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Linda Pilkey-Jarvis

Washington Department of Ecology

Orrin H. Pilkey
Duke University

Theory to Useless Arithmetic: Ten Points to Ponder When Using

Mathematical Models in Environmental Decision Making

Linda Pilkey-Jarvis is a geologist in the s policy makers and public administrators are absolutely the course of nature and its potential
state of Washington’s Department of acutely aware, mathematical models are impacts.
Ecology, where she helps manage the
state’s oil spills program. She is coauthor
simplified, generalized representations of a
of Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental process or system, and their use in public administrationSociety’s expectations aside, however, mathematical
Scientists Can’t Predict the Future is ubiquitous across policy domains. Perhaps nowhere, modeling has sparked much controversy. This is
(Columbia University Press 2007), as well
as other articles on environmental and
however, has their content, power, and efficacy as aids not surprising for two reasons. First, the ecological,
natural resources management. to decision making been more prevalent or potent economic, and political stakes involved in the ENR
E-mail: than in the domain of environmental and natural challenges they are developed to address are profound.
Orrin H. Pilkey is the James B. Duke
resources (ENR) management. The move to quantify Second, uncertainties are an inherent part of the
Professor Emeritus of Geology and director earth and biological sciences, the widespread availabil- process—uncertainties that can then become fodder
of the Program for the Study of Developed ity of powerful desktop computers, and the dawn of for controversy. These include the data gaps, assump-
Shorelines in the Nicholas School of the
Environment at Duke University. He has
predictive mathematical modeling all arrived simulta- tions, weightings, and extrapolations on which
written numerous books, including A neously in the final quarter of the twentieth century. mathematical models are inevitably based. Harvard
Celebration of the World’s Barrier Islands professor Shelia Jasanoff (2007) makes this case best.
(Columbia University Press 2003) and
Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental In short order, predictive modeling of the earth’s natu- She argues that our society expects and even insists
Scientists Can’t Predict the Future. ral processes soon found widespread application on certainty to a degree that it did not count on a few
He is also the editor of the 24-volume (Sarewitz, Pielke, and Byerly 2000). Consider but a decades ago. But believing that certainty is attainable
series Living with the Shore
(Duke University Press).
few examples of processes in nature that are routinely (as in accurately predicting the outcome of a natural
E-mail: modeled and from which policy makers are presumed process) is unrealistic and damaging to policy makers
to make better judgments when incorporated in their and scientists alike. Our increased reliance on science
ENR management decision calculi: the environmental to prove absolute answers may be a product of the
impacts of a proposed project, atmosphere pollutant computer age and the widespread but often misplaced
dispersal, groundwater pollutant dispersal, radionu- confidence that quantitative mathematical models
clide waste disposal, sea-level change, weather pat- will provide the answer. Jasanoff argues, and we con-
terns, climate changes, storm behavior, river flooding, cur, that humility is required: humility on the part
fisheries yields, and shoreline retreat. of scientists who must know the limits of scientific
knowledge, and humility on the part of planners and
At the dawn of the era, it was believed that quantita- policy makers who must stop turning to science and
tive mathematical models would mathematical models for answers
be a bridge to a better, more and instead come up with their
certain future in the relationship At the dawn of the era, it was own solutions aided by scientific
between humans and our natural believed that quantitative observations.
environment. Not only did
accurate prediction soon become
mathematical models would be Still, the allure of mathematical
an expectation of the public, but a bridge to a better, more modeling as a policy aid for ENR
mathematical modeling came to certain future in the relationship management issues remains
epitomize in people’s minds between humans and our strong, and it will continue to be
sophistication and state of the natural environment. so in the future. But has the
art in much of science and pub- optimism about mathematical
lic policy. Nor were citizens modeling of ENR processes ever
alone in these judgments. Natural scientists and policy been realistic? Are mathematical models useful under
makers also assumed that quantitative mathematical certain circumstances and not others? How should
models would provide a basis for predicting more policy makers best discern their utility, and how might
470 Public Administration Review • May | June 2008
they better use them to inform their judgments? We society’s ENR problems. A paradox leading to conceit
argue that realizing high expectations for mathemati- exists in quantitative mathematical modeling. As we
cal modeling in the ENR policy domain has proved, have noted, computers have allowed society to develop
in practice, to be a bridge too far. Moreover, because ever more complex models that track and manipulate
reliance on some models has produced negative far more variables, far more relationships, and far more
consequences, policy makers need to be aware of these data than earlier, simpler versions. Yet along with more
shortcomings and communicate them to the public as variables, relationships, and data come more complexity,
they discern how much weight to give their findings less ability to understand the model, and more room for
in decision making. error. Nature, we contend, is far too complex to predict
in a quantitative way. Using a simple example, we don’t
In making these arguments, we begin by reviewing two believe that society can put a number on how high the
types of ENR modeling: quantitative and qualitative. sea level will rise in this century. We can say that models
In the process, we show the paradox of quantitative indicate that the sea level will continue to rise in the
modeling: While complex mathematical models strive next century, that the rate is likely to accelerate, and that
to capture the complexity of natural systems, the more policy decisions should be made on that basis. In this
complexity they offer, the less accurate they can be- light, the educative role for policy makers, including
come. Next, and illustrating our points largely but not public managers, is important. They should train the
exclusively with examples from the mathematical mod- public to expect and pay attention to this type of predic-
