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Molecular Plant

Review Article

Two Faces of One Seed: Hormonal Regulation of

Dormancy and Germination
Kai Shu1,3,5, Xiao-dong Liu2,4,5, Qi Xie1,* and Zu-hua He2,*
State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China
Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Institute of Ecological Agriculture, Sichuan Agricultural University,
Chengdu 611130, China
College of Agronomy, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, Xinjiang, China
5These authors contributed equally to this article.
*Correspondence: Zu-hua He (, Qi Xie (

Seed plants have evolved to maintain the dormancy of freshly matured seeds until the appropriate time for
germination. Seed dormancy and germination are distinct physiological processes, and the transition from
dormancy to germination is not only a critical developmental step in the life cycle of plants but is also impor-
tant for agricultural production. These processes are precisely regulated by diverse endogenous hormones
and environmental cues. Although ABA (abscisic acid) and GAs (gibberellins) are known to be the primary
phytohormones that antagonistically regulate seed dormancy, recent findings demonstrate that another
phytohormone, auxin, is also critical for inducing and maintaining seed dormancy, and therefore might
act as a key protector of seed dormancy. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the
sophisticated molecular networks involving the critical roles of phytohormones in regulating seed
dormancy and germination, in which AP2-domain-containing transcription factors play key roles. We
also discuss the interactions (crosstalk) of diverse hormonal signals in seed dormancy and germination,
focusing on the ABA/GA balance that constitutes the central node.
Keywords: seed dormancy, germination, ABA, GA, auxin, crosstalk
Shu K., Liu X.-d., Xie Q., and He Z.-h. (2016). Two Faces of One Seed: Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and
Germination. Mol. Plant. 9, 34–45.

INTRODUCTION plants. The ecological significance of seed dormancy includes

preventing germination out of season, and consequently
Seed dormancy is crucial to plant survival and ensures that seeds decreasing competition within species and ensuring plant
germinate only when environmental conditions are optimal. It survival under stressful conditions. As a complex and myste-
thus is an adaptive trait in numerous seed-plant species, enabling rious biological question, seed dormancy has attracted
wild plants to survive under stressful conditions in nature increasing attention from multi-disciplinary researchers,
(Finkelstein et al., 2008). Most crops have been domesticated including plant biologists, crop geneticists, breeders, and
from wild species and show decreased levels of seed food scientists. Nevertheless, it remains ‘‘one of the least
dormancy compared with their wild relatives, which ensures understood phenomena in seed biology’’ (Finkelstein et al.,
higher emergence rates after sowing (Lenser and Theissen, 2008), despite considerable progress over past decades
2013; Meyer and Purugganan, 2013). However, the (Graeber et al., 2012; Rajjou et al., 2012). In this review, we
inappropriate loss or release of seed dormancy results in the summarize the mechanisms underlying the regulation of seed
rapid germination of freshly matured seeds or even pre-harvest dormancy and germination, and focus on the emerging
sprouting (vivipary) in crops (Figure 1), causing substantial findings concerning the phytohormone network controlling
losses in yield and quality in agricultural production in addition this transition, mostly from studies with the model plant
to problems including post-harvest management and subse- Arabidopsis thaliana.
quent industrial utilization (Simsek et al., 2014).

Induction, maintenance, and thereafter release of seed Published by the Molecular Plant Shanghai Editorial Office in association with
dormancy are important physiological processes in seed Cell Press, an imprint of Elsevier Inc., on behalf of CSPB and IPPE, SIBS, CAS.

34 Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016.

Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination Molecular Plant
indicated that the epigenetic regulatory-related genes possess
key roles during seed maturation, which thereafter affect the
seed dormancy establishment process (Figure 2).

We propose that subsequently, during the germination

process, seed dormancy may be related to a characteristic chro-
matin structure in certain regions of chromosomes in the seed,
where germination-promoted genes cannot be activated even
in the presence of related transcription factors because their
binding sites are unavailable due to steric hindrance, with phyto-
hormones also involved in this process. In contrast, dormancy
release leading to germination is a process in which the chro-
matin structure is modified by cold stratification or after-
ripening treatments, making the germination-promoted genes
available for transcription, resulting in cell elongation and division,
seed coat and endosperm rupture, and finally emergence of the
radicle when conditions are favorable.

