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Blood Bank Management System

The Blood Banking Management System is to manage all operation in a Blood
Bank. Generally it includes the testing, blood donate, blood receive, uploading
Reports. That means a Blood bank which has the type system which provides the
Facilities to the customers of the pathology to blood test or Blood donate or Blood
receive from the blood bank without any complexity. For example any customer
Want to test for his/her blood and blood donate and blood receive without going to
the pathology lab.
This Application is a step forward towards computerization of Blood Bank .it
provide important role in providing the customers with detailed and provide test
report, blood donate, in soft copy.

Blood Bank Management System


The Aims and Objective of my project Blood Bank Management System is to record the
details various activities of user. It wills simplifies the task and reduce the paper work.

Time Effective:
This System is very fast for retrieving information from the database. It makes the
information available on the click of the mouse. This saves the user’s time and it stops it as
being time consuming process.

Reduce Paper Work:

This system reduce the paper work that is might the user need to write the from on the
neither registration form nor other in charge need to write the details of the member in his
computerized system again.

Through computerization the main objectives are:

 Computerization results in a faster, reliable and effective way of satisfying the formation
needs of the user..

 The system gives accurate and error free calculations, is less time consuming, neat and
clear to present.

 The system has been developed in C#.Net. So the all features are added in the system.
At the Time of handling this system, it allows multi-user environment facility.
 At the click of mouse button we can get complete information about the courses, their
fees, teacher information, student information, batch details, student performance and
student balance etc.

 The burden of manual work is reduced because of the computerization of the system.

 The system is user friendly and builds in window environment.

 To provide facility of graphic representation of report.

 To ensure data security and software security.

 Updating is very much user friendly and easy.

Blood Bank Management System

 To make available print preview of reports.

 It reduces data redundancy.

 Computerization results in a fast efficient and reliable way of satisfying the formation
needs of the user.

 The system has been developed in visual Basic .Net. So that all features are added in
this system. At the time of handling this system, it allows multi user environment

Blood Bank Management System



The purpose is to provide solutions for our clients in the most convenient and comfortable
manner. From preparing Blood Bank Management in the comfort of a client’s home, when
and how our clients need us is when we will be there for them.

Though we have made this project to the best of my effort but, inspire of that this
application can future be extend in future in order to enhance its functioning according to
the requirement of the system. Till now the software is providing merely an interface which
enables the customer interested for the management of Blood Bank, but in future online
facility can also be corporate in it which facilitate the user to make direct contact with the
system through internet, thus can prove helpful in saving a lot of time as compared to doing
it through convention of process.

Blood Bank Management System

Blood Bank Management System


The technical aspects of my project are window based and built using a platform (front-end)
of C#.Net. This is usually employee the use of database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as
The Blood Bank Management System offers various tools that are used in support of
receiving and issuing blood as well as test.

Blood Bank Management System

Blood Bank Management System



The foremost part of any proposal is to identify and analyze the problem we have seen in
our area.

These are the general problems that we may notice in our project area. But simply writing
down these problems will not help. We need to be analytical to know why these problems
are occurring and then only we can arrive at a solution.
We all know that every problem has a cause. We have experienced it in our own life.
Similarly, we need to think here before writing the proposal that every problem we see
around us has a cause! So we need to know what is causing the problems we see in our
villages. This is what it means to be analytical.

Blood Bank Management System

In the current time of process which is running everyone wants to know the public opinion.
For this problem and lengthy process we just developed the system to know the information
and students report.


Logical Database Requirements:

The SQL Server database, with various features attached with it. Presently as such no
database tool is used hence the new system database can be developed and maintained
entirely using SQL.

Types of information used by various function:

The type of information is in the form of text and numeric form of records in tables.

Frequency of use:
The database will be accessed, or update as required, on a day-to-day basis or when change
is needed.

Blood Bank Management System

Design constraints:
The design constraints that are to be satisfied by the system can be briefly stated as follows:
1. Only the developers of the project should make the validating and updating of the

2. The tables and the number of fields in the table should be minimized, so that the
developers will be able to handle them with maximum case.

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Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their
relationship within and outside the system. A key question is: What must be done to solve
the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and
determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related systems.
During analysis data are collected on the available files, decision points, and transactions
handled by the present system. There are some logical system models and tools that are
used in analysis. Data flow diagrams, interviews, on-site observations, and questionnaires
are examples. The interview is a commonly used tool in analysis. It requires special skills
and sensitivity to the subjects being interviewed. Bias in data collection and interpretation
can be a problem. Training, experience, and common sense are required for collection of the
information needed to the analysis.

System Analysis and Design refers to the process of examining a business situation with the
intent of improving it through better procedures and methods. System Analysis is a process
of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using the information to
recommend improvement to the system. A detailed analysis of the system may reveal
inefficiencies, duplications, and changes in procedures, as well as the effect of the database
system on the existing system and procedures. Once analysis is completed the analyst has a
firm understanding or what is to be done. The next step is to decide how the problem might
be solved.


The existing system was carried out manually. There are a lot of difficulties in the manual
maintenance of the records and reports.

Drawbacks of Existing System

 It takes more time for the preparation of reports and collecting the details of the land.

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 The voting counter had to handle a large volume of reports and documents regarding
various activities.

 It also had to involve more personnel efforts in updating the records.

 There is a chance of losing data due to some external problems.

 There is a possibility of error occurrence when the data is handled manually.


The manual maintenance of the currently available records had put them trouble, as they
were not able to keep track of the current record and the time wastage to prepare various
reports manually. Handling of voluminous data makes the user tiresome, leads to inaccuracy
and lack of control in handling the record. To overcome the above difficulties,
computerization becomes necessary. The real solution of this problem is to maintain a
database and make all entries in it so that they can be reused in other projects too. In this
way we will be able to keep our records in an ordered manner for a longer period of time.


 Computerization results in a faster, reliable and efficient way of satisfying the formation
needs of the user.

 This system gives accurate and error free calculations, is less time consuming, is neat
and clear to present.

 The system has been developed in C#.Net.So that all features are added in this system.
At the time of handling this system, it allows multi-user environment facility.

 The system is user friendly and built in Window environment.

 It reduces data redundancy.

 Updating is very much user friendly and easy.

 The burden of manual work is reduced because of the computerization of the system.

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All projects are feasible given unlimited and infinite time .It is both necessary and prudent
to evaluate the feasibility of the project at the earliest possible time. Feasibility and risk
analysis is related many ways. If project risk is great the feasibility listed below equally

The following feasibility techniques has been used in this project

 Technical Feasibility

 Economical Feasibility

 Operational Feasibility


Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer (Hardware, Software, etc) and to what
extent it can support the proposed addition. For example if the current computer is operating
80% capacity. This involves additional hardware (RAM and PROCCESER) will increase
the speed of process in software Open Source Language that is JAVA and is used. We can
also use in Linux Operating system.

