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Duration Test

Explain briefly but precisely what this test will attempt to determine. Explain how the test will yield objective data regarding meeting
at least one of the design goals for your product.

Pass/Fail Criteria
What are your benchmarks? Determine what would constitute a passing/failing mark or condition for this test. How should the
device respond? How will you know if the event occurs during testing?

Pass- The camera works 30-120 minutes. Also for the RC Car to last 30-60 minutes. Both fully charged

Fail – Both the RC Car and the camera system last no longer than 30 minutes.

We will need the drone camera system and the RC car with controller. All will have fully charged battery which came with the
separate systems. We will need a timer, and not really anything thing is.

Initial Conditions
All the Batteries must be fully charged, and connected to the right unit and places. And the batteries are safely in the body.

Safety Concerns
Identify any potential dangers posed to people or property that could result from testing. Describe precautions that must be taken
in order to ensure the safety of the tester and others and to protect tools, equipment, fixtures, and the surrounding facility from

Hazards Controls Completed (yes/no)

Batteries have a small possibility of Look for smoke and always have a yes
overheating and catching fire. fire extinguisher.

When running the battery people Clear the driving space. yes
in the way get hit.

Test Termination
Under what conditions would you have to stop your testing?

If the batteries stop to overheat or when somebody is hit with the RC Car.
Step by Step procedures
List the step-by-step process describing what needs to be done in order to run this test. Be very specific so that anyone could
perform this test without additional instruction.

 Put in the battery fully charged

 First hold the trigger to the controller down to find how long it last during full throttle
 Record time
 Recharge battery fully
 Secondly we would press the trigger off and on to know the normal driving conditions
 Record time
 Recharge battery fully
 Third just leaving the RC Car without any throttle and see how long it last
 Record time
 Recharge battery fully

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