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(Opportunity in Business Product)













Entrepreneurial opportunity process as a research phenomenon seems to be a

considerable and continually developing research stream in understanding. Entrepreneurial
opportunities are defined by Casson (1982) as: “Situations in which new goods, services, raw
materials and organising methods can be introduced and sold at greater than their cost of
production” . We realize that the potential of resources has not been managed optimally so that a
society that is prosperous and equitable cannot become a reality. For this reason, an entrepreneur
needs to be able to take advantage of the opportunities available to create jobs. Thus being an
entrepreneur is very important because it can build the nation and state as economic growth and
can create jobs for themselves and others. Everyone has their own passion in the world of work.
There are people who do have the capacity as an employee or office worker, there are also those
who have talent as field people and deal with many people, there are also people who like
challenges by being an entrepreneur or entrepreneur.

Although it does not discredit, the world of work outside of entrepreneurship is not
challenging, but indeed every field of work and business has its own unique challenges. In
starting a business, an in-depth understanding of various aspects is so complex. Each type of
business must be tailored to the passion or interest in a particular business field that can
determine the love of the business, the capital needed and how to get a loan or investor if there is
a lack of capital, business or office, employees, and so on.

Opportunity is a central concept within the entrepreneurship field, and there is
now a critical mass of literature centered on the concept. Without an opportunity, there is
no entrepreneurship. A potential entrepreneur can be immensely creative and
hardworking, but without an opportunity to target with these characteristics,
entrepreneurial activities cannot take place. Opportunities are one of the key concepts
that define the boundary and exchange conditions of the entrepreneurship field.
(Busenitz, West, Shepherd, Nelson, Chandler, & Zacharakis, 2003). 1 Opportunity
identification is emerging as a critical component of the entrepreneurial process
(Ardichvili et al. 2003; Gaglio and Katz, 2001; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000)
representing the ‘most distinctive and fundamental entrepreneurial behaviour’ [Gaglio
and Katz, (2001), p.95
Ardichvili(2003) state that contend that identifying opportunities for new businesses
is one of the most important abilities of successful entrepreneurs. The opportunity
identification literature indicates four ways in which opportunities are identified :
1. Active search
The theoretical foundation for those espousing that opportunity is best recognized
through active search is consistent with the neoclassical view of economics. In the
active search model, entrepreneurial rents accrue to individuals and organizations
with superior search skill. These searchers are predicated on an underlying
assumption that an objective opportunity is present in the environment that can be
defined clearly enough to initiate a systematic search.
2. Passive search and fortuitous discovery
The passive search and fortuitous discovery perspective are closely aligned with
respect to their ontological underpinnings and the processes for discovering

Hayton, James. Entrepreneurial opportunity identification and new firm development processes: a comparison of
family and non-family new ventures. (2011 : Newcastle University Business School)
opportunity. Both processes assume that objective opportunities exist in the
Marketing is a process in satisfying human needs and desires with all activities in
relation to satisfying human needs and desires as part of the marketing concept. The
marketing begins with fulfilling human needs which then grow into human desires. This
process in fulfilling human needs and desires is the marketing concept. Starting from
product fulfillment, pricing, shipping goods, place, and promoting goods.
In marketing there needs to be creativity needed in accordance with market needs.

Florida (2002, 2003) has been suggesting that one of the main factors is
promoting the new firm formation and, thus, innovation and economic growth. At this
time, the products you want to offer are items in the form of notes with several functions
that are appropriate and in accordance with the needs of students. This need has a
function as a product to make students become disciplined, motivated, uplifting, working
hard, and trying to be smarter.

This product is in the form of notes with examples and images that match the
existing brands and titles so students can choose according to their needs. With this,
students can be trained to study neatly, regularly and can determine activities according
to their wishes. So that students can see their activities through the schedule in the notes
that they write according to the title and brand. Opportunity is a central concept within
the entrepreneurship field. Opportunities are one of the key concepts that define the
boundary and exchange conditions of the entrepreneurship field. (Busenitz, West,
Shepherd, Nelson, Chandler, & Zacharakis, 2003).2


1. Meet consumer needs
 For students in university
2. ATM (Observe, Imitate, modify)

Ketchen, D, J, Shook,C,L. 2015. The Concept of “Opportunity” in Entrepreneurship Research: Past
Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Article in Journal of Management. 40-41
 The owner observes from students who often write in books that are often
mixed with note and other material such as Binder, Agenda books, etc.
So, the owners sees the opportunity to make it according to their respective
functions so that students become more disciplined => the owners imitates
from instagram @waystostudyshop => for modify, owners design better
models by creating better ones
3. Look opportunity
 Students on campus by looking at references from instagram
@waystostudyshop, so that there are opportunities such as planners for
students on campus.
4. You have go it
 From the opportunities that exist, the owners seen an opportunity to do
activities by selling notes based on existing planner.
5. Try to minimize competition
 In recording a book, especially writing a plan, there are many places that sell,
in the Batusangkar area, especially at IAIN Batusangkar, bookstores sell small
ordinary agenda books for sale, they sell in stores but only a few sell mini
notes to write plans and activities that use an attractive design and can be
designed and self-selected, and these are sold online that are very different
from most people around the Batusangkar area selling mini notes online. So,
this can compete in a healthy and productive manner.
6. Using technology
 The owners use online in social media to promote and sell to product. Social
media that we use is instagram, facebook and whats app.


An effort that departs from an idea to answer the needs of many people, certainly will get
one attention in the hearts of the people. Start by looking at the situation and conditions that
occur in the area of residence. Observe carefully, what needs are needed by the people around
the residence that have not been fulfilled.
Entrepreneurship is an activity that carries out a process, it is believed that the process
requires new innovations and courage to take risks and is able to utilize resources effectively and
efficiently to get profit. Ideas derived from entrepreneurship can create opportunities to meet real
needs in the market.
In order for potential ideas to become real business opportunities, entrepreneurs must be
willing to evaluate opportunities continuously.

Ketchen, D,J, Shook, C,L. 2015. The Concept of “Opportunity” in Entrepreneurship Research:
Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Article in Journal of Management

Hayton, James. Entrepreneurial opportunity identification and new firm development processes:
a comparison of family and non-family new ventures. (2011 : Newcastle University Business

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