The technical requirements for this project are C#.Net tool kit and swing
component as software and hardware configuration is enough, so the system is more
feasible on this criteria.

In this feasibility test we must find out that whether current technical resources which are
available with the system are capable of handling the system’s requirement or not. If not,
then the analyst with the help of vendors should confirm whether the technology is available
and capable of meeting the user’s request. The current setup is sufficient for the processing
of the data and generation of Result. Moreover, some other infrastructure is purchased for
the software which can help in smooth running of proposed system. So the computerized
system is quite technical feasible for the online polling. This is concerned with specifying
equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user requirement.

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Economic or financial feasibility is the second part of feasibility study and some basic
resources are management time, Time spent by the systems analysis team, cost of doing the
full systems study (Including time of employees you will be working with), Estimated cost
of hardware, Estimated cost of software and /or software development. If near future costs
are not more than the long term gains, or there is not an immediate down trends in
operating costs, then the system is not economically feasible and the project should not
proceed any further. The concerned business must be able to see the value of the investment
it is considering before committing to an entire system’s study. Blood Bank Management
System complete the thought processes on all the points are fixed meetings with the
software engineers for formation of computerized system. Analysts complete Preliminary
investigation in three visits. They take reference from the old system manuals and
documents held with the office and decide not to visit the site again and again Hardware
cost is minimal because the firm already has a hardware setup with it. The software cost is
also negligible in view of gains received by proposed system. The system is economically
Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness of
a proposed system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis; the procedure is to
determine the benefits and savings that expected from a proposed system and compare them
with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, a decision is taken to design and implement the
system. Otherwise, further justification or alternative in the proposed system will have to be
made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This feasibility also depends upon quality
of staff hired and the proposed duration of time taken in this project sometimes it might be
possible due to extension of time duration may fall the project under loss. The study of
feasibility changes from phase to phase of the project development.

Operation feasibility may be found after it is determined that the system is both technical &
economically feasible. Operational feasibility is dependent upon determining human
resource for the project. It refers to projecting weather the system will operate and be used
once it is installed. Resistance to the operation of new system will be strong, if the ultimate

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users are virtually wedded to the present system and they see no problem and if they are not
involved in requesting for a new system, but, if the users themselves have expressed a need
for an improved system, then they will try hard to see that the new system become
operational, and will eventually use it.
Generally project will not be rejected simply because of operational infeasibility but such
considerations are likely to critically affect the nature and scope of the eventual
recommendations. This feasibility study is carries out by a small group of people who are
familiar with information system techniques, who understand the parts of the business that
are relevant to the project and are skilled in system analysis and design process. In the case
of the Blood Bank Management System, the employees and management also wants to
automate the system. So, the project is very much operationally feasibility.

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Software cost and effort estimation will never be an exact science. Too
many variables - human, technical, environmental, political - can affect the
ultimate cost of software and effort applied to develop it. However,
Software Project Estimation can be tran sformed from a black art to a series
of systematic steps that provide estimates with acceptable risk.

To achieve the reliable cost and effort estimates, a number of options


 Delay Cost Estimation until late in the Project (we can achieve 100%
accurate estimates after the Project is complete). Hence the Cost
Estimation of the Project should be last step in Project development.
 Base estimates on similar projects that have already been completed.
 Use relativel y simple decomposition techniques to generat e Project Cost
and effort estimates.
 Use one or more empirical models for Software Cost & effort Estimation.

The first option is however attractive, but not practical. Cost Estimates must
be provided “up front”. However, we should recognize that the longe r we
wait, the more we know, and the more we know, the less likel y we are to
make serious errors in our Cost Estimates.
The remaining options are viable approaches to Software Project Estimation.

The Costs associated with the Project are Expenses, Outlays or Losses
arising from developing and using a Project . With these Estimates, and with
manpower allocation using a skill inventory system, manpower costing can
be easil y automated. Costing of other resources can be obtained from the
network drawing tool. A ny records maintained here can be very useful for
sizing and estimating future projects.

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Cost of the Project designed, developed and used comprises of the


 Anal ysis Cost

 Design Cost
 Documentation Cost
 Coding Cost
 Development Cost
 Implementation Cost
 Manpower Cost
 Maintenance Cost
 Losses arising during Developing the Project
 Hardware & Software Cost

Software Costs increases because of the following reasons:

 Each application will need the generation of new programs and each
program has its coding cost.

 Purchasing of new equipment means that existing Software will either

have to be modified or rewritten.

 Programming is labors intensive and therefore strongl y affected by

inflation despite new techniques.

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Software Engineering is the establishment and use of sound engineering
principles in order to obtain economically software that is both reliable and
works efficientl y on real systems.

To solve actual problems in an industry / organ izations setting, such as

Central or State Govt. Sectors, Public / private Sectors, Colleges, Schools,
etc., a Software Engineer or a team of engineers must incorporate a
development strategythat encompasses the process, methods, tools layers,
and the generic phases. Thisstrategy is referred to as a Process Model or
aSoftware Engineering Paradigm.

Four “organizational paradigms” for software engineering team are:

 closed paradigm
 random paradigm
 open paradigm
 synchronous paradigm

A Process model for Software engineering is chosen based on the nature of

the project and application, the methods and tools to be used, and the
controls and deliverables that are required.

Software Engineering is a layered technology. Any engineering approach

(including software engineering) must rest on an organizational commitment
to qualit y. The foundation for Software engineering is the Process Layer .
Software engineering is the glue that holds the technology layers together
and enables rational and timel y developme nt of computer software.

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The 04 basic Software Engineering layers are:

 A quality focus
 Process
 Methods
 Tools

The work associated with Software Engineering can be categorized into 03

generic phases, regardless of application area, project size, or complexit y.

These 03 generic phases of Software Engineering Paradigm applied are:

 Definition Phase
The definition phase focuses on what. During this phase, the Software
Engineer attempts to identify:

o What information to be processed?

o What function and performance are desired?

o What system behavior can be expected?

o What interfaces are to be established?

o What validation criteria are required to define a success ful system?

The key requirements of the system and the software are identified. The
methods applied during the definition phase will vary depending on the
Software Engineering Paradigm (or combination of Paradigms) that is
applied, three major tasks will occur in some form:

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 S ystem / information engineering

 Software Project Planning
 Requirements Anal ysis

 Development Phase
The Development phase focuses on how. During development a Software
engineer attempts:

o To define how data are to be structured?

o How function is to be implemented within software architecture?
o How procedural details are to be implemented?
o How interfaces are to be characterized?
o How the design will be translated into programming language?
o How testing will be performed?

 Support Phase

The Support phase focuses on change associated with error correction,

adaptations, required as the software’s environment evolves, and changes
due to enhancements brought about by changing customer requirements. The
Support phase reapplies the steps of the definition & development phases
but does so in the context of existing software.