eling of beach erosion, we offer 10 lessons for policy tion, disabuse them of the quantitative precision in
makers to consider when interpreting and weighing the prediction in favor of trends, and garner their support
utility of recommendations derived from mathematical for decisions that are made on this basis.
models. Our point is that modeling in this policy area
is complex, but decidedly less complex than other The problem runs even deeper, however. In some
applications of mathematical modeling. And though we technical circles—for example, among the engineers
focus on ENR modeling, our lessons are applicable to who build seawalls on beaches and the hydrologists
the fundamentals of modeling in a variety of policy who predict groundwater movement—modeling is
areas. We conclude by arguing that mathematical mod- almost a religion. Belief in predictions is rock solid
eling as an approach to ENR management has to be and criticism in applied modeling fields is dismissed
fundamentally rethought. outright, especially if the criticism comes from those
who do not understand the mathematics behind the
The (Mis)measurement of Nature: Assessing models. Model zealots seem to believe that mathemat-
the Relative Merits of Quantitative versus ics is more important than the natural process.
Qualitative Modeling
There are two types of basic models for natural pro- James O’Malley, a fishing industry representative,
cesses: quantitative and qualitative. Although both expresses a common frustration of nonmodelers who
present us with a generalized perspective on a natural deal with the impenetrable circle of modelers on a
problem, they are not equal in terms of predictive frequent basis:
power. The first type—quantitative models—can be
used as a surrogate for nature, whereas the second— I stress that the problem [is] not mathematics
qualitative models—do the same but with less accuracy. per se but the place of idolatry we have given it.
Quantitative models are expected to provide answers of And it is idolatry. Like any priesthood, it has
sufficient accuracy for practical societal use. The con- developed its own language, rituals, and mysti-
ventional wisdom is that such models may specifically cal signs to maintain its status and to keep a
answer questions related to the number of centimeters befuddled congregation subservient, convinced
the sea level will rise in the next 100 years or predict that criticism is blasphemy. . . . Most frightening
precisely how many tons of haddock can be harvested of all, our complacent acceptance of this approach
in a sustainable catch next fishing season (surrogate for shows that mathematics has become a substitute
nature). In contrast, qualitative models eschew preci- for science. It has become a defense against an
sion in favor of more general expectations grounded in appropriate humility, and a barrier to the acqui-
experience. They are useful for answering questions sition of knowledge and understanding of our
such as whether the sea level will rise or fall or whether ocean environments. . . . When used improperly
the fish available for harvest will be large or small mathematics becomes a reason to accept absur-
(perspective). Such models are not intended to provide dity. (Pilkey and Pilkey-Jarvis 2007, xiii)
“accurate” answers, but they do provide generalized
values: order of magnitude or directional predictions. But all models should not be dismissed on these
grounds. Rather, it is useful to think about them as
Our contention is that quantitative mathematical lying on a continuum running from positive to
models are problematic and that their uncritical negative contributions to ENR management decision
acceptance by policy makers may actually exacerbate making. At one distressing end of the quantitative
Theory to Practice 471
modeling spectrum are coastal for applied modelers to circle the
engineers who predict how long In order to be allocated the wagons when faced with criti-
artificial or replenished beaches money to award their projects, cism. Vigorous debate and criti-
will last. It is an obviously impos- the U.S. Army Corps of cal review of good science are
sible task, as one must know Engineers must show a often absent, victims of math-
when the next big storms will ematical “certainty.” In contrast,
occur in order to predict a beach’s
favorable cost–benefit ratio. The the IPCC models stand as an
lifespan. Yet the hand of those practice continues despite obvious exception to the rule.
who would model is forced be- decades of predictive failures. The climate modelers do not
cause of a federal requirement to circle their wagons any more
predict beach durability in a than do observational scientists.
cost–benefit ratio for each beach nourishment project.
In order to be allocated the money to award their James Wilson, a University of Maine fishery economist,
projects, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must also has an opinion on how model-based science can be
show a favorable cost-benefit ratio. The practice con- damaging:
tinues despite decades of predictive failures. And when
these predictions fail, we are offered the excuse that The models are not verifiable and no attempt is
beaches disappear more quickly than predicted be- made to verify. The result is that we don’t learn
cause the big storms were characterized as unusual in except at an extremely slow rate. Almost all the
strength and unexpected in timing. It is not, defend- science is done in government facilities and
ers argue, because the models were wrong. Can any- what’s not done in government facilities is done
one argue with a straight face that storms are a surprise on government contract. There is no indepen-
on a beach? Would we accept such excuses from engi- dent body capable of giving depth and breadth
neers who build failed bridges? to an alternative view. Academic scientists in-
cluding ecologists often get involved, but find
At the other, more positive end of the spectrum is the that the National Marine Fisheries Service
United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate becomes an attack machine whenever there is
Change (IPCC), which is predicting the future of any substantial disagreement. In short the insti-
global climate change and sea-level rise. The IPCC tutions that keep science vibrant and progres-
recently shared with former Vice President Al Gore sive are absent. (2002, 191–92)
the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for its work. The quantita-
tive models of the IPCC may be no better than the The extent of the damage to society that overconfi-
models of beach behavior. Yet these modelers agoniz- dence in mathematically modeled predictions has
ingly, and in great detail, list and evaluate the assump- caused ranges from the nonexistent Cold War missile
tions and model simplifications, strong and weak, gap to the loss of the Grand Banks cod fishery (Pilkey
behind the predictive models. Those who are skeptical and Pilkey-Jarvis 2007; Taleb 2007). Even assuming
