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Religion/Values Education 7 English 7 Math 7
Science 7 Filipino 7 Computer 7

Filipino 7 8/23 Thursday

Maikling Kwento – Katuturan, Uri (a); Tinampikan
Dula – Sulambi
Alamat – Palendag (lendag) paghikbi
Wika – Retorikal na pang-ugnay; Hiram na salita; Pangungusap na walang tiyak na paksa; Tagline

Math 7 8/24 Friday

Set Operations
Operation in Integers & Fractions
Expressing Fractions to Decimals & vice versa
Approximating Square Roots
Problem Solving in Integers & Fractions

Religion/Values Education 7 8/22 Wednesday

Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Liturgical Year
Books in the Old Testament
Prayer for St. Augustine life


Q1 Reviewer – Religion/Values Ed 7 for Private Catholic Augustinian Schools
Terminologies Pre – Monthly Test
Gifts Fruits Isaiah 11:1-3 Galatians 5:19-24
Counsel (Right
Wisdom Understanding Piety (Reverence)
Fear of the Lord Fortitude
Knowledge Love
(Wonder & Awe) (Strength/Courage)
Joy Peace Patience Kindness
Generosity Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control
Modesty Chastity Goodness St. Thomas Aquinas
Post–Monthly Test ~ until ~ Periodical Test
The Confessions The City of God Thagaste August 28, 430
November 13, 354 Alypius Adeodatus Patricius
Saint Monica Milania Grammar Madaura
Soliloquies Chapter I
Idless Concubine The Happy Life
page 17
Sect of the Manicheans Bible Words of God Good news
Collection of feelings Old Testament New Testament Biblia
Story of Jesus Covenant God and Israelites Jesus Christ
His followers Books of Law Prophetic books Historical books
Wisdom books Prophets Joshua poetry
songs Gospels Acts of the Apostles Non–Pauline letters
Pauline Letters Revelation
(Epistles) (future/Peter)

Prayer for St. Augustine’s life

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.

Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.


o These are what we are given by God to participate and grow in the Trinity.
o They make us more attentive to the voice of God and make it easier to follow his plan in our lives.
o It opens our hearts to God’s help and guidance through our choices and actions and opens us to
the guidance we need to follow God’s plan.

 The ability to judge correctly our experiences and those events occurring around us
 Standards a Christian uses to judge right & wrong based on objective truth given by Jesus &
taught by the Church

 It perfects our perception of the mysteries of the Faith.
 It allows us to go deeper into the divine truths revealed by God.
 It helps us make wise decisions, choosing promptly, correctly, and according to the will of God.
 We can choose the actions that will be for the glory of God
 It flows from the gifts of wisdom and understanding.

 It teaches us the meaning of divine filiation, the joyful awareness of being children of God.
 It leads us to true love of God and love of all human being as His children.
 This should radically change the way we treat our neighbor.


 It refers to our sense of sovereign respect in the presence of an all-powerful and loving God.
 It helps us to know the evil of sin and to detest it.
 It impresses upon our hearts a spirit of adoration and humility.

 It refers to our sense of sovereign respect in the presence of an all-powerful and loving God.
 It helps us to know the evil of sin and to detest it.
 It impresses upon our hearts a spirit of adoration and humility.

 It enables us to use created things wisely.
 It permits us to live a life of detachment from possessions, using created things as God intended.


o These are the effects of the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit.
o Our soul begins to experience the peace and freedom that God has planned for us through these
of the Holy Spirit.
o They address our relationship to God, self, and other.

“Those supernatural works that are done joyfully and with peace of soul.”
~St. Thomas Aquinas

 It helps us make wise decisions, choosing promptly, correctly, and according to the will of God.
 As Jesus teaches in the Greatest Commandments

 An inner spirit of happiness remains in spite of troubles and tragedy
 It is the result of keeping our thoughts on Heaven.

 It comes from the awareness of God’s presence among us & within us.
 We find it through prayer and contemplation.
 It is the ability to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
 This virtue is lacking in modern society where instant gratification is expected.
 Trusting in God helps us to become more of it.

