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Project Estimation

Quote Id: 190417 / 56778

Proposed by: SVR Global Solutions Proposed for: Viruuksha

SVR Contact person: Shaguftha Client id: 56778
Proposal date: March 17, 2019 Expiration date: March 24, 2019

With regards to your recently requested quote from SVR Global Solutions, we are glad to present our list of
services that we include in our package and the investment involved. Throughout the project you will have full
control regarding, in how much you want to hold back or push the creativity, functionality and Technology.
Services and Estimation

Services Description Estimation (INR)

High Level Features:

1. Inventory
a. Category
b. Products
c. Components
d. Product Stock
e. Component Stock
2. Purchase Management
a. Supplier
b. Transport
c. RFQ
d. Purchase Order
e. Purchase Entry
f. Purchase Estimation
g. Purchase Return
3. Sale
a. Vendor
b. Customer
c. Vehicle
d. Quotation
Software 50,000
e. Performa Invoice
f. Sale Invoice
g. Sales Estimation
h. Sale return
i. Delivery Challan
4. Report
a. Purchase Report
b. Customer/Vendor
c. Product Component Report
d. Sales Report
e. HR Report
f. Accounts Report
5. Account
a. Account Head
b. Account Sub Head
c. Bank Details
d. Payment and Reciept
6. HR
a. Employee Details
b. Employee Salary

SVR Global Solutions

37, N.G.R Street, P.N Palayam, Coimbatore – 641037, India. Ph: +91 8870998996
Head Office: 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, USA – 10004, Ph: +1 347-657-9538
Website:, Email:
7. User
a. Add User
b. Manage User

Total Cost Estimated 50,000(Exclusive GST)

*The above is not an invoice, it is only an estimate of services described.

*This estimate is based on the high-level requirements provided to SVR Global Solutions India

SVR Global Solutions

37, N.G.R Street, P.N Palayam, Coimbatore – 641037, India. Ph: +91 8870998996
Head Office: 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, USA – 10004, Ph: +1 347-657-9538
Website:, Email:
Contract - Terms & Conditions:
 The agreement contained in this contract constitutes the sole agreement between
‘Viruuksha ’ (referred as client) and ‘SVR Global Solutions India’ (referred as SVR)
regarding all items included in this agreement.
 The initial payment is due upon signing the contract. Once the payment gets cleared the
project will be kick started by SVR.
 Both parties (the client and SVR) shall assign a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to represent
 Any time frames or estimates that are provided by SVR will be contingent upon the client’s
full cooperation.
 During the detailed requirement gathering phase the client shall be cooperative with SVR to
deliver the project seamlessly and on time.
 This estimate is based on the high-level requirements provided by the client
 Any change in requirements initiated by the client during the detailed requirement gathering
phase may trigger a change in the estimate provided.
 After the requirement gathering phase, the Business Requirements Document (BRD) will be
provided to the client by SVR.
 The client is responsible for understanding the BRD after their detailed review. The client
shall provide the approval on the BRD by providing sign off.
 The payment schedule will be communicated to the client after the detailed requirement phase
is complete.
 The project schedule including the delivery / production date will be informed to the client
after the BRD is signed off by the client.
 After the schedule is in place, SVR shall proceed with the development phase of the project.
The BRD that is approved by the client will be used by SVR for completing the project.
 The schedule provided by SVR may contain multiple small releases with release dates.
 The status update will be provided to the client by SVR, once in two weeks during the project
 For every shorter release scheduled, the client will be informed and invited to perform the
User Acceptance Testing of the application once the development and testing of that release is
 The client shall take the responsibility for any kind of copyright or any legal issues as an
outcome of the concept or design of the application
 The client shall take the responsibility to test the web application from their end in the UAT
environment and provide the approval to proceed further.
SVR Global Solutions
37, N.G.R Street, P.N Palayam, Coimbatore – 641037, India. Ph: +91 8870998996
Head Office: 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, USA – 10004, Ph: +1 347-657-9538
Website:, Email:
 During the UAT of the final release of the project, the client shall verify and validate the
complete application based on the approved BRD.
 After the User Acceptance Testing of the final release is completed by the client, they shall
provide an approval to deploy the application to the production environment (live).
 Deployment in the production environment (Live) will be initiated only after all the
outstanding dues are cleared by the client.
 User Acceptance Testing demo timings will be proposed by SVR after each phase and the
client can reschedule if unavailable during the proposed time. But the client can request for a
rescheduling of maximum 2 days after the proposed date, if extended more the project will be
on Hold and will not be able to proceed further until the User Acceptance Testing demo is
 Outstanding dues has to be cleared by the client within 4 SVR working days after completion
of User Acceptance Testing demo .If failed SVR will place the project on Hold and will not
be able to proceed further until the dues are cleared. And if the dues are not cleared for more
than 16 calendar days (after completion of User Acceptance Testing demo), the contract
between SVR and the Client will be terminated, and the code will be not recoverable.
 The cost of the production (live) environment including the domain and hosting (if any) is not
included in this estimate.
 Any contract terms related to domain purchase (if any), hosting, maintenance and support
shall be provided in a separate document and shall be signed by both parties. SVR has
provided the above estimation/quotation for only the application, not the code. In that case the
application will be hosted only in SVR server, if the client wishes to move to another hosting,
a brand new quotation will be provided to release the code along with the release agreement.
 Once the production deployment is completed, SVR will not be responsible for any
maintenance of the application unless and until an Annual Maintenance Contract is signed
 Any Change Request from the client in between the schedule or after the BRD Sign off, will
be analyzed for its severity and complexity by SVR. A brand-new quotation and schedule
with terms and conditions shall be provided by SVR for the client to address any CR.
 All the requests for approvals to the client shall be made by SVR via email. SVR strongly
encourages the client to be more cooperative until the project completion. When there is no
response received from the client on time, there may be a significant delay in the project
completion and delivery.

SVR Global Solutions

37, N.G.R Street, P.N Palayam, Coimbatore – 641037, India. Ph: +91 8870998996
Head Office: 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, USA – 10004, Ph: +1 347-657-9538
Website:, Email:
 When there is no response received from the client for one week, SVR will attempt to follow
up by sending two reminder emails in the following two weeks.
 If the attempts by SVR for reaching the client is unsuccessful, SVR shall decide to terminate
the project and contract and will remove any project related information and code from its
servers. Once removed, this information will not be recoverable.
 If the client will be interested in resuming the project after the project termination, SVR shall
consider this request as a new project and will discuss based on the policies of SVR.
 The progress of the project may be halted if the invoices are not paid to SVR within 4
working days from the due date.
 Any payments made to SVR by the client will be non-refundable.

The client’s acceptance:


SVR Global Solutions

37, N.G.R Street, P.N Palayam, Coimbatore – 641037, India. Ph: +91 8870998996
Head Office: 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, USA – 10004, Ph: +1 347-657-9538
Website:, Email:

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