of the IPCC’s climate models have the criticisms laid that the models would answer the question of the fate
out for them to understand and consider. There is of stored radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain, an
transparency in the process. Moreover, although the impossible design approach was taken and the reposi-
IPCC models may be questionable in a quantitative tory may never be built (unless politics trumps science,
sense, they have considerable value as qualitative indica- a distinct possibility). Because the math behind the
tors. For example, the models probably cannot predict models is impervious to the general public and policy
how much the sea level will rise in the next century, but makers, and even to other scientists, models are easily
they can answer the qualitative distorted to provide inaccurate
question of whether the sea level cost estimates or overly optimistic
will likely continue its rise. environmental impact estimates.
From a scientific perspective . . .
From a scientific perspective, perhaps the greatest damage Avoiding Buyer Remorse:
however, perhaps the greatest from relying too heavily on Toward Becoming an
damage from relying too heavily quantitative models is the harm Intelligent Consumer of
on quantitative models is the done to robust science. Much- Modeling
harm done to robust science. needed field and laboratory Given this spectrum of possibilities
Much-needed field and labora- and range of modeling quality,
studies are not carried out
tory studies are not carried out how are policy makers to become
because mathematical models are because mathematical models intelligent consumers of the pre-
thought to provide a cheaper and are thought to provide a cheaper dictions premised on mathemati-
easier way to understand the and easier way to understand cal models? In this section, we
earth’s natural processes. Also, as the earth’s natural processes. offer 10 things that policy makers
noted, there is a strong tendency should know or ask about when
472 Public Administration Review • May | June 2008
presented with evidence premised on quantitative math- Lesson 3: Did the model really work? Examine
ematical modeling. claims of past “successes” with the same level of care
and skepticism that “excuses” are given. While
Lesson 1: The outcome of natural processes on “excuses” for shortcomings in the predictions of math-
the earth’s surface cannot be absolutely ematical models must be challenged, so, too, must
predicted. Nature is far too complex to characterize claims of accurate predictions. Good public policy
with mathematics, nor can math be used to derive an should achieve measurable objectives. These claims, in
exact prediction of some natural process. Consider the turn, should be verified through evaluation of the
relatively simple task of predicting how much sand effectiveness of the policy, the decision, or the models.
will be transported each year by surf zone waves on a But in the case of quantitative mathematical model-
given ocean beach. Elsewhere, we have listed 49 ing, it is common to claim success when, in reality,
parameters that could affect the sand transport the model was far less than successful. Recently at
process (Pilkey and Pilkey-Jarvis 2007, 131–32). Bogue Inlet, North Carolina, sand was mined to be
This includes wave size, type and angle of approach, pumped up to replenish sand that had eroded from
sand grain size, tides, beach shape, and storm charac- adjacent beaches. Using sand transport models, sand
teristics such as frequency, duration, and direction of movement was predicted at eight points in the inlet.
approach. However, in the most widely used model, Most importantly, the models predicted that the hole
known as the Coastal Engineering Research Center left by the mining would fill in. When the project was
(CERC) equation, only eight parameters are implic- completed, virtually nothing that had been predicted
itly and explicitly considered. But that is not all. came to pass, and the dredged hole remained. Tides
The relative importance of any of these parameters and waves will eventually fill in the hole naturally.
changes from beach to beach and from year to year However, the reason this failed prediction is critical is
on a single beach. Interactions among the parameters that the sand used to fill the void will be robbed from
occur in unpredictable and unexpected sequences nearby beaches, causing them to retreat at higher
called “ordering complexity.” The other 41 param- rates. Yet the consultant responsible for the faulty
eters not considered in the CERC model are all im- design of the project proclaimed to the media that the
portant sometimes and somewhere. One can never project had been a success and even seemed to brag
know the direction, intensity, duration, order of about the usefulness of the models. The consultant
occurrence, and frequency with which a given param- rationalized that the nourished beach a mile or two
eter (such as the all important storms) will act over from the inlet looked just fine, which was true
time. Hence, an accurate characterization in a model enough. But the proclaimed success was a far cry from
of annual longshore transport is impossible. But let the modeled predictions.
us not forget, the same equation could be very useful
to policy makers if it is used to qualitatively charac- Lesson 4: Calibration of models doesn’t work
terize the transported sand volume, for example, as either. A common approach taken by modelers
either large or small. to verify accuracy is to calibrate a model by using it
to “predict” an event that has already happened. On
Lesson 2: Examine the excuses for predictive model the surface, “hind casting” makes sense, but in reality
failures with great care and skepticism. When it doesn’t work. In hind casting beach erosion, for
models fail to predict a natural process accurately, the example, one would apply a mathematical model of
excuses usually involve the occurrence of an extreme shoreline retreat to some time frame—say, between
event, such as an unusual storm, an unexpected flood, 1980 and 1990. The rate of shoreline retreat during
or an unusually long time period between storms, those years is known, and the idea is to calibrate the
rain, or snow. But these extreme events are, in fact, model so it comes up with the known reality. The
natural: They are part of the natural process whose model is tweaked to accomplish this. Parameters
outcome is being predicted. and constants are adjusted until the correct answer
is obtained. Once that is done for a defined time
An example is the failure of dams in their modeled period, it is assumed that it will work to predict
design role of flood control because of “unexpected” the future.
large floods that require the release of water at the
height of the flood to save the dam. This happened Successful model prediction of a past event, however,
during Hurricane Fran (1996) when the Falls Lake does not prove that a model can successfully predict
