Mall Property Valuation Report by Neev International Lucknow

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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

S.No. Chapter Content Details

1. Introduct ion 1. Name of Valuer Er. G.P. Gupta & Er.

Rohit Kapoor
2. Date of Valuation 23-10-2018
3. Purpose of Valuation Fair Valuation
4. Name of Owner/s Mahesh Infracon P LTD.
Office at M ahesh Tower,
Vishwas Khand 2 Gom ti
Nagar Lucknow 226010

5. Name of Bank as applicable --

6. Name of Developer of the Property Mahesh Infracon P Ltd.

(in case of developer built properties) At Lucknow

2. Physical 1. Location of the asset Freehold Land Tower T-2

charact erist ics 2. M unicipal Ward No. Cresecnt M all, Heights
the asset International Business
3. Postal address Bay 2 Susant Golf City
Lucknow Ward
Ibrahim pur Lucknow

4. Area of the plot/land ( supported by a plan ) 15383.52 Sq. M eter

5. Layout plan of the layout in which the asset is Attached
Away from Sultanpur
6. Details of Roads abutting the asset Road and Amar
Shaheed Path The

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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

7. Demarcation of the asset under valuation on a property is on the m ain

neighbourhood layout map road situated at the
North East- Driveway/T1
8. Description of Adjoining properties South West-Driveway
North West-
South East- 12 meters
wide road

9. Survey no. if any Prim e com mercial

10. Any other aspect property at Lucknow with
developable FAR of 2.5

3. 1. M aster plan provisionsrelated to the property Attached

Town plann
ing in terms of land use
paramet ers (if 2. Planning area/zone permissiable
developable FAR of 2.5
ward Ibhrahimpur Tehsil
Sarojini Nagar Lucknow
3. Developm ent controls Sarojini Nagar Lucknow
4. Zoning regulations Lucknow

5. FAR/FSI perm itted and consumed N.A.

6. Ground coverage N.A
7. Transferability of development rights if any, Freehold plot and
building bye-law provisions asapplicable to the structure under
property viz. setbacks, height restrictions, etc. construction
8. Comment on surrounding land uses and adjoini International Business
ng properties in term s of usage Bay world class property

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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

9. Comment on unauthorized constructions if any with prime location at

10. Comment on dem olition proceedings if any Sushand Golf City
FSI/FAR combine to
11. Comm ent on compounding /regularisation proc 34071 sq. m eter
eedings Nil good property with
12. Comment on whether NOC has been issued or construction under
not Any other aspect progress
4. Legal aspect s Description of legal aspects to include:
1. Ownership docum ents, Verified

2. Names of Owner/s Mahesh Infracon P Ltd.

With registerd office at
24 Eldeco Greens,
Gomti Nagar Lucknow

3. Title verification, Done Registry dated 03-

4. Details of leases if any, 04-2017
5. Ordinary status of freehold or leasehold includ Freehold
ing restrictionson transfer,
6. Agreements of easem ents if any, Nil
7. Notification for acquisition if any, Nil
8. Notification for road widening if any, Nil
9. Heritage restrictions if any, All legal docu NIl
m ents, receipts related to electricity, water tax,
property tax and any other building taxes to
be verified and copies as applicable to be
enclosed with the report,

10. Comment on transferability of the property Prim e Com mercial

ownership, property at International
11. Comm ent on existing m ortgages/charges/enc Business center in

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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

umbrances on the property if any Lucknow

12. Comment on whether the owners of the proper N.A.
ty have issued any guarantee
(personal or corporate) as the case may be
13. Building plan sanction, illegal constructions Sanctioned attached
if any done without plan sanction/violations.
14. Any other aspect. Prim e com mercial
property of International
Standard at Upcom ing
Sushant Golf city
International Bay

5. Socio- cu lt ural Descriptive account of the location of the asset Upper Class comm ercial
aspects in terms of the social structure of the property at vicinity of
area, population, social stratification,
regional origin, age groups, economic lev Lucknow. Centralised
els, location of slum s / squatter settlements with all amenities and
nearby, etc.
usage. The construction
work is completing with
Structure is ready. Can
easily be converted into
full-fledged building of
prim e value. Concreted
structure and slab work
com plete with walls and
exterior remaining. The
store has enough
material to progress of
work. On the m ain road,
it has com mercial zone
with Hospitals like
Medanta Awadh and
hridaayla. Very near to

