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Does The Moon Have An Atmosphere?

For many years we believed that the moon had no

atmosphere. That is simply not true. The moon has many
unusual gasses that help to make up its “atmosphere”. Some
of these gasses are potassium,sodium.

This is because its so thin that solar wind can easily

knock it off of the planet. This layer is known as the
exosphere. Its where the gasses are thinly spread around the
planet. This is the main reason why the moon is so cold even
though it has an atmosphere.

How Did We Get This Data?

Years ago when we landed the Apollo 17 mission we had one

of the astronauts carefully place down ​L.A.C.E.​. This stands
for the Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment.

This has the ability to collect samples from the moon and
analyzes them so we can study their composition. And
through the data that we can get back we can have more
insight on the moon’s formation and past. From this we can
conclude what could have happened during that time.

How The Moon’s Atmosphere Different From Mars?

The moon has little no no atmosphere. ​This is due to the

gaseous composition it has​. Most of the elements that
compose it are relatively light. This makes it so weak that
solar wind can easily remove it from the planet and expose it
to the vacuum of space: giving it its cold climate.
Mars on the other hand has a weather system. Due to
the massive amounts of dust that is found on the planet. It is
known to have dangerous dust storms that ​can reach speeds
up to 79 km per hour​. There was even a storm that was so big
that it ​covered the entire planet’s surface.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living On

The Moon?

If we lived on the moon it would be easier to transport

supplies. The distance from the moon to Earth would make
this easier.We would have to design a new spacesuit to deal
with Mars’ environment.

If we are able to keep a stable colony on the moon we could

mine it for resources. And it could be a great testing grounds
for future space colonies.

The Advantages/Disadvantages Of Living On Mars

On the other hand ​Mars has a lesser gravity to Earth​. But the
powerful dust storms could be a challenge. That’s not even
including the fact it would take ​300 days​ ​to get there. It would
take long to get supplies to there not to met the very cold

Mars has a denser atmosphere but it doesn’t help all that

much. And with that communication to and from the planet
could be difficult.

Each of the planets have their own unique advantages and
disadvantages. Like the moon is closer so communication is
easier. Or Mars’ gravity has a stronger pull than the moon.

So the moon would be a great testing ground and save us

resources. While exploring Mars will be expanding our
knowledge of the known universe. It could also lead us to
figure out how life sustains itself on these planets.

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