Although dormancy is established during seed maturation,

whereas exogenous ABA application (or even maternal ABA in
the plant during seed development) only inhibits seed germination
but fails to induce seed dormancy; only ABA synthesized by the
seed can establish dormancy (Kucera et al., 2005). Thus, the
differently localized ABA in plant tissues possesses distinct
effects on seed dormancy or germination. In addition, ABI5 is an
Figure 1. Representative Image of the Pre-harvest Sprouting important positive regulator in the ABA-signaling pathway, and
Phenotype of Rice in the Field.
its loss-of-function mutant abi5 is insensitive to ABA-mediated
Pre-harvest sprouting of crops often occurs when mature plants
inhibition of seed germination; however, abi5 does not show
encounter prolonged rainfall and high humidity during the harvest season,
which decreases yields and grain quality and also causes problems in altered seed dormancy (Finkelstein, 1994; Brocard-Gifford et al.,
industrial process. Red arrows indicate sprouting seeds on panicles. 2003; Finkelstein et al., 2008). Furthermore, DOG1 (Delay of
Germination 1) is a key player in the induction and maintenance
of seed dormancy, but ABA sensitivity is unchanged in dog1
DISTINCT PROCESSES OF SEED (Nakabayashi et al., 2012). A new study demonstrated that
DOG1 mediates a conserved coat-dormancy mechanism
DORMANCY AND GERMINATION including the temperature- and gibberellin (GA)-dependent path-
Seed dormancy and germination has been studied intensively ways (Graeber et al., 2014). Subsequent studies suggested
and extensively in the past; however, what constitutes seed the importance of epigenetic regulation for DOG1. Histone
dormancy at the molecular level remains largely unknown. demethylases LDL1 (LYSINESPECIFIC DEMETHYLASE LIKE 1)
Here, we attempt to address this question from a new viewpoint and LDL2 repress seed dormancy by regulating DOG1 (Zhao
based on recent progress. et al., 2015), and chromatin remodeling of DOG1 is also involved
in dormancy cycling (Footitt et al., 2015). Furthermore, the
Seed dormancy ensures that seeds germinate at the appropriate histone methyltransferases KRYPTONITE (KYP)/SUVH4 and
time. Therefore, during maturation, the embryo must be kept in SUVH5 repress DOG1 and ABI3 transcription during seed
a quiescent state, mobilizing almost no stored nutrients and un- maturation (Zheng et al., 2012) (Table 1). These studies
dergoing no cell division or elongation. In this quiescent state, demonstrated that the DOG1-mediated regulation pathway
germination-promoted genes are not actively expressed. There- might be distinct from the ABA and/or GA pathway (Figure 2).
fore, the radicle does not penetrate the testa and endosperm. It These observations suggest that distinct signaling pathways
is now widely recognized that the chromatin structure determines may be adopted in the regulation of seed dormancy and seed
gene expression and thereby regulates multitudinous develop- germination.
mental processes. In recent years, many genes associated with
chromatin remodeling have been reported to regulate seed
dormancy and germination (Liu et al., 2007; Saez et al., 2008; ABA AND GA, THE MAJOR
Wang et al., 2011a; Cho et al., 2012; Zheng et al., 2012). DETERMINANTS: NEWLY EMERGING
Emerging evidence shows that ABA (abscisic acid) is also
involved in chromatin remodeling (Chinnusamy et al., 2008).
For example, the histone methyltransferase gene KYP/SUVH4 It is widely recognized that ABA and GA are the primary hormones
is repressed by ABA (Zheng et al., 2012), while that antagonistically regulate seed dormancy and germination
histone acetyltransferase HvGNAT/MYST is induced by ABA (Gubler et al., 2005; Finkelstein et al., 2008; Graeber et al.,
(Papaefthimiou et al., 2010), and the epigenetic regulators 2012; Hoang et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2015a). During seed
HUB1 and RDO2 are strikingly up-regulated during the induction maturation, endogenous ABA accumulates in the seed,
of seed dormancy (Liu et al., 2011). These investigations inducing and maintaining seed dormancy and thus preventing
Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016. 35
Molecular Plant Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination
Figure 2. Changes in Accumulation of Key
Hormones and Expression of Key Regula-
tors during Seed Maturation.
Several key regulators are involved during the
seed maturation process, and constitute a com-
plex network. At the gene expression level, tran-
scription levels of the two important ABA
catabolic genes CYP707A1 and CYP707A3 are
down-regulated, while the ABA biosynthesis
genes including the NCEDs genes are up-
regulated, by ABI4 and other regulators, thus
ABA accumulates to initiate dormancy. The other
key dormancy-controlling regulator genes,
including ABI3, ABI4, DOG1, DEP, and SPT, are
activated during seed maturation to induce and
maintain primary seed dormancy, and some of
these genes interact with each other to regulate
seed dormancy levels. Among them, SUVH4,
SUVH5, LDL1, and LDL2 negatively regulate
DOG1 and ABI3 transcription, while WRKY41 and RAF10/11 directly control ABI3 expression. At the phytohormone level, ABA accumulates and seed
dormancy is initiated, established, and maintained during seed development. However, the genetics of whether auxin biosynthesis is up-regulated and
GA biosynthesis is down-regulated is not yet understood. The active lines with upward arrows indicate the change of ABA level, while dashed lines
indicate the changes of auxin and GA level. The symbol (+) indicates the elevated transcription level, while () indicates the decreased expression level
during seed maturation. The black arrows and bars indicate the positive and negative regulatory roles, respectively.

vivipary (Figure 2). In contrast, before the onset of the germination and APUM11 (Xiang et al., 2014). This evidence suggests that
process the endogenous ABA level in the seed is down- the RDO5-mediated regulation pathway is distinct from the
regulated, while the GA content is up-regulated with imbibition ABA-signaling pathway, and further detailed investigation is
and stratification treatments. needed.

