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Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Terminology 2 Celestial Terrain 30
Data Cards 4 More Optional Rules 31


The Game Turn 5 Scenario Format 33
Electronic Warfare 5 Disengagement 33
Ship Activation Functions 6 FTL Entry/Exit 33
Basic Movement 6
Thrust and Maneuver 6 SHIP CONSTRUCTION 42
Combat 7 Warships 42
Fighters and Shuttles 49
THE ADVANCED GAME 10 Filling out Data Cards 51
Inertial Movement and Maneuvers 10
Power Flow 11 APPENDIX 52
Small Ships 12 Data Cards
Squadrons 13 Blank Data Cards
Advanced Game Weapons 15 Markers
Torpedoes 16 Carrier Ops Display and Fleet Roster
Drones 17 Game Charts
Additional Defenses 19
Ship Systems 20
Fighters and Shuttles 23
Fighter Attributes 26
Carriers 27


GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Thanks to the companies that have granted permission to use
Karl Johnson images of their products to illustrate the Task Force Zeta series
of books. Design copyrights remain the property of the respec-
tive companies.
Chris Lendrum Brigade Models


Karl Johnson (

Ground Zero Games

© Robert Hemminger. Used With Permission.
Ravenstar Studios
Task Force Zeta has existed in various form for over a dozen Starmat by Hotz Artwork (
years prior to this current version. Playtest reports and Front cover photo: a Tin Men task force (Ravenstar Studios) engages a South
suggestions for improvements have been received from too African Confederation battle group (Brigade Models).
many people to list here, but you know who you are and we
thank you for your input, no matter how great or small!
Copyright © 2011 Karl G. Johnson. All Rights Reserved. No portion
of this book may be copied or distributed by any means - physical or
SPECIAL THANKS TO: electronic - without express permission.
Rob and Catherine Walker and GMI Games
Robert Hemminger Published by Legionnaire Games
The Strike Legion Mailing List members Catalog Number LGP4001D
Version 1.0 October 2011

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)


A South African Confederation Isanlwanda-class Battleship task force leads the assault (Brigade Models).

Task Force Zeta is a tabletop miniatures game depicting Several each of 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-sided dice;
starship combat in the far future. This volume presents A tape measure or ruler;
various types of warships, fighters, and shuttlecraft engag- Data Cards for the ships and fighters in play; and
ing each other in deadly contests for control of different Miniature figures representing each player’s ships and
sectors of space. Whether your fleet is a ‘rag-tag’ group of fighter squadrons.
pirates or a well-oiled military machine, Task Force Zeta
allows you to pit your force against your opponent’s fleet, You’ll also need a playing surface for your games. Table
with victory or defeat determined by your skill as com- sizes used for the scenarios in this book are 4’x 4’ or 4’x
mander. 6’, but playing on a slightly smaller or larger surface won’t
adversely affect game play.
While Task Force Zeta provides a number of unique and
diverse ship and fighter types with which players can wage Miniatures
interstellar wars, rules are also provided for creating Task Force Zeta has been written for use with any scale
one’s own fleet elements. These unit construction rules starship models from any manufacturer. Players who do
allow players to adapt their favorite Science Fiction set- not own miniatures but still wish to play the game, can find
tings for Task Force Zeta gaming, creating any type of various free and low-cost 2-D starship counters/markers
military ships or fighters they want to field, and use them posted on various websites around the Internet; just use
against the vessels provided in this rulebook- or against your favorite search engine to find a few, or visit your fa-
any other fleet elements that their opponents may devise vorite download site that sells gaming PDFs to find some
using the same rules. attractive alternatives to metal or resin miniatures. Using
2-D counters to play the game is also an excellent way to
Additional, free-of-charge fleet lists and Data Cards for test out new fleets and their effectiveness in combat be-
specific Sci-Fi settings and the models of select starship fore buying a new set (or your first set) of starship minia-
miniature manufacturers, along with other Task Force tures.
Zeta–related materials, can be found at the Legionnaire
Games website ( Suggested Basing
Most starship miniatures are designed to be mounted on
What You’ll Need ‘flight stand’ type bases, suspended above the playing sur-
To play Task Force Zeta, players will need: face by means of a central peg in the miniature’s base.
A copy of the rules and game charts; The size and shape of the bases for your miniatures
Game markers (provided in the back of the book) or a makes no difference during play.
Fleet Roster;

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Starships should be mounted one to each stand; stands of add one to), the result of the die roll. A ‘0’ result on a d10
fighters should have at least two (and as many more as is normally read as 10.
the owner wishes) fighter models mounted on them.
If a game function calls for the use of a d3, roll a d6 and
Once players have their miniature forces assembled, it’s a divide the result by two; a d2 roll uses a d6 divided by
good idea to identify the ships and fighters with a distinc- three. If a d5 is needed, roll a d10 and divide by two; round
tive marking on the miniature or its base for quick identifi- fractions up in all cases.
cation during game-play. Color-coding, numbering, or let-
tering the bases are the most common methods of identi- The use of multiple dice of the same type can be written in
fying a unit. The actual method is up to the individual own- one of two ways. If ‘2d6’ is called for, use the sum of the
ing the miniatures, but it should be consistent throughout two dice to resolve the game function. If written as ‘2xd6’,
one’s forces. each die will be used independently; they are not added
As there are currently no official miniatures to depict the
forces presented in this rulebook, players should feel free When a function calls for increasing or decreasing a die
to use miniatures from any manufacturer to represent type, substitute the die type that is numerically higher or
their troops on the tabletop. lower (the next higher die type from a d6 is a d8; the next
  lower die type from a d6 is a d4). If a game function calls
Game Scale for increasing a die type above a d12, the player will roll a
Each model on the table represents a single starship or a ‘d16’, which is, in practice, a roll of 2d8. If a function uses
fighter/shuttle squadron consisting of one to twelve identi- a d4 and conditions call for the next lower die type to be
cal fighters/shuttlecraft. Each game turn represents used, a d3 is rolled. Unless noted otherwise, any function
about five minutes of real-world time. that requires the reduction of a d3 to the next lower die
type becomes impossible to complete and/or automatical-
These terms and abbreviations are used throughout the
rules. Electronic Warfare (EW): represents a ship’s sensors
attempting to obtain a better firing solution for its weap-
Aft is used synonymously with rear, indicating the rear- ons while simultaneously attempting to defensively mask
most section of a ship. its electronic ‘noise’ and heat output from the enemy. EW
varies by ship class and may change from turn to turn. A
Attributes modify or enhance the performance character- ship without an EW entry is considered to have an EW
istics of different types of fighter craft. rating of zero.

Characteristics are added to different weapons to im- Fighter Slots are a measure of the amount of space each
prove their chances to hit or damage enemy ships. fighter squadron uses when aboard a carrier vessel. Fight-
er squadrons may have a Fighter Slot rating (as found on
Damage Die: each weapon in the game uses a specific their individual Data Cards) of .5 (half), 1, or 1.5.
type of polyhedral die known as its Damage die. A
weapon’s Damage die is used to determine whether or not Fore is used synonymously with front, indicating the for-
a targeted vessel sustains damage when hit by weapons ward-most section of a ship.
Large Ships: Ships having a Signature rating of 4 or less
Data Cards: each type of ship or fighter has all of its rele- (from 4 down to -4, inclusive).
vant game-play information recorded on a single playing-
card-sized record sheet, referred to as a ‘Data Card’. Data Markers: Used to denote specific conditions on the tab-
Cards for the ships and fighters used in the scenarios in- letop, such as EW assignments, Power Flow settings,
cluded in this book can be found in the Appendix; a more downed shields, and a few other items. All of the markers
detailed description of the various types of Data Cards necessary for play are included in this rulebook and should
used in the game can be found in the next section of this be copied and mounted on thin cardboard or foamcore
Introduction. backings. Players may also prefer to use custom-made or
commercially-available markers during play. As long as all
Dice: Whenever the rules call for a type of die to be used, players understand which marker schemes are being
the number of sides of the die is preceded by a lower case used and what they represent, any method may be used.
‘d’ (e.g.,‘d6’ means the player should roll a six-sided die). If a
function calls for a ‘dx-1’ or ‘dx+1’, subtract one from (or

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
For players that do not like seeing markers on their gam- Squadrons: the term ‘squadron’ is used to describe a
ing surface, we’ve included a Fleet Roster (located in the group of two to five ships operating as a single maneuver
Appendix of this book) that can be used to write down all of group on the table, or a single stand of fighters and/or
the necessary maneuver and orders for each ship in play. shuttlecraft. The specific type of squadron will be stated
When using the Fleet Roster to track ship information, all (Escort or Attack Squadron for ship-based squadrons;
information is public and may be inspected by any player Fighter Squadron for single-stand fighter or shuttle squad-
upon request. rons) in each instance the term is used throughout the
Measuring: Inches are the unit of measure in Task Force
Zeta, but players using very small (1/10,000 or smaller) Starboard is used synonymously with right, indicating the
starship miniatures, or those who wish to engage in very right side or facing of a ship.
large battles on a limited amount of tabletop space, may
want to use centimeters in place of inches. Vessels refers to all varieties of ships or fighters with a
printed Thrust rating or Movement Speed greater than
Distances between ships are always measured from, or zero.
to, the central mounting peg of a ship’s base and/or the
physical center of a fighter squadron’s base. Should a
large miniature require two stands to keep it stable on the
tabletop, the stand towards the forward end of the ship is
the one used for the purpose of measurement.

Note: If using miniatures in scales of 1:2500 or larger, all

measurements should be taken from the center of the
front of a ship or fighter base. Players using smaller figure
scales may also choose to use this method of measure-
ment, as long as all players are measuring in the same

Pre-measuring distances between units or features on the

tabletop is allowed at all times, but it should only be done
by a player within a portion of a turn where he is perform-
ing another game function. This will help to keep the game
moving at a decent pace.

Port is used synonymously with left, indicating the left side

or facing of a ship.

Ships includes all vessels from both the Large Ships and
Small Ships categories.

Signature: A ship’s Signature represents the physical size

of the ship, along with the amount of heat and electronic
noise it emits. The higher the Signature number, the small-
er the ship’s size and ‘noise’ factor. Signatures for ships
range from Signature 8 (smallest) to Signature -2

Single- or Limited Use: Some weapons and systems in the

game (such as fighter-mounted heavy weapons) may only
be used once per game and are considered single or lim-
ited use items. Each single or limited use item will have a
track on the possessing ship or fighter’s Data Card

Small Ships are ships that have a Signature rating from 8

down to 5 (inclusive).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
READING A DATA CARD The next box shows the ship’s Weapons Data, with each
individual weapon entry including the type of weapon (the
ship shown here has two Disruptor Beam weapons and a
There are three different formats for the Data Cards used
Disruptor-type Area Torpedo [AT] launcher), its Firing arc
in Task Force Zeta: Large Ship, Small Ship, and Fighter
(FF and EF), its Damage die (d8, d10, etc.), and its ranges.
Data Cards. While the cards may have slight variations
Ranges are read (from left to right) as Short/Medium/
when compared to one another, all Data Cards share the
Long/Extreme, with entries having a meaning of (for the
same formatting for basic ship or fighter information.
first weapon shown on the Data Card above) ‘from zero
inches up to exactly but not over 8” for Short range; from
All of the Data Cards in Task Force Zeta are standard
over 8” up to exactly 16” for Medium range’, and so on.
trading card-sized cards. This makes it easy for players to
The ranges shown for the Area Torpedo indicate an Effec-
print or photocopy the cards in the book, place them in
tive range of up to 30”, and a maximum range of 45”.
clear protective card sleeves (which can be marked with a
dry erase pen or grease pencil), and re-use them without
The SYSTEMS box identifies and enumerates any addition-
having to print out cards for each gaming session.
al systems the ship possesses; information that further
identifies the special properties of a ship’s weapons or
Fighter and Small Ship Data Cards are single-sided cards
systems is placed in the NOTES box.
that contain information for multiple ships or squadrons
(usually from two to six) comprised of the same type of
The DEFENSES box gives information about a ship’s shields
craft; Large Ship Data Cards are designed to be double-
and armor, listing the type of armor and/or shields used
sided cards. After printing and separating the Data Cards,
by the vessel, along with any damage tracks or numerical
fold the Large Ship Data Cards in half along the gray verti-
information particular to that type of defense. On some
cal line on the card; they’ll now fit comfortably into a pro-
particularly ‘busy’ Data Cards, the ship’s Shields damage
tective sleeve (one should use sleeves that are clear on
track may be placed at the bottom of the ‘Secondary’ dam-
both sides for these cards so that all of the ship’s infor-
age column of the card.
mation is readily accessible during play).
The final box contains a ship’s DAMAGE TRACKS, where
The top-most entry of a Data Card gives the name of the
players will record damage to the ship’s components as
ship or fighter’s Class, along with its Game Point Value
the game progresses. Large Ships have both PRIMARY
(PV). The second line of information shows the ship’s
and SECONDARY Damage Tracks; Small Ships have two
Thrust (THR), Maneuver Rating (MAN), Signature (SIG),
(total) damage boxes; and fighter squadrons will have one
and Electronic Warfare (EW) ratings.
to three rows of boxes per squadron.

Bayern DD PV:288 Bayern DD

THR: 5 (I) MAN: 5 SIG: 3 EW: 8 Ablative Armor Static Shields
Disruptor (FF)(d8) 8/16/28/40 F: OOOOOOOOOOOO 3
Disruptor (EF)(d6) 6/12/21/30 P: OOOOOOOOOO
Disr AT (FF)(d8) Range: 15/30/45 AoE: 2” S: OOOOOOOOOO

1: Structure OOO 1-6: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 7: FTL
NOTES 4-5: Engineering 8: Imaging Field
1-3: Thrust OO (3) 9. Opacity Satellites
4-5: MAN OO (3) 10. Dmg Control
Damage Control (2)
6: Distributor OO
6-7: Wpns: OOO
Imaging Field (+2)
8: Shields OO (2)  
Opacity Satellites (2)
  9: Command
1-3: Crew OO
4-6: EW OO (4)
  10: Critical (roll 2d10)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Pax Arcadian Ashigaru-class Destroyer (Dark Realm Miniatures).

1. The Game Turn end, remove all Electronic Warfare chits from the table
and continue to the next game turn.
Task Force Zeta is played in a series of identical game
turns that follow a specific sequence of events. Only the
steps of the game phases that are necessary to play the
Basic Game are shown in this section.

Game Turn Phases

A. The Initiative Phase
5 5
1. Players secretly assign Offensive and Defensive Elec-
tronic Warfare chits, face down, to each of their units. 2. Electronic Warfare (EW)
2. Each player rolls 2d6. The player with the higher total is
the Initiative Player. EW is used by ships to achieve a targeting solution on an
enemy ship or to disrupt the enemy’s ability to do the
B. The Activation Phase same to them. The vast majority of ships have a numerical
Players alternate moving and firing individual ships in the EW rating; ships that do not have an EW value listed on
order determined by the Initiative Player. The Initiative play- their Data Card have an EW rating of zero.
er may choose to activate the first ship or have his oppo-
nent activate the first ship. If the Initiative Player allows his As the first action of each Initiative Phase, players assign
opponent the first activation, he may specify the exact ene- the amount of Offensive and Defensive EW (OEW and
my ship that must be activated first. DEW) for each ship under their command. Using the pro-
vided chits, each player places, face down and adjacent to
Players continue to alternate unit activations until all ves- the ship’s base on the tabletop, one numbered blue chit
sels have acted. If all of one player’s ships have completed (DEW) and one numbered red chit (OEW). The sum of the
their activations for the turn and the opposing player has numbers on both chits must equal the total EW rating of
multiple ships that have not, the player with the un- the ship for which the markers are being placed.
activated ship(s) may complete their activations, one at a
time, without interruption from the ‘finished’ player. Once (Example: a player in control of a Bayern DD notes that he
all ships have completed their activations, proceed to the has 8 points of EW for this ship. He decides to ‘go offen-
End Phase. sive’ this turn and places a red ‘6’ marker and a blue ‘2’
marker face-down next to this ship; the ship will have an
C. The End Phase OEW rating of 6 and a DEW rating of 2 during the coming
If this was the last turn of a set-turn scenario, or if an im- turn. The player could have also chosen 8OEW/0DEW,
mediate scenario victory condition was met by one player, 7OEW/1DEW, or any other combination of OEW+DEW
determine the winner of the game. If the game does not totals that does not exceed eight points in total).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
OEW/DEW assignment is done secretly; a player need not by using one Thrust point to increase or decrease a ship’s
reveal either chit until it becomes necessary to complete movement speed by 1”. A ship may increase its movement
or verify an activity during play. speed by a number of inches equal to its THR rating, but it
may only decrease its speed by a number of inches equal
Each player also leaves (or flips) their red OEW chit face to its Maneuver (MAN) rating. A ship may never increase
up on the table to indicate the completion of a unit’s activa- its movement speed beyond 16”, nor may its speed be
tion in the current turn. All EW chits are removed in the reduced below zero.
End Phase of the turn.
After determining a ship’s new movement speed, place the
3. Ship Activation Functions appropriately numbered Movement marker in front of the
ship on the tabletop.
When a ship is activated, it may both move and fire its
weapons. Ships may fire weapons at any point during their Ships may move ‘over’ and ‘through’ other ships on the
movement during a turn (even before it begins or after it table during their movement (be they friendly- or enemy-
concludes its movement), but all weapons that will be fired controlled), and they may end their movement in the same
at the same ship target must be fired at the same time place on the tabletop (i.e., the bases of the two ships over-
during a ship’s activation. lap each other) as another ship. In instances where ships
  end up in the same location on the tabletop, it is important
  to keep the same relative facings for each ship; players
  may want to remove one of the models and mark its posi-
tion with the removed ship’s movement speed marker,
placing the removed ship back on the tabletop when this
condition no longer exists.
4. Basic Movement (Example: again using the Bayern DD, the ship’s Data Card
shows 5 Thrust points available to the ship when in an
During Game set-up, each ship is assigned a movement undamaged state; the ship currently has a movement
speed at which it will begin the game. If ship speeds are speed of 6”, as indicated by the ‘6-arrow’ marker next to it
not specified in a scenario’s set-up instructions (or players on the tabletop. At the beginning of the ship’s activation, its
are setting up a ‘pick-up’ game), all ships begin the game owner chooses to increase the ship’s movement speed by
with a movement speed between four and six (inclusive) at 2”, expending 2 of the ship’s 5 thrust points to do so. The
the owning player’s option. Place a numbered Movement Bayern DD has three Thrust points that remain available
marker in front of the ship miniatures’ bases on the tab- to it for conducting maneuvers during its activation. After
letop, with the arrow pointing straight ahead of the ship. placing an ‘8-arrow’ counter next to the ship on the table,
the player continues with the remainder of the ship’s acti-
During a ship’s activation, it must move forward in a vation functions for this turn).
straight line 1” for each point of movement speed it pos-
sesses, and the entirety of its movement speed must be 5.2 Maneuver
expended during its activation. During its movement, a ship may expend its unused Thrust
to change the ship’s direction of travel (i.e., turn). Ships
5. Thrust and Maneuver expend one Thrust point to turn up to 45o in either direc-
tion and may spend multiple THR points to complete multi-
5.1 Thrust ple turns during a single activation, but each ship must
Each ship has a Thrust (THR) rating printed on its Data move at least 2” prior to making a turn.
Card. This rating is used incrementally to speed up, slow
down, or turn the ship during its movement. Some, none, The amount of Thrust used to perform turns on the tab-
or all of a ship’s Thrust points may be used during a single letop may not exceed the ship’s current Maneuver rating
activation, but unused Thrust points may not be saved for during a single activation.
use in a later game turn. The amount of Thrust available to
a ship may vary from turn to turn due to combat damage, (Example: the Bayern DD from the previous example has
and the total amount of Thrust available to a ship at the three Thrust points available to it, along with a maximum
beginning of each of its activations may be used during Maneuver point usage of five Thrust points for maneuvers.
that activation Had the ship not accelerated during this activation, it could
have used all of its Thrust points to conduct turns during
A ship increases or decreases its movement speed as its its activation, as its Thrust and Maneuver ratings are
first movement function during its activation, and does so equal. As the ship has only three points of Thrust available,  

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Fixed Forward (FF) or Fixed Rear (FR): may
2” fire at a target that is within a 900 arc
2” 1 THR centered on the front/rear of the firing
FR  ship.

Side Left (SL) or Side Right (SL): a 90 arc

SL  SR  that is the same as the ship’s Left/Right

2” Side target aspect.

Front Left (FL) or Front Right (FR): a 90 0

8 arc from the center of the front of the

6 FL FR ship to the center of the left/right side of
the ship.

the player chooses to make three 45 turns during the

RL RR Rear Left (RL) or Rear Right (RR): a 900
ship’s activation, making sure that he moves straight for- arc from the center of the rear of the ship
ward at least 2” between each maneuver). to the center of the left/right side of the
Note: increasing or decreasing a ship’s movement speed
does not require the use of any portion of the ship’s Ma- F
neuver rating. Front (F) or Rear (R): the front and rear
arcs encompass the entire front or rear
Additional types of maneuvers – such as Evasive Maneu- R 1800, based on the center of the firing
vers and Hard Turns – are included in the Advanced Game ship.
rules, as are rules for using Inertial Movement.
6. Combat

Firing weapons at an enemy vessel is a two-step process. Left Side (LS) or Right Side (RS): the entire
First, determine if the firing ship’s weapons hit the target. 1800 of the left/right side of the ship,
If one or more weapons score hits against the target ship, based on the center of the ship.
then determine what damage the target ship suffers.