Four types of changes are encountered during the support phase:

 Correction
 Adaptation
 Enhancement
 Prevention

Wide Array of “Software Engineering Paradigms” is

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 The linear sequential model

 The Protot yping model
 The RAD model
 The incremental model

 The Spiral model

 The WINW IN spiral model
 The Component-based development model
 The concurrent development model
 The formal methods model
 The fourth generation techniques model

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The different phases in Project Planning are as follows:

(i) Analysis phase

It includes the study of the Problem and creation of the customer requirement specification
document. It also involves the study of various tools required for implementing the problem.

(ii) Design Phase

In this phase, we first specify a structure design with initial design document (Known as
High Level Design) and the second step prepare a detailed design specify the functional
modules and function refinement. We also need to specify the DFD and major data
structure, modules and there specification.

(iii) Implementation Phase

This phase of the project requires the design of the system development in the phase to be
implemented and coded. In this application, coding is done in C#.Net and SQL Server.

(iv) Testing Phase

Testing Phase is one of the most Crucial one. It includes the conformance of the acceptance
criteria set down according to the user requirement specification.

(v) Integration Phase

It requires the integration of the various modules developed in the project implementation
phase to the main project module.

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Project scheduling is mention all the scheduling techniques that I use in development of the
project or in other words Scheduling of a software project can be correlated to prioritizing
various tasks (jobs) with respect to their cost, time and duration.

Scheduling can be done with resource constraint or time constraint or time constraint in
mind. Depending upon the project, scheduling methods can be static or dynamic in

Scheduling techniques used in “Blood Bank Management System” is as follows:

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A GANTT Chart is the simplest form of formal project management. The
GANTT Chart (also known as BAR chart) is used almost exclusivel y for
scheduling purposes and therefore controls onl y the time dimension of
GANTT Charts are a project control te chnique that can be used for several
purposes, including :

 scheduling,
 budgeting, and
 resource planning

A GANTT Chart is a bar chart, with each barrepresenting an activity. The

bars are drawn against a time line. The length of each bar is proportional to
the length of time planned for the activity.

A GANTT Chart helps in scheduling the activities of a project, but it does
not help in identifyi ng them.

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“Blood Bank Management System”

Task 1Sep-20Sep 20Sep-10 Sep 10Oct-25Dec 25Dec-10Jan 10Jan-25Jan

2017 2017 2017 2018 2018






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The next activity is Determination of System requirements, which involves studying the
current manual system of Blood Bank Management System in great details, to find out how
it works and where improvements have to be made. The determination of requirement thus
includes studying the existing system and collection data. This activity is carried in two


A detailed document has to be prepared by the system analyst containing the following:

1. Input that must be received by the system.

2. The output must be produced by the system.
3. The data to be retained.
4. The procedure to get the output from the given inputs.
5. Audit and Control requirements – specify the feature/function/Procedures.
6. System Acceptance criteria – tests, user perform to check system acceptance.


The project is developed using Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

The “Blood Bank Management System” has many records to maintain and the generation
of output in a database. A database system is essentially a sophisticated, computerized
record keeping system, a repository for a collection of computerized data files. A database
system maintains information and makes that information available on demand, for this
purpose a database system provides set of facilities to perform such operations. The benefits
of a database system over any traditional system are obvious as database is integrated as
well as shared, thus a database eliminates redundancy and also as a consequence, database

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lets multiple users access the same piece of data. The most important advantage of the
database is to maintain the integrity i.e. it insures that the change made to the database by
authorized users do not result in a loss of data consistency and guard against accidental
damage to the database.

RDBMS have the following facilities

 Creation of files, Addition of data, Deletion of data, Modification of data.
 Retrieving data collectively or selectively.
 The data stored can be sorted or indexed at user’s discretion or direction.
 Various reports can be produced from the system. These may either be standardized
reports or that may be specifically generated according to specific user definition.
 Mathematical function can be performed and the data stored in the database can be
manipulated with functions to perform the desired calculations.
 To maintain data integrity and database use.
 Data integrity for multiple users.
 Providing form based interface for easy accessibility and data entry.

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FRONT END : Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
BACK END : MS-SQL Server 2008

 The project is based on three-tier architecture. The three tier architecture where the
application is divided into three logical constituents
o User Services – Provide services such as user interface. (C#.Net applications
in this case).
o Business Services – Implement business logic.
o Data Services – Provide handling and validation of data. (MS SQL Server in
this case).

 Disadvantages of the two tier architecture

o It puts extra load on the server
o It increases the network traffic.
o Difficult to implement incremental improvements.

Reason behind Using Above Tools / Platform

 C#.Net has many powerful features required in today’s challenging programming
environment. A big portion of the programming with Visual Basic is accomplished
visually. This means that during design time, we are able to see how are programs will
look during runtime.
 In a GUI environment, the number of operation open to the user in much larger,
allowing more freedom to the user the user and developer. Features such as easier
comprehension, user-friendliness, faster application development and many other
aspects make Visual Basic an interesting tool to work with. It adds a simple way to
control the most powerful database available today.
 The tools provide by C#.Net helps in reducing development time. It is faster to create
application, using tools available in C#.Net.
 Microsoft SQL Server is an efficient RDBMS.
 Data Repot is an efficient tool for designing effective Reports.
 An RDBMS, such as SQL Server, may have multiple user database on just one server,
or it may have only one.
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 Every SQL Server, regardless of version or custom modification, the master database.
This database holds a special set of tables (System tables) that keeps track of the system
as a whole.


Hardware Specification (minimum)

Processor : Intel Pentium 4

Speed : 1.1GHz
Hard Disk : 20 GB
RAM : 128 MB
Keyboard : Any
Monitor : Color
Printer : Any

Software Specification (minimum)

Operating System : Windows XP or Later

Front End/GUI Tool : Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Back End/RDBMS : MS-SQL Server 2008
Documentation : MS-Word 2003 or above

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With the introduction of the .NET framework, Microsoft included a new language called C#
(pronounced C Sharp). C# is designed to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-
oriented programming language, borrowing key concepts from several other languages,
most notably Java. C# could theoretically be compiled to machine code, but in real life, it's
always used in combination with the .NET framework. Therefore, applications written in
C#, requires the .NET framework to be installed on the computer running the application.
While the .NET framework makes it possible to use a wide range of languages, C# is
sometimes referred to as THE .NET language, perhaps because it was designed together
with the framework. C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables
developers to build a wide range of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET
Framework. You can use C# to create traditional Windows client applications, XML Web
services, distributed components, client-server applications, database applications, and
much, much more. Microsoft Visual C# 2005 provides an advanced code editor, convenient
user interface designers, integrated debugger, and many other tools to facilitate rapid
application development based on version 2.0 of the C# language and the .NET Framework.

