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This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from

selected respondents. The data are presented in tables according to the order and

sequence of the specific problem areas investigated by the researcher.

Table 1. Level of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the different restaurants in

Laguna in terms of Personal Communication

Statement Mean SD Remarks

1. The manager is approachable in all 4.86 0.35 Always
2. The manager delivers his/her 4.79 0.41 Always
thought clearly and understandable at
all time.
3. The manager is calm when you talk 4.81 0.39 Always
to him/her.
4. The managers have clearly 4.83 0.38 Always
established a direction for his/her
employee verbally.
Weighted Mean 4.82 0.38 Very High

Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.40 – 4.19 Often High
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.79 Never Very Low

Table 1 shows that The Level of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the
different restaurants in Laguna in terms of Personal Communication has a mean of
4.86, 4.79, 4.81, and 4.83, respectively; standard deviation of 0.35, 0.41, 0.39, and
0.38, respectively; all remarked as “Always”.
The weighted mean of 4.82 and standard deviation of 0.38 shows that Level of
Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the different restaurants in Laguna in terms of
Personal Communication was “Very High”.

Table 2. Level of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the different restaurants in

Laguna in terms of Negotiation

Statement Mean SD Remarks

1. The concern manager listen pro-actively 4.71 0.46 Always
to the employee and customers complaints.
2. The manager shows empathy when 4.78 0.44 Always
attending to customer’s and employees’
3. The manager resolves conflict promptly. 4.76 0.45 Always

4. The manager negotiates effectively 4.72 0.47 Always

when dealing with employee and
Weighted Mean 4.74 0.45 Very High

Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.40 – 4.19 Often High
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.79 Never Very Low

Table 2 shows that the Level of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the
different restaurants in Laguna in terms of Negotiation has a mean of 4.71, 4.78, 4.76,
and 4.72, respectively; standard deviation of 0.46, 0.44, 0.45, and 0.47, respectively; all
remarked as “Always”.

The weighted mean of 4.74 and standard deviation of 0.45 shows that the Level
of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the different restaurants in Laguna in terms of
Negotiation was “Very High”.
Table 3. Level of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the different restaurants in
Laguna in terms of Management Collaboration

Statement Mean SD Remarks

1. The manager collaborates to build 4.74 0.46 Always
strategies with co-workers.
2. The manager asked for ideas from co- 4.68 0.49 Always
3. The manager listens to employee’s 4.77 0.42 Always
4. The manager established good relation 4.70 0.48 Always
with his/her team.
Weighted Mean 4.72 0.46 Very High

Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.40 – 4.19 Often High
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.79 Never Very Low

Table 3 shows that the Level of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the
different restaurants in Laguna in terms of Management Collaboration has a mean of
4.74, 4.68, 4.77, and 4.70, respectively; standard deviation of 0.46, 0.49, 0.42, and
0.48, respectively; all remarked as “Always”.

The weighted mean of 4.72 and standard deviation of 0.46 shows that the Level
of Hotel Managers Interpersonal Skill in the different restaurants in Laguna in terms of
Management Collaboration was “Very High”.
Table 4. Status of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in restaurants in Laguna
in terms of Motivation

Statement Mean SD Remarks

1. I worked even without the supervision 4.73 0.47 Always
of my manager.
2. I worked overtime when needed, 4.61 0.55 Always
without being asked.
3. I worked hard as an example to my co- 4.74 0.44 Always
4. I worked to be the asset of the 4.71 0.46 Always
Weighted Mean 4.70 0.48 Very High

Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.40 – 4.19 Often High
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.79 Never Very Low

Table 4 shows that the Status of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in
restaurants in Laguna in terms of Motivation has a mean of 4.73, 4.61, 4.74, and 4.71,
respectively; standard deviation of 0.47, 0.55, 0.44, and 0.46, respectively; all remarked
as “Always”.