ABA is a major inducer and protector of seed dormancy (Vaistij As the major downstream component of ABA signaling, ABI3 is
et al., 2013). Seeds of typical ABA-deficient mutants germinate a main regulator of seed dormancy and germination (Bentsink
faster than the wild-type (Frey et al., 2011), and transgenic and Koornneef, 2008). ABI3 expression is regulated by DEP
plants constitutively expressing the ABA biosynthesis gene (DESPIERTO), which is involved in ABA sensitivity during seed
maintain deep seed dormancy (Martinez-Andujar et al., 2011; development, and dep seeds show complete dormancy loss
Nonogaki et al., 2014). Conversely, ABA catabolism mutants (Barrero et al., 2010). WRKY41 regulates Arabidopsis seed
accumulate high ABA levels and thus cause hyperdormancy in dormancy also through directly controlling ABI3 transcription
seeds (Matakiadis et al., 2009) (Table 1). In addition to ABA during seed maturation and germination (Ding et al., 2014).
biogenesis, the ABA-signaling-dependent pathway also affects Another key component in the ABA-signaling pathway, ABI4,
seed dormancy. During the seed germination process, ABA was also described as a positive regulator of primary seed
signaling must be desensitized, whereby the membrane- dormancy (Shu et al., 2013). Subsequent studies demonstrated
associated transcription factor peptidases S1P (Site-1 Protease) that MYB96, the ABA-responsive R2R3-type MYB transcription
and S2P, process the bZIP17 protein from the endoplasmic retic- factor, positively regulates seed dormancy and negatively regu-
ulum (ER) to the Golgi and then to nucleus; and subsequently, the lates germination through mediating expression of ABI4 and
activated bZIP17 regulates the downstream transcription of ABA- ABA biogenesis genes, including NCED2 and NCED6 (Lee
signaling negative regulators (Zhou et al., 2015a). ABA acts et al., 2015a, 2015b) (Table 1). Furthermore, a study showed
through the PYR/PYL/RCAR–PP2C–SnRKs signaling cascade that calcium also regulates seed germination by affecting ABI4
(Cutler et al., 2010; Hubbard et al., 2010). The PP2C proteins, transcription that controls ABA signaling (Kong et al., 2015).
ABI1 and ABI2, bind to the ABA receptors to inhibit signaling. These studies demonstrated the key regulatory roles of positive
Their dominant-negative mutants abi1-1 and abi2-1 show regulators in ABA signaling during the transition from seed
reduced seed dormancy due to the failure of interaction between dormancy to germination.
the mutated proteins and receptors (Ma, 2009; Park et al., 2009).
Another PP2C protein, HONSU, also acts as a negative regulator Although ABI5 has no effect on seed dormancy and does not
of seed dormancy by concurrently inhibiting ABA signaling and affect dormancy level (Finkelstein, 1994), this transcription
activating GA signaling (Kim et al., 2013), suggesting that factor negatively regulates seed germination (Piskurewicz et al.,
HONSU is a key factor in mediating the ABA and GA crosstalk 2008; Kanai et al., 2010), suggesting the distinct signaling
concerning seed dormancy. Unexpectedly, a newly identified pathways for ABA-mediated seed dormancy and ABA-inhibited
PP2C gene, RDO5 (Reduced Dormancy 5), shows the strongly seed germination discussed above. A recent study showed that
reduced seed dormancy phenotype, but its ABA sensitivity and the MAP3K (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase)
content remain unchanged (Xiang et al., 2014). Further genetic genes, RAF10 and RAF11, regulate seed dormancy by affecting
and bioinformatics analysis demonstrated that RDO5 regulates ABI3 and ABI5 transcription (Lee et al., 2015c). At post-
seed dormancy through mediating the transcription of the PUF transcription level, PKS5 (SOS2-like Protein Kinase 5, also known
family of RNA binding genes, APUM9 (Arabidopsis PUMILIO 9) as CIPK11 or SnRK3.22) phosphorylates the special residue
36 Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016.
Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination Molecular Plant