 It comes from recognizing Christ in every person and treating him or her accordingly.

 A measure of our response to all that God has given us
 Whatever good we have is meant to be shared, especially with those in need – whether it is our
faith, time or wealth.

 The practice of our belief and standing up for it.
 It can be weakened by laziness, luke-warmness, and peer pressure.

 It means to treat others charitably and with respect.
 It is related to kindness, patience and love.

 To have command over our passions
 It allows us to avoid unjust or disproportionate anger, gluttony, sins against purity, etc.
 Our thoughts and actions should reflect the divine presence within us.





Test Questionnaire in Religion/Values Ed 7 for Private Catholic Augustinian Schools:


Note: Choices may be used in multiple times.

Wisdom Knowledge Love Fortitude (Strength/Courage)
Counsel (Right Judgment) Fear of the Lord (Wonder & Awe) Fruits Gifts
Understanding Piety (Reverence)

__________ 1.) They address our relationship to God, self, and other.
__________ 2.) The ability to judge correctly our experiences and those events occurring around us
__________ 3.) They make us more attentive to the voice of God and make it easier to follow his plan
in our lives.
__________ 4.) This should radically change the way we treat our neighbor.
__________ 5.) These are what we are given by God to participate and grow in the Trinity.
__________ 6.) Our soul begins to experience the peace and freedom that God has planned for us
through these of the Holy Spirit.
__________ 7.) Standards a Christian uses to judge right & wrong based on objective truth given by
Jesus & taught by the Church
__________ 8.) It leads us to true love of God and love of all human being as His children.
__________ 9.) It allows us to go deeper into the divine truths revealed by God.
__________ 10.) It teaches us the meaning of divine filiation, the joyful awareness of being children of
__________ 11.) We can choose the actions that will be for the glory of God.
__________ 12.) It flows from the gifts of wisdom and understanding.
__________ 13.) These are the effects of the (Answer in Item No. 5) of the Holy Spirit.
__________ 14.) It opens our hearts to God’s help and guidance through our choices and actions and
opens us to the guidance we need to follow God’s plan.
__________ 15.) It perfects our perception of the mysteries of the Faith.
__________ 16.) It helps us make wise decisions, choosing promptly, correctly, and according to the
will of God.
__________ 17.) As Jesus teaches in the Greatest Commandments

Note: Choices may be used in multiple times.

Peace Self-control Generosity St. Thomas Aquinas
Goodness Chastity Patience Modesty
Kindness Joy Faithfulness Gentleness
Answer Item No. 7 on the end of the last item.
__________ 18.) It refers to our sense of sovereign respect in the presence of an all-powerful and
loving God.
__________ 19.) It helps us to know the evil of sin and to detest it.
__________ 20.) It impresses upon our hearts a spirit of adoration and humility.
__________ 21.) It is the character that gives us strength and courage to endure long and trying
difficulties and to complete the tasks we have undertaken in the service of God.
__________ 22.) It makes us steadfast in the Faith, constant in struggle, and faithful in perseverance.
__________ 23.) It enables us to use created things wisely.
__________ 24.) It permits us to live a life of detachment from possessions, using created things as
God intended.
__________ 25.) It helps us to love God and neighbor as we ought.
__________ 26.) An inner spirit of happiness remains in spite of troubles and tragedy
__________ 27.) It is the result of keeping our thoughts on Heaven.
__________ 28.) It comes from the awareness of God’s presence among us & within us.
__________ 29.) We find it through prayer and contemplation.
__________ 30.) It is the ability to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
__________ 31.) This virtue is lacking in modern society where instant gratification is expected.
__________ 32.) Trusting in God helps us to become more of it.
__________ 33.) It comes from recognizing Christ in every person and treating him or her
__________ 34.) A measure of our response to all that God has given us
__________ 35.) Whatever good we have is meant to be shared, especially with those in need –
whether it is our faith, time or wealth.
__________ 36.) The practice of our belief and standing up for it.
__________ 37.) It can be weakened by laziness, luke-warmness, and peer pressure.
__________ 38.) It means to treat others charitably and with respect.
__________ 39.) It is related to kindness, patience and love.
__________ 40.) To have command over our passions
__________ 41.) It allows us to avoid unjust or disproportionate anger, gluttony, sins against purity,
__________ 42.) Our thoughts and actions should reflect the divine presence within us.
__________ 43.) It allows us to avoid the sin of pride, vanity, boasting, or seeking praise from others.
__________ 44.) We take care and respect for appropriate dress, actions, and the ways we treat
__________ 45.) It means practicing purity within one’s state of life.
__________ 46.) It means avoiding all sexual activity and lustful attractions (for priests and
__________ 47.) Every sexual expression is open to new life and a true act of self-giving love is shared
with each other.
__________ 48.) It means having an essentially good nature in thoughts, words, and deeds.

