Self Evalution

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Vinnie Bizzarro



Self- evaluation

This year in College Composition I I have learned a lot. I have learned how to edit my essays, peer edit,

how to find our grammar mistakes, and we also learned how to fix our mistakes on our own to make our

paper well-written. Another thing I learned in College Composition I was how to make my essay better

through well-chosen words. I learned that by carefully picking words, you can make your essay sound

much better and more professional. The third thing I have learned was how to make good notes and

put down facts in regards to what your writing topic is. While you’re reading books or articles about

your topic, it’s good to write down notes to create an outline with. I also learned a wide variety of new

vocabulary words that I can use in everyday conversation and in my essays that I write in the future. The

fifth thing I learned was not to put your essay in one-person point of view, so I never used I's in my

essays, and it helped my essays get so much better. The sixth thing I have learned is how to work in

groups. Throughout the whole class, we had group projects and it taught me how to work with others

and it always helped me learn how to go to other students for help and advice on projects too. The

seventh thing I learned was how to learn better off of paper not on the computer. We had a choice to

learn vocabulary words on paper or on Membean online and it teach me how much faster I learn on

paper. The eight thing I learned was, how to meet my due dates, because every week we would have a

worksheet that would be due Friday, and this helped me practice getting my school work done on time.

The ninth thing I learned was how to get help from teachers. There were many times this year where I

needed a teacher to look over my essays and in comp we did a lot of essays so it forced me to go out

and find help and I feel like this resource I have learned will really help me in college. The tenth thing I
learned was how important it is to study for a test, because in the beginning of the year I didn’t study for

are test and I failed the first test and when I started studying I was passing the test and getting a really

good grade.

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