6.1 Targeting
A ship may fire some, none, or all of its available weapons
during its activation in a turn. Individual weapons from a T Turreted (T): Turreted weapons have a
single ship may be fired at different targets, or all at the 3600 firing arc.
same target, at the firing player’s discretion. Weapons
may be fired at different targets at different points during
the ship’s movement (including prior to taking any move-
ment actions on the table), but all fire directed by a single Firing ships must also determine the target aspect (Fore/
ship at each unique target must be resolved at the same Aft/Port/Starboard) of the enemy ship that will be affect-
time. ed by any attack. 

A weapon must also have its target within its firing arc in Fore 
order to execute an attack. The firing arc for each weapon
is noted in the Weapons Data section of a ship’s Data Port  Stbd
Card, along with all other information for each weapon
that a ship possesses. Firing arcs presented in the Basic
Game use the following abbreviations: Aft 

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
6.2 Finding the To Hit Number If the Damage die result exceeds the target ship’s Shield
To determine if an attack hits a target, take the target’s rating, mark off one Armor box on the affected facing of
Signature (found on its Data Card) and add it to the tar- the target ship for each point that the die exceeds the
get’s assigned DEW. target’s Shield rating.

Next, find the range bracket of the firing weapon (Short, If all of a ship’s Armor boxes on the facing that has been
Medium, Long, or Extreme). If the range is Medium, add struck are destroyed before all of the damage in excess of
one to the total; if at Long range, add two; and if at Ex- the ship’s Shield rating has been assigned, the target suf-
treme range, add four. fers damage to its internal systems.

Now, subtract the firing element’s OEW. The attacker Different types of weapons may modify a target ship’s
needs to roll this number or higher on 2d6 for the attack Shield rating, the firing weapon’s Damage die, or both. In
to hit the target. the Basic Game, Laser weapons increase the total amount
of destroyed Armor boxes by one for each Damage die roll
(Example: a firing vessel attacks the Bayern DD with a that exceeds the target’s Shield rating; Gauss weapons
Gauss weapon at Medium range. The owning player flips reduce the target’s Shield rating by one point.
the ship’s DEW chit face up to reveal a 2, while the firing
unit has 2 OEW. Using the Bayern’s Signature of three, the (Example: the Bayern DD is hit on its Port facing by an ene-
minimum number the firing ship needs to roll on 2d6 to hit my ship’s d8-Damage die Gauss weapon, which rolls a 7.
is [signature + DEW + range - firer’s OEW, or 3+2+1– Comparing this to the Bayern’s Shield rating of three, the
2=]4 . firing player subtracts one point from the Bayern’s Shield
rating due to firing a Gauss weapon, and finds that his at-
Regardless of the modifiers to the To Hit number, a dice tack causes [7-2=] five of the Bayern’s Port armor boxes
total of 2 (snake eyes) always misses; a dice total of 12 to be destroyed. If the Bayern had four or less boxes of
(boxcars) always hits. armor remaining on its Port side, the weapon would cause
internal damage to the ship).
6.3 Multiple Weapons Firing
All weapons from a single ship that fire at the same enemy 6.41 Internal Damage
target will use the same To Hit die roll to determine hits, Each weapon that scores at least one Damage point in
even if the To Hit number is different for each weapon. excess of the number of Armor boxes on the target ship’s
facing scores one or more points of internal damage.
Example: using the calculations from the previous example, Looking at the Damage Track section of the back side of
let’s assume the firing ship had a second weapon that it the target ship’s Data Card, roll a d10 for each weapon
was firing at the same target. This secondary weapon is that scores internal damage against the target ship. Find
found to be at Long range, not Medium. Since there is a 1- the entry corresponding to the number rolled, and mark
point difference between Medium (+1) and Long (+2) one box (starting from the right) of that entry as de-
range, the secondary weapon will hit on a roll of 5 or high- stroyed.
er, while the original weapon from the first example still
hits on a result of 4 or higher. If all boxes of that entry are already marked off, move to
the next higher (numerically speaking) entry of the target’s
If each weapon fires at a separate target, a different To Hit Data Card and mark one box from that system as de-
number is determined for each target. There is no penalty stroyed. Results adjusted above ‘9’ do not treat this as a
for a single ship that conducts attacks against more than ‘10’ result; mark the damage against the ‘1’ result instead.
one target in the same activation, although each weapon
may make only one To Hit attempt per activation. Some Primary Damage entries may require a second die
roll to determine the exact system to be marked as dam-
Note: players can keep the pace of the game moving along aged. For all damage entries other than ‘Secondary’, roll a
quickly by rolling the Damage dice for all weapons being d6 to determine the exact ship component to mark as
used to attack a single target at the same time the To Hit damaged.
dice are rolled against that target.  
Damage Effects
6.4 Damaging the Target Each damaged system on a ship will affect its operations
After securing a hit, look at the target ship’s Data Card to immediately after all damage from a single attack has
find its Shield value. Next, find the firing weapon’s damage been resolved. The possible damage results are (in order,
die type (d4, d6, etc.) and roll one die of this type. from low to high Data Card Entries):

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Structure: When all of a ship’s Structure boxes are ship’s Shield rating by the amount in parentheses next to
marked off, the ship is Destroyed. the Shield entry. When all Shield boxes are marked, the
ship has a permanent Shield Rating of zero.
Secondary (roll): Roll a d10 and consult the ‘Secondary’
column on the right-hand side of the damage section on Crew: When a ship’s Crew is reduced to having one or less
the Data Card); mark one box of the system indicated by undamaged boxes, it must choose whether it will generate
the d10 roll as destroyed. If that secondary system has no Thrust points OR if it will fire its weapons during its activa-
boxes, draw a line through its name. tion. This is done at the beginning of its activation. If the
ship generates/uses no Thrust points, it may fire all weap-
If a number in parentheses is present next to a ons normally. If the ship uses even a single Thrust point,
‘Secondary’ entry that has multiple damage boxes, reduce none of the its weapons may be fired during the ship’s acti-
that system’s capability by the amount indicated in the vation.
parenthetical entry.
EW: Reduce the ship’s EW rating by the amount indicated
Note: while some of the ship Data Cards presented for use in parentheses for each point of damage scored. When all
in the Basic Game do list Secondary systems, their use is EW damage boxes are marked, the ship has a permanent
not defined; treat them as ‘free’ damage the ship can sus- EW rating of zero.
tain when playing with only the Basic Game rules.
Critical (roll Xd10): Roll the indicated number of d10 as if
If the rolled Secondary system has already been de- they were Damage caused by an enemy attack, applying all
stroyed, move to the next higher (numerically speaking) damage immediately prior to resolving any additional inter-
entry of the target’s Data Card and mark one box from nal damage from other weapons. Subsequent ‘Critical’
that system as destroyed. If forced to move to the next results are treated in the same way.
higher entry above ‘10’, that damage result becomes one
point of damage to the ship’s Structure. Bulkheads
Some ships have systems that are protected by heavier or
A result of ‘none’ means that no damage to ship systems sturdier bulkheads; these systems have their right-most
has occurred. Results of ‘none’ are never marked off as damage box colored blue and italicized to differentiate
destroyed. them from ‘normal’ damage track boxes. A ship never suf-
fers the effects of damage to a system due solely to having
Thrust: Reduce the ship’s printed Thrust rating by the a bulkhead destroyed.
amount in parentheses next to the ‘Thrust’ entry.

Maneuver: Reduce the ship’s printed Maneuver rating by

the amount in parentheses next to the ‘Maneuver’ entry.

Distributor: This system has no effect in the Basic Game;

treat any Distributor damage as ‘free’ hits. 6.5 Destroying a Ship
A ship is Destroyed and removed from play when all of its
Weapons: For each box marked as destroyed, subtract Structure boxes have been marked as damaged.
one from all Damage dice rolled for Energy Beam, Variable
Torpedoes, and Area Torpedoes when the ship fires its A ship is considered a Hulk if it has lost all boxes of two of
weapons. Kinetic, Drone, and Container Torpedoes add any of these three systems: Crew, Thrust, Weapons. The
one to all To Hit numbers for each Weapons damage box ship is marked with a Hulk marker (pictured above; place
that is marked as destroyed. When all Weapons boxes are the marker next to the Hulk’s movement speed counter),
destroyed, the ship’s weapons become non-functional and and moves its full movement speed straight forward dur-
may not fire for the remainder of the game. ing each End Phase, starting with the end phase of the
turn following the turn in which the ship was reduced to
Note: in the Basic Game, Lasers are the only Energy Beam Hulk status. This movement continues until the ship is De-
weapons, and Gauss weapons are the only Kinetic weap- stroyed (by enemy fire during a subsequent turn – Hulks
ons available. Rules for additional types of Kinetic and Ener- are valid targets as they have not yet been Destroyed) or
gy Beam weapons, along with Drones and the mentioned has moved off the edge of the playing surface.
varieties of Torpedoes, are presented in the Advanced
Game rules. This concludes the Basic Game rules section. Players should
play scenarios one and two to familiarize themselves with the
Shields: For each box marked as destroyed, reduce the basic game mechanics before reading further.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

A Tin Men force rushes to the defense (Ravenstar).

The Advanced Game rules add a number of game func- form any of the maneuvers listed in this section. Maneuver
tions that must be completed in a specific order through- entries followed by an asterisk may be performed by ships
out the turn. Refer to the Game Charts in the Appendix for using Basic Movement
a complete listing of all events in the Game Turn Sequence
dialog box. The number and type of maneuvers that a ship may per-
form during a turn is limited by the ship’s available Thrust
7. Inertial Movement and its current Maneuver rating. Each maneuver has an
associated Thrust cost which must be paid to allow a ship
Inertial Movement is presented as an additional form of to perform that maneuver, and no ship may use Thrust
movement that may be used by players’ ships. Both types points in excess of its current Maneuver rating when exe-
of movement are available to ships in the Advanced Game, cuting any maneuvers during a single activation.
although each ship in play may only use the form of move-
ment permitted by each ship’s Drives. Players are more Multiple maneuvers may be performed by a ship during a
than welcome to use only one form of movement in their single activation (within the stated restrictions), but a ship
games by mutual agreement, but it should be noted that with either Basic or Inertial drives must move at least 2”
neither Basic Movement nor Inertial Movement are con- forward prior to each maneuver. Ships with Gravitic drives
sidered optional rules. are exempted from moving forward between maneuvers;
they may perform subsequent maneuvers without moving
All movement speed restrictions from the Basic Move- forward any amount on the tabletop, but it must complete
ment rules apply to Inertial Movement. the actions of one maneuver prior to beginning a subse-
quent maneuver.
7.1 Drives
There are three types of maneuver drives (or engines, if All of a ship’s maneuvers must be completed during a sin-
you will) used in Task Force Zeta: Basic, Inertial, and gle activation; players may not pay a portion of the Thrust
Gravitic. The type of drive installed on a particular ship is cost of a ship’s maneuver during its activation and com-
indicated by a single letter after the ship’s Thrust rating plete the maneuver by paying the remainder of the Thrust
entry on its Data Card, with ‘(B)’ indicating a Basic drive, cost in the immediately following activation.
‘(I)’ indicating an Inertial drive, and ‘(G)’ indicating a Gravitic
drive. 7.1 Evasive Maneuvers*: Evasive Maneu-
vers may be declared at any point during a
7.2 Inertial Maneuvers ship’s activation prior to firing its weapons.
Ships with Inertial or Gravitic Drives are allowed to per- +2 For each point of Thrust used for Evasive

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Maneuvers, increase the ship’s DEW total by one point Roll markers are removed (and the ship returned to its
when being targeted by enemy fire, and increase the DEW normal facing status) by performing a second roll maneu-
of any enemy ship targeted by this ship by one point. Place ver.
an Evasive Maneuver marker next to the ship (showing the
number of Thrust points spent on the maneuver) at the
moment the maneuver is performed.
An Evasive Maneuver marker is removed as the first act of 1”
the ship’s very next activation, and its effects are valid until 1 THR 1 THR
the time the marker is removed. 1 THR

2” 2”
7.2 Form Jump Point*: Ships equipped with 2”
a non-damaged FTL Drive (FTL) may open a
Jump Point by expending one Thrust point at
the beginning of the ship’s activation. No oth- P S
er maneuvers may be performed when using
this maneuver and the ship must have at
least one Thrust point available at the time the maneuver
is performed.
Sideslip Spin Roll
Place a Jump Point marker on the table in contact with
the ship forming the Jump Point when declaring the ma-
neuver. At the beginning of the ship’s activation in the fol- 7.5 Sideslip: Ships may move ‘sideways’ for 1” at an angle
lowing turn, the ship has escaped the battle and is re- of up to 45o for each Thrust point spent; they retain the
moved from play. same facing and heading when doing so.

Other ships that end their movement within 3” of a Jump 7.6 Spin: ships may change their facing relative to their
Point marker placed by another friendly ship may leave the heading by up to 90ofor each Thrust point spent. The ship’s
game immediately at the conclusion of their activation, direction of travel doesn’t change (use arrow markers to
provided that any friendly ship exiting in this manner is not denote speed and direction of travel), just the ship’s facing.
equipped with FTL and has the same facing (within a 45o
tolerance) as the ship that formed the Jump Point. 7.7 Turn*: During its movement, a ship may expend one
THR point to turn up to 45o in either direction (port or star-
7.3 Hard Turn*: A Hard Turn allows a ship to make a sin- board).
gle turn of up to 135o when performing a Turn maneuver.
Hard Turns use two Thrust points and two points of the 8. Power Flow
ship’s available MAN capacity during that activation.
At the beginning of a ship’s activation (after removing any
Hard Turns may result in damage to the ship. At the end Evasive Maneuver marker it may have, and prior to using
of the ship’s activation roll a d10, adding one to the die Thrust points to increase or decrease the ship’s move-
result for each fraction of four points of the ship’s move- ment speed), it may adjust its Power Flow. Adjusting a
ment speed. Mark one Maneuver box as damaged on a ship’s Power Flow increases some of the ship’s capabilities
modified die roll total of 10 or higher; if the die roll was a at the expense of other capabilities.
natural (unmodified) ‘10’, also mark one of the ship’s
Structure box as destroyed (Small ships receive a ‘DMG’ 8.1 Power Flow Settings
result; see 9.2). There are four Power Flow settings that can be used by
any ship: Balanced Power, Power to Engines, Power to
Ships with a movement speed of zero use one Thrust point Shields, and Power to Weapons. No more than one Power
to execute a Hard Turn of up to 180oand never roll for Flow option may be chosen for use in a single activation,
damage to the ship due to the use of this maneuver. and all Power Flow settings remain in effect for a ship until
the owning player announces a change in its Power Flow
7.4 Roll: A Roll may be executed at any point setting at the beginning of a subsequent activation (also,
during a ship’s activation by using one Thrust see 8.2).
point and marking the ship with a Roll mark-
er. When a ship Rolls, its Port and Starboard Balanced Power: If the ship chooses not to exercise one of
facings are reversed for all game purposes. the other three Power Flow options, it is considered to be

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
operating under Balanced Power and uses the statistics ting. A ship under these conditions must change from a ‘1’
indicated on its Data Card. All ships not marked with a Power Flow setting to Balanced Power prior to choosing a
Power Flow marker are considered to be operating with Power Flow setting other than the one under which it was
Balanced Power settings. operating when the damage occurred.

Power to Engines: A ship may increase its Should a ship’s Thrust be damaged while a ship is under
1 Thrust above its current Thrust capability
(printed or damaged) by one point at the cost
Power to Shields or Power to Weapons settings, Thrust
must be allocated to maintain these power flow settings
of subtracting one from all of its Damage prior to using Thrust for movement speed or maneuver
dice rolled while under this Power Flow set- purposes.
ting. A second Thrust point may be gained in
the same manner by subtracting an additional point (for a - If the amount of available Thrust is reduced by damage
2 modifier) from all Damage dice rolled while operating below the amount required to maintain the ship’s current
under this setting. This modifier is cumulative with the ef- Power Flow setting, the Power Flow setting is reduced to
fects of any weapons damage the ship has sustained. the amount of available Thrust that is required to be used
Place a ‘Power to Engines’ marker with the appropriate to maintain that level.
number of points printed on it next to the ship. A ship may
never use a Power to Engines modifier that exceeds the 9. Small Ships
number of Weapons damage boxes remaining on the
ship’s Data Card. A Small ship is any ship with a Signature of 5 through 8,
inclusive. The rules in this section apply specifically to Small
Power to Shields: A ship may increase its ships. If a previous rule is not modified by the any of the
Shield rating above its current (printed or rules found in this section, they are assumed to apply nor-
1 damaged) rating by one point by expending
one Thrust point. A second Thrust point may
mally to Small ships.

be used in the same manner, but Thrust 9.1 Defenses

points may never be reduced below zero by this order. In place of Armor boxes, Small ships may have a single
Place a ‘Power to Shields’ marker with the appropriate numeric Armor value for each of their target facings. The-
number of points printed on it next to the ship. se armor values (referred to as Static Armor, to differenti-
ate it from the Ablative Armor of other ships) are used to
Power to Weapons: A ship may reduce its determine the threshold for weapon damage causing in-
1 current Thrust rating by one point (but never
below zero) to add one point to all Damage
ternal damage.

dice rolled by non-Kinetic weapons (see 11.1) (Example: an attacking weapon’s Damage die has four
fired from this ship. A second Thrust point points of damage ‘potential’ after striking and penetrating
may also be used in this manner, giving these a target ship’s Shields. If the target’s Static Armor rating
weapon Damage dice a +2 bonus. A ship may never use a is three or lower, the weapon will cause internal damage
Power to Weapons modifier in excess of the number of to the struck ship).
remaining Weapons damage boxes on the ship’s Data
Card. Place a ‘Power to Weapons’ marker with the appro- 9.2 Internal Damage Results against Small Ships
priate number of points printed on it next to the ship. When a Small ship suffers internal damage, roll a single
d10 on the Small Ship Damage Table and apply the stated
8.2 Distributor Damage result. The possible damage results are:
When a ship’s Distributor is damaged in combat, the use
of Power Flow settings is restricted. If the ship had a single No Effect (NE): non-critical systems may have been dam-
Distributor box that is now marked off, or if the ship began aged or destroyed by the attack, but these have no effect
the game with two Distributor boxes that are both de- on the ship’s operations.
stroyed, the ship’s current Power Flow setting may not be
voluntarily changed for the remainder of the game. Maneuver (MAN): the ship’s Maneuver rating is halved for
the remainder of the game. A second Maneuver result
If a ship began the game with two Distributor boxes and against the same ship results in the ship being Hulked.
one of them is marked as destroyed, it may voluntarily
change its Power Flow setting by a maximum of one point Damaged (DMG): The ship has sustained moderate to
at the beginning of its activation. In effect, this allows a ship severe internal damage. Reduce the ship’s Thrust and
with a Power Flow setting of 2 points (of any type) to re- Maneuver ratings by half (rounded up), and add three
duce its setting to one point of the same Power Flow set- points to all To Hit numbers for attacks made by this ship

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
until the end of the game. er ship of the same squadron. All forces belonging to a
player share the same Command Network rating, unless
A Damaged ship or ship that has a Maneuver hit that re- specified otherwise.
ceives a second Damage result is Destroyed.
The four Command Network ratings are: Superior, Aver-
Hulked (HULK): The ship becomes a Hulk (see 6.5). age, Lacking, and Poor. The maximum distances allowed
between ships of the same squadron are:
Destroyed (DEST): The ship explodes and is immediately
removed from play. Superior: 8”
Average: 6”
Add one to the die roll if the target ship has a Signature of Lacking: 4”
seven; add two to the die roll if the target ship has a Signa- Poor: 2”
ture of eight. Regardless of the Small ship’s Signature, a
die roll of one on the Small Ship Damage Table is never A Small ship that is beyond its side’s Command Network
modified; an unmodified die roll of one always results in No range from all ships of its squadron is Out of Command.
Effect. Note: Large ships are never Out of Command.

9.3 Small Ship Maneuvers 10.21 Command Effects

Small ships need only move 1” forward between each Ma- Ships that are In Command (i.e., not Out of Command) may
neuver during their activation movement. move and fire normally if they began the current activation
In Command.
When performing a Hard Turn maneuver, Small ships add
only one point to their die roll to check for Maneuver dam- Large Ships that are beyond their Command Network
age (see 7.3). range from all ships of their squadron at the beginning of
the Squadron’s activation are no longer considered to be
9.4 Small Ship Data Cards part of that Squadron and will use their own, separate acti-
Data Cards for Small ships have record tracks for multiple vation (instead of the activation of their former Squadron).
ships of the same class, with each entry of two boxes rep-
resenting a single ship. When a Small ship is Damaged in Ships that are Out of Command may not be issued a Pow-
combat, mark the right-hand box on the Damage track er Flow setting (other than Balanced Power), nor may they
corresponding to the ship that was Damaged. (if FTL-capable) use the Form Jump Point maneuver. Out of
Command ships receive their own, individual activation, but
10. Squadrons they may not perform their activation until all friendly ships
that are In Command have completed their activations.
Squadrons are groups of two to four Small ships that op-
erate as a unit and share the same activation during a Out of Command ships may subsequently be re-integrated
turn. Special conditions apply to the formation and use of with their squadron by beginning a subsequent activation
Squadrons, and they are further divided into two types: within their normal Command Network range of another
Attack Squadrons and Escort Squadrons. ship of the same squadron.