Dormancy level
Gene name of mutant General description of genes References
ABI3 Decreased Positively regulates ABA signaling and Finkelstein, 1994
represses seed germination
ABI5 Not changed Positively regulates ABA signaling and Brocard-Gifford et al., 2003; Finkelstein, 1994;
represses seed germination Finkelstein et al., 2008
ABI4 Decreased Positively regulates ABA signaling and Shu et al., 2013; Kong et al., 2015
represses seed germination
NCED5 Decreased ABA biosynthesis gene, and the ABA content Frey et al., 2011
is decreased
CYP707A1/2 Enhanced ABA-inactivated gene, and ABI4 negatively Millar et al., 2006; Matakiadis et al., 2009;
regulates its transcription Shu et al., 2013
GA1/2 Enhanced GA biosynthesis genes, and the GA content Lee et al., 2002
is decreased in mutants
GA2oxs Decreased GA-inactivated genes, and the GA content Yamauchi et al., 2007
is up-regulated in mutants
RGL2/SPY Enhanced GA signaling is blocked in mutants Jacobsen and Olszewski, 1993; Lee et al., 2002
MYB96 Decreased Decreases ABI4 and some ABA biogenesis Lee et al., 2015a, 2015b
gene transcription
DOG1 Enhanced ABA sensitivity of dog1 seeds is unchanged Nakabayashi et al., 2012; Graeber et al., 2014
SUVH4/SUVH5 Enhanced Repress DOG1 and ABI3 transcription Zheng et al., 2012
LDL1/LDL2 Enhanced Repress seed dormancy by negatively Zhao et al., 2015
regulating DOG1
WRKY41 Decreased Directly promotes ABI3 transcription Ding et al., 2014
RAF10/RAF11 Decreased Directly enhances ABI3 transcription Lee et al., 2015c
DEP Decreased Promotes ABI3 transcription Barrero et al., 2010
SPT Decreased in Ler, Opposite roles in Ler and Col ecotypes Belmonte et al., 2013; Vaistij et al., 2013
while enhanced in
Col background
ARF10/ARF16 Decreased Directly promote ABI3 transcription Liu et al., 2013b
BIN2 Not mentioned Phosphorylates and stabilizes ABI5 to Hu and Yu, 2014
enhancing ABA signaling
PKS5 Not mentioned Phosphorylates ABI5 (Ser42) and controls Zhou et al., 2015b
transcription of ABA-responsive genes
HONSU Enhanced As a PP2C protein, and impairs ABA signaling Kim et al., 2013
RDO5 Enhanced ABA sensitivity and content remain unchanged Xiang et al., 2014
ABI1/2 Decreased Dominant-negative mutants, and thus the Ma, 2009; Park et al., 2009
mutated proteins cannot interact with ABA
CHO1 Decreased Acts upstream on ABI4 genetically Yamagishi et al., 2009; Yano et al., 2009
OsAP2-39 Decreased Promotes OsNCED1 and OsEUI, and thus Yaish et al., 2010
enhances ABA biogenesis and impairs GA
DDF1 Decreased Directly promotes GA2ox7 and thus decreases Magome et al., 2008
GA content

Table 1. Key Genes Involved in Seed Dormancy and Germination.