C# Language

C# 4.0 is a version of the C# programming language that was released on April 11,
2010. Microsoft released the 4.0 runtime and development environment Visual Studio 2010.
The major focus of C# 4.0 is interoperability with partially or fully dynamically typed
languages and frameworks, such as the Dynamic Language Runtime and COM.C# syntax is
highly expressive, yet with less than 90 keywords, it is also simple and easy to learn. The
curly-brace syntax of C# will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or
Java. Developers who know any of these languages are typically able to begin working
productively in C# within a very short time. C# syntax simplifies many of the complexities
of C++ while providing powerful features such as nullable value types, enumerations,
delegates, anonymous methods and direct memory access, which are not found in Java. C#
also supports generic methods and types, which provide increased type safety and
performance, and iterators, which enable implementers of collection classes to define
custom iteration behaviors that are simple to use by client code.
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The following are additional C# resources:

 For a good general introduction to the language, see Chapter 1 of the C# Language

 For detailed information about specific aspects of the C# language, see the C#

 For a comparison of C# syntax to that of Java and C++, see The C# Programming
Language for Java Developers and Comparison between C++ and C#.

C# Advantages

 XML documentation generated from source code comments. (This is coming in

VB.NET with Whidbey (the code name for the next version of Visual Studio and
.NET), and there are tools which will do it with existing VB.NET code already.)

 Operator overloading - again, coming to VB.NET in Whidbey.

 Language support for unsigned types (you can use them from VB.NET, but they
aren't in the language itself). Again, support for these is coming to VB.NET in

 The using statement, which makes unmanaged resource disposal simple.

 Explicit interface implementation, where an interface which is already implemented

in a base class can be reimplemented separately in a derived class. Arguably this
makes the class harder to understand, in the same way that member hiding normally

 Unsafe code. This allows pointer arithmetic etc, and can improve performance in
some situations. However, it is not to be used lightly, as a lot of the normal safety of
C# is lost (as the name implies). Note that unsafe code is still managed code, i.e. it is
compiled to IL, JITted, and run within the CLR.

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Features C#.Net (4.0)

 Dynamic member lookup

Dynamic lookup is performed using three distinct mechanisms: COM IDispatch for COM
objects, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider DLR interface for objects implementing that
interface, and reflection for all other objects. Any C# class can therefore intercept dynamic
calls on its instances by implementing IDynamicMetaObjectProvider.
In case of dynamic method and indexer calls, overload resolution happens at run-time
according to the actual types of the values passed as arguments, but otherwise according to
the usual C# overloading resolution rules.
 Covariant and contravariant generic type parameters
Generic interfaces and delegates can have their type parameters marked as covariant or
contravariant using keywords out and in respectively. These declarations are then respected
for type conversions, both implicit and explicit, and both compile time and run time.
 Optional ref keyword when using COM
The ref keyword for callers of methods is now optional when calling into methods supplied
by COM interfaces.
 Optional parameters and named arguments
C# 4.0 introduces optional parameters with default values as seen in Visual Basic and C++.

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SQL server is the most prevalent Relational database Management S ystem

(RDBMS) in the world. Information technology professional will find SQL
Server Serving the database needs of the enterprise in manufacturing
financial, pharmaceutical and telecommunication environ ments all over the
globe. The SQL Server database runs on every major machine and under
every prominent operating system available. Versions of SQL Server exists
for platform modesty equipped portable computers up to powerful database
servers accommodating thousand of concurrent users.

SQL Server database act as online transaction processing engine, decisions

support system, data warehouses and repositories for web enabled
applications the prevalence and flexibility of SQL Server

An RDBMS, such as SQL Server, may have multiple user databases on just one
server, or it may have only one. How many can reside on one SQL Server depends
on such factors as capacity (CPU power, dish I/O limitations, memory, etc.),
autonomy (you want one person to have management rights to the server this system
is running on, and someone else to have admin rights to a different server), or just
how many databases your company or client has. Many servers have only one
production database; other may have many.

Every SQL Server, regardless of version or custom modifications, has the master
database. This database holds a special set of tables (system tables) that keeps track
of the system as a whole. For example, when you create a new database on the
server, an entry is placed in the sys databases table in the master database. All
extended and system stored procedures, regardless of which database they are
intended for use with, are stored in this database. Obviously, since almost everything
that describes your server is stored in here, this database is critical to your system and
cannot be deleted.

The system tables, including those found in master database, can, in a pinch, be
extremely useful. They can enable you to determine whether certain objects exist

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before you perform operations on them. For example, if you try to create an object
that already exist in any particular database, you will get an error. If you want to
force the issue, you could test to see whether the table already has an entry in the
objects table for the database. If it does, you would delete that object before re-
creating it.


The database of a program is very essential part, as it holds record of all the Customers with
their Policy No., Policy Name, Type of the Policy the Customer have, Mode of Payment
etc… in the Insurance company. It should be made in such as manner so that the data may
not be lost due to error but it provides reliability as well as efficiency to the Customers and
retrieval of the data from the database will be fast.
 THE SQL SERVER 2008 is one of the best Relational Database Management
System available in the market today.
 It allows the user to create their own Database in which the user can create and
store his data/views etc.
 From security point of view it is one of the best available database software.

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The purpose of the preliminary investigation is to evaluate project requests.

It is not a design study nor does it include the collection of details to
describe the business system in all respect. It is the collecting of
information that helps the S ystem designer to evaluate the merits of the
project request and make an informed judgment about the feasibilit y of the
proposed project.

While working on a project or designing a system, we should consider the

following aspects:

 Clarify and understand the project request.

 Determine the size of the project or system.

 Assess costs and benefits of alternative approaches.

 Determine the technical and operational feasibilit y of alternative


The data that the S ystem anal ysts collect during Preliminary investigations
are gathered through 03 pr imary methods:

 Reviewing the Organization such as Online Polling S ystem.

 On-site observations of the Online Polling S ystem Activities,
Operations, etc.

 Conducting interviews with persons involved in Online Polling


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Data Flow Diagramming is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a
graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, and data
It is a graphical representa tion of flow of data through a system. It pictures
a s ystem as a network of functional processes. Or we can say that DFD is a
graphical tool used to describe and analyze the movement of data through
the system including the process, the stores of data and delay in the s ystem.
Data Flow Diagrams are central tool and basis from which other components
can be developed. The symbols used in the Data Flow Diagrams and their
meanings have been described below:

The purpose of data flow diagrams is to provide a semantic bridge between users and
systems developers. The diagrams are:

 Graphical, eliminating thousands of words;

 Logical representations, modeling WHAT a system does, rather than physical
models showing HOW it does it;
 Hierarchical, showing systems at any level of detail; and
 Jargon less, allowing user understanding and reviewing.