10.1 Forming a Squadron If a Small ship is the last surviving (i.e., the last member of
Squadrons of Small ships are created prior to the begin- the Squadron that has not been Hulked, Destroyed, or left
ning of a game and remain in effect for the duration of that the playing surface through any legitimate means) ship of
game. Large ships may be placed into squadrons of identi- a squadron, the Out of Command restrictions are waived.
cal ships, but this is not required. Squadrons of Large
ships may break into smaller Squadrons or leave a Squad- 10.3 Attack Squadrons
ron structure at the end of any activation, but, once they The ships that comprise an Attack Squadron do not need
leave the squadron, it may not be re-formed into the same to be identical to each other in every way, but they must
(or any other) Squadron. share identical EW ratings. When EW usage is deter-
mined for the coming turn during the Initiative Phase,
Squadrons may never be formed during play. place a single set of EW counter for the entire squadron;
the same OEW/DEW setting is used by every ship in that
10.2 Command Networks Attack Squadron for the duration of the turn. If a ship has
Each player’s forces are assigned one of four possible a number of EW points that is not equal to the Squadron’s
Command Network ratings. This rating defines the maxi- other ships (due to damage and/or other game effects),
mum distance in inches that one ship may be from anoth- reduce the amount of OEW that ship may use, to a mini-

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mum of zero, before reducing the amount of DEW the ship respects in subsequent game turns/activations for the
may use during the turn. duration of the game.

In Command Ships in an Attack Squadron are not restrict-

ed in any other manner; they may issue individual Power
Flow settings, target enemy vessels as the owning player
sees fit, and execute different maneuvers.

10.4 Escort Squadrons

An Escort Squadron is formed similarly to, and placed un- Players may want to play scenario three to become more fa-
der the same restrictions as, an Attack Squadron. Each miliar with the Advanced Rules presented thus far prior to
Escort Squadron is assigned a single large ship that it will reading further.
escort; the ship being escorted by the Squadron is re-
ferred to as its Charge.

An Escort Squadron must remain within Command Net-

work range of its Charge, and it shares the same activa-
tion with it. The Squadron and Charge do not need to have
the same EW rating, nor does the Escort Squadron use
the same EW assignment as the ship they are escorting;
the Escorts and the Charge always use their own OEW/
DEW settings during any game turn.

Escort Squadrons are relieved from this restriction if their

Charge is Hulked or Destroyed. The owning player may, at
the end any ‘combined’ Squadron activation, also voluntari-
ly release the Escort Squadron from its escort duties by
announcing the intention to do so. The Escort Squadron,
once released, functions as an Attack Squadron in all

Kraytonian forces prepare ground assault shuttles for deployment (Dark Realm Miniatures).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
11. Advanced Game Weapons Molecular weapon that rolls a 3. Looking at the Weapons
Effect Table, a Molecular weapon doubles (x2) its die roll
11.1 Weapon Classifications against Static Shields; the doubled value of 6 is compared
All weapons are classified as being in one of five basic cat- to the target’s Static Shield rating of 4, yielding 2 points of
egories, each of which contains several specific weapon damage to the ship’s Armor.
types. Each specific weapon type may possess inherent
combat advantages against a ship’s defenses, as outlined These two points of damage are then doubled to four
on the Weapon Effect Table below. points due to a Molecular weapon’s effects against Abla-
tive Armor (x2). As the target has no undamaged armor
To use the Weapon Effect Table, find the firing weapon boxes left on the struck facing, the target will take internal
type in the left-hand column and cross-reference it with the damage from the attack. The Molecular weapon has a
type of ship defense being targeted along the top row. Damage Ratio of 1:2, so the firing player divides the total
When weapons are used against Shields of any type, modi- number of (modified) damage points that penetrated the
fy the firing weapon’s Damage die by the amount listed on ship’s armor by two, and finds that this attack will receive
the table. An entry of ‘NE’ means that the type of Shield (4/2=) 2internal damage die rolls against the struck ship).
has no effect against the firing weapon; it has a rating of
zero when determining Shield penetration. An entry of a 11.1 Kinetic Weapons
dash (‘-‘) means the weapon’s Damage die is not modified Each of these weapon types is a Kinetic weapon: Binary
against that type of defense. Liquid Propellant (BP), Gauss, and Spinal Mount (SM).

Weapon Effect Table entries relating to armor modify the In addition to the modifications listed on the Weapon Ef-
remaining amount of damage after subtracting the tar- fects Table, BP weapons add one to their Damage die roll
get’s Shield rating from weapon’s die roll total (not the at Short range and subtract one from their Damage die
Damage die roll). This number is the amount of armor roll at Extreme range.
damage boxes when determining armor damage and/or if
any internal damage dice are rolled, and is also the 11.2 Energy Beam Weapons
amount that is compared to a ship’s Static Armor rating The weapons in this section are considered to be Energy
(for ships possessing such) to determine internal damage. Beam weapons:Antimatter (AM), Disruptor (DIS), Graviton
(GRAV), Laser (LAS), Molecular (MOL), Particle (PART),
(Example: A target ship with a Static Shield rating of 4 and and Plasma (PLAS).
five boxes of Ablative Armor is hit by a d10 Disruptor
weapon. The firing player rolls a 9 on the weapon’s Dam- 11.21 Ion Weapons
age die. A Disruptor weapon’s Damage die adds one to the Ion weapons are a special form of Energy
number rolled against Static Shields, so the weapon beats Beam weapon that uses an alternate Dam-
the Shield rating by four points. These four points of dam- age process. After an Ion weapon scores a
age are then modified by the Disruptor’s Ablative Armor hit, roll its Damage die and compare the die
effect of ‘+2’, yielding [4+2=] 6points of damage to be result to the target ship’s Shield rating. If the
applied to the target’s Ablative Armor. As the target has Ion weapon’s Damage die roll is higher than the target’s
but five boxes of armor left on the struck facing, all five Shield rating, the target’s Shield rating is reduced to zero
armor boxes are destroyed and one point of damage pene- on the target facing struck (only) until the end of the target
trates the ship’s armor protection, allowing the firing play- ship’s next activation. Mark the ship with a Shield Down
er to make a single internal damage roll against the target counter placed on the tabletop next to the ship in the ap-
ship). propriate quadrant as a reminder of its status.

Some weapons may also cause more than one point of Ion weapons that are fired with other weapons as part of
internal damage when they penetrate a ship’s armor, as the same To Hit die roll make their Damage die roll and
found in the Damage Ratio column. An entry of (1) in this take effect prior to determining damage from any other
column indicates that the weapon always does a single weapons fired at the same time. Multiple Ion weapons fir-
point of internal damage to a ship when it penetrates the ing simultaneously at the same target each consider the
ship’s defenses. A ratio entry (1:4, 1:3, or 1:2) gives the shield to be in an undamaged state (i.e., Section 11.211
amount of modified damage points that remain after all does not apply to multiple Ion weapons firing at the same
Armor has been taken into account or destroyed that time).
yields one point of internal damage.
Ion weapon effects against Ablative Shields are described
(Example: using the target ship from the previous example, in the Ablative Shields rule section (see 12.4).
let’s assume that the same target facing is struck by a d8

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
11.211 Ion Weapon Hits Against Down Shields  If the range to the target is half or less of the firing
Should an Ion weapon score a hit against a target aspect weapon’s Short range, increase the weapon’s Dam-
whose shields have been taken down by a previous Ion age die by one die type;
weapon hit, roll a d6 and apply the corresponding result to  If the target is within the weapon’s Long range band,
the target: reduce the weapon’s Damage die by one die type; or
 If the target is within the weapon’s Extreme range
1: No Effect: There are no additional effects applied to the band, reduce the weapon’s Damage die by two die
target ship from this weapon hit. types.
2-3: Shield Short: one shield facing that is adjacent to the 11.32 Container Torpedoes (CT)
target’s down shield facing is reduced as if it had been A CT attack is resolved as a Kinetic or Energy Beam attack
successfully attacked by an Ion weapon. If no adjacent in all respects, but a ship will have a limited number of CT
shield facing is unaffected, treat this result as No Effect. available for use during any game.
4: Weapons Short: all weapons that are ca- CT Depletion
pable of firing into or through the facing with Each CT entry has a Depletion number (Dx) associated
a downed shield may not fire until the end of with it. At the conclusion of any CT attack made by the
the ship’s next activation. Place a Weapons weapon, roll a d10. If the die result is equal to or lower
Short marker adjacent to the Shield Down than the weapon’s Depletion number, that weapon has
marker to denote the ship’s Weapons Short status. exhausted its supply of CT and may not fire for the remain-
der of the game. Place a reminder marking (such as a
5. Engine Short: the ship has its Thrust rating check mark on the weapon entry) on that weapon on the
reduced to zero until the end of its next acti- ship’s Data Card.
vation. Place an Engine Short marker adja-
cent to the ship to denote its status.

6. Distributor Short: the ship may not change 1” 5+ 3+ A

from its current Power Flow setting during its 1” 1” 1”
next activation. Place a Distributor Short
marker adjacent to the ship to denote its
status. 11.33 Area Torpedoes (AT)
AT do not target specific enemy ships or other units; in-
All Short markers are removed at the end of the affected stead, the firing players selects a point on the table (the
ship’s next activation. weapon’s target point), and the AT strikes all ships or units
(friendly or enemy) within a stated distance of that target
11.3 Torpedoes point.

Torpedoes are Energy-based weapons that are generally The weapon entry of an AT differs from that of other weap-
more powerful than their Beam weapon counterparts. ons on a ship’s Data Card in that it shows only three range
There are three types of Torpedo weapons that may be bands (Short, Effective, and Maximum) and has an AoE
used by different ships; individual weapon entries on a entry (printed as AoE: X”, where X is the maximum dis-
ship’s Data Card will denote the specific type of Torpedo tance in inches from the target point wherein a ship may
being used and the Energy weapon effect it has against its be affected by the weapon).
target (Example: a Variable Plasma Torpedo will have a
weapon name entry of ‘VT PLAS’). Launching an AT
To launch an AT, the owning player simply places an AT
Unless noted otherwise, Torpedoes use the normal To Hit marker with the weapon’s correct AoE printed on it (1, 2,
process and must fire at targets within the weapon’s nor- or 3, indicating the weapon’s AoE in inches) at the point of
mal firing arc. the tabletop that he wishes the AT to target. This target
point must be within both the weapon’s firing arc and its
11.31 Variable Torpedoes (VT) maximum range.
VT increase or decrease their listed Damage die type de-
pending on the range to the target. Note that an AT target point may be placed so that the
firing ship– or any other friendly ship – is within the
weapon’s AoE.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Delayed Detonation 11.4 Drones and Drone Racks (DR)
After placing the AT’s target point, the firing player rolls a
d8, adding one to the die result if the target point is within Drone Racks operate as Container Torpedoes, as modified
the weapon’s Short range band, and subtracting one from by the following rules.
the die result if the target point is in the weapon’s extreme
range band. On a die result of 7 or higher, the weapon Drone Damage Resolution
immediately detonates and attacks are resolved against all Unless mounting a specific type of Energy Weapon war-
ships within the weapon’s AoE. head, Drones cause damage to a target as if they were
Gauss weapons.
If the die result is 6 or lower, replace the blank AT marker
with an AT marker that has a ‘5+’ printed in its center. At Direct-Fire Interception
the conclusion of the very next activation (regardless of Prior to making a To Hit roll, Drones attacks fired from a
which player’s activation it is), roll a d8 for each ‘5+’ mark- DR may be intercepted by a target ship (or one of its es-
er on the table. Resolve attacks against all targets within corts, if equipped with the correct systems) in one of two
the AT’s AoE on a die result of 5+. ways: by an Interceptor Drone System, or by firing at a
Drone with one of the target ship’s Kinetic or Energy
If the die result is 4 or lower, replace the ‘5+’ AT marker Beam weapons.
with an AT marker having ‘3+’ printed in its center. At the
conclusion of the very next activation (regardless of which To attempt to intercept a Drone attack with one of the
player’s activation it is), roll a d8 for each ‘3+’ marker on ship’s weapons, the ship rolls a normal To Hit attempt
the table. Resolve attacks against all targets within the against the incoming Drone. The Drone has a Signature of
AT’s AoE on a die result of 3+. 10 if the intercepting ship has not yet been activated in
the current turn, or a Signature of 11 if the ship has been
If the die result is 2 or 1, replace the blank AT marker with activated in the current turn. For the To Hit attempt, the
an AT marker with an ‘A’ printed in its center. At the con- player attempting to intercept the attack adds the range
clusion of the very next activation (regardless of which play- band modifier that is the exact inverse of the range band
er’s activation it is), any AT marker with an ‘A’ on the table measured by the attacking ship when it fired the Drone.
automatically resolves attacks against all targets within
the AT’s AoE. (Example: if the Drone attack was fired at Short range, the
intercepting attack adds the +4 modifier for Extreme
(Note: players may want to place a Damage die next to range; if it was fired at Medium range, the interception
each AT target point marker on the table as a reminder of attempt adds the +2 Long range modifier; if fired at Long
which type of Damage die to use when resolving any at- range, the interception attempt adds the +1 Medium
tacks made by that weapon during a later activation). range modifier, and if fired at Extreme range, no range
modifier is used for the interception attempt).
Slow and Fast Area Torpedoes
An AT that has the ‘/S’ qualifier in the weapon’s name on If the To Hit attempt is successful, roll the weapon’s Dam-
its Data Card is Slow and subtracts one to from all De- age die. On a die result of two or higher, the Drone has
layed Detonation die rolls. been successfully intercepted. A successful interception
attempt by a target ship negates all of a Drone attack’s
An AT that has the ‘/F’ qualifier in the weapon’s name on possible effects.
its Data Card is Fast, and adds one to all Delayed Detona-
tion die rolls. On a Damage die roll of one, the Drone attack was
‘partially’ intercepted (by either slightly altering its trajecto-
AT Damage Resolution ry or causing it to detonate prematurely). The Drone may
When an AT detonates, it automatically hits every ship conduct its attack against the target ship, but it reduces
that is within the weapon’s AoE (as measured from the its Damage die by one die type when checking for damage
center of the AT marker).Damage is applied to the side of after a successful To Hit attempt.
the ship facing the target point marker. Roll the AT’s Dam-
age die against all targets that were hit by the weapon, In all cases (intercepted, partially intercepted, or a hit or
making sure to include any effects against target defenses missed To Hit roll against the target), roll a d10 to deter-
due to the AT weapon’s type as listed on its Data Card. mine the weapon’s Depletion status at the end of the firing
ship’s activation.
Any AT marker within the AoE of another AT that deto-
nates is ignored; it is not affected by the detonation of an- Interceptor Drone Systems
other AT. See 13.0 for the use of Interceptor Drone Systems.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
11.5 Kinetic and Energy Beam Weapon Characteristics 11.6 Additional Firing Arcs
The firing arcs presented here are predominantly combi-
Some weapons may have a characteristic attached to nations of existing firing arcs that have been given specific
them that modifies one or more aspect of how the weapon designations for the sake of brevity in the weapons entries
operates. A Characteristic will precede the weapon type in of Data Cards.
its entry on a ship Data Card (Dual LAS, for example, would
indicate a Dual Laser weapon). EF

Dual weapons subtract one from all To Hit dice rolls and
add one to all Damage die rolls.
Quad weapons subtract two from all To Hit dice rolls and
add two to all Damage die rolls.
Extended Forward (EF)
Combination (Com) weapons house two different weapon The EF arc is comprised of the Side Left, Fixed Forward,
types. When a Combination weapon makes an attack, the and Side Right firing arcs.
owning player must choose which one of the weapon types
will be used for the announced attack. Combination weap- Extended Rear (ER)
ons will list both weapon options with an intermittent slash The ER arc is a combination of the Side Left, Fixed Rear,
between weapon types (and different Damage dice, if appli- and Side Right firing arcs.
cable; Com LAS/DISR d8/d6 would indicate a combina-
tion weapon that has a d8-Damage die Laser and a d6
Damage die Disruptor weapon available to it).
Point Defense weapons reduce their Damage die by one
die type when firing at non-fighter targets and inflict full
damage against fighter targets (see 14.4).

Pulse weapons make an additional internal damage die roll Left Extended (LE)
when determining if internal damage has been inflicted LE combines the Fixed Forward, Side Left, and Fixed Rear
against a target for every four complete damage points firing arcs.
that they exceed the target’s armor. If the weapon pos-
sesses a Weapon Damage Ratio of other than (1), reduce Right Extended (RE)
the Damage Ratio by one point (example: a Pulse Disrup- LE combines the Fixed Forward, Side Left, and Fixed Rear
tor would have a Damage Ratio of 1:3) to a minimum of firing arcs.

Variable (VAR) weapons do not have a specific Damage OL  OR 

die assigned to them. Instead, they have a single numeric
value which may be used to conduct multiple attacks in die-
type multiples up to the VAR weapon’s numerical limit. ORR  OLR 

Example: a VAR DISR with an attack rating of 18 may

make one d12 attack and one d6 attack OR three d6 at-
tacks OR one d10 and one d8 attacks OR three d4 and Oblique Left (OL)
one d6 attacks, or any other combination of dice whose The OL firing arc combines the Side Left and Fixed For-
die type total does not exceed 18 during a single activa- ward firing arcs.
tion. Each attack may be directed towards the same tar-
get or entirely different targets. Oblique Left Rear (OLR)
The OLR arc is a combination of Side Left and Fixed Rear
Rift weapons treat all targets as being at Short range, and firing arcs.
ignore the effect of any intervening Celestial Terrain (see
16.1)and Opacity Satellites (see 13.0) for game purposes. Oblique Right (OR)
The OR arc is comprised of Fixed Forward and Side Right
firing arcs.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Oblique Right Rear (ORR) completely marked off, begin marking boxes in the row
The ORR combines the Fixed Rear and Side Right firing below it.
Once all non-red Ablative Shield boxes are marked off, the
Fixed Forward Restricted (FFR) ship is considered to have a Shield rating of zero for all
FFR is used primarily by Spinal Mount weapons, but may game purposes. If a single Damage die still has unused
be used by other weapon systems as well. The target of a ‘points’ after all Ablative Shield boxes have been marked
FFR-arc weapon must be within the rectangular dark blue off, mark that number of Damage points (again, as modi-
shaded area of the movement/firing arc template when fied by the Weapon Effects Table entry for the weapon in
centered on the front of the ship, extended out to the question) against the ship’s Ablative Armor boxes on the
weapon’s maximum (Extreme) range. appropriate target facing.

12. Additional Defenses If the target ship has Static Armor in an amount less than
the remaining number of ‘damage points’ from the
Three new types of defenses are included when using the weapon’s Damage die roll, roll a number of internal dam-
Advanced Game Rules: Static Armor, Particle Shields, and age die rolls against the target based on the firing
Ablative Shields. weapon’s Damage Ratio.