Reservoir of Raleigh, North Carolina, was lowered in the future (Oreskes, Shrader-Frechette, and Belitz
mid-flood, increasing the magnitude of the down- 1994). Ordering complexity, described in the sand
stream disaster. Policy makers should not accept transport case, is the reason hind casting does not
such “outlier” arguments, but rather should chal- work. Because we cannot solve the problem of order-
lenge why natural processes such as these were not ing complexity, successful prediction of the past may
factored into models, as other approximations are have little bearing on the success of a model in pre-
incorporated in them. dicting the future. Said differently, the events that
Theory to Practice 473
drove beach erosion in one decade are not going to generated. In the case of beach sand transport
occur in the same order, at the same frequency, and models, the coefficient (k) is multiplied by the final
at the same intensity in the next decade. Storms will answer. Yet in the geologic and engineering litera-
come from different directions and will linger offshore tures, k values range over two orders of magnitude—
for different time spans. Hence, the rates of beach and there is usually no basis given for its choice.
erosion (and especially the lifespan of nourished or Policy makers should thus ask about the source of
replenished beaches) will differ from decade to decade. such coefficients to see whether they are simply
And success in predicting events between 1980 and pulled out of the air.
1990 would have no bearing on the prediction of
events between 1990 and 2000. Lesson 6: Describing nature mathematically is
linking a natural flexible, dynamic system with a
Carrying this problem one step further, the model wooden, inflexible one. All models face inherent
is often applied in some fields to a second time span. uncertainties because human and natural systems are
If the model is again successful in predicting events, always more complex than can be captured in a
it is said to be verified. In the case of the beach ero- model. Some of the inaccuracies, shortcuts, or simpli-
sion model, this could involve the application of the fications used by models (Haff 1996) include averag-
model to 1990–2000. Unfortunately, we suspect that ing, scaling up, omission of important variables, and
successful verification is an uncommon event. But substitution of mathematics for actual field
even when it is, policy makers need to look closely at observations.
what is considered a successful prediction for model
verification. We have seen instances in which, buried Annual sand transport by waves is the primary factor
deep in a report, it was clear that verifying one com- that determines how long an artificial beach will last.
monly used model for sand transport on beaches Imagine, however, the variation in wave height and
required changing the wave height for the second direction in a surf zone over one year (or over one
time span. Policy makers need to read the footnotes week). Consequently, averages are used in models. But
of any calibration report with an eye toward changes averages do not exist in nature, and their use always
of these kinds. Replication means replication. They reduces the modeled impact of extreme events. In the
should also keep in mind an additional reality of case of wave characterization, averaging takes out (or at
calibration models: Whenever no amount of tinker- least reduces) the importance of storms. The same
ing and tweaking can come up with the right answer problem occurs when characterizing groundwater flow,
in the process of calibration, the model is likely including the permeability of the rocks between point
invalid. However, and ironically, it is only possible A and B, sand grain size, river floods, wind velocities,
to falsify a model through calibration. One cannot atmospheric temperatures, and fish populations.
use calibration to verify it. Be wary of any claims
to the contrary. Scaling up is another problem. Observations of beach
behavior, chemical reactions, groundwater flow, and
Lesson 5: Constants in the equations may be biological populations made over a period of a few
coefficients or fudge factors. Most models use coef- months to a few years must be scaled up for model
ficients or constants in their equations, and policy purposes into years or even centuries. Thanks to a
makers need to consider their source. In particular, federal court decision, the design of the Yucca Moun-
one needs to ask whether the tain radioactive waste repository
source of these coefficients is now requires a certainty concern-
grounded in natural processes or Thanks to a federal court ing the fate of the waste of as
best guesses. Take again the decision, the design of the Yucca much as a million years. The
example of the CERC equation, Mountain radioactive waste absurdity of this required predic-
which incorporates a sediment tive time span (which is five
transport coefficient. When the
repository now requires a times the span of humans on
CERC equation is examined certainty concerning the fate of earth and 50 times the span of
closely, it is clear that sediment the waste of as much as a million humans in the Americas) is a
transport coefficients have no years. The absurdity of this reflection of our massively mis-
basis in nature (Thieler et al. required predictive time span placed confidence in predictive
2000). In fact, the CERC coef- (which is five times the span of mathematical models.
ficient, which is said to vary
from beach to beach, is basically
humans on earth and 50 times Fundamentally, models are math-
used as a fudge factor. It brings the span of humans in the ematical simplifications of a
values of the amount of sand Americas) is a reflection of our system or process. Some variables
carried in the surf zone into the massively misplaced confidence in that make a process run may be
range of “known values,” thus predictive mathematical models. omitted, while only those that
legitimating the ultimate values are perceived to be important are
474 Public Administration Review • May | June 2008
used in the model. Often, it turns out that important his or her right mind would want to join battle with,
variables are omitted. If an important variable in a let alone shut down, an industry that employed 40,000
model is poorly known, it is common practice that an people at its height? When the ecological collapse
optimistic value is chosen in the process of model foretold by the observational data finally arrived,
tweaking. This can be attributable to a glass-half-full, mathematical models were partly responsible for what
not half-empty attitude. Or it can be an attempt to a task force investigating the fishery collapse described
ensure a “satisfactory” answer. The story of the as- as “a famine of biblical scale—a great destruction”
sumed groundwater flow at Yucca Mountain provides (Pilkey and Pilkey-Jarvis 2007, 6). Indeed, a dozen
an example of this problem. years later, the cod have not come back.