(Ser42) in ABI5 and controls transcription of ABA-responsive Another key phytohormone, GA, breaks dormancy and stimu-
genes and, consequently, precisely regulates ABA signaling lates germination by antagonistically suppressing ABA-
and the germination process (Zhou et al., 2015b) (Table 1). triggered seed dormancy (Gubler et al., 2005; Graeber et al.,
Altogether, the endogenous ABA level and ABA signaling 2012). High GA levels or GA signaling promote seed
positively regulate seed dormancy and therefore negatively germination, possibly from the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes
regulate seed germination, and some key genes are involved in to weaken seed testa structure (Holdsworth et al., 2008), but
these physiological processes (Figure 2). the detailed mechanisms, especially in Arabidopsis, are largely
Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016. 37
Molecular Plant Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination
unknown. GA-deficient mutants, such as ga1 and ga2, show It is noted that ABI4 transcription is regulated by the transcrip-
strong seed dormancy and fail to germinate without exogenous tion factor SPT (SPATULA), which is also a key factor in seed
GA treatment (Lee et al., 2002; Shu et al., 2013). In contrast, dormancy regulation pathways; its role depends on the
mutants defective in GA2-oxidases (GA2ox), which deactivate ecotype background (Vaistij et al., 2013); furthermore, the
bioactive GA, show decreased seed dormancy (Yamauchi expression of SPT is increased during seed maturation
et al., 2007). Similarly, mutations in DELLA genes including (Belmonte et al., 2013), suggesting that the SPT–ABI4 module
RGL2 (RGA-LIKE2) and SPY (SPINDLY), negative regulators of takes the key role during dormancy establishment and
the GA-signaling pathway, can rescue the non-germination maintenance (Figure 2). Similarly, another AP2 domain-
phenotype of ga1 (Jacobsen and Olszewski, 1993; Lee et al., containing transcription factor, CHO1 (CHOTTO1), positively reg-
2002). Furthermore, DELLAs also maintain the seed embryo in ulates seed dormancy and, more interestingly, acts upstream on
a quiescent state by restricting cell-cycle progression through ABI4 genetically (Yamagishi et al., 2009; Yano et al., 2009).
repression of the activities of TCP14 (Teosinte branched1/ In rice, a model monocot, the AP2 domain-containing transcrip-
Cycloidea/Proliferating cell factor) and TCP15 (Resentini et al., tion factor OsAP2-39, directly promotes transcription of the
2015), further supporting the ‘‘quiescent state’’ hypothesis of ABA biosynthesis gene OsNCED1 and expression of the
the embryo described above. GA-inactivating gene OsEUI (ELONGATED UPPERMOST
INTERNODE), thus enhancing ABA biogenesis and impairing GA
accumulation (Yaish et al., 2010). Consequently, the transgenic
KEY ROLES OF AP2 DOMAIN- overexpression of OsAP2-39 leads to increased seed dormancy
CONTAINING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (Yaish et al., 2010). These phenotypes have been documented
in GA-deficient mutants (Richter et al., 2013), indicating that
IN SEED DORMANCY REGULATION OsAP2-39 plays a pivotal role in regulating the ABA/GA biogen-
The ABA/GA balance determines the fate of a seed: high endog- esis balance. DDF1 (DELAYED FLOWERING 1), a further player
enous ABA and low GA levels result in deep seed dormancy and and another AP2-class transcription factor, directly promotes
low emergence, while low ABA and high GA levels induce pre- transcription of the GA-inactivation gene GA2ox7, and thus
harvest sprouting. Therefore, the ABA/GA balance must be remarkably decreases endogenous GA content (Magome et al.,
strictly regulated. There are two major aspects of the ABA/GA 2008). The next player, EBE (ERF BUD ENHANCER), also an
balance: the balance of hormone levels and the balance of the AP2 domain-containing transcription factor, has been shown
signaling cascades. The question arises: in the ABA–GA interac- to positively regulate seed dormancy (Mehrnia et al., 2013).
tion, which is cause and which is effect? It has been reported that Altogether, these AP2-containing transcription factors nega-
ABA is involved in the suppression of GA biogenesis (Seo et al., tively regulate GA biogenesis while positively regulating ABA
2006), and GA also negatively regulates ABA biogenesis during biogenesis.
seed germination (Shu et al., 2013; Oh et al., 2007). Therefore,
ABA and GA may interact as both cause and effect during Consequently, we propose that the AP2 domain plays a critical but
this process. However, the molecular mechanisms involved cryptic role in the dual regulation of ABA and GA biogenesis in fine-
in precisely controlling the ABA/GA balance were largely tuning seed dormancy and germination (Figure 2). It is speculated
unknown up to now, with AP2 domain-containing transcription that a DNA motif may be among these regulators and may
factors found to possess the pivotal roles. possess undiscovered functions regarding seed dormancy
regulation, especially for the ABA/GA balance concerning
Numerous previous studies demonstrated that ABI4 is a versa- biogenesis and/or signaling levels. Furthermore, because these
tile factor that regulates many signaling pathways, including the genes positively regulate endogenous ABA and decrease GA
responses to ABA, glucose, sucrose, ethylene (ET), and salt levels, transgenic overexpression lines show deep dormancy
