(Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks) : Mimic

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Mid Spring Semester Examination 2011-2012

BTech (2"d Year) Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing, Physics, Exploration Geophysics

Operations Research-11

Subj No: IM21006 Total Marks 60

Date: 22/02/12 (FN) Time2hours

Venue- S301, S302

(Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks)

1a For an M/M/1, FCFS queue with infinite source and capacity, derive the expected queue-size
of non-empty queue.

1b Arrivals are Poisson with mean rate as 5/hr and the mean service time is 10 minutes in a
doctor's chamber with a sitting capacity of 4 and the rest have to stand. What is i) the
expected queue length, ii) queue length of non-empty queue and iii) the probability that a
patient upon arrival has to stand.

2a Show for an M/G/1 system that there is an embedded Markov chain. Derive the expected
length of an M/G/1 system.

2b Customers arrive at a service station as a Poisson process with mean rate of 4/hr. The service
time is given by a two point distribution:6 minutes 1/3rd of the time and 15 minutes 2/3ofthe
time. Find i) the expected length of the system and ii) the probability that more than 1
customer in the system,

3a Show that for an GI/M/1 system there is an embedded Markov chain. If the probability of
number in the system (n) at arrival point at steady-state is denoted by q"· then derive this

3b For a four point interarrival distribution given by 1min with prob. 0.2, 2min with prob. 0.1,
4min with prob. 0.3, and 6min with prob 0.4, the mean service time is exponential with a
mean of 3min and a single server. Find the i) mean length of system ii)the mean length of the
queue and iv)waiting time, at arrival points

4 Define SMP and all probabilities and distribution function associated with it. Derive the
following for M/M/1 system and MIMic system

i) Qij(t) ii) Pii iii) Fii(t)

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