The assumed rate of downward groundwater move- The models that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ment at the proposed Yucca Mountain, Nevada, ra- use fall into a category that we call “refuges for scoun-
dioactive waste disposal site was very slow. As the drels.” This agency, long known for pork-barrel proj-
design process evolved, the predicted rate of water ects carried out at high cost with less than outstanding
movement used in the mathematical models inched results, is a heavy user of quantitative models. Regret-
ever slower. Yet when a tunnel was carved into the tably, arrogance of the sort described by Mr. O’Malley
mountainside, tests proved that the assumed water (see above) is not uncommon within this modeling
flow rates were too low by several orders of community. For instance, modelers will not debate the
magnitude. validity of the mathematical models they use to pre-
dict how long nourished beaches will last, even in the
This was not necessarily an act of dishonesty (al- technical literature. Nor is the actual experience with
though it might be characterized as an act of incom- artificial beaches reexamined in any systematic fashion
petence). Rather, it was a matter of organizational to determine the success or failure of their models.
momentum (Metlay 2000). It was easy and uncompli-
cated to come up with a lower flow rate estimate Almost always, the predictions of beach lifespan are
because it made the proposed design approach all the highly optimistic, which is almost certainly part of the
more feasible. By contrast, proposing a higher rate Corps of Engineers’ effort to get funding from Con-
encountered intense questioning and bureaucratic gress. This is not surprising, as perverse incentives are
resistance. built into the relationship between the agency and
Congress. The Corps is set up to depend entirely on
Lesson 7: Models may be used as “fig leaves” for project money for its very survival. And when pressed
politicians, refuges for scoundrels, and ways for by other stakeholders to justify any particular model,
consultants to find the truth according to their the agency typically offers what might be called a “no
clients’ needs. As Pogo so famously put it, “We have point in beating a dead horse” rebuttal: “We are now
seen the enemy and he is us.” Models can be misused about to start using another generation of models
as fig leaves behind which policy makers hide to pro- which is more sophisticated and takes into account
mote a policy or make an unpopular decision. This is more variables.” Once again, however, the vicious
what happened in the failure of the Grand Banks cod circle continues. The more variables in and complexity
fishery in the early 1990s. Beginning with the Portu- of mathematical models, the worse (i.e., the more
guese, the banks were fished for 500 years. The failure inaccurate) the predictions are likely to be and the
of the fishery off Labrador and Newfoundland, Canada, more potential for mischief.
may well have been the end of the greatest fishery the
world has ever known. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) also has
misused models to support the mining industry and
Twenty–twenty hindsight tells us that the accuracy of to allow new mines to open. This agency does not
the predictive models indicating that additional fishing have in-house mathematical modeling expertise, so it
of these waters was manageable and ultimately sustain- depends on engineering consulting firms to predict
able was not widely accepted by fishery scientists. Their the degree of lake pollution left behind when an open
concerns were rooted in the fact that fishery models pit mine is abandoned. Too often, the consultant’s
used to predict mathematically the allowable sustain- mathematical model predictions find that the pit lake
able catch are hugely complex. For example, one must will be close to drinking water quality in 50 years
predict all the environmental, oceanographic, and (Moran 2000). Usually this prediction is far off the
biological factors that contribute to the success of cod mark. Because the agency is charged with promoting
at the larval and adult stages, and also to the abun- and not merely regulating the mining industry, the
dance of the prey and predators (Kurlansky 1997). But consultants simply find the truth according to their
politicians used the optimistic models as fig leaves to clients’ needs.
hide behind and ignored catch reports (i.e., actual field
observations of cod populations) indicating that a We are not alone in warning policy makers to under-
catastrophic collapse was on its way. What politician in stand these perverse incentives when weighing the
Theory to Practice 475
mathematical models informing BLM decisions. In suggest, reconnecting with citizens and stakeholders
the last decade, the BLM has come under much criti- is a major challenge facing policy makers and public
cism for its optimistic predictions of future mine administrators worldwide.
pollution. But even if it insists on realistic and honest
modeling from its consultants, there is no way to As natural scientists working in the ENR management
predict the future of a pit lake accurately. Like it or arena, we contend that the modeling process must be
not, future predictions both for beach lifespan and open and citizens must question predictions. To allow
mine pollution must be educated guesses at best and this, models should be as transparent as possible.