The goal of data flow diagramming is to have a commonly understood model of a system.
The diagrams are the basis of structured systems analysis. Data flow diagrams are supported
by other techniques of structured systems analysis such as data structure diagrams, data
dictionaries, and procedure-representing techniques such as decision tables, decision trees,
and structured English. Description:

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Blood Bank Management System

Data Flow Diagrams are composed of the four basic symbols shown below.


Data Flow Represents the connectivit y
between various processes
Process Performs some processing of
input data.

External Entit y Defines source of destination

of system data. The entit y
which receives or supplies
Data Store Repository of Data

External Entities:

1. Are named with appropriate name.

2. Can be duplicated, one or more times, on the diagram to avoid line crossing.
3. Determine the system boundary. They are external to the system being studied. They
are often beyond the area of influence of the developer.
4. Can represent another system or subsystem.
5. Go on margins/edges of data flow diagram.

Data Flows:

1. Are represented with a line with an arrowhead on one end. A fork in a data flow
means that the same data goes to two separate destinations. The same data coming
from several locations can also be joined.
2. Should only represent data, not control.
3. Are always named. Name is not to include the word "data".
4. Are referenced by a combination of the identifiers of the constructs that the data
flow connects.

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Blood Bank Management System

Data Flow Diagram of Blood Bank Management System:

DONER Donner Details Blood details


Login Details



- 40 -
Blood Bank Management System

n Login

Blood Test
t System


Blood Receive ADonner

Details Blood

Blood Blood
ABlood Test
Issue Test




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Blood Bank Management System

E-R DIAGRAM (Entity Relationships Diagram)

E-R diagram grow out in the association between two or more different Entities. It basically
used to represent Relationship between two or more entities. The E-R Model for data uses
some feature to describe data these are:
Entities: Which Specify Real World items in an Application for example An Customer
Entity which specify about details of customer. An Entities can be Represent in A E-R
Diagram using a Rectangle.

Attributes: Which Specify properties of Entities. This may be designed into ellipse.

Relationship: A Relation between two or more entities diagrammatically represented by a


Primary key: Each time a unique key demand for an attribute I, this type of attribute is
called Primary key Attribute. It may be represented in diagram by an Underline to attribute
in Ellipse.

There are some types of Relationships;

 One to One
 One to Many or Vice Versa
 Many to Many

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Entity Relationship Diagram:

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Software design is actuall y a multi -step process that focuses on 04 distinct

attributes of a program:

 Data structure
 Software architecture
 Interface representations
 Procedural (algorithm) detail.

Design is the technical kernel of software engineering. Software design is

an iterative process through which requirements are translated into a “blue
print” for constructing the Software. Initiall y, the blueprint depicts a
holistic view of software. That is, th e design is represented at a high level
of abstraction – a level that can be directl y traced to the specific s ystem
objective and more detailed data, functional, and behavioral requirements.

The 03 characteristics that serve as a guide for the evaluation of a good

design are:

 The design must implement all of the explicit requirements contained

in the anal ysis model, and it must accommodate all of the implicit
requirements desired by the customer.

 The design must be a readable, understandable guide for t hose who

generate code and for those who test and subsequentl y support the

 The design should provide a complete picture of the software,

addressing the data, functional, and behavioral domains from an
implementation perspective.

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Blood Bank Management System

Each of these characteristics is actuall y a goal of the design process.

Software design is both a process and a model. The design process is a

sequence of steps that enable the designer to describe all aspects of the
software to be built. The design mode l begins by representing the totalit y of
the thing or objects or input to be built and slowl y refines the thing to
provide guidance for constructing each detail. Similarl y, the design model
that is created for software provides a variet y of different views of the
computer software.

Basicdesign principles, which enable the Software engineer to navigate the
design process while designing the Software, are as:

 The design process should not suffer from “tunnel vision”.

 The design should be traceable to the analysis model.
 The design should not reinvent the wheel.
 The design should “minimize the intellectual distance” between the
software and the problem as it exists in the real world.
 The design should exhibit uniformit y and integ ration.
 The design should be structured to accommodate change.
 The design should be structured to degrade gentl y, even when
aberrant data, event, or operating conditions are encountered.
 Design is not coding, coding is not design.
 The designshould be assessed for quality as it is being created, not
after the fact.
 The design should be reviewed to minimize conceptual (semantic)

When these design principles are properl y applied, the Software engineer
creates a design that exhibits both external and i nternall y quality factors.

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The entire project ‘Blood Bank Management System’ contains following main modules:

Modules in Report:

1 :- Login
2 :- Blood Bank details
3 :- Donner Registration
4 :- Donner Counseling
5 :- Receive Blood (Donner)
6 :- Blood Testing
7 :- Blood Test Report
8 :- Issue Blood(Receiver)
9 :- Help

1 :- Login :-
The module login contains following fields:-
1. Login ID
2 .Login Name
3. Login Password
The Entity Login Id is used to accept the Login_Id of the user which are provided only to a
few person in the system to provide security.
The Entity Login Name is used to accept the Login_Name of the user which are provided
only to a few person in the system to provide security.
The Field Password is used to accept password from the user to prevent unauthorized

2 :- Blood Bank Details :-

The main aim of this module is to enable the user of the system to enter details about
various Blood Donners, and to enter the details about new Blood Donners.It contains
following fields:

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Blood Bank Management System


3 :- Donner Registration :-
The main aim of this module is enable the user of the system to enter details about various
Donners registered in the Blood Bank , and to enter the details about the Donner Blood
Group and packets in which Donner registered. It contains following fields:

4 :-Donner Counseling :-
The main aim of this module is to investigate of Donner like as Donner habits, Donner
details in 72 hours, last food, Blood Donate Earlier, About feeling of Donner, Any problem
in 6 month, Any Disease, Blood Pressure, Pregnancy Status and reason for given Blood etc.

5 :- Receive Blood :-
The main aim of this module is to receive Blood from Donner according to his weight, if
Donner weight is less than 65kg he can give only 350ml Blood and above of 65kg he can
give 450ml.

6 :- Blood Testing :-
The main aim of this module is to blood test of a patient. It contain following fields:
Blood_Test_Id,Blood_Test_Date, Patient
Name,Gender,Adress,Age,H.I.Vtest,MP,HBsAg,VDRl,HCV,Doctor Name.

7:- Blood Test Report :-

The main aim of this module is to enable the user of the system to generate various reports
as required in Blood Bank Information System.
 H.I.V
 HBsAg
 VDRl
 MP

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Blood Bank Management System

8 :- Issue Blood(Receiver) :-
The main aim of this module is to issue the blood to who's person which required the
blood. and also distribute in emergency cases in Hospital.

9 :- Help:-
The main help of this module is to help on each module to help the client. This module
provides the vast knowledge about the Blood Bank Information System. Client also gets the
help on any topic regarding the system.