12.1 Static Armor Recharging Ablative Shields

Static Armor and its effects were introduced in Section All Ablative Shields have an entry in their section of the
9.1. ship’s Data Card indicating that shield’s Recharge Rate
(written as R: dX, where ‘X’ is a die type). Ships using the
12.2 Particle Shields Power to Shields Power Flow setting may, at the end of
Particle Shields are an archaic form of the Static Shields their activation, roll one die of the type indicated by its Re-
that were introduced in the Basic Game. As such, they are charge Rate for each point on their Power to Shields
only effective against certain weapon types. See the Weap- marker. Erase, in order that is the reverse of damaging,
on Effect Table for more information. the damage marking from a number of non-red Ablative
Shield damage boxes equal to the total of the die or dice
12.3 Variable Shields rolled. These Ablative Shield boxes function normally in all
Variable Shields function in combat as if they were Static respects.
Shields, but the Shield rating used in defending the ship
may be different from one activation to the next. Shields may be recharged at any point during a ship’s acti-
vation, but they may not be recharged in excess of the
Variable shields will have a number of dice available (2xd4, original number of Ablative Shield damage boxes with
for example). At the moment, a ship with Variable Shields which the ship began the game (also, see below).
is hit by enemy fire, roll the dice indicated by the ship’s
Variable Shield rating. The single highest die rolled is the Damaged Shield Generators
ship’s Shield rating for the duration of that activation. When a ship with Ablative Shields suffers an internal
Shield damage result, mark one red Ablative Shield dam-
12.4 Ablative Shields age box as damaged for each internal Shield damage re-
Ablative Shields are represented on a ship’s Data Card by sult suffered, starting with the red box in the top-most row.
multiple rows of damage boxes, with a red damage box as
the right-most entry on each of the damage box lines. No Ablative Shield damage box may be Recharged if it re-
While similar to Ablative Armor, Ablative Shields are not sides in a row with a marked Shield Generator (e.g., red)
facing-specific; Ablative Shields offer their full protection damage box.
rating to all target aspects of a ship (exception: Shield
Down due to Ion weapon damage; see 11.21). (Example: A ship launches several attacks against a target
with 2 Shield Generators, each withfour damage boxes.
Attacks vs. Ablative Shields The attacks reduce the total number of available Shield
When an attack hits a target having Ablative Shields, roll damage boxes to zero and one of the weapon attacks
the weapon’s Damage die normally. The number rolled on scored an internal ‘Shields’ damage result. This destroys
the Damage die (as modified according to the Weapon the top-most red shield generator box of that ship.
Effect Table) is the number of non-red damage boxes that
should be marked off of the shield’s damage box track. On the target’s next activation, it rolls its Recharge die – a
Mark Ablative Shield damage starting with the top row of d4 – and rolls a three, repairing three of the four dam-
damage boxes, moving from left to right. Once a row is aged shield boxes belonging to the ‘bottom’ shield genera-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
tor. It suffers no additional attack during this turn, and rolls make an Auto Repair attempt.
its Recharge die on its next turn, rolling a 4. While this
would normally result in the player erasing damage mark- After choosing the system to be repaired, the owning play-
ings from the single remaining damaged shield box of its er rolls a d6. On a result of 5 or higher, the system is re-
bottom shield generator and three from its top shield gen- paired and the damage mark is erased from one box of
erator, the player only recovers one of the four rolled that system.
shield damage points; the other three are ‘lost’, as the
‘first’ shield generator has been destroyed and may not Successful Auto-Repair attempts for Ablative Shields do
recharge its shield boxes). not erase a damage box from the ship’s Shield damage
track, but they do erase a single Shield Generator hit.
Ion Weapon Effects against Ablative Shields
Ion weapons temporarily reduce the number of available Advanced Auto-Repair*
Ablative Shield boxes on a target ship. After securing a hit, Allows the owning player to choose one system to repair
roll the Ion weapon’s damage die and divide the result by on a d6 roll of 3 or higher. Alternately, he may attempt to
four; round fractions up. This result is the number of Shield repair two systems as if they were two separate Auto Re-
Generator boxes that are ‘temporarily destroyed’ by the pair systems. All other stated conditions of the Auto Re-
weapon, beginning with the bottom-most Shield Generator pair system apply to the use of Advanced Auto Repair.
box on the ship’s Data Card. Temporarily destroyed Shield
Generators treat all shield boxes in their rows as de- Area Defense System (X) (ADS I/II/III)
stroyed for all game purposes (i.e., they do not exist) until ADS may be used once in each activation in which the pos-
the end of the ship’s next activation (at which point they sessing ship or another friendly ship that is within a num-
once again ‘exist’ and function normally). ber of inches less than or equal to the system’s range (as
indicated in parentheses next to the system entry) is at-
Temporarily-downed Shield Generators may be marked by tacked by an enemy Drone weapon.
circling the Shield Generator boxes affected by an Ion
weapon and erasing the marking at the end of the ship’s For each Drone that is fired at any ship within ADS range,
next activation, or by placing one Shield Down marker adja- roll 2d6. If the result is greater than or equal to 8, the
cent to the ship on the tabletop for each temporarily down Drone is Destroyed and no To Hit die roll occurs.
Shield Generator.
An ADS II system knocks down an incoming Drone on a
12.41 Gravitic Shields 2d6 roll of 7 or higher, and an ADS III defeats a Drone hit
Gravitic Shields function in most respects as Ablative on a 2d6 roll of 6 or higher.
Shields, but they do have different Weapon Effect modifi-
ers and are immune to the effects of Ion weapons. Boosters (Booster/X)
Boosters are single use items that allow a ship to add a
13. Ship Systems number of Thrust points equal to the number (X) listed
with the Booster entry to their current turn’s Thrust rat-
If present on a ship, the name of a system will appear in ing. The decision to use a Booster is made after a ship has
the ‘SYSTEMS’ section of its Data Card and be listed as a adjusted its Power Flow.
damage result in the ‘SECONDARY’ column of the ship’s
Damage track. Some systems may have multiple occur- Ships possessing multiple Boosters may use some, none,
rences on a single ship; these are noted by placing the or all of them during a single activation. Once used, mark
number of occurrences in parentheses next to the name box next to the appropriate ‘Booster’ entry on the ship’s
of the system. Data Card.

Autonomous Cloaking Field

Autonomous ships do not suffer the effects of Crew dam- A Cloaking Field increases the To Hit range penalties by +4
age, but if all Crew boxes are marked, then this character- in all range brackets when firing at this ship.
istic is ignored for determining whether or not a ship has
been Hulked. Coordinated Fire Control (CFC)
Allows (up to) all non-Damaged Small ships of an Escort or
Auto-Repair* Attack Squadron that are within their Command Network
This system allows the ship’s owner, at the end of any acti- range to fire at the same enemy element using a single To
vation, to choose one destroyed primary or secondary Hit roll. Subtract one from the To Hit number for each ship
system and make a repair attempt for that system. The after the first that fires. Each weapon firing still rolls its
chosen system must have at least one undamaged box to Damage die individually.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Damage Control* der the restrictions of 15.221 during their first activation
Damage Control allows a ship to attempt to repair a num- following their Launch.
ber of systems equal to its Damage Control rating at the
end of its activation. Each attempt is successful on a d6 Flight Deck (X)
roll of 6. Multiple Damage Control attempts (so long as The ship may prepare or Rearm a number of Fighter
they are announced prior to rolling the first die) are al- Squadrons that use a number of Fighter Slots that is less
lowed for a single system, but only one damage box is re- than (or equal to) the number in parentheses next to the
stored for a system, regardless of the number of success- system’s name in a single activation.
ful die rolls made.
Hangars (X)
All of the stated conditions of Auto Repair that are not The ship may carry Fighter Squadrons that use a number
specifically addressed in the preceding paragraph apply to of Fighter Slots that is less than or equal to the number in
Damage Control attempts. parentheses next to the system’s name.

Faster-Than-Light Drive (FTL), (FTL/Imp), (FTL/A) Hard-Wired

An FTL Drive system allows a ship to enter or exit play via Ships having Hard-Wired architecture may never use a
the Form Jump Point maneuver (see 7.2 and 17.4). Ships Power Flow setting other than Balanced.
entering play by use of FTL systems end their activation
when placed on the tabletop. Imaging Field
An Imaging Field increases the To Hit range penalties by
An Improved FTL Drive (FTL/Imp) halves the radius of any +2in all range brackets when firing at this ship.
Inhibitor systems that may affect a possessing ship (only).
It also halves the scatter distance die roll (rounded up) Inhibitor (X)
when a ship enters play via FTL Drive (see 17.4). Ships An Inhibitor prevents any usage – friendly or enemy – of
entering play by means of FTL/Imp systems must use the the Form Jump Point maneuver within a radius of the pos-
Balanced Power Flow setting, have zero Thrust points sessing ship that is equal to the number in parentheses
available to them (but must move up to the limit of their next to the system’s name on the ship’s Data Card.
chosen movement speed on the turn of entry), and add
three to all To Hit numbers for the ship’s weapons during Inhibitor systems are considered to be ‘turned on’ by de-
the activation in which they enter the game. fault. Should the owning player wish to deactivate an sys-
tem, he declares to his opponent the intention of doing so
Ships having an Advanced FTL Drive (FTL/A) ignore the at the beginning of the ship’s activation.That Inhibitor sys-
effects of any and all Inhibitor systems in play (treat them tem remains non-functional until the beginning of the ship’s
as having an effective operational radius of zero) and never next activation.
roll for scatter when entering play via FTL Drive. Ships en-
tering play via FTL/A systems must use the Balanced Interceptor Drone System (IDS I/II/III)
Power Flow setting and may use up to half of their printed An IDS may be used each time the possessing ship is at-
Thrust rating during the activation in which they enter the tacked by an enemy Drone weapon. For each Drone that is
game. fired at the ship, roll 2d6. If the result is greater than or
equal to 7, the Drone is Destroyed, and no To Hit roll oc-
Regardless of the type of FTL used to enter play via the curs.
method described in17.4, all vessels function normally on
the turn following their entry. An IDS II system knocks down an incoming Drone on a
2d6 roll of 6 or higher, and an IDS III defeats a Drone hit
on a 2d6 roll of 5 or higher.
Fighter Racks (X)
Fighter Racks allow for more rapid deployment of fighters Invisibility Field
into combat at the expense of needing longer Recovery An Invisibility Field increases the To Hit range penalties by
times and double as Hangars. X is the number of Fighter +6 in all range brackets when firing at this ship.
Slots available to a ship for all Fighter-related purposes
(Hangars, Launch, and Recovery). Fighters mounted or Launch Bays (X)
stowed in Fighter Racks may not be Recovered or Re- The ship may Launch a number of Fighter Squadrons in a
armed during a game. single activation that use a number of Fighter Slots that is
less than or equal to the number in parentheses next to
Fighters that Launch from a Fighter Rack do so at the be- the system’s name.
ginning of a Carrier’s activation and are never placed un-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Linked Fire Control (LFC) Reload Racks (Reload CT/D/dX)
Allows non-Damaged Small Ships of the same Escort or Reload Racks may be present for either Drones or Con-
Attack squadron that are within Command Network range tainer Torpedoes; the exact type of Reload is specified by
to use the lowest calculated To Hit number of any ship in either ‘/CT’ for a Container Torpedo Reload Rack or ‘/D’
the squadron when firing at the same target. for a Drone Reload Rack. If more than one type of Drone
or Container Torpedo is present on the ship, the Reload
Opacity Satellites (Opacity/X) Rack will further specify the Damage die type (/dX, where
Opacity Satellites generate false electronic X is the Damage die type) of the weapon for which the Re-
3 and heat signatures within a certain radius of
their position. Ships with an Opacity Satellite
load Rack is intended.

system may place one or more Opacity coun- Reload Racks are limited use items, with the number of
ters within 2” of themselves at any point dur- available uses indicated by the number of check boxes next
ing their activation. to the system entry on the ship’s Data Card. Mark one box
for each use of a specific Reload Rack.
The number on an Opacity counter indicates the amount
added to any To Hit die roll that traces its line of fire At the end of any activation in which the possessing ship
through a radius equal to the counter’s number. The X did not Deplete a CT weapon, one ‘Reload X’ of the appro-
next to the system’s name indicates the highest numbered priate type (i.e., having the appropriate Damage die type)
counter that may be placed. may be marked on the ship’s Data Card. One associated
CT weapon then may resume firing in a subsequent activa-
Opacity Satellites are limited use items, with the number of tion. Drones may be ‘re-loaded’ in a similar manner, and
available uses indicated by damage/check boxes after the under similar circumstances.
system listing; mark one box for each Opacity Satellite
used. Opacity Satellites may not be Repaired by any Reloaded weapons are subject to further Depletion and
means. may be depleted and reloaded multiple times during a
An Opacity Satellite may be divided into numerically smaller
increments for placement from the same usage (example: Streamlining
a ‘3’-rated Opacity Satellite may be placed as one ‘3’ Satel- Streamlining allows a ship to enter a planetary atmos-
lite, one ‘2’ Satellite and one ‘1’ Satellite, or three ‘1’ Satel- phere during play.
lites), but only one instance may be used per turn. The ef-
fects of multiple overlapping Opacity Satellites are cumula- *These systems may never repair Structure damage to a
tive. ship.

At the end of the Initiative Phase of any turn in which there

are one or more Opacity Satellite markers in play, roll a d6 Players may want to play scenarios four and five to become
for each Opacity Satellite on the board. On a die result of 3 more familiar with the additional Advanced Rules presented
or higher, do the following: thus far prior to reading further.

 Remove a ‘1’-rated Opacity Satellite;

 Reduce a ‘2’-rated Opacity Satellite to a ‘1’-rated Satel-
lite; or
 Reduce a ‘3’-rated Opacity Satellite to a ‘2’-rated Satel-

Opacity Satellites may be targeted and destroyed by weap-

ons. Treat them as having a Signature of 10, a Shield Rat-
ing of zero, and Defensive (only) EW and Static Armor rat-
ings equal to the number showing on their marker.
Recovery Bays (X)
The ship may Launch a number of Fighter Squadrons that
use a number of Fighter Slots in a single game turn that is
less than or equal to the number in parentheses next to
the system’s name.
EuroFed Battlecruiser Task Force (GZG).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
14. Fighters and Shuttles A Fighter may conduct Evasive Maneuvers as if they were
ships (expending 1” of their movement speed per point of
Fighters and Shuttles (collectively referred to as ‘fighters’ Evasive Maneuver rating).
hereafter) represent small combat or transport vessels
that work in concert with each other during an engage- There is no minimum distance a fighter must move prior
ment. A single stand of fighters is referred to as a fighter to making a second or subsequent maneuver during a
squadron; multiple fighter squadrons operating together single activation.
are referred to as fighter groups.

14.1 Fighter Groups

All fighter squadrons must be placed (either prior to the
beginning of a game or upon launching from their carrier)
into a fighter group of no less than two, and no more than
four, fighter squadrons. All component fighter squadrons
of a fighter group will share a single activation and must
adhere to their fleet’s Command Network rating’s limita-
tions. In addition to Out of Command fighter squadrons
reduce all of their weapon Damage dice and their Pilot
Quality die (see 14.41) by one die type each. They also
suffer the activation limitations set out in10.21.

Different types of fighter squadrons may be assigned to a

single fighter group, but all fighter squadrons of a single
group must use the same movement speed during each (Example: a fighter group with a movement allowance of
turn. 12” is moved by the owning player. He decides to move the
group six inches forward, then make a 90 turn; the turn

(Note that this does not require all squadrons to execute uses one inch of the fighter group’s movement allowance,
the same maneuvers during a fighter group’s activation). so at this point of the group’s movement, the fighters have
used 7” of the available 12” of their movement for this
Component fighter squadrons of a fighter group are not activation.
required to attack the same target during a single activa-
tion, but all squadrons of the group must resolve all of The group moves 4” in its new heading and the player de-
their attacks at the same point during their activation. cides to have two of the group’s squadrons Spin to face
possible incoming threats from the group’s rear; this uses
Mark a fighter group with an unused DEW marker to indi- the final inch of movement possessed by these two squad-
cate that it has completed its activation in a turn. rons. The two remaining squadrons have another inch of
movement available to them and use this to move straight
14.2 Fighter Maneuvers forward. After the group’s movement is complete, the play-
Fighters have a fixed Movement Allowance printed on their er measures the distance between the squadrons in the
Data Cards that equals the maximum number of inches group, finding that they are still within their Command Net-
that they may move during a single activation. As with work range of one another).
ships, all fighters must mark their movement speed and
direction with a movement speed marker. Fighters may 14.3 Fighter Combat
use some, none, or all of their Movement Allowance each Fighters mounting weapons have weapon entries similar
turn. to those found on ship Data Cards, including the type of
weapon, firing arc, damage die, and ranges of each weap-
Fighters move in a straight line in the direction indicated on. When making attacks with fighter-mounted weapons,
on their movement marker, but they may use a portion of the fighter’s basic To Hit number is the target’s Signature
their Movement Allowance to perform certain maneuvers. plus DEW (or an enemy fighter’s Defense rating; see
For each 1” of its Movement Allowance it expends, a fight- 14.4), minus the Fighter Range Modifier.
er may:
Fighter weapon Range Modifiers differ from those of ships.
 Make a single Turn of up to 90o; or If the fighter’s target is at Short range, subtract four from
 Spin up to 180o; or the defender’s total (Signature +DEW for a ship target, or
 Sideslip up to 45o. Defense rating for a fighter target); if at Medium range,
subtract two; use the ship’s unmodified defensive total at

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Long range; and add one to the To Hit number if the weap- attributes.
on is firing at Extreme range.
Entries from the Weapon Effects Table for all weapons
Direct Fire Fighter Weapons against Static Armor are always used when rolling a
When resolving weapons fire from a fighter’s direct fire weapon’s Damage die against fighter squadrons.
weapons, treat all fighters with three rows of damage box-
es as having the ‘Quad’ weapon characteristic (-2 to the To A fighter squadron is Destroyed when its last remaining
Hit number, +2 to its Damage die roll). When a fighter is damage box has been marked. Destroyed fighter squad-
reduced to less than three rows of damage boxes but has rons are immediately removed from play.
more than one full row of damage boxes unmarked (or if it
starts with two rows of damage boxes), it is considered to 14.4 Dogfights
have the ‘Dual’ weapon characteristic (-1 to its To Hit num-
ber, +1 to its Damage die roll). When a fighter is reduced When a fighter group has at least one of its squadron’s
to (or begins the game with) a single row of damage box- bases touching an enemy fighter squadron’s bases on the
es, all of a fighter’s direct fire weapons function as printed tabletop, that fighter group may declare a Dogfight against
on the fighter’s Data Card. the enemy fighter group. Regardless of the actual distance
between friendly squadrons of the same group, all squad-
14.31 Fighter Heavy Weapons rons of a group are considered to be engaged in a de-
Some fighters may be additionally armed with Drone or clared Dogfight.
Torpedo weapons. Each heavy weapon carried by a fighter
squadron is a single use weapon, although multiple weap- A fighter group that initiates a Dogfight during its activa-
ons of the same type may be available to a squadron. The tion forfeits all further movement capabilities during the
number of attacks that a weapon may execute during a turn and is considered to have used its full Movement Al-
game is indicated by the number of check boxes for each lowance during that turn.
weapon next to its name in the fighter squadron’s Damage
Track area of its Data Card. Unused heavy weapons are 14.41 Pilot Quality Ratings
considered destroyed (and unusable) when a fighter is Fighter squadrons have a Pilot Quality rating associated
reduced to having a single row (or less) of unmarked dam- with them, and all of a player’s fighters have the same Pilot
age boxes. rating unless noted otherwise in a scenario’s set-up in-
structions. There are four Pilot Quality ratings: Veteran,
14.4 Fighters as Targets Trained, Green, and Civilian.
Fighter squadrons have a single Defense rating that is
used when attacked through any target facing (Fore/Aft/ Each Pilot Quality rating has the following effects on fighter
Port/Starboard) . This rating is used as the squadron’s operations during a game:
combined Signature and DEW ratings when deriving a
weapon’s To Hit number after they have been targeted. Veteran pilots may execute one maneuver (for a maximum
Fighter squadrons are always targeted individually; weap- movement expenditure of 1”) at no movement cost during
ons may not target fighter groups. each of their activations They also add one to all Damage
dice totals and use a d10 Pilot Quality die when called on
When a hit is scored against a fighter squadron, roll the to roll one.
firing weapon’s Damage die and subtract the fighter’s Ar-
mor rating from the Damage die total. Mark this number Trained pilots may execute one maneuver (for a maximum
of boxes destroyed on the appropriate Damage Track for movement expenditure of 1”) at no movement cost or add
the fighter squadron being attacked. If the total is zero or one to all Damage dice totals during a single activation.
less, the weapon caused no damage to the fighter squad- The choice between the two options may vary from one
ron. activation to the next, but the choice must be announced
at the beginning of a fighter group’s activation, prior to
When marking a fighter’s Damage Track, mark the boxes taking any actions on the tabletop. Trained pilots use a d8
from left to right, starting from the top-most row of boxes Pilot Quality die when necessary.
if more than one row of boxes exists. Should a hit from a
ship’s weapon reach the end of a row of damage boxes, do Green pilots must move a minimum of 1” between succes-
not continue marking damage boxes against the next row sive maneuvers on the tabletop and use a d6 Pilot Quality
of damage boxes (if any); excess damage past this point is die.
ignored. This restriction is waived for weapons fired from
enemy fighter squadrons, damage from Area Torpedoes, Civilian pilots must move a minimum of 2” between suc-
or ship’s weapons with the Point Defense or Pulse weapon cessive maneuvers on the tabletop, subtract one from all

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Damage dice rolls, may not perform Sideslip maneuvers, squadron takes the damage, but all damage must be
and use a d4 Pilot Quality die. marked against a single fighter squadron until all damage
has been allocated, or the squadron has been Destroyed,
14.42 Resolving a Dogfight prior to marking damage against a different squadron.
Each player rolls one die for each fighter squadron partici-
pating in the Dogfight, using the highest Kinetic or Energy If, after resolving Dogfight damage allocation, both players
Beam weapon’s Damage die for each squadron. Each play- still have fighter squadrons engaged in the Dogfight, anoth-
er also rolls one Pilot Quality die of the appropriate type for er identical round of Dogfight combat is resolved. A maxi-
their forces. mum of three Dogfight ‘rounds’ are resolved during a sin-
gle player’s activation.
Each player then takes his single highest Damage die and
modifies it by the following: During the next activation of any of the fighter groups in-
volved in a Dogfight, another three Dogfight rounds are
+1: Fighter group has not yet used its activation during the resolved as per the above process. Dogfights continue
current turn. until all of one player’s fighter squadrons have been com-
+1: Friendly fighters engaged the enemy from his Rear pletely eliminated.
+1: Half or more of friendly fighter squadrons have the 14.43 Multiple Fighter Groups in Dogfights
Nimble attribute. If a single friendly fighter group is engaged in a Dogfight
-1/2 of highest enemy Evasive Maneuver rating (rounded against multiple enemy fighter groups during the same
up). activation, it makes a single dice roll for each Dogfight
-1: Each full row of damage boxes lost by at least half or round, comparing it to the totals of each enemy fighter
more of involved friendly fighter squadrons. group individually. Casualties are determined normally for
-1: Half or more of friendly fighter squadrons have the all squadrons involved in the Dogfight.
Brick attribute.
+/-: Pilot Quality Damage die modifier. Example: A fighter group is attacking two enemy fighter
groups in a single Dogfight. The attacking fighter group’s
Add to this number the roll of the fighter group’s Pilot Dogfight dice total is 13; one defending fighter group’s
Quality die total and compare the total to that of the ene- total is 10, the second has a total of 14. The first defend-
my. If the higher dice total is one point higher, or if the dice ing fighter group marks three damage boxes as destroyed
totals are equal, each player marks two Damage boxes from one of its squadrons (difference of +3 in the at-
from any friendly fighter squadron. tacker’s favor). The second defending fighter group’s +1
(as compared to the attacker’s total) earns both the at-
If one side’s total is two or more points higher than his tacker and the defender 2marked damage boxes.
opponent’s total, that player inflicts a number of Damage
box hits equal to the dice total difference against the ene- 14.5 Fighter Escorts
my fighter group. The owning player may choose which Fighter groups may be assigned to Escort a Large ship
that is not the Charge of an Escort Squadron. Up to four
Blue FTR rolls: 3, 1, 7, 6 fighter groups may be assigned to a single Charge as its
Pilot Quality die roll : 6 Escorts, and fighters that launched from a CV may imme-
diately become its Escorts.
Dogfight total: (7+6=) 13
All other provisions of Section 10.4 not addressed or mod-
ified in this section apply to Fighter Escorts.