must be weighed by consumers accordingly. Assumptions, limitations, criticisms, and weaknesses
should be forthrightly disclosed up front. As noted
Lesson 8: The only show in town may not be a good earlier, the IPCC provides an example to follow. The
one. Policy makers should also fight tendencies to results from black-box models should never be ac-
accept the conclusions of mathematical models simply cepted. Yet the reality in many situations is that
because they are available and add legitimacy to agen- mathematical models are closely held in the files of
das, though they have little basis in nature. The Bruun consultants and environmental firms and are not
rule (Bruun 1954), for example, is the only mathemati- revealed—even to paying customers. For example,
cal model that predicts how much shoreline erosion many of the Danish and Dutch mathematical models
will be caused by sea-level rise. The rule states that the predicting the behavior of coastal engineering struc-
rate of erosion is determined by the rate of sea-level tures on beaches and in harbors are offered as black
rise and the slope of the beach. Not only is predicting boxes. Our advice to policy makers is simple: Look at
erosion not that simple, but also the model has virtually the variables in the equations presented to you and
no demonstrable basis in nature (Cooper and Pilkey ask the question, “How can they be characterized?”
2004). The problem is that the model answers an im- And at a most elementary level, answer that question
portant question that no other model does, so it is the by applying an “embarrassment test.” If a model sim-
only show in town. And because coastal managers and plification of a parameter or process is embarrassing to
policy makers are so convinced that they need a num- state out loud as a fact, then the model cannot accu-
ber to inform and legitimize the decisions they make, rately portray the process.
the Bruun rule survives despite a storm of criticism.
Consider, again, the simple longshore beach sand
The widespread use of the Bruun rule is, in part, a transport example. Modelers assume that all waves are
reflection of our society’s belief that we absolutely the same wavelength, that all waves come from the
must have an accurate figure for future erosion rates. same direction, that only the highest one-third of
How can we plan without an accurate number? But waves moves sand, and that grain size remains con-
policy makers need to understand that there are stant (as does the shape of the beach). A scientist who
alternatives to predictions premised on the illusion said any of these things in public would be hooted off
of precision afforded by complex models of natural the podium! Yet ensconced deep within a model, such
processes. Most simply, we can extrapolate from present- absurdities are considered state of the art and distort
day shoreline erosion rates. Again, precise predictions policy deliberations accordingly when left unexam-
premised on the internal logic, assumptions, posited ined or challenged by policy makers, laypeople, and
relationships among variables, and data gaps and other stakeholders.
surrogates will be impossible if one extrapolates from
current data. But in the real world, we cannot predict Lesson 10: When humans interact with the natural
the unpredictable anyway. Importantly, policy makers system, accurate predictive mathematical modeling
who use extrapolations of current trends to “replace” is even more impossible. The paths of those who
the predictions of mathematical models are likely to study social science and those who emphasize the
do better than if they rely on one type of prediction. natural sciences do not often cross (Liu et al. 2007).
At a minimum, the deliberations and debates among Yet the natural processes that scientists try to predict
policy makers, the general public, and agency experts are greatly impacted by human behavior. Everyone
will be leavened appreciably. who has tried to predict the future of the stock market
(Sherden 1998) knows the difficulty of predicting
Lesson 9: The mathematically challenged need not human behavior (e.g., Alan Greenspan’s now famous
fear models and can learn how to talk with a observations about the “irrational exuberance” of
modeler. One of the most dysfunctional aspects of investors in the 1990s). An example of this problem
mathematical models from a deliberative democracy when it comes to natural systems is the prediction by
perspective is the disconnect with—and disempower- coastal engineers of the behavior of beaches on a river
ment of—laypeople in decisions that affect them. delta. A dam constructed upstream cuts off the sand
Certainly, this is a tendency that is not limited to the supply to beaches. In the process, all predictions of
ENR management arena (see, e.g., Sandel 1998). shoreline erosion, qualitative or quantitative, are
Indeed, as Durant, Fiorino, and O’Leary (2004) thrown off and wrong. Oil wells are drilled on the
476 Public Administration Review • May | June 2008
delta, oil extraction causes the land to sink, and the engage in “backward mapping” (Elmore 1980, 1985).
sea level rises to accelerate erosion. As a result, shore- This backward-mapping approach to decision making
line erosion rates rise unexpectedly. involves scenario writing that anticipates behavioral
reactions to circumstances created by those closest to a