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Structure of Tables

 Login Table: Log in user account

Attribute Data type Size Null?

LoginId Int NOT NULL

LoginName varchar 20

Password varchar 20

 Blood Bank Details: Blood Bank Details

Attribute Data type Size Null?

Blood_Goup varchar 10

Pkt_350ml Int

Pkt_450ml Int

- 52 -
Blood Bank Management System

 Donner Register Table: Register user account

Attribute Data type Size Null?


D_Name Varchar 50

Father_Name Varchar 50

D_Gender Varchar 6

D_DOB Datetime

D_Age Int

Occupation varchar 50

Oraganization varchar 50

Address varchar 200

City varchar 50

State Varchar 50

Contact_No Varchar 15

Mobile_No Varchar 10

Email Varchar 50

Blood _Group Varchar 10

 Counseling Table: Counseling

Data Null?
Attribute Size
Cons_Id BigInt NOT NULL

Cons_Date Datetime

Cons_Time Datetime


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Blood Bank Management System

D_Name Varchar 50

Mobile_No Varchar 10

Blood_Group varchar 10

Blood_Donate_Earlier Boolean

How_Many_Time Int

When_Last_Time Varchar 50

Last_Food Varchar 50

Feeling_Ok Boolean

Sleep_Last_Night Boolean

Hapitatis_Problem Boolean

Other_Problem Varchar 20

Any_Problemin_6Month Varchar 50

Any_disease Varchar 50

Blood_pressure Boolean

Info_72hours Varchar 50

Operation_Status Varchar 10

Pregency_Status Boolean

Inform_Any_Person Boolean

Hide_AnyInfo Boolean

AcceptTO_GiveBlood Boolean

Reason Varchar 100

Remarks Varchar 250

- 54 -
Blood Bank Management System

 Receive Blood Table :

Attribute Data type Size Null?


Rec_Date Datetime

Rec_Time Datetime

Cons_Id BigInt NOT NULL


D_Name Varchar 50

Moble_No Varchar 10

Blood_Group Varchar 10

Weight Varchar 50

Pulse_Rate Varchar 50

Hemoglobine Varchar 50

Blood_pressure Varchar 50

Temprature Varchar 50

Blood_Given Varchar 10

Remarks Varchar 250

 Blood Test Details Table : Blood Test details of Donner

Attribute Data type Size Null?

Blood_Teast_Id BigInt NOT NULL

Blood_Test_Date Datetime

Blood_Test_time Datetime

D_Name Varchar 50

- 55 -
Blood Bank Management System

Father_Name Varchar 50

Gender Varchar 6

Address Varchar 200

Age Int

Mobile_No Varchar 10

HIV_Test Varchar 50

MP_Test Varchar 50

Test Varchar 50

Test4 Varchar 50

Test5 Varchar 50

Doctor_Name Varchar 50

Remarks Varchar 250

 Blood Test Report : Blood Test Report

Attribute Data type Size Null?

Report_no Int NOT NULL

Blood_Test_Id BigInt NIOT NULL

D_Name Varchar 50

D_Age Int

Test_Name Varchar 50

Repor_Details Varchar 50

Blood_Test_Date Datetime

Blood_Test_Time Datetime

- 56 -
Blood Bank Management System

 Blood Issue Table:

Attribute Data type Size Null?


Blood_Issue_Date Datetime

Blood_Issue_Time Datetime

Blood_Group Varchar 10

NameOf_Packet Int

Receiver_Name Varchar 50

Receiver_Address Varchar 200

Mobile_No Varchar 10

Qty1_Pkt_Id2 BigInt

Qty1_Pkt_Id3 BigInt

Qty2_Pkt_Id1 BigInt

Qty2_Pkt_Id2 BigInt

Qty2_Pkt_Id3 BigInt

Remarks Varchar 250

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Login Form

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Blood Bank Management System

MDI Form

Blood Bank Details :

- 60 -
Blood Bank Management System

Donner Registration :

- 61 -
Blood Bank Management System

Donner's Counseling :

- 62 -
Blood Bank Management System

Receive Blood :

- 63 -
Blood Bank Management System

Blood Issue :

- 64 -
Blood Bank Management System

Blood Teat Details :

- 65 -
Blood Bank Management System

Blood Test Report :

- 66 -
Blood Bank Management System

Searching :

- 67 -
Blood Bank Management System

Searching For Donner's :

- 68 -
Blood Bank Management System

Searching for Issue Blood :

- 69 -
Blood Bank Management System

Help :

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Blood Bank Management System

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Implementation means converting a new or revised system designing into an operational

one. After the successful testing system is implemented.
Implementation is the stage of the project when theoretical design is turned into a working
system. This means that the new design is implemented too establish a new system design
into an operational one. This stage should be planned carefully to achieve a new
successfully running system giving the user a confidence that the new system will work
1. Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system.
2. Implantation of a new computer system to replace an existing one.
3. Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing on using the same
In an excellent book on software testing, states a number of rules that can serve well as
testing objectives:

1. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

2. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered
3. A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

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In an effort to maintain computational efficiency and to allow the eventual adaptation of the
algorithm to face tracking applications, intense optimization of the code has been
performed. Although further development is in progress, the algorithm is currently fast and
compact enough to run interactively on most generic platforms.

Note, the sequential hierarchical search which proceeds from large scales to small scales.
This allows a rapid convergence if the face is dominant in the image. Furthermore, the
algorithm does not always flow through the complete loop. It stops as soon as one of the
modules reports a failure and loops back to an earlier stage. For example, we do not search
for a mouth if no eyes are found. In this case, no time is wasted in the mouth module.

Additionally, we utilized special programming techniques to reduce the run-time. The 3D-
normalization algorithm is also extremely efficient and uses look-up tables and minimal
calculations for increased speed. The 10 normalization’s and DFFS calculations required for
nose-localization also utilize small mug-shot images and increase efficiency.

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The intent is to choose appropriate storage structures and access aids for the optimum
performance of the database system. Direct access is required wherever the file has a high
rate of insertions and deletions; for a stable file indexed-sequential access is suitable.

Performance is measured in terms of response time for online queries such as banking
application, or turnaround time for application programs such as payroll preparation.
Performance depends on the size of records, the amount of data and its distribution on the
number of storage devices, the presence of various indexes or direct access mechanisms.

Using direct access

This is specified by the call option for an attribute of the record. The record is then stored in
a direct access file and could be retrieved randomly using the value of the record.

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At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package,
interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected, and a final series of software test -
Validation Testing - may begin. Validation can be defined in many ways, but a simple is
that validation succeeds when software functions in a manner that can be reasonably
expected by the customer.

Validation is an important characteristic of a good project because many times it has been
seen that running project may come to a halt stage or just because of ignorance of validation
invalid or insufficient data may get enter in the database.