14.51 Fighter Escort Dogfights

During any activation (either their own or an enemy activa-
tion), Fighter Escort groups may conduct a Dogfight
against any and all enemy fighter groups that are within 2”
of any squadron within the Escort group. The owning play-
er may, at his option, consider any Fighter Escort group to
be released from its Charge when it engages in a Dogfight
Result: Blue +4 in this manner.
Green FTR rolls: 2, 2, 4, 1
Green destroys 4
Pilot Quality die roll : 5
fighter damage box-
14.52 Defensive Fire
es from any involved During any activation (either their own or an enemy activa-
Dogfight total: (5+4=)9

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
tion), a Fighter Escort group may fire its weapons at any weapon type (i.e., the weapons must be of the same type
one enemy ship that has the Fighter Escort’s Charge with- and use the same Damage die) when using CFC. Subtract
in the Short range band of any of its weapons. If the Fight- one from the To Hit number and add one to the Damage
er Escort group has already completed its activation dur- die roll for each squadron firing after the first.
ing the current turn, it may still attack the enemy target,
but it reduces its Damage die by one die type when doing Dogfight Drones
so. Dogfight Drones increase a fighter’s Damage die by one
die type when engaged in a Dogfight.
A Fighter Escort group that has already completed its acti-
vation during a turn that exercises this option may do so FTL*
exactly once during any given game turn. Mark the Escort An FTL system allows a squadron to use the Form Jump
Fighter group with a second unused DEW marker to indi- Point maneuver. The Jump Point formed by a fighter may
cate that it has exhausted this capability. only be used by friendly fighter squadrons; it may never be
used by ships of any size.
14.6 Fighter Attributes
Fighters may be constructed with particular attributes Fighter Area Defense System (X) (FADS I/II/III)*
that modify their tabletop performance, much in the same ADS may be used each time the possessing squadron or
manner that a ship’s systems affect its operations. A another friendly ship or squadron that is within a number
squadron automatically loses the use of attributes marked of inches less than or equal to the system’s range (as indi-
with an asterisk when it is reduced to having a single row cated in parentheses next to the system entry) is attacked
(or less) of unmarked damage boxes. by an enemy Drone weapon. For each Drone that scores a
hit against any ship in within ADS range, roll 2d6. If the
Auto-Repair* result is greater than or equal to 9, the Drone is De-
At the end of its activation, a squadron with this attribute stroyed and no penetration occurs nor Damage die roll
may roll a d6. On a result of 6, erase the damage from made.
one box on the squadron’s Damage Track.
AFADS II system knocks down an incoming Drone on a
Boosters/X* 2d6 roll of 8 or higher and an FADS III defeats a Drone hit
Boosters allow a fighter squadron to increase its Move- on a 2d6 roll of 7 or higher.
ment Allowance by the amount given as X for a single acti-
vation. Boosters are a single use item. Mark the check box Fighter Area Defense Systems may be used during only
after the ‘B’ entry in the fighter squadron’s Damage Track one activation of a game turn and the use of a FADS sys-
area of its Data Card when Boosters have been used or tem by even one squadron of a fighter group during the
destroyed in combat. group’s activation is considered to be use by all capable
squadrons of that fighter group.
A fighter with this attribute may never use Hard Turn ma- Regardless of the number of available FADS systems,
neuvers, reduces its Turn capability to one 45oturn per each incoming Drone may have only a single interception
inch of movement spent, reduces its Spin ability to 45o per attempt made against it by the squadrons of a single fight-
inch of movement spent, and must move 1” forward prior er group.
to initiating each new maneuver during its activation.
Fighter Shields/X*
Chaff* Fighter Shields subtract their rating (X) from the amount
Chaff adds the roll of a d3 to a fighter’s Defense rating of damage done to a possessing squadron by the enemy
against all Drone or Torpedo attacks against it until the during a Dogfight. If all squadrons of a fighter group do not
end of the current turn. Mark this increase in any fashion possess Fighter Shields (or have Fighter Shields with differ-
that is convenient and recognizable to all players. Chaff is a ent ratings), the owning player determines which squadron
limited use item and may be used once for each box next of the group takes damage first via random die roll.
to the ‘Ch’ entry in a squadron’s Damage Track area of a
fighter’s Data Card. Nimble*
Fighters with this attribute may execute Hard Turns as if
Coordinated Fire Control (CFC) they were Turns, are always considered to be engaged in a
Allows (up to) all fighter squadrons of a fighter group with- Dogfight in their front target aspect (regardless of actual
in their Command Network range to fire the same weapon facing), and never suffer maneuver penalties imposed by
type at the same enemy element using a single To Hit and the Green or Civilian Pilot Quality rules.
Damage die roll. All squadrons must use the same exact

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire allows a squadron to re-roll its Kinetic or Energy General Rule:
Beam weapon’s Damage die when making non-Dogfight During a CV’s activation, it may perform one action with
attacks. If re-rolled, the second result is used, even if lower each fighter squadron that has not yet been launched
than the original die roll. from the ship or has just been recovered by the ship. Fight-
er squadron bases are placed on the Fighter Operations
Stealth/X* Display that is dedicated to their CV and are moved from
Stealth adds its rating (X) to a squadron’s Defense rating one box to another box of the display, moved from the dis-
when targeted at all weapon ranges. It has no effect on play to the tabletop, or removed from the tabletop and
Dogfight combat results. placed on the display at different points during either a
fighter group’s or a CV’s activation.
A fighter with the Streamlined attribute may enter a plane- One other rule to remember is that the number of Fighter
tary atmosphere without the danger of being Destroyed in Slots for each possible fighter location on a ship (Hangar,
the process. Flight Deck, Launch or Recovery Bays) may never be ex-
15. Carriers (CV)

CVs are ships that have been 15.21Flight Preparations

designed with the ability to Fighters that begin the
launch, recover, and service game in the Hangar loca-
fighter squadrons. All carri- tion of their CV may be
ers included in this book moved from the Hangar
have the ‘CV’ designation in Box to the Flight Deck at
the ship’s name on their Da- the end of a ship’s activa-
ta Cards. Note that while tion.
some ships that carry a
nominal number of fighter 15.22 Launching Fighters
squadrons are not classified Fighters that are in the
as carriers, they do use the Launch Bay location of their
same procedures outlined in CV may be removed from
this section when conducting the Fighter Operations Dis-
ship-side fighter operations. play. They are placed on the
SAC fighter groups launch from their carrier (Brigade).
tabletop within 1” of their
15.1 Fighter Capacities CV at the exact midpoint (measured in linear inches) of the
Each CV has a Hangar/X system listed on its Data Card, ship’s movement during its activation. These fighters do
where X equals the total capacity of Fighter Slots a ship not share the activation of the ship (exception: Fighter Es-
may carry into battle. The number of Fighter Slots each corts; see 14.5) and may perform limited activities during
type of fighter squadron uses is listed on its Data Card. their activation on the turn of Launch (see 15.221).

Unless noted otherwise in a scenario’s set-up instructions, Immediately after fighters have been removed from the
all fighter squadrons carried on a ship begin the game Launch location of the Fighter Operations Display, fighters
stowed in their Hangars. that do not exceed the ship’s Launch Bay capacity may be
moved from the Flight Deck to the Launch Bay.
CV also have Flight Deck/X, Recovery Bay/X, and Launch
Bay/X ratings listed among their ship systems. Each de- 15.221 Fighters that have been launched during the cur-
fines the number of Fighter Slots that may be used for rent turn also receive their activation during that turn.
different fighter operations during a single activation. Their Movement Allowance for the turn of launch is equal
to one-third (rounded up) of its printed value, and they may
15.2 Flight Operations not fire any weapons at ship or fighter squadron targets.
This section details how players will ‘move’ their fighter Fighter squadrons may engage in Dogfights on the same
squadrons into or through the different steps necessary to turn they Launch but receive a -1 Dogfight modifier during
prep and launch, recover, re-arm, and stow fighters during every round of every Dogfight in which they are involved
a game. Player may wish to refer to one of the Fighter Op- during that turn.
erations Displays in the Charts section of this book’s Ap-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
15.23 Recovering Fighters
Fighters that are on the tabletop may be removed from Flight
Launch Recovery
the table and placed in a CV’s Recovery Bay box. Fighters Deck
that will perform this action must be able to move to the
CV’s current location by using half (or less) of their current
Movement Allowance, and they may neither fire any weap- 1
ons nor engage in any rounds of Dogfighting on the turn 2 3
they would normally do so.

Fighter squadrons that were Recovered during a previous 3

activation and occupy the Recovery Bay box of a CV’s
Fighter Operations Display may be moved to the Flight
Deck box of the display at the end of a CV’s activation. This 3
movement is considered to be conducted simultaneously Hangar
with the movement of fighters from the Hangar box onto
the Flight Deck.

Players should differentiate between fighters that move ceives an Internal Damage result that reduces or elimi-
from the Recovery Bay to the Flight Deck from those that nates that location’s Fighter Slot capacity.
move from the Hangar to the Flight Deck by facing all fight-
ers moving from the Recovery Bay to the right and facing After resolving all Internal Damage to a ship during an
to the left those moving from the Hangar to the Flight enemy activation, reduce the Fighter Slot capacity of any
Deck. affected Fighter Operations area by the amount indicted
on the CV’s Data Card. If, after reducing, the total number
15.24 Re-Arming Fighters of Fighter Slots of the location is exceeded by the fighters
Fighters that moved to the Flight Deck from the Recovery that are currently in that area’s box on the Fighter Opera-
Bay may have all of their limited use and Depleted weap- tions Display, the owning player must destroy the fighters
ons replenished at the beginning of any turn by expending that are in excess of the location’s new capacity.
one of the CV’s Thrust points. This replenishes all such
weapons on all fighters on the Flight Deck. Fighters that Once this is accomplished, the owning player rolls a d10
have been replenished may not be moved from the Flight for each remaining squadron in that location box of the
Deck to the Launch Bay during the same activation. Fighter Operations Display (including squadrons that have
been reduced due to the second bullet point from the pre-
Once a fighter squadron has been replenished/re-armed, vious entry). On a die result of one, the squadron is De-
erase the mark placed in the check box of any and all lim- stroyed and removed from play.
ited use systems and weapons the squadron possesses.
Also erase any mark indicating that a weapon has been On a die result of 2 or 3, roll a d4 and apply that many
Depleted. damage points to the squadron.

Destroyed Fighter boxes may not be repaired on the Flight A d10 result of 4 or higher indicates the squadron has
Deck during the course of a battle. escaped damage or destruction from the battle damage
suffered by the CV; it is unaffected in any way by the dam-
15.25 Stowing Fighters age to the ship.
Fighters that occupy the Flight Deck may be moved to the
Hangar at the end of a CV’s activation. This movement is 15.4 Over-stacked Transport
considered to be simultaneous with moving fighters from While most CV will start a game carrying fighter squad-
the Recovery Bay/and or the Hangar to the Flight Deck. rons equal to their Hangar capacity, additional squadrons
may be recovered by a CV that would be in excess of its
15.26 Simultaneous Movement of Fighters Hangar capacity (possibly due to the loss of another CV in
Fighter Squadrons that move simultaneously are consid- the same fleet). While this is allowed, the total number of
ered to occupy both their starting box and their destina- elements that may be carried by a ship may never exceed
tion box. its current combined capacities for each possible fighter
location (Launch Bay, Recovery Bay, Flight Deck, and Hang-
15.3 Onboard Fighter Casualties ar), and each location’s Fighter Slot capacity must be ad-
Fighter squadrons may be damaged or destroyed if they hered to at all times.
occupy an on-board location at the moment their CV re-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Fighter squadrons having a Fighter Slot rating of 1.5 may
be recovered by a CV whose Recovery Bay has only a sin- Players may want to play scenarios six and seven to become
gle remaining point of Fighter Slot capacity by reducing the more familiar with the complete Advanced Rules prior to add-
fighter squadron to two full rows or less of damage boxes. ing any Optional Rules to their games.

Scandinavian Federation fighters intercept a wing of SAC heavy fighters (ZGZ/Brigade).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

ScanFed battlegroup (GZG).

16. Optional Rules included asteroid counters in a cup, or face-down on a flat

surface. Shuffle them around until both players are satis-
Unless called into use by a scenario’s special rules, all op- fied that the markers are sufficiently random.
tional rules used in any game must be agreed upon by all
players prior to the beginning of that game. Each scenario will state either a number of Asteroid mark-
ers to be placed or a range of how many asteroid coun-
16.1Celestial Terrain ters to be placed as determined by a roll of one or more
This section introduces two different types of ‘space ter- dice. In cases where a die/dice roll is required, either play-
rain’ that can affect maneuver and combat operations on er may roll the die/dice, with the total being the number of
the tabletop. Additional terrain types will be covered in Asteroid markers to be placed on the tabletop prior to
detail in future products. play.

Each player, beginning with the scenario attacker (or via

coin toss if no attacker is specified), blindly pulls one Aster-
oid marker from those in the cup/pile and, without looking
at it, places it face-down on the tabletop. After the Attack-
er has placed one marker, the defender (or coin-toss los-
er) blindly chooses and places one Asteroid marker in sim-
ilar fashion. Continue the alternating placement of Aster-
16.11 Asteroids oid markers until the specified number of Asteroid mark-
Asteroids are marked on the table by oversized Asteroid ers has been placed on the tabletop.
markers, each with a 6” radius of effect from the center
point of the marker. Each Asteroid marker has a variable Placement Restrictions
number of asteroid ‘icons’ printed on it indicating the den- Asteroid markers may not be placed within 8” of any edge
sity of the asteroid field in its radius of effect, with markers of the table, nor may they be placed closer than 4” to an-
having two icons being Low density, three icons Average other Asteroid marker. A player may place an Asteroid
density, and four icons being High density asteroid fields. marker in his opponent’s defined set-up area of the table
only if he has previously placed an Asteroid marker in his
Placement own set-up area of the table.
When asteroids are used in a scenario, place all of the

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Effects all To Hit die rolls at Long or Extreme ranges.
Any time a ship or fighter squadron moves into or through
an area that is within 6” of an Asteroid marker, it may be 16.122 High
damaged if it has a movement speed that is higher than is High Radiation Levels add one to any To Hit roll made at
safe for the asteroid field’s density. ‘Safe’ movement Medium range, and add two to any To Hit roll made at
speeds for asteroid fields are 8” or slower for a Low densi- Long or Extreme ranges.
ty field, 6” or slower for an Average density field, and 4” or
slower for a High density asteroid field. 16.123 Dangerous
When Dangerous Radiation Levels are in play, add three to
Ships or fighter squadrons that exceed the safe speed for all To Hit rolls made at any range.
a particular asteroid field must check for damage at the
moment they enter and/or exit an asteroid field. The own- 16.124 Lethal
ing player rolls a d8 and adds one to the die roll for every Lethal Radiation Levels add four to all To Hit numbers at all
two points of movement speed (or fraction thereof) that ranges and reduce all Ion and Particle weapon Damage
the ship exceeds the field’s safe movement speed. Apply dice by one die type. Fighters that do not have the Shields/
any damage to the ship that results from this die roll as if X attribute may not be deployed, Particle Shields have their
it were the Damage die from a weapon. Note that aster- rating reduced to zero, Static and Variable Shields halve
oids do not use weapons effects. their ratings (rounded up), and Ablative Shields mark one-
third (rounded up) of their shield boxes as ‘temporarily
Firing through Asteroids destroyed’.
When firing Kinetic, Energy Beam, or Torpedo weapons
through an area of the table affected by an Asteroid mark- 16.2 Offset Thrust
er, increase the To Hit number by the listed amount for Ships that currently have a facing that differs from their
each such attack: heading (due to having previously performed a Spin ma-
neuver) use a varying amount of Thrust to perform Turns
Low density: +1 for every 4” of asteroids (or fraction there- and/or Hard Turns:
of) crossed by the line of fire.
Average density: +1 for every 3” of asteroids (or fraction  A ship that turns in the direction of its current facing
thereof) crossed by the line of fire. may adjust the ship’s facing to match its heading at no
High density: +1 for every 2” of asteroids (or fraction additional Thrust cost;
thereof) crossed by the line of fire.  A ship that turns to the opposite direction of its cur-
rent facing doubles the cost of the turn maneuver;
Area Weapons reduce their Damage die by one type when  A ship that spends Thrust to accelerate while the
attacking targets that are within an Average density aster- ship’s facing is 90o to 135o relative to its heading pays
oid field, and by two types when attacking targets that are two Thrust points for each additional inch of move-
within a High density asteroid field. ment gained;
Drone attacks that trace their line of fire through an aster-  A ship that spends Thrust to decelerate while the
oid field increase the range to their target based on the ship’s facing is 90o to 135o relative to its heading pays
field’s density, adding 4” to the actual (measured) range two Thrust points for each inch of movement the ship
for each Low density field, 8” for each Average density will slow down; and
field, and 12” for each High density field ‘traveled’ through  A ship that spends Thrust to alter its movement
on its way to attack its target. speed while the ship’s facing is 136o to 180o relative
to its heading may reduce the ship’s movement speed
Overlapping Asteroid Fields by 1” for each Thrust point spent and increase its
Should the effects of two Asteroid markers overlap on the movement speed by 1” for each two Thrust points
tabletop, use only the most detrimental game effects of spent.
the marker in that overlapping area.
16.3 Initiative Bonus Activations
16.12 Ambient Radiation Levels For each complete increment of three points that sepa-
Unless noted otherwise in a scenario’s set-up instructions, rates the initiative dice of the players, the Initiative player
Ambient Radiation levels affect the entire playing area for may take one activation out of sequence without an inter-
the duration of a scenario. vening activation by the non-Initiative player.

16.121 Elevated 16.4 High-Speed Games

When Elevated Radiation Levels are in effect, add one to All ships are permitted a movement speed of up to 24”

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
per turn; fighters increase their printed movement speed es players will move all involved fighters in the determined
by half (rounded up). direction.

16.5 Overthrusting
Ships may, at the risk of being damaged, attempt to per-
form maneuvers that would use Thrust points in excess of Direction roll = 10
their Maneuver rating. Distance roll = 5

Any ship may use Thrust points that exceed its current
Maneuver rating by half of that rating (rounded up) during 5”
its activation. At the end of the ship’s activation, roll a d10,
adding two to the die roll for each point of Thrust used in end start
excess of the ship’s current Maneuver. Mark one Maneu-
ver box as damaged on a modified die roll total of 8 or

Small ships that fail this roll reduce their Maneuver rating
by half of its original amount. If already reduced to half by
being Damaged, the ship’s Maneuver rating is reduced to

16.6 Emergency Launch

Fighter squadrons that occupy a Launch Bay location at
the moment that location is damaged may attempt an
Emergency Launch.

An Emergency Launch allows the owning player to roll a

d10 for each squadron in the Launch box of the Fighter
Operations Display. On a die result of one through three,
the squadron is Destroyed and removed from play. On a
die result of 4 or 5, roll a d4 and apply that many damage
points to the squadron and place it on the table within 1”
of its CV.A d10 result of 6 or higher indicates the squad-
ron has escaped damage and has successfully Launched
from the damaged CV.

Fighter squadrons that successfully perform an Emergen-

cy Launch must operate under the restrictions of 15.221
during their first activation after executing an Emergency
Launch, They may not immediately become a Fighter Es-
cort group for the CV from which they performed the
Emergency Launch.

16.7 Dogfight Drift

At the conclusion of the last round of a Dogfight during an
activation, the active player rolls to see how far the fight-
ers have moved from their initial positions during the
fighting. When using this rule, players must choose (prior
to the beginning of the game) which board edge will repre-
sent the ’12 o’clock’ position of an analog clock face.

To find the direction and distance a Dogfight will drift at

the end of the activation, roll a d6 and a d12. The d12
result determines the clock direction in which all involved Tin Men launch fighters to hunt down Colonials (Ravenstar).
fighters will move; the d6 result shows the number of inch-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
17. Scenarios A general suggestion that may be used is to move ships
Scenarios are specific, pre-determined combat engage- and fighters so that the largest number of them end the
ments that allow players to jump right into the action. ‘floating’ process as close to the center of the playing sur-
Each scenario follows the same format in its presentation, face as possible.
providing players with all the information necessary to play
through a complete game. Limited Maps
Some scenarios may restrict the use of ‘floating’ to keep
17.1 Scenario Basics the area in play centered on certain objectives. Any sce-
The Introduction gives a basic background and reason nario that uses the Limited Map provision may be floated
for the action or exercise being played. a maximum distance of 48” from each table edge. Ships
that voluntarily move past this limit are considered de-
Game Length may be a set number of complete game- stroyed for scenario purposes unless their exiting the play-
turns, or it may indicate the game will end when one side ing area is part of the requirements in achieving their
accomplishes certain goals. fleet’s scenario Victory Conditions.