stress (Wind et al., 2013). Interestingly, ABI4 also positively levels and other undesirable agronomic traits, given that the
regulates ABA catabolism genes, but negatively affects GA optimal endogenous hormone levels are essential to normal
biogenesis genes; thus, the loss of ABI4 function increases plant development. Consequently, the negative regulation of
the expression of GA biosynthesis genes but decreases the these transcription factors (ABI4, DDF1, OsAP2-39, and CHO1)
expression of GA-inactivation genes, together leading to is important for normal seed dormancy, and these factors must
decreased primary seed dormancy in abi4 (Shu et al., 2013). be strictly regulated at the mRNA and protein levels by these
As an AP2 domain-containing transcription factor, ABI4 directly unknown negative regulators. Finally, further screening for
binds to the promoters of CYP707A1 and CYP707A2, which suppressors of these mutants (e.g. abi4, ddf1, osap2-39, and
function in ABA catabolism, subsequently promoting ABA cho1) might provide important information about the genetic
accumulation. However, no direct targeting of GA metabolism network of the AP2 family in seed dormancy and germination.
genes by ABI4 has been detected so far, suggesting that
ABI4 may not bind directly to the promoters of GA biogenesis
genes but may recruit or activate an additional seed-specific AUXIN: A NEW MASTER PLAYER IN SEED
transcription factor to repress the transcription of GA biogen-
esis genes. Nevertheless, in sorghum, SbABI4 and SbABI5
can directly bind to the promoter of SbGA2ox3, likely activating The phytohormone auxin is involved in almost all aspects of plant
its expression and affecting seed dormancy (Cantoro et al., development and in response to a multitude of environmental
2013). Further investigations of ABI4-repressed GA signaling cues (Zhao, 2010). Previously, auxin alone was not considered
may identify the missing link in the ABI4–GA signaling a key regulator of seed germination, although it participates in
crosstalk. crosstalk with ABA (Wang et al., 2011a). Exogenous auxin
38 Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016.
Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination Molecular Plant
application suppresses seed germination under high salinity monic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), cytokinins (CTKs), and strigo-
(Park et al., 2011), indicating that this hormone plays an lactones (SLs).
important role in seed dormancy and germination in response
to environmental stimuli. Earlier studies revealed that IAA ET breaks seed dormancy and promotes seed germination by
(indole-3-acetic acid) can delay seed germination and inhibit counteracting the effect of ABA (Arc et al., 2013b; Corbineau
pre-harvest sprouting in wheat (Ramaih et al., 2003); ABA et al., 2014). Mutations in positive regulators of the ET signaling
represses embryonic axis elongation during seed germination pathway result in deep dormancy, while the negative regulator
also by potentiating auxin signaling (Belin et al., 2009); and a ctr1 (Constitutive Triple Response 1) seeds germinate more
next study suggested that after-ripening treatment-mediated rapidly (Subbiah and Reddy, 2010). Several studies have
dormancy release is associated with decreased seed sensitivity demonstrated that ET negatively affects ABA biogenesis and
to auxin (Liu et al., 2013a). All these observations imply that signaling (Cheng et al., 2009; Linkies et al., 2009). Previous
auxin may play a role in regulating seed dormancy and studies showed that ET may affect seed germination through an
germination. ABA/GA-independent pathway (Linkies and Leubner-Metzger,
2012), and ABA and ET regulate seed dormancy by the
Emerging genetic data show that auxin protects and strictly antagonistic effect, which is mediated by key factors, such as
regulates seed dormancy alongside ABA (Liu et al., 2013b). SNL1 (SIN3-LIKE1) and SNL2 (Wang et al., 2013), suggesting a
Evidence for this conclusion is provided by the dormancy diversification of seed dormancy regulation mechanisms during
variation among seeds with altered auxin synthesis genes. evolutionary history. Interestingly, a recent study showed that
Auxin-overproducing transgenic iaaM-OX seeds show higher the ET receptors ETR1 (Ethylene Response 1) and ETR2 possess
IAA levels compared with wild-type seeds, while yuc1/yuc6 contrasting roles for ABA biosynthesis during seed germination
seeds show lower IAA content. Consistently, iaaM-OX seeds under salt-stress conditions, which may be independent of ET
exhibit strong seed dormancy, while yuc1/yuc6 seeds show the signaling (Wilson et al., 2014). However, whether and how ET
opposite phenotype. Phenotypic analysis demonstrated that affects GA biogenesis and signaling regarding seed dormancy
nearly all auxin-signaling mutants, including tir1/afb3 and tir1/ and germination is largely unknown so far.
afb2, show a decreased seed dormancy level. These observa-
tions reveal a close positive correlation between auxin content/ During seed germination, BR-deficient or BR-signaling mutants
signaling and seed dormancy, as also found for ABA. show stronger responses to ABA compared with wild-type
seeds, indicating that BR overcomes the inhibitory effect of
What is the mechanism by which auxin controls seed dormancy? ABA on germination (Steber and McCourt, 2001). BR was found
Detailed genetic and biochemical evidence shows that ABI3 is to promote seed germination in opposition to ABA partly
