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Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Disc 1

(1884) by Mark Twain is one of the truly 1. Chapter 01 - 08:52 Disc 6
2. Chapter 02 - 12:31 1. Chapter 25 - 17:00
great American novels, beloved by 3. Chapter 03 - 09:10 2. Chapter 26 - 16:55
children, adults, and literary critics alike. 4. Chapter 04 - 07:51 3. Chapter 27 - 16:08
The book tells the story of “Huck” Finn, 5. Chapter 05 - 09:12 4. Chapter 28 - 21:05
his friend Jim, and their journey down 6. Chapter 06 - 15:05
7. Chapter 07 - 14:15 Disc 7
the Mississippi River on a raft. Both are
1. Chapter 29 - 23:03
on the run, Huck from his drunk and Disc 2 2. Chapter 30 - 08:29
abusive father, and Jim as a runaway 1. Chapter 08 - 23:09 3. Chapter 31 - 22:50
slave. 2. Chapter 09 - 08:59 4. Chapter 32 - 14:09
3. Chapter 10 - 07:19
4. Chapter 11 - 14:45 Disc 8
Mark Twain

Mark Twain

Cover illustration “On the Raft” from 1884 5. Chapter 12 - 15:17 1. Chapter 33 - 15:42
edition. Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, 2. Chapter 34 - 13:02
E.U., and all countries with author’s life +70 Disc 3 3. Chapter 35 - 15:26
yrs laws. Cover design by Seth Jones. This 1. Chapter 13 - 11:23 4. Chapter 36 - 12:27
design is in the public domain and may be 2. Chapter 14 - 09:21 5. Chapter 37 - 14:12
reproduced, distributed, or modified without 3. Chapter 15 - 13:01
4. Chapter 16 - 19:36 Disc 9
permission. 5. Chapter 17 - 20:13 1. Chapter 38 - 14:45
2. Chapter 39 - 11:42
Read by Annie Coleman. This recording is Disc 4 3. Chapter 40 - 12:13
in the public domain and may be 1. Chapter 18 - 27:32 4. Chapter 41 - 14:21
reproduced, distributed, or modified without 2. Chapter 19 - 21:41 5. Chapter 42 - 17:09
permission. 3. Chapter 20 - 21:50 6. Chapter the Last -
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of Disc 5
1. Chapter 21 - 23:46
books in the public domain and release the 2. Chapter 22 - 14:05
audio files back onto the net. For more 3. Chapter 23 - 14:25
information or to volunteer, visit 4. Chapter 24 - 14:01

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