Game Time is an estimate of how much real-world time 17.3 Disengagement

the scenario will take to play to completion. Unless prohibited by a scenario’s Special Rules or Victory
Conditions, ships and fighters may exit the game prior to
The Forces section lets each side know what units are its conclusion. There are three methods of disengagement
available to them for the scenario being played. that may be used:

The Map graphic is provided as a reference for the size of  Vessels with functioning FTL Drives may disengage by
gaming table to be used and to indicate on-board starting using the Form Jump Point maneuver (see 7.2);
positions and physical objective locations. Each square of  Any ship or fighter that moves past a Limited Map
the map diagram represents one 12” x 12” section of the area boundary has automatically disengaged; or
gaming table.  Vessels may declare they have disengaged at the be-
ginning of their activation if they have a current move-
Any Special Rules that are used in the scenario are writ- ment speed of 16 and are at a distance that is 150%
ten beneath the Map graphic. Some scenarios may have or greater of all weapons ranges for weapons mount-
special rules that apply only when using a particular sub- ed on enemy vessels.
set of the rules (Basic, Advanced, or Optional). These will
be defined in each scenario’s Special Rules as appropri- Once a vessel has disengaged from a scenario it may not
ate. re-enter play.
Victory Conditions are used to determine the winner at 17.4 Entry via FTL Drive
the end of a game. If victory conditions are given for only Vessels that have been specified to enter play by use of
one side, the opposition wins the scenario by avoiding FTL Drives use the following process to enter the game:
those conditions.
 At the beginning of their activation, place a Jump
17.2 Floating Maps
Point marker on the table at the desired point of
During the playing of any scenario, it is entirely possible for
placement. The Jump Point marker may not be placed
ships to be forced into moving off the edge of the table.
within 8” of any edge of the table or within the effec-
When this occurs, the map is ‘floated’ by moving all ships,
tive radius of an operational Inhibitor system mounted
fighters and terrain markers in play as far (in inches) as
on any ship;
necessary in the same direction so as to keep all ships on
the table. If a terrain marker is moved off the edge of the  Using the ‘scatter’ process from the Dogfight Drift
table, note the number of inches of movement it must still rule (16.7), move the Jump Point marker in the clock
be moved and place it this number of inches into the tab- face direction indicated by the d12 die roll. Use a d8
letop from the opposite side of the table from which it was in place of a d6 for the distance the Jump Point mark-
removed. er will be moved; or
 Place the ship on the tabletop directly on the center of
the position indicated by the Jump Point marker

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
(removing the marker itself) and facing directly away
from any friendly board edge (as defined in the scenar-
io’s set-up instructions).

Up to four non-FTL capable ships and/or fighter groups

may enter play via a Jump Point formed by a single ship.
After the FTL-capable ship has been placed on the tab-
letop, all other ships/fighter groups entering play through
the same Jump Point are placed on the tabletop within 3”
of the ship that enabled them to enter the game in this
manner, facing in the same direction.

Vessels entering play by means of FTL Drives do so with a

movement speed between two and four (inclusive).

Placement of a vessel on the table when entering play by

the use of FTL Drives may end or restrict the vessel’s func-
tions during its activation for that turn; see 13.0 under FTL
Drives for the specific limitations of each type of FTL Drive.

Vessels whose entry Jump Point has a final placement

inside the radius of an active Inhibitor system have their
Jump Point marker moved the shortest distance possible
on the tabletop so that it is no longer within the effective
radius of an Inhibitor system. Tin Men heavy cruiser task group (Ravenstar).

A Pax Arcadian Centurion cruiser on patrol (Dark Realm Miniatures).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario One: Knife Fight
A ship on patrol engages its opposite number in hostile territory.

Game Length
Six game turns.

Game Time
20 to 30 minutes.

Player One: one Ramsey DD.
Player Two: one Ochakov DD.



Player One places his ship in the area indicated of the table first. Player Two then places his ship in the indicated area of
the table. Ships may be placed with any facing desired by the owning player and may start with a movement speed from 2
to 6.

Special Rules

Victory Conditions
The player that has scored the most internal damage points against his opponent’s ship wins the game. A player wins im-
mediately if the enemy ship is Hulked or Destroyed.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario Two: Skirmish
An example of what happens when an opposing commander simply will not acquiesce to your reasonable demand for his
unconditional surrender.

Game Length
Play continues until one side has achieved its Victory Conditions.

Game Time
45 to 60 minutes.

Player One: two Ramsey DD and two Knox FF.
Player Two: two Ochakov DD and one Kalinin CA.



Player One places his ship in the area indicated of the table first. Player Two then places his ship in the indicated area of
the table. Ships may be placed with any facing that the owning player desires and may start with a movement speed from
2 to 6.

Special Rules
Use the Limited Map rule for this scenario (17.2). Any ship that disengages (voluntarily or otherwise) is considered De-
stroyed for purposes of determining the Victory Conditions.

Victory Conditions
A player wins the scenario by Hulking or Destroying all opposing ships. 

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario Three: Squadron Action
Two long-range recon forces run afoul of each other.

Game Length
Six game turns.

Game Time
45 to 60 minutes.

Player One: one Knox FF, one Ramsey DD, and five Type 31 Escorts. Two of the Type 31 Escorts begin the game as the
Escort Squadron for the Knox FF. The remaining Type 31 Escorts form a single Attack Squadron.

Player Two: one Kalinin CA with an Escort Squadron of four P440 PT, and one Attack Squadron of four P440 PT.




Prior to play, Player One assigns the numbers one through four to each of the four sides of the table and rolls a d4. His
forces enter play during turn one along this table edge and within 12” of the right hand edge of the adjacent table edge.

After Player One’s entry area is determined, Player two rolls a d4. Using the same numeric designations established by
Player One, Player Two’s forces enter from that edge of the table during the first turn. They must also be within 12” of the
right-hand side of the table. Should Player Two roll to enter on the same edge of the table as Player One’s forces, Player
Two must have his forces enter along a different edge of the table (although he may choose any of the other three table
edges for use when bringing his vessels on to the board).

Special Rules
Ships may not Disengage from battle.

Victory Conditions
Player One wins immediately by Destroying or Hulking ALL of Player Two’s P440 PT ships AND scoring at least two points
of internal damage against Player Two’s Kalinin CA.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario Four: Line of Battle
Two sizable task forces engage to determine the ‘owner’ of a particular shipping lane.

Game Length
Eight game turns.

Game Time
120 to 150 minutes.

Player One:one Wotan BB, two Thor CA, two Bayern DD, six Bogen PT, and six Berserker Escorts. Each of the Thor CA has
an Escort Squadron of three Berserkers; the Bogen PT are formed into two Attack Squadrons of three ships each.

Player Two (At Start):one Renown BC, two Hermes CA, two Donnington DD, and six Sarissophoros PT. The player may task
the Sarissophoros as being part of either an Escort or Attack Squadron, with two or three ships per squadron.

Player Two (Reinforcements): one Renown BC, one Hermes CA, one Donnington DD, and three Phalangite Escorts. The
three Phalangites form an Escort Squadron for the Renown BC.




Player One sets his ships on the table first in the area depicted on the map above and with all ships facing in the direction
of the arrow printed in their set-up area. All of Player One’s vessels have a starting movement speed of four.

Player Two then places his At Start forces on the table in the area indicated on the map above, facing any direction that he
desires. Each of these ships may have a starting movement speed between four and six.

Special Rules
Player Two’s Reinforcement group enters play during turn two via FTL Drive (see 17.4) and enter with a movement speed
of four. The player’s ships arriving via FTL may do so anywhere on the tabletop, but they must be placed with the facing
indicated on the map by the arrow in Player Two’s set-up area.

Play is conducted on a Limited Map (see 17.2).

Victory Conditions
Player Two wins immediately if he Destroys or Hulks the Wotan BB OR both Thor CAs.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario Five: Surprise Attack
A heretofore unknown alien species launches an attack on unsuspecting forces.

Game Length
Six game turns.

Game Time
90 to 120 minutes.

Player One: one Renown BC, one Donnington DD, one Attack Squadron of four Sarissophoros PT, and three Attack Squad-
rons of four Phalangite Escorts each.

Player Two: three Attack Squadrons of two Arion Cutters each, and three Attack Squadrons of Imravik Cutters each.



Player one places his forces so that all ships are within 8” of the center of the table and have the same heading. All of Play-
er One’s ships begin the game with a movement speed of zero.

Player Two’s ships enter from any table edge during turn one. Each squadron may enter from a different table edge and/
or different point of the same table edge at the owning player’s discretion. All ships enter with a movement speed from
four to eight.

Special Rules

Victory Conditions
Victory is awarded to the player that scores the highest point total at the end of the scenario. Each player scores one-half
of the PV for each enemy ship that is Hulked, and the ship’s full PV for all Destroyed enemy ships. Ships that Disengage
count as having been Hulked, regardless of their actual damage status, and points for those vessels are added to the op-
ponent’s point total.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario Six: Rescue
A carrier squadron is dispatched to rescue a stranded fighter wing. The enemy intercepted the fighter group’s comm sig-
nals and arrives first on the scene.

Game Turns
Play continues until Player One’s Ark Royal CV has Disengaged or has been Hulked or Destroyed.

Game Time
120 to 150 minutes.

Player One (At Start): two Fighter Groups consisting of four Tornado Squadrons each, two Fighter Groups consisting of four Harrier
Squadrons each, and two Fighter Groups, each consisting of four Wellington Squadrons.
Player One (Reinforcements): one Ark Royal CV as the Charge of an Escort Squadron of four Phalangite Escorts, and two Attack Squad-
rons consisting of three Sarissophoros PT each.

Player Two (At Start): one Thor CA as the Charge of an Escort Squadron consisting of two Berserker Escorts, and three Steinmauer CA.
Player Two (Reinforcements): two Attack Squadrons, each consisting of three Bogen PT.

Player Set-Up


Player One sets up first, placing his At Start forces in the area indicated on the map with any desired facing. All fighter groups start the
game with amovement speed of zero. His reinforcements enter via FTL Drive (17.4) on turn one, but must place their Jump Point mark-
ers (prior to checking for scatter) in the area of the table designated on the map. All ships enter with a movement speed of four and a
heading that is towards any friendly fighter group in play.

Player Two sets up second, placing his At Start forces in the area indicated on the map. They may start with a movement speed from
four to six, with a heading that is pointed towards any enemy fighter group. His Reinforcements enter via FTL Drive (17.4) on turn two in
the area indicated on the map. They enter with a movement speed of four and each squadron may have a heading that is towards any
enemy fighter group or the Ark Royal CV.
Special Rules
Player One’s Phalangite Escorts are considered to have FTL Drives for purposes of entering the game only.
This scenario uses a Limited Map (17.2).
Victory Conditions
Player One wins at the moment the Ark Royal CV disengages by any means with at least 12 Fighter Slots worth of fighters on-board. He
immediately loses if the Ark Royal CV is Hulked, Destroyed, or loses all of its Recovery Bay Fighter Slot capacity without having 12 Fight-
er Slots worth of fighters aboard.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Scenario Seven: Carrier Action
Two opposing carrier task forces fight over a “worthless” backwater colony.

Note: this scenario is geared towards being a multi-player game.

Game Length
Play continues until all of one player’s vessels have Disengaged or have been Hulked or Destroyed.

Game Time
180 to 240 minutes

Player One: two Ark Royal CV (each with five Tornado Squadrons and two Wellington Squadrons aboard; each CV is also
the Charge of an Escort Squadron of four Phalangite Escorts), one Renown BC, three Hermes CA, and three Attack
Squadrons,each consisting of four Sarissophoros PT OR two Donnington DD.

Player Two: one Koenig CV (with four Wespe Squadrons, four Hornisse Squadrons, and four Hummel Squadrons, and as
the Charge of an Escort Squadron of three Berserker Escorts), three Thor CA, two Steinmauer CA, two Bayern DD, and
one Attack Squadron of three Bogen PT.



Each player rolls a d6, re-rolling ties. The player with the higher die roll determines who sets up their forces on the table first. The player
placing his forces first then chooses one of the long table edges, where he places his vessels up to 12” in from the table edge and at
least 12” away from either short-side edge of the table. The vessels have a movement sped up to six and any desired heading.

After this is finished, the other player places his forces on the opposite long edge of the table with the same area, movement speed, and
heading instructions being observed.

Special Rules
All fighter squadrons begin the game aboard their carriers and must be assigned to a fighter group prior to any ship placement on the
table. Each carrier may begin the game with both their Launch Bays and Flight Decks holding their maximum capacity of Fighter Slots.

Victory Conditions
Victory is awarded to the player that scores the highest point total at the end of the scenario. Each player scores one-half of the PV for
each enemy ship that is Hulked and each fighter squadron that has lost at least half of its starting damage boxes. A ship or fighter
squadron’s full PV is awarded for all Destroyed enemy vessels. Vessels that Disengage count as having been Hulked, regardless of their
actual damage status, and points for those vessels are added to the opponent’s point total.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

ScanFed Peder Skram Battlecruiser (Ground Zero Games).

In addition to the ships included for use with Task Force Zeta, players may wish to create their own designs based on per-
sonal preference, to field fleets based on their favorite SciFi setting, or to round out and develop the forces presented in
this book’s scenarios. Whatever a player’s motivation, the Ship Construction rules allow them to put their own imagina-
tions and design skills to the test against those of their friends or the ‘official’ star fleets of the far future.

This section is also where players determine the overall complexity level of their games. By omitting certain categories of
ships from play (such as limiting ship designs to Signatures 5 to 8), limiting the tech levels used, or disallowing specific
weapons or systems (Area Torpedoes or Fighters, for example), players can tailor their gaming experience to be as simple
and quick, or detailed and leisurely, as they like.


1. Tech Levels (TL)

Choose a Tech Level for your force. This will be the Tech Level for the construction of every one of your Fleet’s weapons
and ships. The Tech Level chosen allows different, larger, and more advanced systems to be built into each vehicle.

Unless stated otherwise, all fractions resulting from calculations are rounded up to the next whole number during each
step of construction. Final unit point values are rounded off normally.

Task Force Zeta uses six different classification levels for technology. Player wishing to match the Tech Levels to those
found in Legionnaire Games’ ground combat series, Strike Legion, should note that TL1 in Task Force Zeta is equivalent to
TL3 in the Strike Legion series.

Players wanting to create ships to populate a background of their own devising, or to match an existing fictional universe,
should feel free to ignore the Tech Level restrictions during unit construction if they believe this will allow the final design to
more closely resemble the starships and fighter craft of their chosen setting.

When building units, no weapon or system may be chosen from a TL higher than what has been selected for your force.
Weapons and systems may be chosen from lower Tech Levels. Items chosen from lower levels reduce the number of Sys-
tem Points used for each item by one point per level, to a maximum reduction of two System Points per system and a mini-
mum usage of one System Point.

Tech Levels for weapons and systems are listed as (TL#) when not in table form.

2. Choose Basic Hull Signature

The number and size of systems and weapons that can be fitted to each hull is determined by its Signature. While you are
building each of your ships, keep a running tally of the point cost for the vessel.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Keep in mind when choosing your ship’s Signature that Hard Points (HP) are used when installing a ship’s weapons, while
System Points (SP) are used to equip the ship with defenses and other systems that improve combat performance.


8 1+ 4 4 N/A 20 N/A 6
7 1+ 6 6 N/A 40 N/A 8
6 1+ 8 8 N/A 60 N/A 10
5 1+ 10 11 N/A 90 N/A 13
4 1+ 13 14 2 130 180/110 17
3 1+ 16 17 3 170 210/150 22
2 2+ 19 20 4 225 265/200 26
1 2+ 24 24 5 280 325/255 30
0 2+ 30 26 6 350 405/315 35
-1 2+ 36 30 7 450 495/400 40
-2 3+ 42 35 8 550 585/500 45
-3 3+ 50 42 9 700 630/770 50
-4 3+ 60 50 10 900 810/990 60

Ships having a Signature between 4 and -4 (inclusive) may increase or decrease their number of available Structure points
by a maximum of one point. This is accomplished by increasing or decreasing the ship’s BHV to the amount shown in the
‘BHV +1/-1 STRUCTURE’ column.. This adjusted BHV total is used for all subsequent ship component calculations that
are based on a percentage of a ship’s BHV point cost.

Ships may be constructed in a manner that precludes the use of Power Flow settings. If this is desired, reduce the ship’s
BHV by 10% (based on either its BHV or BHV +1/-1 STRUCTURE column cost). The number in the ‘SP WIRED’ column is
used as the hull’s available SP total during the construction process.

2. Add Armor
Armor is purchased individually for each target facing of a ship (Fore/Aft/Port/Starboard), although any target facing
may be built without armor. Different types of armor may be present on an individual ship, but each of a ship’s target fac-
ings may have only a single type of armor.

The cost per point of Static Armor rating or per box of Ablative Armor, as well as the maximum amount of armor for any
facing, is based on the ship’s Signature:


8/7/6 4 10 8 4
5/4/3 5 13 16 6
2/1/0 6 17 20 8
-1/-2 6 22 24 10
-3/-4 6 28 30 13

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
3. Bulkheads and Open Structure (Sig. 4 to -4)
The Thrust, Maneuver, Shields, Weapons, and Crew damage tracks on a ship’s Data Card mayadd or subtract one box
to/from each of these damage tracks during construction. Carriers may also add or subtract one damage box to/from
their Hangar and Flight Deck systems.

Adding or subtracting a Damage box to the named track on a ship’s Data Card adds or reduces the cost of all associated
ship systems by 10% of the total related cost of all installed items that fall under that category (+10%/-10% to the cost
of each and every weapon, +10%/-10% to the cost of each Shield Rating or Shield Generator, etc.). Damage box adjust-
ments for Crew hits add or subtract 10% of the ship’s BHV to the running point total of the ship. Multiply the total point
value for each system by 1.1 to add one box to that system on the ship’s Data Card; multiply the total by .9 when removing
one damage box from that system.

If a box is added to any of the aforementioned damage tracks on the ship’s Data Card, it should be placed at the right-hand
side of the appropriate damage track and colored blue.

mum that can be pur- POINT RATING POINT RATING
chased based on a ship’s
Signature. The cost for each Basic (Sig 8/7) 15% BHV 8 10% BHV 6
point of a ship’s Thrust or Basic (Sig 6/5) ““ ““ 7 ““ ““ 5
Maneuver rating is a per-
centage of the ship’s BHV. Basic (Sig 4/3) ““ ““ 6 ““ ““ 4
Basic (Sig 2/1/0) ““ ““ 4 ““ ““ 3
Ships having a Signature
between 6 and -4 (inclusive) Basic (Sig -1 to -4) ““ ““ 3 ““ ““ 2
may increase their Thrust
Inertial (Sig 8/7) 25% BHV 8 ““ ““ 6
and/or Maneuver ratings
by one point each past the Inertial (Sig 6/5) ““ ““ 6 ““ ““ 5
stated maximums for their
Signature. A single point Inertial (Sig 4/3) ““ ““ 5 ““ ““ 4
increase in either category Inertial (Sig 2/1/0) ““ ““ 4 ““ ““ 3
doubles the percentage
cost of that component for Inertial (Sig -1 to -4) ““ ““ 3 2
that point of increase. Gravitic 30% BHV As per Inertial; TL4+ ships only.


EW 1 6 ½ per point of EW 25% BHV
2 8 “ “ “ “ “ “
1. The Maximum Rating shows the
3 10 “ “ “ “ “ “
maximum number of shield genera-
4+ 12 “ “ “ “ “ “
tors/maximum number of boxes per
generator. The number of damage
Ablative Shields1 2 3/5 1 per generator 10% BHV
boxes per generator may be unequal,
3 4/6 “ “ “ “ “ “
but if that is the case, the first (top) 4+ 5/6 “ “ “ “ “ “
shield generator’s row of damage box- Gravitic Shields1 5+ 5/6 “ “ “ 15% BHV
es must have more damage boxes
than the second row, and the second Particle Shields 1 4 ½ per point 10% BHV
row of damage boxes must have more Static Shields 2 4 “ “ “ 25% BHV
than the third row, etc. 3 5 “ “ “ “ “ “
4 6 “ “ “ “ “ “
Ablative Shields have a Recharge rate Variable Shields 2
2 2xd4 “ “ “ 15% BHV
die based on the number of shield box- 3 2xd5 “ “ “ “ “ “
es in the top-most Shield Generator. 4 2xd6 “ “ “ “ “ “
One to three shield boxes gives the 4 3xd6 “ “ “ 20% BHV

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
ship a d3 Regeneration die; four to six shield boxes allow the use ofd5 for Regeneration by the ship’s shields. Gravitic
shields increase a ship’s Regeneration die by one die type (d4 and d6, respectively).

2. The die type is used as the rating multiplier for finding the cost; a ‘2xd3’ shield would cost three times 15% of the ship’s

6. Ship Systems
Each system has a Tech Level, System Point usage, and point cost. Some costs are based on a percentage of a ship’s
BHV per increment of that system.


