its effectiveness, and these strategies include :

1- Strategy ( Post and meditate )

This strategy is not very effective in the communication process. The strategy is characterized

by a large amount of information, but this information can lead to confusion among many

people, resulting in poor communication .

2- Strategy ( last and desired )

This strategy provides little information because it targets a communication process Effective,

and the content of the message in this strategy is rich and clear and its subjects attract

attention and promote attention to the process of communication .

3- Strategy ( Determine what is important and then poll )

This strategy is one of the best strategies because it achieves the best match between the

amount of information and the process of communication. This is because feedback is what

enhances communication efficiency .

4- Strategy ( restriction and consolidation )

The confidentiality and control of information is one of the most important features of this

strategy because it is the source of strength in the information, and as a result of this attribute
often accompanied by this strategy rumors and this negatively affects the process of

communication .

The basic skills of the communication process .

1- Thinking skill :

This skill is defined as the speed of use of the idea in the attitudes and relationships

surrounding the work during the communication process, and it is necessary to distinguish

between two types of thinking while using or studying the skill of communication with others :

- Analytical thinking

Is the thinking that depends on logic as the basis for reaching a solution to a problem, and must

be followed logical steps to identify the stages of the scientific problem .

- Innovative thinking

Is the thinking that depends on the imagination and creativity to reach a solution to a problem,

and is characterized by this type of different ideas that lead the person to reach the solution .

2- Speaking skills :

This skill is defined as the ability of the person to speak effectively with others, avoid making

mistakes during conversation, and the process of asking questions to the listener in a way that

helps the person to deliver his message effectively .

In order for the sender to speak effectively to the future, the following points should be

considered :

· Choose the appropriate time to talk to the listener .

· Knowledge of the content of the message and its concepts .

· Use a variety of methods to talk and focus on the substance of the topic .

· Use simple language and clear terms .

· Use direct examples while talking .

3- Listening skill :

This skill defines the ability of the future to focus on the content of the message and its

understanding of the face Required, and passes this skill in several stages :

· Listening

· Interpretation

· Absorption

· Reminder

· Evaluation

· Response ( verbal, non-verbal, emotion response )

In order for the receiver to hear from the sender, the following steps must be taken :

· Do not interrupt the sender .

· Focus on the primary purpose of the sender's conversation .

· Not to give the sentences to the interviewer until he finishes his speech .

· Deepen the words of the sender and try to interpret them in the desired face .

4- Non-Verbal Communication Skills :

This skill is defined as a set of motor forms and gestures that express a meaning that is agreed

upon by a group of people. This skill is used to clarify an idea without expressing it by speech.

The most important types of nonverbal and expressive communication include :

· The vocal aspects associated with speech .

· Listening to views .

· Silent movements .

· Use of physical mode in communication .

5- Persuasion skill :

Persuasion is a process of thought and formality in which one party tries to influence the other

and to give it an idea So, so that anyone can convince others of any idea, the person should

use several methods including :

· Field trials enhanced by numbers, evidence and evidence .

· Short story with meanings and connotations .

· The original Arabic proverbs are based on cultural and intellectual heritage .

· Proofs and arguments .

· The natural expressions of affection, respect, appreciation, pride and pleasure .

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