Halal and Haram of Cosmetic Product

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Name : Pratiwiek Nanda Tristanti

NIM : 17930037
Class : B
Pharmacy Department


I. Halal and Haram
I.1 Issue about halal and haram of pharmaceutical product in Indonesia
I.2 People awareness about halal and haram in pharmaceutical product
I.3 The use of cosmetic product
II. Halal and haram of cosmetic product
II.1Factor internal and external that caused cosmetic product become haram
II.2Haram ingredient that is used in cosmetic product
II.3How to identify the cosmetic is halal or haram
III. The solution
III.1 The Importance of halal cosmetic development and halal labelling
III.2 Government duty about halal cosmetic distribution in Indonesia


Halal and haram are a regulation that every muslim must be aware and obey in every
single action, every food and drink that they eat or every therapy that they use. The hot issue
about halal and haram in Indonesia is about pharmaceutical product. There are so many kind of
pharmaceutical products, one of them is cosmetic. Cosmetic is a must item for every woman that
has a function as a protector from UV, moisturizing or brightening face skin or body skin. But
the fact is not all cosmetic products have a halal label and don’t have a halal sertification. It is an
important problem because based on The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life database, the
amount of muslim inhibitant is about 200 millions people. It is not comparable with the amount
cosmetic that has a halal label. Also, muslim woman awareness about halal cosmetic is really
low because so many foreign country that the amount of muslim is minority can distribute their
cosmetic product easily in Indonesia and Indonesian muslim woman is really interested in their
product like Korean cosmetic, Chinese cosmetic and etc.

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