Advanced Auto-repair8 4 5 NA1 1.5x BHV
Area Defense System I/II/III 2/3/4+ 1/2/3 NA 80/180/300
Auto-repair8 3 4 NA = BHV
Autonomous 4 2 NA 50% BHV
Boosters3 2 2 per Thrust 2x2 35% BHV per Thrust Point
Cloaking Field 4 4 NA 3x BHV
Coordinated Fire Control 2 2 NA 90
Damage Control4, 8 1 1/2 =1/2 ship’s Structure 15% BHV per Point
Faster-than-light Drive 1 3 NA 50% BHV
FTL/Imp 3 4 NA 75% BHV
Fighter Rack 1 1 none2 10% BHV
Flight Deck 1 1.57 none 5% BHV
Hangar 1 1 none 5% BHV
Imaging Field 3 3 NA 2x BHV
Inhibitor5 3/4/5 3 per 4” 4”/8”/12” 20 per “ out to 4”; 40 per “
range out to 8”; 60 per “ out to 12”
Interceptor Drone I/II/III 1/2/3+ 1 NA 30/75/125
Invisibility Field 5 5 NA 4x BHV
Launch Bay 1 1 none 5% BHV
Linked Fire Control 1 1 NA 60
Opacity Satellite 1/2/36 2/3/4+ 1/1/2 2x3 40/90/150
Recovery Bay 1 1 none 5% BHV
Streamlining 1 0 NA 25% BHV
1. ‘NA’ indicates the system does not have an applicable numeric rating limit and that only one system of this type may be
installed on a ship.
2. ‘None’ indicates there is no set maximum numeric rating limit, save that of the ship’s available System Points.
3. A ship may have up to two Boosters, with each Booster having either one or two Thrust points available to it.
4. The ship may have a Damage Control rating that is less than (or equal to) half of the ship’s Structure boxes, rounded
5. Cost is for each inch of capability in each range category; an Inhibitor with a 6” range would cost (4”x20 = 80 points,
plus 2”x 40=80 points; 80+80=) 160 points.
6. Any ship may have a maximum of two Opacity Satellite Launcherand may have up to three ‘points’ of Opacity Satellites
for each launcher (depending on availability by TL). Point values are for one point/two point/three point capability per
Opacity Satellite launcher.
7. The System Point usage of Flight Decks is never reduced due to TL increases.
8. These systems are mutually exclusive; only one of the three may be present on a single ship. Limited to Signature 4 and
larger ships.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
A ship that will be constructed as a Carrier may convert Hard Points to System Points on a 1-for-1 basis. If this is done, all
of the converted points must used for Hangar, Flight Deck, Launch Bay, and Recovery Bay systems. They cannot be used
on any other systems.
7. Kinetic and Energy Beam Weapon Systems TYPE LEVEL DAMAGE DIE MODIFIER
Repeat the steps in this section as necessary to create Antimatter 4 d6 x2.25
each weapon of these types that will be mounted on ““ 5 d8 “ “
the ship. ““ 6 d10 “ “
Binary Liquid 1 d6 x.8
A. Choose Weapon Class Propellant (BP)
Choose weapons to mount on the ship from the list ““ 2+ d8 “ “
below. Options are limited by the ship’s Tech level and Disruptor 3 d8 x1.4
the number of Hard Points available for use. ““ 4+ d10 “ “
When deciding the type of Damage die to be used for Gauss 1
1 d8 none
the weapon, a die type lower than the one listed in the ““ 2+ d10 “ “
Max. Damage Die column may be used. Lower die Graviton 4 d8 x1.75
choices include the same die type ‘-1’. For example, a ““ 5+ d10 “ “
d8-1 would be a lower die type than a d8. Ion 2 d6 x.8
““ 3 d8-1 “ “
Each weapon uses some or all of the Hard Points avail- ““ 4+ d8 “ “
able for the basic hull selected at the beginning of the Laser 1 d6 none
construction process. The number of Hard Points used ““ 2 d8-1 “ “
for each weapon is its Damage die type minus two; this
““ 3 d8 “ “
may be further modified by a weapon’s Characteristics.
““ 4+ d10 “ “
Weapons with an entry of ‘none’ in their Cost Modifier Molecular 5 d8 x2
column are considered to have a Cost Modifier of ‘x1’ ““ 6 d10 “ “
for subsequent calculations. Particle 1 d6 x1.1
““ 2 d8 “ “
Multiple weapons of various types are permitted on ““ 3+ d10 “ “
each ship (up to the limit of the ship’s available Hard Plasma 2 d6 x1.2
Points), but no ship may install more than one Spinal ““ 3 d8 “ “
Mount weapon. ““ 4 d10 “ “
Spinal Mount 4 d12 “ “
Variable Energy Beam Weapons
Variable Energy Beam weapons are available at TL 5 ““ 2 d8 x1
and higher. They may have a maximum damage rating ““ 3 d10 “ “
up to triple the chosen weapon’s Damage die type at 4+ d12 “ “
the ship’s chosen TL. Each Variable weapon uses a
number of Hard Points that is two less than its Damage rating.

Example: A Variable Molecular weapon could, at TL5, have a maximum damage rating of 24 and would use 22 of the
ship’s available Hard Points.

Energy Beam Weapon Characteristics CHARACTERISTIC TL HARD POINT COST

1. Add the number of Hard Points used by Combination (COM)1 2 x.75 of 2-weapon total x.25
both weapons in the Combination mount and
Dual2 1 x1.25 x.25
multiply them by .75 to find the COM weapon’s
total Hard Point usage. Point Defense (PD)3 1 - (-.25)
2. Not available to Variable weapons. Pulse4 4 - x.5
3. Reduce the cost multiplier of a PD weapon Quad2 1 x1.5 x.5
by .25. Rift 6 - x.5

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
B. Choose Range Band
A range band is a number from 1 to 10 that is the base number for calculating the range of the weapon. Ship-basedPD
weapons have a maximum range band equal to their TL plus two. BP and Gauss weapons have their range band limited to
a maximum of 6 at TL1 and a maximum range band of 8 at TL2.

The ranges of a weapon are found by using multiples of the range band. Short range is equal to the range band; Medium
range is double the range band; Long range is 3.5 times the range band, rounding fractions down; Extreme range is five
times the range band.

Example: a weapon with a range band of six would have tabletop ratings of 6 for Short, 12 for Medium, 21 for Long, and
30 for Extreme ranges. This would be entered on the ship’s Data Card as ‘6/12/21/30’.

C. Determine Weapon Cost

The basic point cost of a weapon is found by multiplying the weapon’s Damage die by its Extreme range band entry, treat-
ing any ‘-1’ die types as a whole number; a d8-1 would become a ‘d7’ for point value calculations.

If the weapon has one or more cost modifiers listed in the charts above, multiply the result from the previous step by this
amount now, adding all multipliers together prior to calculating the cost of the weapon.

Example: a Dual Plasma weapon would have a cost multiplier of (x1.2 + .25=) x1.45. For example, if the basic sum of the
weapon’s Damage die times its Long range is 100, the ‘Dual’ and ‘Plasma’ modifiers would increase the point value of the
weapon to 145 points.

D. Assign a Firing Arc and Final Cost Adjustment

Each weapon must have a firing arc assigned to it at this time. Use the last calculated result from step C as the basis for
the cost adjustments in this final step.

For Turret-mounted weapons or weapons with a 270o firing arc, no adjustment is made. Instead, use the existing number
as the final point cost. Mountings that offer a 1800 firing arc reduce the weapon’s cost by 10%, while mountings that have
a 900or smaller firing arc reduce the weapon cost by 20%.

Note: Spinal Mount weapons never reduce their cost based on their firing arc, and always use a FFR firing arc.

8. Drones and Container Torpedoes

A standard Drone or CT’s Damage die TL DRONE MAX DRONE MAX CT MAX CT MAX
and range band are limited by a force’s DAMAGE DIE RANGE BAND DAMAGE DIE RANGE BAND
TL. 1 d8 8 NA NA
2 d10 10 d8 6
Drones/CT that use Energy Weapon 3 d12 12 d10 8
warheads have the same TL restrictions 4+ d12 12 d12 10
on their maximum Damage die as their
Direct Fire Beam Weapon counterparts. Ranges are calculated as for Direct Fire weapons.

The base cost of a Drone Rack/CT is its Damage die times the Long range rating. Add to this the cost of any Energy War-
head by multiplying the base cost of the Drone Rack by the weapon Cost Modifier as found in Section 7. Drones may
mount Disruptor, Plasma, and Ion warheads; CT may mount any type of Energy Weapon warhead.

This cost is further modified by the Depletion number that the DEPLETION HARD POINTS COST
Drone Rack/CT will be given: NUMBER USED MODIFIER
8 11 x.25
Notes: 6 1 x.5
1. Drone Racks use a number of Hard Points based on their Deple-
4 2 x.75
tion Number and Damage die type. Increase the number of Hard
Points used by one for weapons using a d10 or higher Damage die. 2 2 (cost)2
2. Use the basic cost as described; no cost modification is made at this point in the construction process.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Reload Racks
A single Drone/CT Reload Rack uses half the number of Hard Points (not System Points; round fractions up) used by the
weapon system it is designed to reload and has a point value equal to half that of the weapon system it is designed to ser-

Firing Arcs
Drones always have a (T) firing arc; CT may be given any firing arc, with the point value of the weapon modified accordingly.

9. Variable Torpedoes (VT)

VT must be built as one of the available Energy Weapon types. The limitations for VT by TL are based on those found for
Direct Fire weapons, as modified by the entries found under Section 6 for CT. The minimum TL for any VT, however, is TL3.

The basic point value of a VT is its (Damage die times 6) multiplied by its range band. This basic value is modified by multi-
plying it by the weapon Cost Modifier based on the Energy Weapon type as presented in Section 5 (Direct Fire Weapons).

VT are assigned a firing arc and may have their cost further adjusted based on the firing arc modifiers as presented in
Section 5D.

The number of Hard Points used by a VT is its Damage die type minus four.

10. Area Torpedoes (AT)

AT must be built as one of the available Energy Weapon TL AT MAX AT MAX AT MAX
types. The limitations for AT Weapon Types are based on DAMAGE DIE RANGE BAND AoE
those found for Direct Fire weapons as modified by the 2 d8 10 1
table at right. 3 d10 15 2
4 d12 20 3
The number of Hard Points used by an AT is equal to half 5+ d12 25 3
its Damage die type, rounded up.

To find the ranges of an AT, use the range band number for its Short range, multiply the range band by two to find its Ef-
fective range or by three to find its Maximum range.

The basic point value of an AT is (Damage die x range band x AoE). Multiply this sum by the AT’s Energy Weapon Cost
Modifier as found in Section 5.

After modifying the basic point value as per the above, multiply that result by 1.15 if the AT will have the /F(ast) qualifier,
and multiply by .8 if the AT will have the /S(low) qualifier. /F(ast) AT have a minimum TL of 4.

AT must be assigned a firing arc and always use a maximum firing arc of 90o. No point value adjustment is made for this
firing arc restriction.

11. Total Ship Cost

Add all Basic Hull, Armor, Drive, EW and Shields, Systems, and Weapons costs together; divide that total by 10 to find the
ship’s Game Point Value (PV) and round fractions normally.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

1. Squadron Damage Boxes and Fighter Slots

Fighter squadrons may have a maximum of three rows of damage boxes, with each row having a minimum of two and a
maximum of six damage boxes. The player chooses the configuration best suited to the type of fighter being created, but
TL1 fighters are limited to a maximum of two rows of damage boxes for a single squadron.

The number of damage boxes per row may be unequal with those of other rows, but if a squadron is created with unequal
damage box rows, the first (top) row must have more damage boxes than the second row, and the second row of damage
boxes must have more than the third row.

The point value for the number of damage boxes is 5 points per damage box.

A squadron that has a total of 6 or less damage boxes (regardless of the number of rows) will have a Fighter Slot rating
of .5 (1/2 Fighter Slot), those with 7 to 12 damage boxes will have a Fighter Slot rating of one, and a fighter squadron
with 13 to 18 damage boxes have a Fighter Slot rating of 1.5 (1-1/2 Fighter Slots)..

A squadron’s Fighter Slot rating is a function of the space it uses when on an associated area of a ship/carrier; there is
no point cost for a squadron’s Fighter Slot rating.

2. Squadron Armor and Defense Ratings

Squadron armor ratings can be any number between one and four, as chosen by the owning player; there is no TL limita-
tion placed on a fighter’s armor rating. The point cost for a squadron’s armor rating is (armor rating x number of damage
boxes x 2).

A Squadron’s Defense rating is derived by subtracting the number of fighter damage boxes possessed by the squadron
from 36, then halving that number (round fractions up).

A squadron’s Defense rating is a function of the actual target signature it presents to the enemy, based on its size and
energy/heat output; there is no point cost associated with a squadron’s Defense rating.

3. Fighter Movement Rating

A squadron’s maximum movement speed rating is based TL MOVEMENT DEFENSE POINT COST
on its TL and affects other aspects of the squadron that SPEED MODIFIER PER INCH
have already been determined, as shown on the table to 1 1-10 - 10
the right: 2 11-12 - ““
3 13-14 -1 12
Squadrons may always have a movement speed slower
3 15-16 -2 ““
than the ranges listed at each TL. If the squadron’s move-
ment speed falls within the range of number in the Movement Speed column, subtract the number (if any) in the Defense
Modifier column of the table from the squadron’s Defense rating.

Multiply the squadron’s movement speed by the point cost per inch and add this number to the running point total of the
squadron. After this is done, reduce the fighter’s movement speed rating by one point for each of the following character-

 Squadron has an Armor rating of 3 or 4;

 Each row of damage boxes after the first; and
 Squadron has a total of 13 or more damage boxes.

No fighter may have a final (i.e., post-adjustment) movement speed greater than 16. Also note that a fighter’s Defense
value is modified based on its final movement speed.

4. Squadron Weapons
Each squadron may mount a single Kinetic or Energy Beam weapon of any type, with the exception of a Spinal Mount. All

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
weapon types are restricted by TL as shown on the weapons chart in Section 7B of Part One of the construction rules.

Only the Pulse and Rift characteristics may be added to a squadron’s Direct Fire weapon.

TL MAX RANGE Fighter Direct Fire weapon range bands are restricted by TL according to the table at left. The
BAND ranges and cost of a squadron’s Direct Fire weapons is found as per the cost calculation for a
1 4 ship’s weapons, including cost modifiers for weapon type and firing arc restrictions. Increase
2 5 the cost modifier of the weapon by x.25 if the squadron will be given the Rapid Fire Attribute.
3 6
Adjust the weapon’s cost for its firing arc according to Part One, Section 7D.
4+ 8


DAMAGE DIE RANGE BAND DAMAGE DIE RANGE BAND Squadrons may mount one single-use
1 d6 6 NA NA Drone or Container Torpedo for each
2 d8 8 d6 6 row of damage boxes after the first. All
such weapons follow TL restrictions as
3 d10 10 d8 8 shown on the table at left.
4+ d12 12 d10 10
Ranges for each weapon are found as per Section 7B of Part One of the construction rules. The point value of each squad-
ron Heavy Weapon is its damage die times its range band (NOT tabletop range). This is further modified by the type of
Energy Weapon warhead (if any) chosen for the weapon.

Squadron-mounted Drones always have a (T) firing arc; squadron-mounted CT may have any firing arc up to 180o, adjust-
ing the weapon’s point value as per the actual firing arc as per Part one, Section 7D.

5. Squadron Attributes
Increase the cost of the squadron for each Fighter Attribute chosen from the table below.
RATING COST 1. These Attributes are mutually exclusive, and
Auto-Repair 5 NA 50 increase the final cost of the fighter squadron
Boosters 1/2/ 2/3/4 40 per point by the amount shown. Remember to make the
3+ final cost adjustment during step 7 prior to
Brick1 1 NA (-15%) calculating the squadron’s PV.
Chaff 1 1 per dmg box 80 each use
Coordinated 2 NA 90 6. Pilot Quality
Fire Control Multiply the current running point total of the
Dogfight Drones 1 NA 80 squadron by the Cost Modifier from the table
FTL Drive 3 NA 100 below for the desired Pilot Quality rating that
Fighter ADS I/II/III 2/3/ NA 60/140/240 will be used by the squadron.
Fighter Shields 3/4/ 1/2/3 30/75/135 PILOT COST
Nimble1 1 NA (+15%) Veteran x1.15
Stealth 4/5/ 1/2/3 50 per point Trained x1
6 Green x.9
Streamlined 1 NA 25 per dmg row Civilian x.75

7. Final Game Point Value

Take the amount derived in step 6 and divide it by 10. This is the squadron’s total Game Point Value (PV).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Various blank Data Cards have been provided for use in recording the game-play information for a player’s newly con-
structed vessels. While most of the following guidelines should be obvious after perusing the Data Cards provided in this
book, they are included so that there are no misunderstandings when viewing an opponent’s ‘home-grown’ Data Cards.

The blank Large Ship Data Cards have the maximum number of damage boxes for each system plus a Bulkhead box
(italicized and colored blue) at the end of each damage track that may include them. Fill in (i.e., mark as Destroyed) boxes
in each system until the number of available damage boxes matches the design parameters of the ship being represented
by that Data Card. Mark Ablative Shield, Shield Generator, and Ablative Armor damage tracks/boxes in a similar manner.
All marks should be made permanently on the Data card for each ship class a player designs (this avoids a ship
‘accidentally’ gaining damage boxes during play with which it didn’t begin the game).

Secondary systems may be placed in any order in the Secondary Damage column, with one system per line entry. Fighter
systems (Launch, Recovery, Flight Deck, Hangar, and Launch Racks) receive one damage box for each two complete Fight-
er Slots in each system; any system with three or fewer Fighter Slots is destroyed in its entirety on the first hit to that
damage location.

All systems, including their capacities and any single- or limited-use tracking information must be written in the SYSTEMS
box of the Data Card. Note that Reload Racks, while using Hard Points during construction, are considered systems and
should be written in the SYSTEMS box of the ship’s card.

Any Depletion numbers for weapons are written in the NOTES box of the ship’s Data Card.

There are two different blank Large Ship Data Cards, two different blank Small Ship Data Cards, and one blank Fighter/
Shuttle Data Card. One of the Large Ship cards is designed for use with ships having the Hard-Wired construction option;
this card has a slightly modified Primary damage track, and the Hard-Wired notation printed in its NOTES box. The second
blank Large card has a ‘standard’ Primary damage track layout and lacks the NOTES entry of the other.

The standard number of system boxes (prior to modification for the Open Structure character- SIGNATURE DMG
istic) on THR, MAN, Weapons, Crew, and EW damage tracks is based on the ship’s Signature. BOXES
Note that these numbers do not include any Bulkhead entries. The number of available Struc-
4/3 2
ture boxes is determined during the ship construction process; Distributor systems always
have two boxes, no matter the ship’s Signature. 2/1/0 3
-1/-2 4
The two Small Ship blank cards vary based on their defenses. One is for ships with Static -3 5
Shields and Armor, one for ships with Ablative Shields and/or Armor. Each of these cards is -4 6
capable of tracking from three to six ships of the same class on a single card.