Or consider what happened when Hurricane Floyd problem, challenge, or opportunity. Short of engaging
(1990) passed by Charleston, South Carolina, and in such a full-scale exercise, policy makers need to ask
how human behavior produced unexpected conse- modelers what they are assuming about human behav-
quences for policy makers. Weather prognosticators ioral reactions. To the extent that these answers fail
had predicted the hurricane would make landfall over the embarrassment test or seem inadequate or unreal-
the city. It didn’t, but at the time of the first evacuation istic on logical grounds, they should be wary.
order, the storm was classified as a Category 5. Many
thousands of South Carolinians wisely decided to A Final Word: Into a Brave New World of
evacuate. Unfortunately, most found themselves Qualitative Modeling?
trapped all night on jammed highways leading out of Our argument in this article has been that mathemati-
the city. Unexpectedly, the state’s governor overruled cal models are wooden and inflexible next to the
emergency management officials who wanted one-way, beautifully complex and dynamic nature of our earth.
out-of-town traffic on all lanes of the interstate (I-26) Quantitative models can condense large amounts of
leaving the city. Heavy political fallout ensued because difficult data into simple representations, but they
of public anger—not over the inaccurate hurricane cannot give an accurate answer, predict correct scenario
alarm but because of the traffic jam. Governor Jim consequences, or accommodate all possible confound-
Hughes’s inexplicable decision in a time of crisis is an ing variables, especially human behavior. As such,
example of the problem of predicting anything that models offer no guarantee to policy makers that the
involves human behavior. Emergency management right actions will be set into policy. Nor are the results
officials had carefully studied and modeled hurricane of these realities necessarily benign for the environ-
evacuation long before the storm. But the models did ment; we have noted instances in which modeling
not consider the possibility that the governor would predictions resulted in actual harm to the environment.
declare that the incoming lanes should be kept open
for “emergency vehicles”! With these shortcomings in mind, we have offered
10 tips for policy makers hoping to discern where on
In fact, examples abound of how human behavioral the spectrum of utility any mathematical model pre-
reactions that are unanticipated affect the predictive sented to them fits. Our aim has not only been to
validity of even the most elegant mathematical models. demystify mathematical modeling to policy makers.
Model predictions of ecosystem evolution in the Great We have also tried in the process to empower them
Lakes have been greatly frustrated by the introduction to become intelligent consumers of these products.
of invasive species carried in the ballast waters of foreign They can become so by understanding models’
freighters. Similarly, land development patterns influ- strengths and (more important) their limitations and
ence the biology of streams, and fishery population by introducing an element of common sense into
predictions are affected by changes in ocean current decision making. In doing so, our aim is to enhance
dynamics related to global warming. Likewise, a century deliberate democracy in the ENR management arena.
of fire suppression in western U.S. forests has led to
increased numbers and size of fires because of accumu- But PAR readers might appropriately ask, is there an
lated brush cover that small fires, left alone, would have alternative to quantitative modeling? We have already
naturally reduced. Finally, environmental refugees from argued that qualitative modeling that is more grounded
the rising sea level in Bangladesh crowd into the remain- in observational data can help compensate for the
ing habitats of the Bengal tiger and threaten its exis- shortcomings of mathematical models. Not only do
tence. What policy makers need they eschew the rarified and
to understand from all of this is often intimidating realm of
not that mathematical modelers . . . PAR readers might mathematical complexity, but
anticipate events that are not appropriately ask, is there an they also prompt experts to
anticipatable. Rather, policy mak- alternative to quantitative engage reality-based and readily
ers must bring their own strengths understandable trend data that
as students of human behavior to may or may not support their
the decision-making process. predictions. In this vein, adaptive
management, a form of trial-and-error management,
Confronted with the predictions of mathematical may provide one path into the qualitative world
models, they must question how well modelers’ pre- (Johnson 1999).
dictions assume a passive, inert, or nonstrategic set of
actors. Borrowing from the policy implementation Using adaptive management, for example, waste could
literature, one way to discern these behaviors is to be stored at Yucca Mountain with the understanding
Theory to Practice 477
that it will be monitored, and the storage facilities Cooper, J. Andrew G., and Orrin H. Pilkey. 2004. Sea
might be modified years and even centuries down the Level Rise and Shoreline Retreat: Time to Abandon
road if needed. Or the waste could be reused in power the Bruun Rule. Global and Planetary Change 43:
plants. Similarly, one could estimate how long an 157–71.