In this project I adopted many level of validations like in user feedback (contact) page user
is not supposed to leave any field blank.

Then in the second level of validation I check individual fields like the Name cannot be
numeric, Phone number should not contain any alphabet, if by mistake any alphabets are
entered then the message appears that phone number should be in Digits and in the same
Then in the third level of validation I check individual fields like the Assignment code and
subject code cannot be submitted again and again.

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It should be clear in mind that the philosophy behind is to find errors. Test cases are devised
with this purpose in mind. A test case is a set of data that the system will process as normal
input. There are two general strategies for testing Software: Code Testing and Specification
Testing. In code Testing, The analyst develops the cases to execute every instructions and
path in the program. Under specification testing, the analyst examines the program
specification and then writes test data to determine how the program operates under specific


In unit testing the analyst tests the programs making up a system. For this reason, unit
testing is sometimes called program testing. Unit Testing gives stress on the modules
independently of one another, to find errors. Sky Tec Online Polling System (Online Exit
Poll) consists of modules to handle contacts, modify or retrieve data and to respond to
different types of E-mails. The test cases needed for unit testing should exercise each
condition and option.


It is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time
conducting tests to find errors associated with interfacing. The objective is to take unit
module and a program structure that has been dictated by design. The integration testing has
been done by bottom up integration.

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Software validation is achieved through a series of black box tests that demonstrate
conformity with requirements. Black box testing methods focuses on the functional
requirements of the software. Black box testing enables the software engineer to derive sets
of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements of a program. The
class of Alpha testing for validating the functions of the system is to confirm that whether
the system is the right system or the wrong one.


The important and essential part of the system development phase, after designing and
developing the software is system testing. It cannot be said that every program or system
design is perfect and because of lack of communication between the user and the designer,
some error is there in the software development.

System Testing consists of the following five steps:

 Recovery Testing
 Security Testing
 Stress Testing
 Performance Testing

Special System Tests

There are other 6 tests that fall under special category. They are:

 Peak Load Test: It determines whether the system will handle the volume of activities
that occur when the system is at the peak of its processing demand.

 Storage Testing: It determines the capacity of the system to store transaction data on a
disk or in other files.

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Blood Bank Management System

 Performance Time testing; It determines the length of time system used by the system
to process transaction data.

 Recovery Testing: This testing determines the ability of user to recover data or restart
system after failure.

 Procedure Testing: It determines the clarity of documentation on operation and use of

system by having users does exactly what manuals request.

 Human Factors testing; it determines how the users will use the system when
processing data or preparing reports.


We Test our Project by using “Condition Testing”.

It is a test case design method that exercises the logical conditions Contained in a program
module. Its purpose is to detect errors in condition of a program and also other error in

In the Home Page there is a student or teacher login option, we use the condition if we
Login incorrect User and Password than it show the Message Invalid Login, and if we
Login correct User and Password than it show Sending E-mail Page.

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Much of the management is decision making, according to one of many approaches to

management. While there are several views of what constitutes management, according to
the decision-oriented view, management mainly comprises the following:

 Planning
 Organizing
 Directing and
 Control

Each one of these functions may be at the strategic, tactical or operational level. To
illustrate this point we will use a series of examples of strategic, tactical and operational
decisions and the information needs, in each of these functional areas.

Strategic level planning would call for a lot of environmental information like shifting
markets, changing technology as well as internal information like core-competitive strength
of the organization.

Tactical planning activities like vendor development make-or-buy decisions would call for
cost and availability information pertaining to materials, production capacities both internal
to the organization as will as outside. Operational planning like staff scheduling would need
large amounts of internal information like schedules, attendance, up-times of equipment.


Strategic organizing would need external and internal data to decide on re-structuring as
will as forge strategic partnerships. Tactical organizing would need changing wage level
data of both the organization as well as that of competitors. Operational organizing would
need data relating to skills and training requirements of the operational staff.

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Blood Bank Management System

Strategic coordination would call for industry wide data corresponding to technology
availability. Tactical co-ordination would call for planet wide and supplier wise bottleneck
data, which reflects the deficiencies both inside the organization and outside. Operational
co-ordination would require itemized break up of plant and machinery performance, failures

Strategic directing functions like introduction of office automation would call for detailed
cost benefit analysis of new techniques. Tactical directing like innovating marketing
strategy would call for detailed market and production data. Operational directing function
would need data pertaining to the individual manager’s detailed skills.

Strategic control decisions like total quality management would need detailed performance
data and bench marketing data from outside the organization.

Tactical control decisions like maintaining steady market share in the medium run would
necessitate continuous monitoring of planet data. Operational control may call for
techniques of statistical process control that involves the collection of substantial sampling
information that must be collected and processed continuously during the entire production

In essence each and every area of managerial decision making would be it planning,
organizing, co-coordinating, directing or control, it calls for substantial amounts of
information processing. While these functions of management need information support for
decision making there are subtle differences between the decisions that can significantly
benefit from information equally there are decisions that are unlikely to be benefited
substantially by the context was very ably pointed out by the pioneering decision.

Programmed decisions are those that can easily be automated, like the determination of
optimal product, minimum cost production schedule, optimal sequencing of machines to
minimize mean flow time etc. generally such decisions are characterized by large data and a
few decision rule or algorithms that use the data in an automated fashion to arrive at an
optimal plan.

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Blood Bank Management System

Techniques of O-R like linear programming represent a typical example of this category of
decisions that use formal data and algorithms. Naturally such decisions are easily
programmed. In other words they can be represented as an algorithmic procedure into
ambiguous instructions whose step-by-step execution will lead the optimal result.
Since these algorithms are likely to be codified in the form of a computer program and run
on a digital computer, they care programmable or programmed decisions. The key to such
programmability underlying structure of these decisions situation that permits an
algorithmic translation. By no means is it intended that such program decisions are
unimportant, trivial or simple.
There are no value judgments to such programmed decision either. Many of the
programmed decisions may need the most challenging algorithms involving the best brains
available at that moment for their solution. Nevertheless they are translatable into
algorithmic procedures. Information support for such program can be designed rather easily.

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The last part of the system development life cycle is system maintenance, which is actually
the implementation of the post – implementation review plan.

When systems are installed they are generally used for long periods. The average life of a
system is 4 to 6 years with oldest application often in use for over 10 years. However, this
period of use brings with it the need to continually maintain the system.
Programmers/analyst sends sufficient time for maintaining programs. The study on the
maintenance requirement for the information system revealed that:

 60-90 percent of the overall cost of the software during life of a system is spent on
 In documented cases, cost of maintenance, when measured on the basis of writing each
instruction in coding form, is more than the 50 times the cost of developing a system.
 The software demand is increasing at a faster rate than supply many programmers are
devoting more time on system maintenance than on a new software development. There
is backlog of new development work.