required for auxin-mediated seed dormancy and germination. through an MFT (MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1)-mediated pathway,
When auxin levels are low, the auxin-responsive transcription which forms a negative feedback loop to modulate ABA signaling
factors ARF10 and ARF16 are repressed by AXR2/3. Thus, the (Xi and Yu, 2010; Xi et al., 2010). A further elegant study
expression of ABI3 cannot be activated by ARF10/ARF16, and demonstrated that BIN2 (Brassinosteroid Insensitive 2), a key
seed dormancy cannot be maintained. In contrast, when auxin repressor of the BR-signaling pathway, phosphorylates and
levels are high, ARF10 and ARF16 are released to activate ABI3 stabilizes ABI5 protein to mediate ABA signaling during seed
transcription, and seed dormancy is maintained. Since ARF10 germination, whereby BR treatment represses the BIN2–ABI5
and ARF16 likely do not directly bind to the ABI3 promoter (Liu interaction, thus antagonizing ABA-mediated inhibition (Hu and
et al., 2013b), they may recruit or activate an additional seed- Yu, 2014). However, the detailed mechanisms underlying the
specific transcription factor(s) to stimulate ABI3 expression; BR–GA crosstalk are elusive. For example, does BR induce GA
thus, further screening of dormancy mutants is needed to identify biogenesis or enhance GA signaling during germination? More
the missing link in the ARF10/16–ABI3 signaling cascade. In sum- research on the effect of BR on seed dormancy is clearly needed.
mary, auxin affects ABA signaling to achieve its physiological
effect (Liu et al., 2013b). Whether auxin also affects ABI4 and SA is a plant hormone mainly associated with various defense
ABI5 is a worthwhile project in future studies. pathways. Circumstantial evidence suggests that SA also regu-
lates seed germination as a bifunctional modulator. SA inhibits
In addition, many endogenous and environmental signals germination by inhibiting the expression of GA-induced
can also affect auxin content and distribution, thus shaping a-amylase genes under normal growth conditions (Xie et al.,
plant development (Vanneste and Friml, 2009). This poses 2007). However, it promotes germination under high salinity via
an interesting question: do the same signals affect auxin another pathway that reduces oxidative damage (Lee et al.,
biogenesis or signaling to regulate seed dormancy during seed 2010b). CTKs promote seed germination by antagonizing ABA,
development? specifically by down-regulating ABI5 transcription (Wang et al.,
2011b). Further study demonstrated that CTKs antagonize ABA
signaling by inducing ABI5 protein degradation (Guan et al.,
DIVERSE REGULATORS: OTHER 2014). These observations highlight the importance of ABI5 at
PHYTOHORMONES INVOLVED IN SEED both mRNA and protein levels, and ABI5 is the pivot involved in
CTK–ABA crosstalk. It is noteworthy that although CTKs have
DORMANCY AND GERMINATION positive effects on germination, CTK-receptor mutants exhibit
In addition to ABA, GA, and auxin, nearly all other phytohormones lower dormancy levels compared with wild-type seeds (Riefler
are also likely involved in modulation of seed dormancy and et al., 2006). These inverse effects suggest that there are
germination, including ethylene (ET), brassinosteroids (BRs), jas- distinct pathways in the CTK-mediated seed germination
Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016. 39
Molecular Plant Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination
Figure 3. Preliminary Network of Phytohor-
mone Functions in Seed Dormancy and
Dormancy release and germination of the seed
are two separate but continuous phases. Freshly
matured seeds are dormant and contain high
levels of ABA and probably auxin, and low GA
contents, resulting from changes in hormone
biogenesis during seed development, as
described in Figure 2. As the first phase in seed
germination, after-ripening or stratification treat-
ments break seed dormancy (dormancy release)
by regulating ABA, GA, and auxin biogenesis and/
or signals. These three hormones may interact
to precisely control seed dormancy. In particular,
ABA and auxin positively regulate seed
dormancy in an interdependent manner, with
auxin promoting ABI3 transcription. Furthermore,
AP2 domain-containing transcription factors,
including ABI4, DDF1, OsAP2-39, and CHO1,
positively regulate seed dormancy by promoting
ABA biogenesis and repressing GA biogenesis/
accumulation. The remaining question is whether
AP2 domain-containing transcription factors also
regulate auxin biogenesis and/or signaling. After
seed dormancy is broken, non-dormant seeds initiate germination in the second phase. Different hormones affect this process by regulating the ABA/GA
balance at either the biogenesis or signaling levels. The transcription factors ARFs, MYB96, ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5, the downstream target genes including
CYP707A1 and CYP707A2, and the GA-signaling negative regulators DELLAs play key roles in this process. Being a key factor, ABI5 was regulated
precisely at transcription and post-transcription levels (ABI4 enhancing its expression while BIN2 and PKS5 phosphorylate ABI5). As the final step of seed
germination, GA induced, but ABA inhibited, the rupture of the seed coat and enabled the radicle to penetrate the coat and complete emergence. The
ABA/GA balance is the core determinant node in both steps. Arrows indicate positive regulation and bars indicate negative regulation.