artificial beach will last based on how long nearby Durant, Robert F., Daniel J. Fiorino, and
artificial beaches have lasted. Or the beach could just Rosemary O’Leary, eds. 2004. Environmental
be replenished without arguments! By the same token, Governance Reconsidered: Challenges, Choices, and
limits on the harvesting of a certain species of fish Opportunities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
could be set and varied from year to year depending Elmore, Richard F. 1979–80. Backward Mapping:
on annual field observations of fish abundance. Simi- Implementation Research and Policy Decisions.
larly, environmental impact statements could be Political Science Quarterly 94(4): 601–16.
viewed as first estimates and monitored over time by ———. 1985. Forward and Backward Mapping:
an ombudsman agency with the power to shut down a Reversible Logic in the Analysis of Public Policy. In
project, mine, or factory if the environmental impact Policy Implementation in Federal and Unitary
proves unacceptable. Systems: Questions of Analysis and Design, edited by
Kenneth Hanf and Theo. A.J. Toonen, 33–70.
Yet in order for alternative approaches to quantitative Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff.
mathematical modeling to take their rightful place in Haff, Peter K. 1996. Limitations on Predictive
ENR management, society will first have to make Modeling in Geomorphology. In The Scientific
fundamental changes in its philosophy and approach Nature of Geomorphology: Proceedings of the 27th
to designing with nature. Policy makers will have a Binghamton Symposium in Geomorphology, edited
major educative role to play in making that change a by Bruce L. Rhoads and Colin E. Thorn, 337–58.
reality. Modelers have to abandon claims of accurate New York: Wiley.
prediction of many natural processes, and laypeople Jasanoff, Sheila. 2007. Technologies of Humility.
have to appreciate these realities and become comfort- Nature, November 1, 30.
able with this step into a qualitative world. Decades of Johnson, Barry L. 1999. The Role of Adaptive
optimistic claims by scientists and engineers about the Management as an Operational Approach for
validity of modeled predictions will not be easy to Resource Management Agencies. Conservation
turn around. The public believes that models are the
Ecology 3(2): 8.
state of the art and has grown to expect accuracy and
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to accept the “unusual storm” excuse when things do
That Changed the World. New York: Walker and Co.
not work out. Nor will the political advantage that a
Liu, Jianguo, Thomas Dietz, Stephen R. Carpenter,
lack of transparency can offer special interests and
Marina Alberti, Carl Folke, Emilio Moran, Alice
agendas in society be easy to overcome.
N. Pell, Peter Deadman, Timothy Kratz, Jane
Lubchenco, Elinor Ostrom, Zhiyun Ouyang,
Nonetheless, deference to expertise is no longer axiom-
William Provencher, Charles L. Redman, Stephen
atic, and a variety of advocacy groups have the capacity
H. Schneider, and William W. Taylor. 2007.
to go toe-to-toe with experts. At a minimum, they have
Complexity of Coupled Human and Natural
the capability to mount effective public relations cam-
Systems. Science 317(5844): 1513–16.
paigns that undermine their credibility, as the anti-
Metlay, Daniel. 2000. From Tin Roof to Torn Wet
nuclear and anti–genetically modified food campaigns
Blanket: Predicting and Observing Groundwater
by Greenpeace in Europe illustrate. The first step, how-
ever, is raising the consciousness of the general public to Movement at a Proposed Nuclear Waste Site. In
the problems and false promise of mathematical model- Prediction: Science, Decision Making, and the Future
ing. Policy makers also need to reign in its excesses by of Nature, edited by Daniel Sarewitz, Roger A.
demystifying it for citizens, insisting on transparency, Pielke, Jr., and Radford Byerly, Jr., 199–230.
and appreciating how best to challenge its premises in Washington, DC: Island Press.
particular cases. Readers need not share our strong Moran, Robert. 2000. Is the Number to Your Liking?
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to take advantage of the tools for reigning in its excesses and the Future of Nature, edited by Daniel
that we have offered in this essay. Sarewitz, Roger A. Pielke, Jr., and Radford Byerly,
Jr., 185–98. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Oreskes, Naomi, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, and
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478 Public Administration Review • May | June 2008

Can’t Predict the Future. New York: Columbia Mathematical Models to Predict Beach Behavior
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Thieler, E. Robert, Orrin H. Pilkey, Robert S. Young, 327–60. Washington, DC: National Academies
David M. Bush, and Chai Fei. 2000. The Use of Press.

Coming up in the

July/August Issue of PAR . . .

Congratulations to the 2007 PAR Award Winners

Academic-Practitioner Exchange: Planning an Effective Presidential

Transition in 2008-2009

Essays on Ethical Challenges Facing Today’s Public Administrators

ethics in government • the nature of corruption • racial profiling
privatizing nursing homes • stem cell research

A Look at Risk vs. Wisdom in Public Management

Book Reviews

Theory to Practice 479

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