The weighted mean of 4.70 and standard deviation of 0.48 shows that the Status
of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in restaurants in Laguna in terms of Motivation
was “Very High”.
Table 5. Status of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in restaurants in Laguna
in terms of Work Engagement

Statement Mean SD Remarks

1. I extend my courtesy to my co-worker 4.81 0.42 Always
and manager.
2. I willingly helped my co-worker when 4.79 0.41 Always
they needed my assistance.
3. I worked at full extent, without 4.78 0.42 Always
expecting big in return.
4. I level my engagement of work in my 4.69 0.49 Always
co-workers and manager.
Weighted Mean 4.77 0.43 Very High

Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.40 – 4.19 Often High
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.79 Never Very Low

Table 5 shows that the Status of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in
restaurants in Laguna in terms of Work Engagement has a mean of 4.81, 4.79, 4.78,
and 4.69, respectively; standard deviation of 0.42, 0.41, 0.42, and 0.49, respectively; all
remarked as “Always”.

The weighted mean of 4.77 and standard deviation of 0.43 shows that the Status
of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in restaurants in Laguna in terms of Work
Engagement was “Very High”.
Table 6. Status of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in restaurants in Laguna
in terms of Innovative Ideas

Statement Mean SD Remarks

1. I can speak out my new ideas for the 4.77 0.42 Always
development of the company.
2. I worked with my co-workers to 4.74 0.46 Always
generate new ideas at all times.
3. I challenge myself to be more creative 4.77 0.45 Always
in work. To make change at things I
commonly do.
4. I was offered to do plans for making 4.69 0.46 Always
Weighted Mean 4.74 0.45 Very High

Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.40 – 4.19 Often High
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.79 Never Very Low

Table 6 shows that the Status of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in
restaurants in Laguna in terms of Innovative Ideas has a mean of 4.77, 4.74, 4.77, and
4.69, respectively; standard deviation of 0.42, 0.46, 0.45, and 0.46, respectively; all
remarked as “Always”.

The weighted mean of 4.74 and standard deviation of 0.45 shows that the Status
of Work Attitude of the Hotel Employees in restaurants in Laguna in terms of Innovative
Ideas was “Very High”.
Significant Relationship Between the Hotel Managers’ Interpersonal Skill to
Employees’ Work Attitude in Selected Hotels in Laguna

Independent Dependent Critical Computed FINDINGS

Variables Variables r-value r-value
.20 0.16 Not
Personal Work .20 0.08
Engagement Not

Innovative Ideas .20 0.07 Not

.20 0.18 Not
Work .20 0.37
Negotiation Engagement Significant

Innovative Ideas .20 0.21


.20 0.33
Motivation Significant

Management Work .20 0.17

Engagement Not

Innovative Ideas .20 0.14 Not


The relationship between the Hotel Managers’ Interpersonal Skill in terms of

personal communication to Employees’ Work Attitude in Selected Hotels in Laguna in
terms of motivation (computed r-value=0.16, crit.r-value=.20), work engagement
(computed r-value=0.08,crit.r-value=.20), innovative ideas (computed r-value=0.07,
crit.r-value=.20), all interpreted as “NOT SIGNIFICANT”.

The relationship between the Hotel Managers’ Interpersonal Skill in terms of

negotiation to Employees’ Work Attitude in Selected Hotels in Laguna in terms of
motivation (computed r-value=0.18, crit.r-value=.20), interpreted as “NOT
SIGNIFICANT”. While in terms of work engagement (computed r-value=0.37, crit.r-
value=.20), innovative ideas (computed r-value=0.21, crit.r-value=.20), both interpreted

The relationship between the Hotel Managers’ Interpersonal Skill in terms of

management collaboration to Employees’ Work Attitude in Selected Hotels in Laguna
in terms of motivation (computed r-value=0.33, crit.r-value=.20), interpreted as
“SIGNIFICANT”, work engagement (computed r-value=0.17, crit.r-value=.20),
innovative ideas (computed r-value=0.14, crit.r-value=.20), all interpreted as “NOT

The overall findings show that only the Hotel Managers’ Interpersonal Skill in
terms of NEGOTIATION has a significant relationship on the Employees’ Work Attitude
in Selected Hotels in Laguna in terms of work engagement and innovative ideas and
also Hotel Managers’ Interpersonal Skill in terms of MANAGEMENT COLLABORATION
has significant relationship to Employees’ Work Attitude in Selected Hotels in Laguna in
terms of motivation.

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