regulation pathway. In future investigations, whether CTK affects likely by mediating the ABA/GA balance, although the interac-
GA biogenesis and/or signaling during the transition from tions among these hormones and GA need further investigation,
dormancy to germination will be a pertinent topic. and some known detailed mechanisms are only the tip of the
iceberg. In addition to these phytohormones, other small molec-
Exogenous JA application delays seed germination (Nambara ular compounds, including ROS (reactive oxygen species) and
et al., 2010), indicating that JA has an inhibitory effect on the NO (nitric oxide), are involved in regulating seed dormancy and
germination process. Interestingly, however, JA separately germination. ROS and NO synergistically break seed dormancy
represses the transcription of ABA biosynthesis genes and and probably act upstream of ABA (Bykova et al., 2011; Arc
promotes ABA-inactivating genes (Jacobsen et al., 2013), et al., 2013a). Thus, hormones and signaling compounds
suggesting an antagonistic effect between JA and ABA. precisely regulate seed dormancy and germination through an
Consistent with this hypothesis, coi1-16 and jar1, two JA- integrated network of interactions with the ABA/GA balance as
signaling mutants, show an ABA hypersensitive phenotype dur- the central node (Figure 3).
ing germination (Fernandez-Arbaizar et al., 2012). However, it
remains unclear why the role of JA in seed germination is In addition to phytohormones, various environmental cues
sometimes contradictory. SLs are a small class of carotenoid- determine the appropriate timing for seed germination, also by
derived compounds that regulate many aspects of plant develop- mediating the ABA/GA balance. Light is a major environmental
ment, through the signaling pathway with D53 (DWARF 53) as a factor during seed germination, increasing the expression of GA
repressor (Umehara et al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2013; Zhou et al., anabolic genes, GA3ox1 and GA3ox2, and repressing the
2013). SLs are host-derived germination stimulants for the seeds expression of GA2ox2, a GA catabolism gene (Cho et al., 2012).
of parasitic weeds (Cook et al., 1966). They also trigger seed Previous studies demonstrated that blue light represses seed
germination in other species, evidently by reducing the ABA/GA germination through enhancing the transcription of ABA
ratio (Toh et al., 2012). Furthermore, some key components in biosynthetic genes and impairing the expression of ABA
the SL signaling pathway affect seed germination, including catabolic genes (Gubler et al., 2008; Barrero et al., 2014). After-
SMAX1 (Suppressor of More Axillary Growth2 1) in Arabidopsis ripening can also break seed dormancy, which negatively
(Stanga et al., 2013) and OsD53 (Jiang et al., 2013; Zhou et al., regulates ABA biogenesis (Figure 2). The transcription level
2013), which is the homolog of SMAX1 in rice. However, the of the ABA catabolism gene CYP707A2 increases following
precise regulatory mechanisms underlying SLs need further after-ripening (Millar et al., 2006). Temperature is another
investigation. environmental factor that influences seed dormancy both
during seed maturation and in the soil by regulating the ABA/
In summary, these plant hormones, including ET, BRs, JA, SA, GA biogenesis balance (Footitt et al., 2011; Kendall et al.,
CTKs, and SLs, regulate seed dormancy and germination, most 2011). Temperature variation during seed maturation affects
40 Molecular Plant 9, 34–45, January 2016 ª The Author 2016.
Hormonal Regulation of Dormancy and Germination Molecular Plant
primary seed dormancy by regulating coat permeability, which is 2013b), suggesting that auxin biosynthesis may be enhanced
a regulatory mechanism distinct from ABA/GA pathways during seed maturation. It will be interesting to investigate how
(MacGregor et al., 2015). In addition, although the detailed the YUC genes are activated to fine-tune auxin biosynthesis dur-
mechanisms underlying the pre-harvest sprouting phenotype of ing seed maturation.
TaMFT-RNAi plants are elusive, the homolog of TaMFT in Arabi-
dopsis, MFT, is a pivotal factor that fine-tunes the ABA/GA- Fifth, because ABA and auxin act synergistically to positively
signaling balance (Xi et al., 2010; Nakamura et al., 2011). regulate seed dormancy, GA and auxin therefore may antagonis-
Consequently, seed dormancy is the integrated result of tically function in seed dormancy. However, the detailed mecha-
endogenous and environmental factors that regulate the ABA/ nisms underlying these synergistic and antagonistic effects are
GA balance, in either hormone accumulations or hormone also largely elusive at the molecular level, including the precise in-
signaling cascades. teractions among ABIs, DOG1, DEP1, SPT (Figures 2 and 3), and
downstream targets of these transcription factors, which directly
function in seed germination.
Finally, given that environmental cues, such as light and temper-
PERSPECTIVES ature (Lim et al., 2014), regulate seed dormancy and germination
Owing to forward- and reverse-genetic approaches in the model through the ABA/GA biogenesis and signaling pathways, it is
plant Arabidopsis and recent advances primarily in rice, rapid quite possible that environmental factors also affect auxin and
progress has been achieved in the field of seed dormancy and other hormone pathways during seed germination. In this field,
germination. Although certain key factors that regulate this epigenetic effects are of particular interest because both
important transition have been identified, and we know that plant hormonal and environmental cues are involved in epigenetic
hormones regulate seed dormancy and germination through a modifications. Breakthroughs concerning these regulatory
complex network (Figure 3), several open questions remain to mechanisms will provide a more complete network of hormone-
be addressed. mediated seed dormancy and germination, in addition to new so-
lutions for controlling pre-harvest sprouting in crops.
First, the germination process includes two sequential steps:
rupture of the seed coat and emergence of the radicle. Previous FUNDING
studies demonstrated that in cereal grains the starch granule This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China
deposition, hydrolase activity, and protein catabolism are (Grants 90817102, 91317308 and 91117018) and China Postdoctoral Sci-
important to seed germination, and thus the transcription level ence Foundation funded project (2014M552377).
of genes encoding a-amylases are key determinants (Hong
et al., 2012; Shaik et al., 2014). However, in Arabidopsis the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
precise molecular mechanisms underlying the rupture of the We thank Dr. Chengcai Chu and Dr. Pengfei Wang of the Institute of
seed coat and endosperm processes remain largely unknown. Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Consequently, further detailed screening of the key genes for providing the pictures of pre-harvest sprouting rice and Arabidopsis si-
involved in both of these stages is worthwhile. liques. We apologize to colleagues whose work could not be discussed
and cited because of space limitations. No conflict of interest declared.
Second, ABA is the key inducer of seed dormancy, and ABA re-
Received: June 18, 2015
presses GA biogenesis. Nevertheless, we still know little about
Revised: August 10, 2015
changes in GA biogenesis during seed maturation (Figure 2).
Accepted: August 13, 2015
With the development of hormone detection assays, we can Published: September 4, 2015
precisely investigate the amount of phytohormones in different
tissues, even in single cells (Chen et al., 2011), which allows REFERENCES
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