The single blank fighter card has tracking information for up to six squadrons, including single-use tracking for Heavy
Weapons (HW) for each squadron.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)
Donnington DD PV: 188 Donnington DD Ark Royal CV PV: 243 Ark Royal CV
THR: 6 (I) MAN: 5 SIG: 4 EW: 10 Ablative Armor Static Shields THR: 4 (I) MAN: 3 SIG: 2 EW: 8 Ablative Armor Static Shields
Pulse Disr (F)(d8) 6/12/21/30 F: OOOOOOOO 4 PD Disruptor (T)(d6) 6/12/21/30 F: OOOOOOOOOO 4
Pulse Disr (F)(d8) 6/12/21/30 P: OOOOOOOO P: OOOOOOOOOOOO
1: Structure OO 1-8: None 1: Structure OOOOO 1-5: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 9. FTL 2-3: Secondary (roll) 6: Hangar (2)
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 10. Auto Repair SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering OOOO
1-3: Thrust OO (3) 1-3: Thrust OOO (2) 7. Flight Deck (2)
Auto Repair 4-5: MAN OO (3) FTL/Impr Fighter Slots: 8 4-5: MAN OOO (1) OO
FTL 6: Distributor OO Flight Deck (4) 6: Distributor OO 8: Launch Bay (2)
Streamlined Hangar (8) OO
6-7: Wpns: OO 6-7: Wpns: OOO
9: Recovery Bay (2)
8: Shields OO (2) Launch Bay (4) 8: Shields OOO (2) OO
9: Command Recovery Bay (4) 9: Command 10. FTL
1-3: Crew OO 1-3: Crew OOO
4-6: EW OO (5) 4-6: EW OOO (3)
10: Critical (roll 2d10) 10: Critical (roll 2d10)
Bayern DD PV: 299 Bayern DD Koenig CV PV: 434 Koenig CV
THR: 5 (I) MAN: 5 SIG: 3 EW: 8 Ablative Armor Static Shields THR: 3 (I) MAN: 3 SIG: 0 EW: 10 Ablative Armor Ablative Shields
(R: d6)
Disruptor (FF)(d8) 8/16/28/40 F: OOOOOOOOOOOO 4 PD Disruptor (T)(d6) 6/12/21/30 F: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO O
Disruptor (EF)(d6) 6/12/21/30 P: OOOOOOOOOO PD Disruptor (T)(d6) 6/12/21/30 P: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO O
Disr AT (FF)(d8) Range: 15/30/45 AoE: 2” S: OOOOOOOOOO PD Disruptor (T)(d6) 6/12/21/30 S: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Disr AT (SL)(d6) Range: 15/30/45 AoE: 2”
Disr AT (SR)(d6) Range: 15/30/45 AoE: 2”
1: Structure OOO 1-6: None 1: Structure OOOOOO 1-3: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 7: FTL 2-3: Secondary (roll) 4. Hangar (2)
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 8: Imaging Field SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering OOOOOOOO
1-3: Thrust OO (3) 9. Opacity Satellites 5. Flight Deck (2)
1-3: Thrust OOO (2)
Damage Control (2) 4-5: MAN OO (3) 10. Dmg Control Damage Control (3) Fighter Slots: 12 OO
FTL FTL 4-6: MAN OOO (1) 6. Launch Bay (2)
6: Distributor OO 6-7: Wpns: OOO
Imaging Field (+2) IDS/III (5+) OO
Opacity Satellites (2) 6-7: Wpns: OOO 8: Shields OOO (2)
Flight Deck (4) 7. Recovery Bay (2)
OO 8: Shields OO (2) 9: Command OO
Hangar (12)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Streamlined 9: Command 1-3: Crew OOO 8. IDS/III
1-3: Crew OO Launch Bay (4)
4-6: EW OOO (4) 9. Damage Control
4-6: EW OO (4) Recovery Bay (4) 10. FTL
10: Critical (roll 2d10)
10: Critical (roll 2d10)
Tornado Squadron PV: 66 Harrier Squadron PV: 102 Wellington Squadron PV: 83 Pilum Shuttle PV: 47
MV: 15 DEF: 13 ARM: 2 SLOT: 1 MV: 11 DEF: 11 ARM: 2 SLOT: 1.5 MV: 9 DEF: 12 ARM: 2 SLOT: 1.5 MV: 12 DEF: 15 ARM: 2 SLOT: .5
RF Laser (F) (d8) 6/12/21/30 RF Part (F) (d10) 6/12/21/30 Disruptor (EF) (d8) 5/10/17/25 RF Laser (T) (d8) 6/12/21/30
Drone (d10) 10/20/35/50 Drone (d10) 10/20/35/50 Disruptor CT (FF) (d8) 6/12/21/30

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Drone (d10) 10/20/35/50 Disruptor CT (FF) (d8) 6/12/21/30

Pilot Quality: Trained Pilot Quality: Trained Pilot Quality: Trained Pilot Quality: Trained


Dogfight Drones CFC CFC
Fighter Shields /1 Dogfight Drones Chaff (1)
Fighter Shields /1


ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______
Drone: O Drone: O Drone: O Drone: OO Drone: OO Drone: OO CT:OO Ch:O CT:OO Ch:O CT:OO Ch:O
ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______
Drone: O Drone: O Drone: O Drone: OO Drone: OO Drone: OO CT:OO Ch:O CT:OO Ch:O CT:OO Ch:O

Wespe Squadron PV: 89 Hornisse Squadron PV: 152 Hummel Sqn. PV: 174 Konvart Shuttle PV: 36
MV: 16 DEF: 13 ARM: 1 SLOT: .5 MV: 11 DEF: 13 ARM: 4 SLOT: 1 MV: 11 DEF: 9 ARM: 3 SLOT: 1.5 MV: 10 DEF: 15 ARM: 1 SLOT: .5
Pulse Laser (F) (d8) 8/16/28/40 RF Pulse Disr (F) (d8) 8/16/28/40 RF Pulse Grav (FF) (d8) 8/16/28/40 Laser (EF) (d6) 4/8/14/20
Disr Drone (d12) 12/24/42/60 Antimatter CT (F) (d6) 10/20/35/50
Disr Drone (d12) 12/24/42/60 Antimatter CT (F) (d6) 10/20/35/50

Pilot Quality: Trained Pilot Quality: Trained Pilot Quality: Trained Pilot Quality: Trained


Fighter Shields /2
Dogfight Drones Boosters/2 Boosters/2 FTL
Fighter Shields /2 CFC Chaff/2 Chaff: OO OO OO
Dogfight Drones Fighter Shields /2 CFC OO OO OO


ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______
Dr: OO B: O Dr: OO B: O Dr: OO B: O CT: OO B: O CT: OO B: O CT: OO B: O
ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______
Dr: OO B: O Dr: OO B: O Dr: OO B: O CT: OO B: O CT: OO B: O CT: OO B: O
Phalangite Escort PV: 61 Sarissophoros PT PV: 117 Bogen PT PV: 104 Berserker Escort PV: 68
THR: 6 (I) MAN: 6 SIG: 7 EW: 6 THR: 6 (I) MAN: 4 SIG: 6 EW: 8 THR: 6 (I) MAN: 4 SIG: 6 EW: 8 THR: 6 (I) MAN: 6 SIG: 7 EW: 6
Plasma (EF) (d8) 6/12/21/30 CT Plasma (OR) (d8) 2 10/20/35/50 VT Plasma (F) (d10) 8/16/28/40 Pulse Laser (EF) (d8) 6/12/21/30
CT Plasma (OR) (d8) 2 10/20/35/50
Armor: Ablative Shields: 4 Armor: F3/A2/P3/S3 Shields: 4 Armor: F3/A2/P3/S3 Shields: 4 Armor: Ablative Shields: 4
1. D4: O
IDS/II (6+) LFC 2. D4: O LFC IDS/II (6+)
ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
(THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3)
(MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3)
Hermes CA PV: 602 Hermes CA Thor CA PV: 964 Thor CA
THR: 5 (I) MAN: 4 SIG: 1 EW: 10 Ablative Armor Ablative Shields THR: 4 (I) MAN: 3 SIG: 0 EW: 12 Ablative Armor Ablative Shields
Graviton (OL) (d8) 8/16/28/40 A: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO O Graviton (EF) (d8) 10/20/35/50 A: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO O
Graviton (OR) (d8) 8/16/28/40 P: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO O
Graviton (OL) (d8) 10/20/35/50 P: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO O
PD Laser (T)(d6) 6/12/21/30 Regen: d5 Graviton (OR) (d8) 10/20/35/50 Regen: d5
PD Laser (T)(d6) 6/12/21/30 PD Laser (T) (d8) 8/16/28/40
AT Grav (SR)(d8) Range: 20/40/60 AoE: 3” PD Laser (T) (d8) 8/16/28/40
1: Structure OOOO 1-6: None VT Disr (FF) (d10) 10/20/35/50 1: Structure OOOOOOO 1-5: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 7. Opacity Satellites 2-3: Secondary (roll) 6: IDS/III
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 8. Damage Control SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 7. Opacity Satellites
1-3: Thrust OOO (2) 9. FTL/Imp 1-3: Thrust OOO (2) 8. Auto-Repair
Cloaking Field (+4) 4-5: MAN OOO (2) 10. Cloaking Field Auto-Repair 4-5: MAN OOO (1) 9. FTL/Imp
Damage Control (2) 6: Distributor OO Cloaking Field (+4) 6: Distributor OO 10. Cloaking Field
6-7: Wpns: OOO 6-7: Wpns: OOO
Opacity Satellites (3) IDS/III (5+)
8: Shields OOO (1) 8: Shields OOO (1)
OO Opacity Satellites (3) O

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

9: Command 9: Command
1-3: Crew OOO 1-3: Crew OOO O
4-6: EW OOO (4) 4-6: EW OOO O (4)
10: Critical (roll 2d10) 10: Critical (roll 2d10)
Ramsey DD PV: 130 Ramsey DD Knox FF PV: 184 Knox FF
THR: 6 (B) MAN: 4 SIG: 4 EW: 10 Ablative Armor Static Shields THR: 4 (B) MAN: 3 SIG: 2 EW: 10 Ablative Armor Static Shields
Laser (L) (d8) 6/12/21/30 F: OOOOOOOO 4 Laser (T) (d8) 8/16/28/40 F: OOOOOOOOOOOO 5
Laser (R)( d8) 6/12/21/30 P: OOOOOO Gauss (SL) (d8) 6/12/21/30 P: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

S: OOOOOO Gauss (SR) (d8) 6/12/21/30 S: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO


1: Structure OO 1-9: None 1: Structure OOOO 1-9: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 10. FTL 2-3: Secondary (roll) 10. FTL
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering
1-3: Thrust OO (3) 1-3: Thrust OOO (2)
FTL 4-5: MAN OO (3) FTL 4-5: MAN OOO (1)
6: Distributor OO 6: Distributor OO
6-7: Wpns: OO 6-7: Wpns: OOO
8: Shields OO (2) 8: Shields OOO (2)
9: Command 9: Command
1-3: Crew OO 1-3: Crew OOO
4-6: EW OO (4) 4-6: EW OOO (4)
10: Critical (roll 2d10) 10: Critical (roll 2d10)

Ochakov DD PV: 134 Ochakov DD Kalinin CA PV: 403 Kalinin CA

THR: 7 (B) MAN: 6 SIG: 4 EW: 10 Ablative Armor Static Shields THR: 4 (B) MAN: 3 SIG: 1 EW: 12 Ablative Armor Static Shields
Gauss (L) (d6) 8/16/28/40 F: OOOOOO Laser (T) (d10) 10/20/25/50 F: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Gauss (R) (d6) 8/16/28/40 P: OOOOO Laser (T) (d10) 10/20/25/50 P: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
S: OOOOO Gauss (L) (d8) 8/16/28/40
Gauss (R) (d8) 8/16/28/40
1: Structure OO 1-9: None 1: Structure OOOOO 1-9: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 10. FTL 2-3: Secondary (roll) 10. FTL
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering
1-3: Thrust OO (3) 1-3: Thrust OOO (2)
FTL 4-5: MAN OO (3) FTL 4-5: MAN OOO (1)
6: Distributor OO 6: Distributor OO
6-7: Wpns: OO 6-7: Wpns: OOO
8: Shields OO (2) 8: Shields OOO (2)
9: Command 9: Command
1-3: Crew OO 1-3: Crew OOO
4-6: EW OO (4) 4-6: EW OOO (4)
10: Critical (roll 2d10) 10: Critical (roll 2d10)
Wotan BB PV: 1112 Wotan BB Steinmauer CA PV: 257 Steinmauer CA
THR: 3 (I) MAN: 2 SIG: -2 EW: 12 Ablative Armor THR: 3 (I) MAN: 3 SIG: 2 EW: 8 Static Shields
Ablative Armor
Pulse Disr (EF) (d10) 10/20/35/50 A: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Disruptor (EF) (d8) 8/16/28/40 F: OOOOOOOOOOOO 3
Pulse Disr (EF) (d10) 10/20/35/50 PD Laser (T) (d6) 6/12/21/30
Pulse Disr (OL) (d10) 10/20/35/50 PD Laser (T) (d6) 6/12/21/30 S: OOOOOOOOOOOO
Pulse Disr (OR) (d10) 10/20/35/50
VT Disr (EF) (d10) 10/20/35/50
VT Disr (EF) (d10) 10/20/35/50 1: Struct OOOOOOOO 1-4: None 1: Struct OOOO 1-7: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 5: Auto-Repair 2-3: Secondary (roll) 8: IDS/III
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 6: IDS/III SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 9. FTL/I
1-3: Thrust OOOO (1) 7. Booster 1-3: Thrust OOO (1) 10. Inhibitor
Auto-Repair Fighter Slots: 4 4-5: MAN OOOO (1) 8. Opacity Satellites FTL/Imp 4-5: MAN OOO (1)
Booster (2) O 6: Distributor OO 9. FTL/I IDS/II (6+) 6: Distributor OO
FTL/Imp 10. Fighter Rack (2) Inhibitor/8”
IDS/III (5+) 6-7: Wpns: OOOO 6-7: Wpns: OOO
Fighter Rack (4) 8: Shields OOOO (1) 8: Shields OOO (1)
Ablative Shields
Opacity Satellites (3) 9: Command 9: Command
1-3: Crew OOOO OOOOOO O 1-3: Crew OOO
4-6: EW OOOO (3) OOOOOO O 4-6: EW OOO (3)
10: Critical (roll 2d10) OOOOOO O 10: Critical (roll 2d10)
Regen: d5
Renown BC PV: 774 Renown BC Arion Cutter PV: 181 Imravik Cutter PV: 106
THR: 4 (I) MAN: 2 SIG: -2 EW: 10 THR: 8 (G) MAN: 6 SIG: 8 EW: 4 THR: 8 (G) MAN: 6 SIG: 8 EW: 6
Ablative Armor
F: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AT/F Grav (FF)(d8) Rng: 25/50/75 AoE: 3” Pulse MOL (EF) (d6) 10/20/35/50
Disruptor (T) (d8) 10/20/35/50 A: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Drone Rack (d10) 8/16/28/40 P: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Drone Rack (d10) 8/16/28/40
Drone Rack (d10) 8/16/28/40 Armor: F4/A4/P4/S4 Shields: 6 Armor: F4/A4/P4/S4 Shields: 6
Drone Rack (d10) 8/16/28/40
PD Laser (T) (d6) 8/16/28/40 1: Struct OOOOOO SYSTEMS NOTES SYSTEMS NOTES
1-5: None
2-3: Secondary (roll) 6: Damage Control FTL Hard-Wired FTL Hard-Wired
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 7. Booster ADS/III (6+)
1-3: Thrust OOOO (1) 8. Imaging Field
Damage Control (3) All Drone Racks 4-5: MAN OOOO (1) 9. FTL
FTL 6: Distributor OO 10. Reload Racks
D: 2 OOOO ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
IDS/II (6+)
Imaging Field (+2) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4)
8: Shields OOOO (1)
Reload Racks OO Ablative Shields (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

9: Command +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT
OOOOOO O ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
10: Critical (roll 2d10) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4) (THR 4)
Regen: d5 (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3)
Type 31 Escort PV: 113 P440 PT PV: 63 PV: PV:
THR: 6 (I) MAN: 5 SIG: 5 EW: 8 THR: 7 (I) MAN: 5 SIG: 6 EW: 6 MV: DEF: ARM: SLOT: MV: DEF: ARM: SLOT:
Laser (FF) (d8) 8/16/28/40 Gauss (F) (d10) 8/16/28/40
Laser (T) (d6) 6/12/21/30

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Armor: Ablative Shields: 4 Armor: Ablative Shields: 3 Pilot Quality: Pilot Quality:



ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ SQUADRONS SQUADRONS

F: OOOOOO F: OOOOOO F: OOOOOO F: OOOO F: OOOO F: OOOO ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______
DMG: OO DMG: OO DMG: OO DMG: OO DMG: OO DMG: OO ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______ ID:_______

Wotan BB PV: Wotan BB PV:

THR: MAN: SIG: EW: Armor THR: MAN: SIG: EW: Armor


1: Struct OOOOOOOOOOO 1: 1: Struct OOOOOOOOOOO 1:
2-3: Secondary (roll) 2: 2-3: Secondary (roll) 2:
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 3: SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 3:
1-3: THR OOOOOOO ( ) 4: 1-3: THR OOOOOOO ( ) 4:
4-5: MAN OOOOOOO ( ) 5: 4-5: MAN OOOOOOO ( ) 5:
6: Distributor OO 6: 6: Distributor OO 6:
6-7: Wpns: OOOOOOO 7. 6-7: Wpns: OOOOOOO 7.
8: Shields OOOOOOO ( ) 8. 8: Shields OOOOOOO ( ) 8.
Shields 9: Command 9. Shields 9: Command 9.
1-3: Crew OOOOOOO 10. 1-3: Crew OOOOOOO 10.
OOOOOO O 10: Critical (roll 2d10) OOOOOO O 10: Critical (roll 2d10)
Regen: Regen:
Wotan BB PV: PV: PV:
Armor: Shields: Armor: Shields:
2-3: Secondary (roll) 1:
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 2:
1-3: THR OOOOOOO ( ) 3:
Hard-Wired 4-5: MAN OOOOOOO ( ) 4:
6: Distributor OO 5: ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
6-7: Wpns: OOOOOOO 6:
8: Shields OOOOOOO ( ) 7.
Shields 9: Command 8.
1-3: Crew OOOOOOO 9.
OOOOOO O 10: Critical (roll 2d10) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3)
OOOOOO O (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3) (MAN 3)
Regen: +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT
Wotan BB PV: PV: PV:
Armor: F /A /P /S Shields: Armor: F /A /P /S Shields:
2-3: Secondary (roll) 1:
SYSTEMS NOTES 4-5: Engineering 2:
1-3: THR OOOOOOO ( ) 3:
Hard-Wired 4-5: MAN OOOOOOO ( ) 4:
6: Distributor OO 5: ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
8: Shields OOOOOOO ( ) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3)
(MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Shields 9: Command 8. +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT +3 TO HIT
1-3: Crew OOOOOOO 9.
OOOOOO O ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________ ID:________
OOOOOO O 4-6: EW OOOOOOO ( ) 10.
10: Critical (roll 2d10) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3) (THR 3)
OOOOOO O (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2) (MAN 2)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2

+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3

1” 1” 1” 2” 2” 2” 3” 3” 3” 3”

5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 2”
1” 1” 1” 2” 2” 2” 3” 3” 3”

3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2”
1” 1” 1” 2” 2” 2” 3” 3” 3”

A A A A A A A A A 1”
1” 1” 1” 2” 2” 2” 3” 3” 3”

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)


Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Flight Flight
Launch Recovery Launch Recovery
Deck Deck
Hangar Hangar

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

Fleet Roster
NOTATION LEGEND: PWR = Power Flow setting; (B)alanced, (E)ngines, (W)eapons, (S)hields. MV = movement speed. THR/MAN:
available Thrust/Maneuver after movement speed increase. (F)ore/(A)ft/(P)ort/(S)tarboard.
Short: (E)ngines, (W)eapons, (D)istributor
Ship ID: __________
MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________
THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________
Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S
System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:


MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________
THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________
Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S
System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Ship ID: __________

MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________
THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________
Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S
System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:


MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________
THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________
Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S
System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Ship ID: __________

MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________
THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________
Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S
System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:


MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________ MV: ______________
THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________ THR/MAN: ________
Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S Shield Short: F A P S
System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D System Short: E W D
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

 Assign OEW/DEW to ships/squadrons POWER TO ENGINES:
 Both players roll 2d6; higher total is Initiative Player R +1/+2 to Thrust Rating
 Roll for Opacity Satellite reduction/removal -1/-2 to all Energy Weapon Damage die rolls
(repeat until all ships/fighter groups have activated) FL FR POWER TO SHIELDS:

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

 Remove Chaff from last turn’s activation +1/+2 to non-Ablative Shields
(3600) OLR 1 1/2 Shield Regeneration die rolls (Ablative)
 Adjust Power Flow setting RL RR ORR
 Recharge Ablative Shields (conditional) -1/-2 to Thrust
 Use THR to adjust movement speed
 Squadrons/Groups check Command Network POWER TO WEAPONS:
EF 1
range +1/+2 to all Energy Weapon Damage die rolls
 Inhibitor on/off -1/-2 to Thrust
 Fighters in Launch Bay removed ER
 Move fighters from Flight Deck to Launch Bay
 Fighter Re-arming (conditional) ION WEAPON VS. DOWN SHIELD (d6):
 Move and/or Fire +1: not yet activated; engage enemy from 1: No Effect
Fore Aft; half or more friendly fighters Nimble.
 Launch and/or Land Fighters 2-3: Shield Short. One adjacent shield/one
 Dogfights Port Stbd -1: Brick; half or more friendly each full row
Shield Generator
 Remove (system) Short markers Aft +/- Pilot Quality modifier,
 Use Reload Racks - half enemy Evasive Maneuver ratings. 4: Weapons Short: any weapon capable of firing
 Move fighters from Recovery/Hangar to Flight Deck through downed shield
and Flight Deck to Hangar (simultaneous)
 Damage Control/Auto-Repair
 Check for Hard Turn damage 5. Engine Short: no Thrust
 Roll for ALL Area Torpedo marker detonations
6. Distributor Short: must keep same Power
Remove all OEW/DEW markers
Flow setting

CALCULATING THE TO HIT NUMBER Weapons Ablative Static Particle Static Ablative Gravitic WPN Damage
Target’s Signature + DEW + Range+ (Opacity/Terrain) Effect Table Armor Armor Shields Shields Shields Shields Ratio
Firer’s OEW BiLPro (BP) -1 -1 - - - -2 (1)
= To Hit number on roll of 2d6. Gauss - - -1 - +1 -2 (1)
TO HIT NUMBER - RANGE MODIFIERS Spinal Mount (SM) +3 +3 NE +1 +2 -1 1:4
Short Medium Long Extreme Laser - +1 -1 - - -2 (1)
Firing Ship - +1 +2 +4 Particle (PART) +2 +1 -1 +1 - -2 (1)
Firing Fighter -4 -2 0 +1 Plasma (PLAS) +3 +2 NE - +1 - (1)
Disruptor (DISR) +2 x1.5 NE +1 +2 - 1:4
SMALL SHIP DAMAGE TABLE (Sig. 7: +1 Sig. 8: +2)
Graviton (GRAV) +3 x1.5 NE +2 +3 +1 1:3
DIE ROLL (d10) 1 2-3 4-6 7-8 9+
Molecular (MOL) x2 x2 NE +3 x1.5 +2 1:2
Antimatter (AM) x1.5 x2 NE x1.5 x1.5 +3 1:2
Copyright © 2011 Karl G. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.



Thomas Wall Jr (order #6247474)

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