The maintenance can be classified as corrective, adaptation or perfective. Corrective

maintenance means repairing, processing or performance failures or making alterations
because of previously ill-defined problems.
Adaptation maintenance means changing the program functions. Enhancing the
performance or modifying the programs according to user additional or changing needs are
included in perfective maintenance the greatest amount of maintenance work is for user
enhancement and improve documentation of the system for better efficiency. More time and
money are spent on perfective than on corrective and adaptive maintenance together.

Maintenance covers a wide range of activities including correcting coding and design errors,
updating documentation and test data and upgrading user support. Many activities classified
to its original position. Unlike hardware, software does not wear out; it is corrected. In

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contrast enhancement means adding, modifying or redeveloping the code to support

changes in the specifications.
The keys to reduce the need for maintenance while making it possible to carry on with
essential tasks more efficiently as follows.

 More accurately defining the user’s requirement during system development.

 Preparation of system documentation in a better way.
 Using more effective ways for designing processing logic and communicating it to
project team members.

o Making better use of existing tools and techniques.

o Managing the systems engineering process effectively.

An addition factor in the success of the maintenance programmer is the work environment.
Maintenance programmers have generally been paid fewer amounts and receive less
recognition than other programmers.

Little attention has been paid to their training and career plans with the MIS functions.
Maintenance demands more orientation and training then any other programming activities,
especially for entry-level programmers. The environment must recognize the needs of the
maintenance programmer for tools, methods and training.

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Any PC based system that manages sensitive information or causes actions
that can improperl y harm (or benefit) individuals is a target for improper or
illegal penetration. This illegal or unauthorized way of accessing other PC
Software’s is called as Piracy. Unauthorized copying of Software is known
as “Software Piracy”.Software theft is widel y practiced and widel y
tolerated. Significant piracy losses are suffered in virtuall y every region of
the world. In some areas the rate of unauthorized copies is belie ved to be in
excess of 99%.Software piracy harms all software companies and ultimatel y
the end-user.

The S ystem designed & developed is to be kept secure from various persons
or users who are not allowed to use the software. Various Securit y measures
are taken to prevent the Software / S ystem from other persons or users.


Software piracy of System / Software is possible in following forms:
 Hard disk loading
 Soft lifting
 Software Counterfeiting
 Bulletin Board Piracy
 Software Rental

Securit y testing attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into a

s ystem will, in fact, protect it from improper penetration.


Various Security measures are taken to protect the software from illegal &
unauthorized use. Th ese are:

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Blood Bank Management System

 Supplying Passwords to the System and Software

This measure is taken to prevent the access of the S ystem & Software
from illegal & unauthorized users. By this measure, onl y authenticated
users or Supervisors can access both the S ystem & Software to prevent
their piracy.

 Applying Firewalls to the System

By using Firewalls, we can protect our System to be hacked by different

unauthorized users over the world through web, as the S ystem &
Software hacking are more common and prominent among the Internet.
By using Firewall, we can also restrict a par ticular user from using the
particular site. So by using Firewalls we restrict both the end -users and
the Software from each other.

 Supplying different Permissions to different Users for Software’s or


We can protect our Software’s and Files from the unauthorized users b y
giving them different access permissions according to the facilities given
to the users. If we want that a particular file cannot be changed, deleted,
modified by different users other than Owner of the file, then we can do
so b y gi v i n g o n l y R e a d p e r m i s si o n t o di f f e r e n t u s e r s o t h e r t h a n Owner
so that they can only read the contents of the file and cannot change or
delete it.

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Blood Bank Management System

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Blood Bank Management System



The project work entitled Blood Bank Management System is a window-based information
system that a lets you know every student is progressing in every university, after
registration, upload assignment and view result at any time- all at the click of a mouse. It
helps educational leaders had the timely, accurate and comprehensive information they

Data is of vital importance for any organization. Data provided to right person at the right
time becomes and information. The right information can, make difference. The module of
foundation import and export is a step forward in this direction. The data of the student of
the web application can now be imported to the client server application. Hence the work
done by the student in the web application is not lost. The module of foundation export in
the client server version of the Blood Bankl Management System lets you to create a file
containing the data of the student, which the foundation export files. This file can then be
imported by the web application. Hence, the data of the student in the client server database
goes into the web database. The web uses them know about their appropriate level and
continue to work at their math facts to improve computational fluency.

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Blood Bank Management System

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Blood Bank Management System


As we have discussed the Blood Bank Management System. It can be easily implemented
and can be provide the easier way to the user for polling. We can be maintained the system
by using it. It provides the result in a little bit time without mistakes. The doors for
amendments and improvements are always widely open to any system. Software required
for running this project is Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and MS-SQL Server 2008.

Any software cannot be perfect so it also has some drawbacks. I try to overcome these
problems by the suggestions of user. Similarly, this information system too
possesses some limitations available on the Internet. The reports are not
generated like document pages; there is no procedure available that can
restore deleted data.The doors for amendments and improvement are always
open to any system, In order to get better serviced out of it. Desired
modificationcan be made to the system without much effort. If the enterprise
opens any new unit then that can be easily incorporated into theexisting
system. On other hand, limitations as mentioned above could be eradicated. But this
is sure that whatever provided in the present system will cause no problem.
The project “Blood Bank Management System” fulfills all the demands and challenges of
speed, accuracy and technology in this environment. This system is designed to provide a
cost effective and efficient solution for maintaining decision making purpose and analysis.
This application is easily extensible and upgradeable according to an Serviceman‘s need
with little or no changes.

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Blood Bank Management System


The project “Blood Bank Management System” is easy for Blood Bank. The user can
interact with the system. The user can submit their feedback, complaints and suggestion.
This is of pilot project prepared to maintain all the records of Blood Bank. It may help
collecting perfect management in details.
“Blood Bank Management System” is a very simple and efficient in working software. It is
user friendly and you need not to be computer background to operate this. Layman can also
operate it easily due to its toolbar-menu options. It can be easily operated with the help of
At last, I want to say that while designing this project I have achieved much more
knowledge and I also welcome all the suggestions and other improvements, which the
system needs so that it covers all the needs of the user in the user way.

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Blood Bank Management System

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Blood Bank Management System

The Bibliography contains references to all documents that relate to the
Software. These include :

 other Software Engineering documentation

 technical references

 vendor literature

 Standards.

It contains all the documents or references to all documents that relate to

the software. These includes Technical references, Vendor literature, etc,
along with detailed description of algorithms, charts, graphs and other
materials presented as appendixes

Following books were consulted at various stages of programming and compiling of this
project report

 Mastering Visual C#.Net

Author: Anne Boehm

 Programming C# (4.0)

Author: Joel Murach

 MS-SQL Server 2008

Author:Robert Vieira
Author: Paul Atkinson

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