__________ 7.) “Those supernatural works that are done joyfully and with peace of soul.”

St. Augustine’s Basic Information and Accomplishments

Note: Choices may be used in multiple times.
August 28, 430 Thagaste The Confessions
The City of God November 13, 354 Souk–Ahras, Algeria

__________ 49.) St. Augustine’s most well–known writing.

__________ 50.) The place where St. Augustine was born.
__________ 51.) The day St. Augustine died.
__________ 52.) The place, in present time, where St. Augustine was born.
__________ 53.) The day St. Augustine was born.
__________ 54.) Another writing that St. Augustine did.

St. Augustine’s Personal Life

Note: Choices may be used in multiple times.
Patricius Milania Adeodatus
Alypius Saint Monica

__________ 55.) St. Augustine’s father __________ 58.) His live–in partner
__________ 56.) His mother __________ 59.) Son of St. Augustine
__________ 57.) His best friend
His Education and Career
Note: Choices may be used in multiple times.
Soliloquies Chapter I
Sect of the Manicheans Concubine Madaura
page 17
One The Happy Life Idless Eighteen
Grammar Seventeen
__________ 60.) Subject he took at the age of 11
__________ 61.) Place where he studied until he was 15
__________ 62.) Years he spent idles at Tagaste
__________ 63.) His age when his father died.
__________ 64.) He takes this kind of woman.
__________ 65.) His age when his son was born.
__________ 66.) This book was resulted from a three-day discussion of three friends after which St.
Augustine celebrated his birthday.
__________ 67.) He enrolled as an educator in this place.

__________ 68.)
__________ 69.)


Q1 Test – Science 7 for Private Catholic Augustinian Schools
Terminologies Pre – Monthly Test

Post–Monthly Test ~ until ~ Periodical Test

Matter Mass Space Atoms
Constant Molecules Solid Liquid
Gas Plasma Pure substance Mixture
Homogeneous Heterogeneous Element Compound
Metalloid Physical Properties Intensive Extensive
Cone Cylinder Sphere Rectangle
Boiling point Density 𝐷= Mercury
Water Ethyl Carbon tetrachloride Chlorine
Iron Copper Silver Lead
Butter Malleability Ductility Hardness
Chemical properties Periods Groups Family
Elements in the
Other elements Elements in the ocean Periodic Table
Human Body
Natural Gas Methane Liquors Ethyl Alcohol
Sweetener Table sugar Blood Glucose
Vinegar Acetic Acid Fever and inflammation Aspirin
Magnetic separation Decantation Evaporation Filtration

Test Questionnaire:
__________ 1.)
__________ 2.)
__________ 3.)


M1 Pagsusulit – AP 7 para sa mga Pribadong Paaralan ng mga Agustinyano
Mga Salita/Terminolohiya Bago mag–Buwanang Pagsusulit

Pagkatapos mag-Buwanang Pagsusulit ~ until ~

Periodical Test

Test Questionnaire:
__________ 1.)
__________ 2.)
__________ 3.)


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