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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

Spritutal and M edical

center of Iskcon.
6. Function al and Description of the functionality and utili ty of the This is a upcom ing Mall
utilitarian asset in term s of: cum service apartm ents
1. Space allocation, with food court and
2. Storage spaces, fam ily entertainment
3. Utility of spaces provided within the building, center. A large hyper
4. Any other aspect market offers choice and
convenience. This boast
of first mall in Lucknow
with service apartm ents
on the top. With Lower
ground floor and ground
floor it has 4 story
building coming up with
lot amenities.

7. Infrast ru ct ure a) Description of aqua infrastructure availability in

availabilit y terms of
1. Water supply, Yes
2. Sewerage/sanitation,
3. Storm water drainage, Yes

b) Description of other physical infrastructure facilit

ies viz.
1. Solid waste m anagement Yes
2. Electricity
3. Roads and public transportation connectivity Yes
4. Availability of other public utilities nearby
a. Schools Yes
b. M edical facilities Yes

c. Recreation facilities in terms of parks and open


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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

8. Engin eering a Description of engineering and technology aspects .Structure completed

nd techno log y to include with concrete and slab of
1. Type of construction, major value.
2. M aterials and technology used, International Standard
3. Specifications, state of art design and
4. M aintenance issues, construction done with
5. Age of the building grand detailsand
6. Total life of the building, ornamentation.
7. Extent of deterioration, Construction in full
8. Structural safety progress and is nearing
9. Protection against natural disasters viz. earthq com pletion. All structure
uakes, is fully safe and is
10. Visible damage in the building if any, term ed to be GREEN
11. Comm on facilities viz. lift, water pump, BUILDING in the vicinity
lights, security systems, etc., of Golf Court. It has
12. System of air-conditioning, Lower Ground Floor and
13. Provision for fire fighting, Upper ground floor with
4 story building. High
Class project with one of
the best choice

9. Valu at io n Extent of the Plot for valuation Taken all structure

Prevailing Circle Rate and work in progress.
Adopted unit rate in this valuation As per sheet below.
Assessed Value of the Plot
(Assessed value of the plot is Two Hundered and
Ten Crores Eighty Lacs Two Thousand)

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Registered and Government Approved Valuer, Service Reg.No.: ALYPK7333BST0001
Global Arbitrator, Engineers, Quality Auditor, M IV : A-13723
Surveyors, Bill Settlem ent, Loans Settlement, M IET : 1100300826
Legal and Contracts Consultant Income Tax:324 Grade I & 660/04-08- 2015
Suprem e Court and High Court +915223195319
Empanelment – SBI,IDBI and RBI email-

As per attached sheet

Declaratio n I hereby declare that :

a) The information provided is true and correct to

the best of m y knowledge and belief.
b) The analysis and conclusions are lim ited
by the reported assum ptions and conditions.
c) I have no direct or indirect interest in the asset
d) I/my authorized representative by
the name of Er. Rohit Kapoor
who is also a ‘valuer’, has inspected the
subject property on 21-05-2016
e) I am a ‘valuer’ as per the existing provisions in
Category A
and fulfill the education, experience and other crite
ria laid out therein.

Name and address of the Valuer

Er. Rohit Kapoor and Er. G.P. Gupta
3/246 Vipul Khand
Gomti Nagar Lucknow 226010
Name of Valuer Association of which I am a bonafi
de member in good standing Indian Institution of

Membership Number Er. RohitA-13723…and 657 of

I Tax…and GP Gupta 324of GOI Tax.

Signature of the Valuer ………………………………

Date ………… Tel.No………………………………….

Mobile no………7309812338………………

E-Mail ……..……………
11. Enclo su res: Photographs
■ Photographs of the property being valued
■ Any other relevant docum ents/extracts

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